"How awful! You must have been scared to death!" exclaimed
Helen when Rosie had described her experience. In Helen's eyes there was astonishment bordering on enthusiasm.
„Maybe I'll start taking more country walks," Rosie told Helen.
"Yes, I was a little bit afraid," said Rosie pensively. She thought that her most enduring was not fear, or the cab-driver's face or his pistol, or even the closeness of death. The strongest image in her memory remained the forest, the shadows of the crows, the murmur of the trees, the rushing of the wind. She could still hear it in her ears.
"Are you going to go the Police?"
It sounded more like an order than a question. Rosie imagined sitting at the police station, while to right and left two huge benevolent police faces swam into view alternately. Two other policemen - new recruits - are hanging around in the background by the heating, eagerly picking up every word. „So what you are trying to tell us, young lady, is that the only thing that saved you was your apathy?"
"No, on the contrary, I was saved by my sensibility. Suddenly it dawned on me how beautiful the surrounding landscape was. So I began to admire it."
The police started to exchange short meaningful looks.
"Well, if you want to know - the guy counted on my being afraid, but suddenly I didn't give a toss."