. . . the message ¬
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From ???@??? Sun, 2 Nov 1997 10:01:11 +0330 (IST)
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Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 10:01:11 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
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Subject: Re: Gharib Leilayi
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inham pasokh.

ghabl az aval, az daryafte khabare goshayeshe namayeshgaheman be-sheddat hayajanzade shodam va boghz gelooyam ra gereft. ajib delam mikhast anja boodam, amma shoma hastid va in khodash kheyli harf ast.

> Aval: Joda az in ke ma az shoma khastam, chera ghabool kardid dar in namayeshgah-e moshtarak sherkat konid? Be zaban-e digar, entezar-e shoma az in kar che bood?

yeki in ke shoma khaste boodid va in ozre movajah baraye besyari az gonahan ast; ba-d inke anche pishnehad kardid, yek darde dele sar goshade bood, mesle tarkidan yek boghz. digar inke mesle naghash, shaer ya javaher sazi ke ghat-eye zibaei sakhte bashad va az namayeshe an lazat bebarad, in ham zibatarin ghat-eye sakhteye man boode.

> Dovom: Al'an fekr mikonid in namayeshgah che hadafi bayad dashteh bashad va chera?

enteghale in payam ke tanhaei yek ejbar nist, ertebate ahsasi rabti be faseleye makani nadarad, shayad chizi bashad ke hanooz ham dar besyari azhan bavar nashode mande ast. khob be ghole ma riazi-khanha in yek mesake naghz ast.

> Sevom: Che payami baray-e kasani ke az in namayeshgah didan mikonand darid?

doost daram agar jaei az namayeshgah bar anha tasir migozarad elat va shekle tasir-paziri va anche dar zendegishan jaleb ast baraye in gharibe benevisand.
doost daram filmi az namayeshgah dashte basham.
doost daram pasokh-hayetan ra be porsesh-haye ehtemali dashte basham.
va midanam ke be so-aletan javab nadade-am.
rastash inja anghadr khodkhahane barkhord kardeam ke faghat be enteghale yektarafe tavajohe ghabele bayan kardan dashteam, mesle taghazaye paziresh.

mitavani begooei be anche mibinand (biroon az in namayeshgah) e-temad nakonand, be hes va gharize roo konand.

va hala baraye shoma, az boodanetan motshakeram,bash,hata agar an sare sim nabashi.
montazere payame mostaghime khodat hastam.
love, Saha
_ the event _ the evidence _ the presence _ the project
_ the personal _ the political _ the poetic

From ???@??? Sun, 2 Nov 1997 10:01:11 +0330 (IST)
Received: from ********.***.**.ir ([]) by ******.*****.ca (3.3.2/3.2.5) with SMTP id CAD60742 for <*******@******.*****.ca>; Sun, 2 Nov 1997 10:01:11 +0330 (IST)
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Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 10:01:11 +0330 (IST)
From: Students
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Subject: Re: Gharib Leilayi
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this is the answer.

before the first, i am so excited about the openning of our exhibit that i feel a knot in my throat. i so wish i could be there, but you are there and this is a lot.

> First: Aside from the fact that we asked you, why did you agree to participate in this collaboration? In other words, what were your expectations from this work?

one reason was that you asked and this is a good excuse for many sins. another reason was that what you suggested was an open letter in which to talk about the issues, like the breaking of an abscess. and then, like a painter, a poet, or a jeweler who's created a beautiful piece and enjoys exhibiting it, this was my most beautiful creation.

> Second: Now what do you think should be the goal of this exhibit?

to relay the message that loneliness is not a must, that emotional connection has nothing to do with geographic distance. and this is perhaps something that is still unbelievable for many people. well, as we learners of mathematics say this is a contradicting instance.

> Third: What message do you have for those who visit this exhibit?

if anything in the exhibit moves them, i wish they'd write to this stranger why and how and what happens in their life.
i wish to have a tape of the opening.
i wish to know your responses to the possible questions.
and i know that i haven't answered your questions.
in fact, here my approach has been so selfish that i've only verbalized my attention to a one-way relay, like in an admission application.

you can tell people not to trust what they see outside this exhibit and to connect to their emotions and instincts.

and now for you, thank you for being; remain, even if you're not at the other end of the line.
i am waiting for your direct message.
love, Saha]
_ the event _ the evidence _ the presence _ the project
_ the personal _ the political _ the poetic