-- Log on encounter2.log
started at Sat Apr 04 11:01:20 PDT 1998
teeboy hello everyone
teeboy lets hope we get a few more party people
Penelope hi
teeboy are you nervous anon1?
anon1 oh, hi penelope
anon1 are yu in fact shy
anon1 am I nervous?
Penelope i am
teeboy of the approaching encounter
anon1 no I'm talking to my guest
anon1 and we're discussing cu-seeme
anon1 and people exposing themselves
teeboy ah
teeboy er
teeboy sounds like a laugh?!
anon1 we have no intention of doing it of course
Penelope tell me more
anon1 what about?
teeboy I have
teeboy every intention
Penelope this encounter
anon1 exposing?
teeboy for personal use only of course
anon1 anon2 is supposed to be coming
teeboy this seems to be faster than last week
anon1 we are developing an anymous relationship
...........................anon2 joined............. :)
teeboy speak of the devil
anon2 Hello?
teeboy come in
anon1 we'll meet in person on April 18th
teeboy make yourself at home
teeboy meet my friend anon1
Penelope hi anon2
teeboy anon1 meet anon2
anon1 Do you already know this or are you new to
this project?
anon2 Hello there everyone
teeboy anon2 meet anon1
teeboy peneolpe meet anon2
teeboy anon2 meet penelope
teeboy did I miss anyone out?
anon2 Okay, hello anon1... (slurps cup of tea)
Penelope pleased to have met you all
anon2 Hello Penelope
anon1 welcome eitherway
Penelope im new to this idea
anon1 At this point everyone is part of this
anon1 hello anon2, how are you?
anon2 Which? Chat or anonymity?
anon1 We have a new guest, penelope
anon2 Hello anon1, I'm okay: just had a lovely
anon1 Oh no are you writing I'm not seeing
teeboy I will just go and make sure the door is
open and the doorbell works
anon2 Yes, hello Penelope: as I said - whicha re
you new to? IRC or anonymity?
anon2 anon1: you're not getting those problems
again are you?
Penelope both
teeboy may be loads of people waiting to come in
anon2 But Penelope is your real name?
Penelope No
anon1 Can someone join me on the irc channel for
a moment I'm having problems
anon1 I'm having spasms of information
anon2 Aha... so not so new to the idea then
teeboy with you in a sec anon1
anon2 Poor anon1 always has difficulties...
anon2 I haven't installed an IRC application
since the virus struck, so I can't join you...
Penelope well I'm not a IRC virgin but i'm still
very much a novice!
anon2 Penelope, where are you hailing from?
anon1 Oh okay anon2
anon1 I'll try to stay here
anon1 just a bit sporadic
Penelope lancaster
...........................hawthorn joined............. :)
anon2 I could leave for 15 mins, install IRC
then join you...
anon2 Hello Hawthorn
teeboy hi hawthorn
hawthorn Good evening
teeboy are you up at the university
Penelope hi hawthorn
hawthorn yes
anon2 Penelope: I hail from further North...
hawthorn i found out about this roject today from a
mailing list - was urprised when i found out how close to home it
anon1 It seems okay now actually lets see how it
anon1 to anon2
Penelope e by gum
anon2 More "Och aye, the noo"
anon1 Whta did you have for your tea then anon2
teeboy hawthorn: glad you could make it
anon2 A very traditional Celtic dish: bacon,
cabbage and potatoes
anon1 I'm missing it again, could you get soem
irc while doing htis anon2?
anon2 I'm having a few problems - is anyone
chatting at the mo?
hawthorn not really
............................anon1 left ............. :(
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
teeboy someone has just emailed me saying they
want to join the chat
teeboy but are not sure how
teeboy hope they make it
anon2 I hope so too
hawthorn i think the wrong server address was given
out on the web page?
anon1 where is everyone?
Penelope here
anon2 Hello...
anon1 have tehy tried this page?
teeboy I will check that
teeboy I just emailed them back with instructions
anon2 Oh dear, anyway it would seem my tea was
not too appetising to anyone else?
hawthorn it said 'ednet.demon.co.uk' rather than
anon2 Basically you fry it all up in a pan, with
some ham stock: tasty!
anon2 Hello? anyone hear me?
anon1 I know I've just changed it
Penelope anon2 are you scottish? if so your a
fellow celt i'm from North Wales
anon2 Yes, I am Scottish... nice to see celtic
consciousness here!
Penelope indeed!!!!!!!!!!
anon1 What was your tea I missed it
anon2 bacon, cabbage and potatoes
Penelope yum yum
anon1 I'm not receiving you, do you think you
could get irc anon2, how about you penelope do you have it?
............................anon1 left ............. :(
anon2 Pardon?
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
hawthorn this is a much more welcome distraction on
a saturday evening than that dreadful lottery show
anon2 Oh dear, we've lost anon1 again...
anon1 I'm back!
Penelope hi
anon2 Hawthorn, what was that? My computer seems
to be a bit deaf...
anon2 Hello?
hawthorn did you miss the last sentence anon2?
anon2 Yes...
Penelope speek up boyo
anon1 Yes
anon1 are you from wales?
hawthorn i said this is a much better fistraction
on a saturday evening than that dreadful lottery show
hawthorn distraction even
teeboy no i prefer fistraction!
anon2 Hmmm... anon1 you seem to have missed a
teeboy sounds interesting
hawthorn mind boggles teeboy :)
anon2 fistraction sounds a bit rude
anon2 naughty, even...
hawthorn saucy maybe
Penelope me? oh yes but no leek soup for me tonight
i'm affraid
anon1 penelope are you from wales
anon2 I'm making leek soup tomorrow... I seem to
have come over all traditional
anon2 hawthorn, are you a saucy soul?
Penelope lovely mind isn't it
anon1 I'm losing you..........
hawthorn just smutty
anon2 Penelope: what? leek soup or fistraction?
anon2 Nothing like a nice bit of smut
anon2 anon1: who are you losing?
Penelope leeks lad their the only thing on my mind!
anon2 Oo-er, missus!
Penelope well apart from sheep like
anon1 I did miss a bit but interested to hear
you're all saucy
anon1 anon2 how did you event go?
anon2 Very well, thanks: got quite tipsy, you
Penelope just kiddin
anon2 Penelope: kidding about the leeks or the
anon1 I have a school friend here and we're
going out for an Indian meal after this
Penelope sheep, see what this IRC does to people
fisrt your all shy then you end up
Penelope telling poeple your most intamate
anon2 anon1: sounds nice. I was at a couple of
exhibition openings
anon2 Penelope: do you feel you've revealed too
anon1 I'm losing you all again
anon1 Why is it always me having all these
...........................capt joined............. :)
teeboy welcome aboard capt
Penelope oh no there's pleanty more
teeboy ship ahoy
anon2 anon1: had to have a meeting at the first
one, hence could not make it
anon2 Penelope: do tell...
anon2 capt, are you receiving us?
hawthorn hi capt
Penelope hello Capt
anon2 anon1, can you hear me?
anon2 Maybe I'll shout - CAN ANYONE HEAR ME???!!
teeboy i can hear you anon2
hawthorn yes - receiving loud and clear
anon2 Phew...
Penelope yes loud and clear
teeboy anon2: have you done much cuseeme or the
anon2 anon1?
anon1 Capt are you having problems like me go to
the channel?
teeboy I think anon1 is having a little chat with
teeboy come in capt
............................capt left ............. :(
anon2 teeboy: a little...
anon1 yes, I'm here
anon1 I just keep getting quiet spells and then
a huge rush of informatipn
Penelope oh well you can't please some people can
anon2 Oh, I see - private schmoozing going on.,
anon1 I'm finding it difficult to follow
anon1 so sorry if I'm a bit slow
hawthorn anyone can join us through the irc channel
anon2 teeboy: do you suggest we do a CU-Seeme
Penelope anon2 schmoozing is that scottish?
anon2 No, it's meedja speak
Penelope told you i was a novice
teeboy anon2: yes
anon1 Yes I can hear you sorry
anon1 we were just talking about hidden
teeboy like to try it
teeboy I am new to it
anon2 If you've ever been to a really false
party where people are trying to network, you'll know what I
teeboy and want to try out my camera and things
teeboy ready for the 18th
Penelope been stuck in the vallieys to lang
hawthorn where in lancaster is this dinner on the
anon2 Schmoozing is what people do at media or
arty parties
anon2 When they are trying to
teeboy cafe no.6
Penelope yeah i'd like to know too
anon2 teeboy: okay then, but we need to sort out
a reflector
Penelope cafe no.6
anon1 Next week I think we should just do this
over a channel if you can get irc anon2
anon1 I feel like I'm talking to my computer
anon1 and it's not answering me
Penelope where is that
anon2 Where is cafe no.6?
teeboy am I alowed to tell
anon2 anon1: yes I have a program, just not
Penelope lets hope they have leek soup on the munu
Penelope menu sorry
............................anon1 left ............. :(
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
anon2 munu: is that Welsh for bread?
anon1 okay what have I missed?
teeboy anon2: we can do a direct IP to IP
anon2 Hello anon1, yes ordinary IRC seems like a
more reliable option
teeboy anon1 and me tried it out yesterday
anon1 but will that wokr with lots of IP's
teeboy don't think so
anon2 teeboy: haven't done that...
anon1 Yes, I'm feeling sad and lonely here
anon2 Aw, anon1, how can we cheer you up?.
anon1 yeah but that was only you and me, teeboy
anon1 me and anon2 could do that soem ther tiem
Penelope yes tell us how to cheer you up
anon1 tell me a story about you
anon2 There's a list of reflectors at the
CU-Seeme web site...
anon2 A story about me?
Penelope or me
anon2 Or me and Penelope? A saucy story?
anon1 You can both tell me stories
teeboy anon1/2 what do you think about trying to
have a cuseem close to the 18th
teeboy inviting people along
teeboy just an idea
anon1 Actually anon2 go first and we'll al dsit
back and listen
Penelope ok anon 2 you start and i'll add to the
anon1 anon2 I quess you're a boy
anon2 What makes you think that?
anon1 I just think....
anon1 so!
anon2 Are girls not allowed to like other girls?
anon1 well maybe I'm just antagonising you
anon1 I like girls and boys so what am I?
anon2 Penelope could be a boy...
Penelope welsh?
anon1 Penelope is a boy
anon2 How do you know?
teeboy with a name like peneolpe??! :)
anon1 I know alot of boys called peenelope
anon2 anon1: you are AC/DC
hawthorn anon1 - a blur fan
anon2 Anyhow, this story...
teeboy come to think of it so do I
Penelope i like the possibilites of being a man and
a woman
anon2 Do go on...
anon1 I said that last night funnily enough
anon1 Ac/DC
anon1 Go ahead with your saory anon2, (who's a
anon2 I'll just have to keep you guessing, eh?
Just because my ear isn't pierced does not mean I'm a boy
anon2 Anyway, the story...
Penelope oh goody
anon2 I was in Sicily about 5 years ago...
anon2 Making a film
............................hawthorn left ............. :(
Penelope about what?
anon2 I had a lot of problems with my
co=producers (Sicilians)
...........................flipper joined............. :)
Penelope yo flipper
anon2 The film was about food addiction
anon2 and fantasy
anon1 Hello flips, here agin
anon2 So, anyway I was a bit spooked by Sicily
Penelope mind you scicilian tomatoes are nice so
iv'e heard
anon2 Because the mafia had been bombing judges
and so on
flipper hey there fellow flippers
anon1 I know a sicilian and she's spooky
anon2 My co-producers were being very difficult
...........................hawthorn joined............. :)
hawthorn re hi
anon2 So I took solace in reading my fortune via
the I Ching
Penelope helo again
teeboy welcome back hawthorne
anon2 Everything I read in the I Ching seemed to
be coming true
Penelope who's flipper and are we fellow flippers?
anon1 What was your fortune anon2?
anon2 Some ancient mystical force in Sicily,
anon2 My fortune was: "beware of the
one-eyed man, he will betray you"
anon2 Spooky, huh?
anon1 Tell us more anon2 our time is runmning
Penelope wowweee
anon1 the credits are upons us
anon2 So, later that day I went with my producer
to get some props made
Penelope cool
anon2 To a little workshop in Palermo
anon1 That's where she's from!!!!
anon2 We went to be introduced to the boss
anon2 And he was wearing a tee-shirt with a huge
eyeball on it!
Penelope OH MY GOD
anon2 As you may imagine, I freaked out.
anon1 Scarey
Penelope OH YEH
anon2 My producer and I looked at each other,
mouths agape
Penelope do go on
anon2 A few days later, the guy ripped us off
for 50,000 lire
teeboy is everyone happy
anon2 So, the I Ching was correct...
Penelope i'm very happy
hawthorn deliriousy
............................anon1 left ............. :(
flipper very flippin happy
anon2 I'm okay, are you happy flipper? Nice to
see you again
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
Penelope hi anon1
anon2 So, Penelope, do you have a (short) story?
Penelope that was a greate story anon2
Penelope thanks
anon2 The true ones are the best...
............................anon1 left ............. :(
teeboy anon1/2 so how well do you think you two
are getting on?
Penelope i'm thinking
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
anon2 Oh dear, it's 8.00pm, do we all turn back
into pumpkins now?
anon1 I'm having a bit of a funny time here
anon1 yes, maybe penelope would liek to tell her
story next week
anon2 anon1: are we getting on?
anon1 on friday at pm GMT
hawthorn enjoy - i'll be back home then
Penelope love to
anon1 bye hawthorn
anon2 Is that 7pm GMT?
Penelope her story you sure?
hawthorn bye everyone
anon1 yes, whoops
anon2 Thanks for visiting, hawthorn
............................hawthorn left ............. :(
teeboy bye hawthorn
anon1 anon2 sorry we didn't egt mcuh chat
teeboy send me an email
teeboy teeboy@furnace.org
teeboy too late
anon1 and my spelling on the blink again
anon2 No, teeboy asked if we were getting on
Penelope bye bye everyone lovely talking to you all
anon2 We've had our ups and downs, I suppose...
anon2 Cheerio Penelope...
teeboy next week we are going to have lots of
people i hope
anon1 My stomach's rumbling and I need food
anon1 Shoudl we meet again next week and
anon1 On irc next time?
teeboy that might be wise
teeboy we shall discuss it
anon2 yes, which channel?
teeboy I will consider some technical points
............................anon1 left ............. :(
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
anon1 I'm back but am about to go and eat, same
time same place, Friday?
anon2 Okay, teeboy, can you post details on the
web site?
teeboy of course
anon2 Okay-Dokey
anon1 Yes they'll be on
teeboy talk to you all soon
teeboy anon2: do you want to try cuseeme
anon2 Bye bye everyone, thanks for visiting
teeboy I will contact you by email
teeboy to arrange a time
anon1 bye for now and a pleasure to chat with
you all even though a bit eratic on my part
anon2 teeboy: yes, okay: tomorrow maybe?
teeboy sounds good
Penelope talk to you all next week then.
teeboy shall we say a time now
teeboy ?
............................Penelope left ............. :(
anon2 Is 5.00pm GMT okay?
teeboy nice one
teeboy see you then
teeboy goodnight
anon2 Okay, if we use a reflector, please send
anon2 anon1: you going to come, too?
anon2 for CU-Seeme?
teeboy sure
anon2 Hello?
teeboy I will
teeboy mail
teeboy you
anon2 anon1?
anon2 "Speak, or forever hold thy
anon1 anon2 I wanted to do this later but it
seems things have been taken out of my hands
anon1 a littel annoying
............................flipper left ............. :(
anon2 Oh dear: well, I won't reveal too much.
teeboy ok we can wait
teeboy it was only so I could get more used to
using it
teeboy whatever you two think
anon2 Hey, this can be one of the interesting
things, spontaneity
anon2 But i don't wish to offend
teeboy cuseeme can still be anon.
anon2 However, relationships work both ways, you
............................anon1 left ............. :(
...........................anon1 joined............. :)
anon2 Oh-oh, I think I've pissed off anon1
anon1 No
teeboy lets all smile again
anon2 ;-)
teeboy anon1?
teeboy I appolgise if I stepped over the line
anon1 I'd prefer it if the people directly
involved int his do not meet separately
teeboy ok
teeboy we won't then
teeboy anon2?
anon1 except for testing
teeboy ok
anon1 I don't see the need for testing i this
anon2 For the sake of my and anon1's friendship,
I concur
anon1 Is this okay with you two?
teeboy yes
anon1 I am very jealous as you can see
anon2 Yes, I didn't realise you were so
teeboy this is an interesting development
teeboy and situation
anon2 teeboy seems a nice lad, what harm is a
wee flirt now and again?
teeboy how the constraints of a project
anon1 losing you agin, getting no responses but
I really must go I have a table booked at 8.30 and have to get
teeboy bring us back
teeboy to formailtites
teeboy not a bad thing though
teeboy just interesting
anon2 anon1: I was just saying I didn't realise
you were the possessive type
teeboy ok lets call it quits
anon1 got your responses yes I didn't think i
would react like this either
anon2 I suppose I was a bit flirty with teeboy
anon1 but yes, I am possessive
anon1 yeah, you tease
anon1 okay really, really got to go
anon1 jon remind me please of where to get the
anon2 anon1: still special friends?
anon1 whoops!!
teeboy shall I email it to you straight away
anon1 of course
anon2 jon, eh? Pleased to meet you!
teeboy that's ok
teeboy my name is not a secret
teeboy but I would prefer Jonathan
teeboy :)
anon1 oh good
teeboy ok
anon1 okay over and out I'll speak to you both
soon but I don't trust you two
teeboy bugger of the three of us
anon2 Okay, best be off and leave you two to it
anon1 affairs amy be lurking
teeboy off that was
anon2 Oooh, you're so jealous!
teeboy before things get more complicated
anon1 hahahha
anon2 But I like you...
teeboy well that's good
anon1 who!!!
teeboy it all ends well
teeboy maybe the sun will shine tomorrow
anon1 you two!!
teeboy and the birds will sing
anon1 you'll meeet on April 18th and you can
make sweet music then
anon1 I'm off
anon1 bye
teeboy bye
anon2 both of you, but especially anon1:)
anon2 Oh dear, don't go on such a spiteful note!
anon1 bye and sweet dreams
teeboy this is a case of if I leave the room will
they talk about me syndrome
anon1 What spiteful note?
anon2 Okay, I shall write to you, my dear
teeboy perhaps I should kick you both off
anon1 I love you all...
anon2 Thank you, likewise
anon1 Until then
anon1 bye bye
teeboy off with you
anon2 Adieu...
anon1 logging off
............................anon2 left ............. :(
teeboy go on then
teeboy :)
anon1 ahhhhhhahahah
............................anon1 left ............. :(
-- Log stopped at Sat Apr 04 12:22:23 PDT 1998