Session Start: Fri Apr 10 18:25:52 1998
*** Now talking in #encounter
*** topic "waiting for guests"

*** anon1 has joined #encounter
<anon1> evening teeboy
<teeboy> hey up
<anon1> it seems like we're the only ones here!
*** SmellyHea has joined #encounter
<SmellyHea> Smellyhea???
<teeboy> ah the smelly one
<SmellyHea> Bah
<SmellyHea> Hi teeboy
<anon1> could you see that log message?
<teeboy> I like it
<teeboy> hi there
<SmellyHea> Hi anon1
<SmellyHea> nope
<teeboy> anon1: no
<anon1> oh, sneaky eh?
<teeboy> hmm
*** Penfold ( has joined #encounter
<anon1> are you penfold too?
<anon1> to teeboy?
<SmellyHea> /log [on|off] [windowname]
<SmellyHea> oops
<anon1> ha ha
<teeboy> nope
<teeboy> there are two of us here
<anon1> I need to open my window it's stuffy in here
<anon1> that's better
<anon1> smelly youre missing your d
<SmellyHea> I know
<SmellyHea> Hold on
*** SmellyHea is now known as Smellyhed
<Smellyhed> Better?
<anon1> teeboy how have you got an @
<Penfold> hello everyone
<Smellyhed> Hello penfold
<teeboy> I am the operator
<teeboy> :)
<teeboy> I have the power
<teeboy> apparently
<anon1> Okay I bow before you
<Penfold> hi smellyhed
*** teeboy sets mode: +o anon1
<anon1> Where's anon2?
<teeboy> is that better for you
<anon1> wheyhey
<anon1> ta
<teeboy> equality
<teeboy> is the best policy
<Smellyhed> 5 colours
<teeboy> but no equality for the others
<anon1> I feel full of power, now I'll go crazy...
<Smellyhed> I'll be right back folks
<Smellyhed> ....
<teeboy> so I will ask my usual question
<anon1> Where you going?
<teeboy> are you nervous anon1?
<teeboy> with anticipation
<teeboy> and expectation
<anon1> yes, it's so exciting
<Penfold> hmmm
<anon1> I just had a conversation with my flatmates mother who's staying with us
<anon1> I think she thinks it's all rather sad
<teeboy> ah well
* Smellyhed hello
<Smellyhed> Aha
<Smellyhed> I'm back
<teeboy> there you are
<Penfold> hi
<anon1> I think she was wondering if I reveal myself and the like
* teeboy chuckles
* Smellyhed guffaws
<anon1> how do you do that again, you show offs!!
<teeboy> after you SH
<Penfold> tell us
<Penfold> go on
<Smellyhed> nope
<Smellyhed> My lips are sealed
<teeboy> you will only get carried away
* teeboy patronises others
<Smellyhed> Or my fingers are sealed
<Smellyhed> or something
<anon1> hold on I'll be back in a flash
<Smellyhed> So what's on the agenda tonight folks
<Smellyhed> ?
<teeboy> does that mean we have to hold
<Penfold> nope
* Smellyhed is holding
* teeboy is clinging
<anon1> what are you holding
<anon1> and where is my date?
<teeboy> on
<teeboy> we were holding 'on'
<Smellyhed> Wouldn't you like to know
<teeboy> come out anon2
<teeboy> wherever you are
<anon1> me and anon2 have been talking a lot about co-incidences
<Smellyhed> And.....
<teeboy> that's funny
<teeboy> I was going to mention that
<anon1> spooky!!!
<Smellyhed> Ever had Deja Vu
<anon1> Do you think I've put the wrong address on t he site again?
<Smellyhed> Ever had Deja Vu
<Smellyhed> It's the right address
<anon1> smelly, did you get the address
<Smellyhed> yes
<anon1> ahh you answered already
<teeboy> ever had Deja Vu
<teeboy> come on anon2
<anon1> smelly did you just ping me?
<Smellyhed> Take that anon1
<teeboy> oh s/he's so laid back
<Smellyhed> A 0 second ping
<Smellyhed> very impressive
<anon1> lets talk about anon2 in their absence
<anon1> I'm fast
-> [Smellyhed] PING
<Smellyhed> Ouch
<teeboy> we are all fast
<teeboy> apart from anon2
<Smellyhed> teeboy pinged me
<teeboy> who is still looking in the mirror
<anon1> I think that it's a boy
<teeboy> and choosing what to wear
<anon1> eh?
<Smellyhed> Why's that anon1
<anon1> oh, I get you
<anon1> yes, which tie to wear the blue tartan or the green
<teeboy> probably
<anon1> I'm not getting any messages from them either
<teeboy> hmm
<Penfold> i bet he goes for the tartan
<anon1> well I got one at let me check...
<Smellyhed> Tartan?
<teeboy> I tried the java chat
<anon1> ...just after 6
<teeboy> a while ago
<teeboy> and it worked really fast
<anon1> was anyone there
<Penfold> he's scotish
<teeboy> took 3 secs to load
<teeboy> bastard
<Smellyhed> Is that Scotish with one t or two?
<anon1> penfold I think he is a scottish bloke
<anon1> he keeps saying wee and och
<Penfold> i
<Smellyhed> Does anyone want a fag?
<teeboy> oh yes please
<anon1> I'm having one thanks
<Penfold> oh yes
* Smellyhed gives avirtual cigarette to penfold
<anon1> what do you all think of the "encounter" conversation?
<Penfold> thankyou very very much indeed!!!!!!
<anon1> Do you think it's progressed, if you've seen it recently
<teeboy> your emails have been interesting
<anon1> I think we've been opening up a lot more the last few days
<Smellyhed> An invigoratingly voyeuristic 9nsight into the building on relationships in an anonymous virtual setting
<teeboy> exactly
<Penfold> have tou got a light though iv'e left mine at home?
* Smellyhed hands penfold a box of matches
<anon1> I didn't intially realise how I was setting up an unrealistic environment though
<teeboy> I think you frightened them off
<Penfold> ta
<teeboy> anon1: I put a link up on the site
<Smellyhed> How did you expect it to develop anon1?
<teeboy> that might interest you
<anon1> what link?
<teeboy> just an essay
<anon1> oh yeah what did you put in
<anon1> I'll have a look when we finish
<anon1> smelly, I didn't really have a clue
<anon1> but I think we've both been holding back more than I thought we would
<teeboy> smelly: have a quick look at
<teeboy> when you get the chance
<Smellyhed> OK
<teeboy> see if it works for me
<anon1> I had you teeboy but you seem to have disappeared I'll have anohte rcheck
<teeboy> it may be a bit dark
<Smellyhed> What's on the webcam teeboy?
<teeboy> I will turn on the light
<teeboy> the back of my head!
<anon1> no it was just grey
<teeboy> ah
<anon1> I'm having a problem getting it to re-load
<teeboy> shit java again
<anon1> I can't believe anon2 has stood me up!
<teeboy> this adds an interesting dimension
<anon1> I'm wondering if they're having a problem with the software
<teeboy> what are you going to do
<anon1> tehy didn't have it installed before remember
<teeboy> send your virtual big brother round to sort him out
<anon1> I don't know
<Smellyhed> I've just been propositioned
<anon1> It seems a bit strange I haven't heard from them
<teeboy> or we could have a dedicated web page
<teeboy> with a suggestion box
<Smellyhed> Check this message out I just got
<anon1> what smelly?
<Smellyhed> <Kim19f> Hi, age/sex? I'm 19/f/big firm breasts:) My picture is up at go check it out and tell me what you think, baby:)
<teeboy> and a public virtual flogging
<anon1> did that really happen?
<teeboy> I got one of those too
<teeboy> about 20 mins ago
<Penfold> blimy i feel lest out!
<teeboy> about pamela anderson
<Smellyhed> YES
<teeboy> I think
<anon1> Me too penfold I didn't get one
<Smellyhed> URL doesn't work though
<teeboy> Be right back
<Penfold> bugger
<teeboy> got something I have to look at
<teeboy> :)
<teeboy> ;)
<teeboy> :0
<anon1> no I'm having no luck with the webcam either
<teeboy> I will get rid of the java
<teeboy> one sec
<anon1> Got to dash again, back in a quicker flash than before
<Smellyhed> I can't get onto furnave at all
<teeboy> terrific
<teeboy> I think I will take up basket work
<anon1> sorry, nature called
<Smellyhed> It's getting awfully quiet in her
<anon1> I could get into furnace
<anon1> Couldn't you get into the front page?
<Penfold> wind howles tumble weeds
<Smellyhed> You could or you couldn't anon1?
<anon1> Actually I just tried again and I can't get on either
<Smellyhed> I wonder where anon2 is????????
<anon1> Thank goodness we're not doing the java chat
<anon1> I know smelly I'm a bit upset
<Penfold> what a *****
<anon1> we've been really chatting the last few days and I wanted to contiue it with more speed
<anon1> I think soemthing must have happened I don't think they'd just stand me up
<Smellyhed> He must be having technical problems
<Smellyhed> Have you checked your mail?
<anon1> They may be sending me messages but if soemthings gone wrong witht the furnace
<anon1> server the messages won't get through
<anon1> penfold are you there?
<Penfold> yes dear
<teeboy> the frunace server is fine
<teeboy> nothing coming through though
<anon1> oh, I like the way you speak to me like an old ladie
<anon1> lady sorry
* Smellyhed wonders if anon1 is really an old lady??????
<Smellyhed> Who knows
<anon1> who knows indeed, if you coem to the dinner then you'll find out smelly
<Smellyhed> Is that an invitation
<anon1> yes, would you like to coem along?
<teeboy> I thought you two perhaps knew each other
<Penfold> can i have one too
<Smellyhed> I'd love to coem
<Smellyhed> what is coem by the way?
<anon1> yes, penfold, excuse me for being rude, would you like to coem?
<Smellyhed> I hope it;s not rude
<teeboy> i am coeming
<teeboy> too
<anon1> figure it out smelly
<anon1> we'll all meet up a week on saturday then
<Penfold> anon1 do you realise that i an penelope?
<Smellyhed> Deal
<anon1> Ahh
<anon1> penelope, do you I know you maybe?
<anon1> I doubt you'll tell em anyway
<anon1> tell me
<Penfold> from last week!
<anon1> you've been very quiet I thought you were teeboy
<Smellyhed> Eh?
<anon1> Oh, yeah I know you were here last week
<Penfold> no i'm me
<Smellyhed> So who is teeboy?
<teeboy> I am
<anon1> but, I had a feeleing you may have been someone I know
<Smellyhed> Can I still be me
<Penfold> anyway i'd love to come to your little swaray
<anon1> that woiuld be lovely
<anon1> are you in Lancaster?
<Penfold> lovely dear
<Smellyhed> What's on the menu anon1?
<anon1> That means I don't think I know you anymore
<Penfold> lancaster oh yes and i shall be attending
<anon1> well apparently the chef's specialty is thai
<anon1> which sounds very good to me
<Smellyhed> Me too
<anon1> I've been asking anon2 what they like to eat
<teeboy> watch out for the battered vegetable cakes
<Smellyhed> Sounds violent
<anon1> there seem to be similarities there too, spicy, tasty
<teeboy> i want artichokes
<Smellyhed> What?, anon2 is spicy and tasty?
<anon1> oh maybe we can have an artichoke just for you
<anon1> to thank you for all your hard work
<teeboy> anything begining with A will do
<teeboy> such as A plate of chip
<teeboy> ha ha
<Penfold> ha ha indeed
<Smellyhed> Anon1, do you think that you are getting an idea of what anon2 is like yet?
<teeboy> I am ver disapointed
<anon1> teeboy did you realise there seem to be server problems
<teeboy> yes
<teeboy> it has just hit me too
<teeboy> bastards
<anon1> It was the saem late last night
<teeboy> they think just becasue it is easter they
<teeboy> can mess about
<anon1> Sorry smelly, yes I do think i'm getting soem ideas about thme
<teeboy> they sometimes do maintanence at the weekend
<anon1> It's interesting because I think there are maybe sides that come out
<Smellyhed> Whaqt do you think of them then anon1
<teeboy> like deserter
<anon1> that are different to when you meet and chat with soemone
<Smellyhed> teeboy, do you know the IP in numbers for your server, that might work
<teeboy> bah
<anon1> Penfold you're sleeping again
<teeboy> got it written down somewhere
<teeboy> lost it probably
<Penfold> sorry
<anon1> what do I think I knwo about anon2?
<anon1> let me think, I'm not very good at describing personlities
<Smellyhed> It must be almost impossible to gauge someone by e-mail. People make so many judgments using their eyes
<Penfold> all i know is that he was warned about a man with one eye once
<anon1> yes, exactly
<Penfold> do you still want my little story?
<Smellyhed> No luck teeboy
<anon1> I think they write, they seem very good at explaining themselves
<teeboy> no
<anon1> I think they're maybe involved in organising
<teeboy> I think you know more than you are letting on
<teeboy> anon1??
<anon1> This is because they seem to slightly push me, not in a bad way
<teeboy> or maybe not
<Smellyhed> Why not just ask him/her
<teeboy> just a teaser
* Smellyhed missing the point
<teeboy> yes ask him/her/it/loser/deserter/
<anon1> but it's like soemone who's used to having to work with getting things done
<anon1> art projects wise
<Penfold> so you still don't know if it is a he or she?
<anon1> do you knwo things teeboy?
<teeboy> no way
<teeboy> I am just a little teaser
<anon1> Do you knwo anything about this person penfold?
<teeboy> message come in from anon2
<Penfold> not a damn thing i wish i did
<anon1> I thought teeboy you'd maybe met in secret anyway
<teeboy> one sec
<Smellyhed> This is exciting
<teeboy> ..............
<teeboy> Hello,
<teeboy> having a few problems!
<teeboy> sorry I'm late, can't get my irc software to connect, can't connect to web
<teeboy> site either!
<teeboy> anon2
*** anon2 has joined #encounter
<anon1> have you looked at the conversation recently penfold?
<anon1> heyeeyeyey
<Smellyhed> Hurrah
<teeboy> cheer cheer
* teeboy cheers
<anon1> hello anon2!!!!!!!!!
* teeboy celebrates
<anon1> you made it
* teeboy is happy again and forgives
<anon1> we've just spent the last 30 minutes talking about you in your absense
*** anon2 has quit IRC
<Smellyhed> Oops
<Penfold> hooray
<anon1> are you overwhelmed by our welcome?
*** anon2 has joined #encounter
<anon1> penfold did you kick anon2 off?
<anon2> Hello>?
<anon1> are you okay anon2
<anon1> can you see us?
<Penfold> no not me
<teeboy> stay still anon2
<Smellyhed> Anon2, try another efnet server
<anon1> everyone wave
<anon2> Had a few connection problems, matey!
* teeboy waves
<anon1> well you're here now and that's fantastic
<anon2> Sorry I'm late! Did you get my e-mail teeboy?
<Smellyhed> Super ping, he's here in realtime
<teeboy> anon2: yes i did and i pasted it up
* Penfold waves hello
<anon1> What are you 2 talking about?
<anon2> Bloody BT/Demon crap!
* Smellyhed offers anon2 a fag
<anon2> As you can see, I'm a bit flustered.
<anon2> Cheers Smelly...
<anon1> It's okay just relax
<Smellyhed> No problem matey
<anon2> That's two fags I'm smoking now...
<anon1> you are a chain smoker
<anon1> penfold is our friend penelope fro last week
<anon2> A strange chain of events this evening
-> [anon2] PING
<Smellyhed> I tried smoking a chain once, couldn't light it
<anon1> what happened?
<anon1> anon2
<anon2> Hello penfold
<teeboy> everyone calm now?
<anon1> yes
<Penfold> hi anon 2 missed you
<anon2> I need another fag!
<anon1> you are a chimney
<anon2> That wasn't a reaction to you pen
*** teeboy sets mode: +o anon2
<Smellyhed> We're all here.....LET'S PARTY!!!
<anon2> I am a dark satanic mill
<teeboy> just being polite
* Smellyhed begins to party
<anon1> what happened this evening anon2?
<anon2> anon2 joins smelly
<anon2> Well, I got stuck on the bus in traffic...
<Penfold> anon2 what mill?
*** teeboy sets mode: +o Smellyhed
*** teeboy sets mode: +o Penfold
<anon2> Then I couldn't find my keys...
<teeboy> now we are all equal
<Smellyhed> Hey anon2, How did you do that to your IP?
<anon2> Then my flippin' modem wouldn't connect!
<anon1> Sounds like a disaster evening
<Penfold> bugger
<Penfold> but your here now and thats all that
<Penfold> matters
<anon2> Sorry Smelly, what was your question about exactly?
<Smellyhed> Your whois
<teeboy> so anon2, how are you two anons getting on
<Penfold> tell all
<anon2> What, you mean my domain name?
<anon2> Or the (not allowed) bit?
<Smellyhed> Yes
<anon2> Which?
<Smellyhed> the cryptic bit
<anon1> that's their domain name
* teeboy confused
<anon2> Free with your tenner-a-month, that is
<teeboy> hey anon1
<anon1> yeah
<teeboy> you are being kept from your date
<teeboy> with tech talk
<Smellyhed> Did you set up a new account specially?
<anon1> I know
<anon2> Ooohh! Stirrin' it?
<anon1> smelly stop being a techie!
<Smellyhed> Sorry
<anon2> Smelly: send us an e if you want more info...
<anon1> anon2 teeboy was asking you how you thought it's going, we were talking about ti earlier
<teeboy> anon2: tell us what you think you know about anon1
<anon1> what do you think?
<anon2> What, the "relationship"?
<teeboy> what kind of person are they
<teeboy> what do they like for breakfast
<anon2> Difficult to say...
<teeboy> how do they eat their artichokes
<anon1> I know i found it hard
<anon2> With lemon juice
<anon1> to say not to eat an artichoke
<Penfold> do they wear novelty sox?
<anon2> No, I think anon1's a bit trendy
<anon1> I've got soem with han solo on
<anon2> Liar!
<Penfold> cool
<anon1> why do you think I'm trendy?
<teeboy> they must be big socks
<anon2> Big fibber McGee
<anon1> Oh my glasses maybe?
<anon2> No you're jumper
<Penfold> i suppoes your are princes leah hugh anon2
<anon1> oh, everyone always hates this jumper
<anon2> Sorry, your jumper
<anon2> Princess Leia, not my type, really
<teeboy> my jumper?
<anon1> my jumper it's in the images, archived
<anon2> teeboy, you are being obtuse
<Smellyhed> I like jumpers
<Penfold> but i bet you like buns though
<anon2> I beg your pardon?
* teeboy appoligies for any inconvenience caused
<anon2> Pen's saucy again...
<anon1> lowering the tone eh pen?
<Penfold> sorry dear
<anon2> I see you two are getting friendly...3
<anon1> I was saying we've been having some good chats this week anon2 don't you htink
<teeboy> is that sticky buns
<Penfold> i only ment easter hot cross buns you lot!!!
<anon1> I'm Irish by the way
<anon2> Sticky with what?
* Smellyhed is welsh
<anon2> Mine'll be a Guinness
<anon1> coming up
<Smellyhed> Boyo
<teeboy> how's the cold anon1
<Penfold> wow smelly i'm welsh too
<anon2> Or maybe some potcheen
<anon1> my cold's still there although my head is a littel clearer
<teeboy> I will be right back
<teeboy> going on a mission
<anon2> Where is teeboy off to?
<anon1> Don't know nature calling?
<Smellyhed> To make some tee
<anon1> The call of the wild?
<Smellyhed> SO , are you two hitting it off then, anons
<anon1> Are you looking forward to the dinner anon2?
<anon2> anon1, to answer your question I think we are developing this "thing" a little
<anon1> I think we seem pretty like minded to generalise
<anon2> In certain ways, I guess
<Penfold> nice to hear it
<anon1> we have a lot of similarities, media and such
p><anon2> But that's maybe because we're similar ages?
<anon1> Are we though?
<Smellyhed> anon1 is an old lady
<anon2> How old are you then?
<anon1> 55
<Penfold> i'm 21 this sunday!!!!!!
<anon1> I changed my line of work 3 years agao
<anon1> happy birthday penfold!
<anon1> I'll buy you a birthday drink at the meal
<anon2> No, sorry, I don't think so - no wrinkles around (I assume they were yours) eyes
<anon1> It was very bleached out remember
<Smellyhed> Extensive nips and tucks maybe
<Penfold> thanks anon1
<anon2> Not that bleached out!
<anon1> How old are you anon2
<teeboy> 55
<anon2> Thirty-something
<anon1> yes I am lying I'm 27
<anon2> Just a nipper...
<Smellyhed> I'm 55
<anon1> Are you telling the truth?
<Penfold> how old are you anon2?
<Smellyhed> this sunday actually
<anon1> smelly i don't believe you
<anon1> but if it's true happy birthday!!!
<Smellyhed> Thanks
<anon2> Pen, I'm thirty-something. don't ask for any more details, it's a bad time of life for such questions...
<anon1> Should we go on unitl 8.30?
<Penfold> crisis
<anon1> Is that oaky with everyone?
<anon2> Mid-life variety
<Smellyhed> OK by me
<Penfold> smelly and i should have an encounter as we have so much in common
<anon2> Fine. Sorry to have kept you.
<anon1> I hope my guests don't mind, I have a housefull
<Smellyhed> Is that a proposition penfold?
<anon1> No it's no problem though
<anon1> this could lead all over...
<Penfold> could be
<anon1> My flatmate has her mother sister an duncle staying
<anon1> uncle sorry
<Penfold> which part of wales are you from?
<anon1> they've come from all corners of the globe
<Penfold> to smelly sorry
<Smellyhed> I'm sure that a 21 year old couldn't be interested in a crumbly old smellyhead like me
<anon2> I don't know it's like a singles bar in here!
<anon1> one of the guests, the sister lives in cardiff
<anon2> anon1, what are you o about?
<anon2> on about?
<anon1> the housefull of guests
<anon2> I missed a bit
<Smellyhed> cardiff....ahhhh....the valleys
<anon1> staying at my flat
<anon2> virtual or real?
<anon1> real
<Smellyhed> All over, penfold
<Penfold> llangollen oh the hills
<anon2> Yes, that's nice?
<teeboy> just being trying to recruit guest
<teeboy> but no luck
<anon2> ??????????
<teeboy> just get accused of being a pervert
<anon1> I live in a really big flat so there's plenty of space
<teeboy> maybe a need to re-word my remarks
<anon2> oh dear.
* teeboy is innocent
<teeboy> all goes well
<anon2> anon1, I get the feeling you are trying to tell us a wee story?
<teeboy> until I say it is an encounter sort of a blind date :)
<teeboy> then I get told where to take
<teeboy> my filthy, perverted little mind
<anon1> just filling you in on my surroundings anon2
<Penfold> i hope you are not having to cook for them all
<Smellyhed> What are you talking about teeboy
<Penfold> anon1 unless you like cooking
<anon1> At new year we had about 25 people round for dinner it was mad
<teeboy> smellyhed: I have been going round a few channels and trying
<anon2> teeboy, get over it, it's not your fault...
<teeboy> to get people to come and join us
<anon2> Ah, so anon1 you have guests with you just now?
<anon1> yes
<anon2> Leaning over your shoulder?
<anon1> well they're my flatmates guests
<Smellyhed> And one of them is welsh anon1?
<anon1> no they're not itn the room with me
<anon2> But they're crowding you all the same
<anon1> but one of them lives in wales
<anon1> no they're not crowding me
<anon1> there's lots of space for all
<anon1> I did have soemone with me last week
<Penfold> booze up later?
<anon1> my old school friend can you remember me mentioning it?
<anon2> Oh dear I had lots of things to talk about but I got so panicked earlier I've forgotten...
<anon2> Yes I remember
<anon2> In your room?
<anon1> crash?
<anon1> oh in my room go on
<anon2> Cronenberg?
<anon1> back to the room
<anon2> No you go on
<anon1> you mentioned you tried to go and see it or something?
<anon2> Guest? Old school friend? In your room?
<Penfold> wrexham lager (actually i hate it )
<anon1> no that was last week
<anon1> lager sounds good
<anon2> Yes, I know...
<anon1> yes they were with me last week
<anon2> I know it was last week. So, what happened?
<anon2> I am a nosy bonk
<anon1> oh, it was fine they're not amiliar with the internet so found it really interesting
<anon1> It was alittle difficult to tye and talk at the same time though
<teeboy> so it seems
<anon1> type
<anon2> Depends which part you tie up, I guess...
<Smellyhed> Kinky
<anon1> that was not a command by the way me correcting my spelling
<anon2> See, teeboy they were right, we are a bunch of pervs
<Penfold> me and old school friend in a room with my reputation
<anon1> what were you going to ask anon2?
<anon2> anon1, do you like to give commands?
<Smellyhed> What school did you go to anon1
<anon1> soemtimes
<Smellyhed> Was it really Eton
<anon1> yes
<anon1> eton comprehensive
<teeboy> <rossy> Hi, I'm 18/f and I'm trying to become a model, I was wondering if you could go see my picture's at and tell me what you think?:) Be honest!:)
<anon2> Penfold, were you the old school friend?
<Smellyhed> teeboy....saucy
<anon2> teeboy: we know what usenet spam looks like:)
<anon1> my old school friend was with me and I only have one computer
<anon1> not like some
<anon1> how come you've got 2, are they bothe yours
<anon2> Yes, but maybe Pebfold has a computer?
<anon2> anon1, are you getting jealous again?
<teeboy> there is no need for that tone
<teeboy> don't make assumptions
<anon1> no i'm not jealous, mine is huge!!
<anon2> Yes they are both mine. Both second hand
<Penfold> calm down
<Smellyhed> I've got one wee one
<anon1> looks like you've got a good set up there
<anon2> Size isn't everything: it's howyou use it, lover
<Smellyhed> Did I just say that?
<anon1> yes!
<Smellyhed> *blush
<Penfold> ever had daja vu?
<Smellyhed> I was going to say that!
<anon2> Sorry, Smelly, I think I got my wires crossed...
<Smellyhed> Oh, you should never cross wires
<anon2> I was typing to anon1
<anon2> But I'm sure yours is lovely :)
<teeboy> I have 5
<teeboy> and all are huge
<anon1> Cor
<Smellyhed> small but perfectly fomed thank you very much
<anon2> That's a bit unusual!
<teeboy> and useless
<Penfold> ok so we've established sizes
<anon1> yes, lets move on
<anon2> anon1, how fast does yours go?
<Penfold> thankyou anon1
<Smellyhed> Yes, let's, I feel inadequate
<Penfold> come on then
<anon2> Slow and comfortable or fast and frantic?
<Penfold> TALK
<anon1> anon2 the band manager I lived with yes, they were with one of "those" bands
<anon1> I'm listening to the Fifth Element soundtrack again it's ace
<Smellyhed> ????
<anon2> What, with the check shirts and "mullet" hair-dos?
<anon1> Oh sorry everyone else
<anon1> Yes anon2
<Smellyhed> I love the Bay City Rollers
<anon2> And the crap ballad vocals?
<anon1> I was telling anon2 about my spell in a very squashed housing situaiton
<anon1> Oh god yeah, really bad
<anon2> Well, the BCR's were a bit special
<anon1> I shared the falt with alaskans honeymooners
<anon1> one of which was a band manager
<anon1> he gave me the cd and t was well dodgy
<anon2> So, anon1, are you a girl? yes or no?
<anon1> do you really want me to answer that?
<Smellyhed> Good direct question
<Penfold> go on do it tell tell
<anon2> I think we've known each other long enough to be frank, my dear...
<Penfold> see you are a dear anon1
<anon2> The tension mounts...
<Penfold> der der der der
* Smellyhed is all ears
<anon1> No
<anon1> yes
<anon1> no
<anon1> yes
<anon1> no
<anon1> yes
<anon1> no
<anon1> yes
<anon1> okay take your pick
<anon2> Okay, let me be more specific. Are you of female gender biologically?
<Penfold> i say it's a girlie
<anon1> Oh have I disappointed everyone?
<anon2> Regardless of psychological or personal leanings
* Smellyhed is asexual
<anon1> My chromosomes (can't believe I did a'level biology and I can't spell it) are
<Penfold> girlie girlie girlie
<anon2> Don't worry, anon1, if you are not ready to reveal all, then don't
<anon1> penfold you're a girl too
<anon2> Ooops, too late!
<anon1> I think I'll wait for now
<anon1> I think we both have very strong hunches but I don't want to confirm or disprove anything yet
<Smellyhed> wait for what?
<Penfold> oooops indeed
<anon2> Good question smely
<anon1> until nearer time
<teeboy> anon1: have you tried a mirror
<anon2> Definately a girl
<teeboy> do you know what to look for??
<anon1> no never thought of that
<teeboy> birthday card coming your way smell
<anon2> teeboy, you are a mischief
<anon1> I don't have any in my flat I only see myself if I go out
<anon1> in shop mirrors
<anon2> anon1, you are a fibber McGee
<anon1> a littel lacking in appearance
<anon1> I'm not!
<anon1> Okay gang it's 8.30
<anon2> Oh dear!
<Penfold> oh dear indeed
<Smellyhed> Are we done?
<anon1> i think I should move on out just thinking about my guests because I'm hoggint he line.
<anon2> Pen, you never did tell your story
<anon1> Maybe we could have 15 more minutes so pen can tell
<anon2> Yes please!
<anon1> Anon2 you haven't had an hour anyway
<Smellyhed> Thsi could go on forever!
<anon1> I'll just go and chaeck with my guests
<Penfold> once upon a time
<Penfold> ...
<anon2> Hey, Smellly, are we not worth it?
<anon1> back in a sec are you okay smelly
<Smellyhed> Lucky I'm on friends and family
<anon2> Same here. And Premierline...
<Smellyhed> I'm fine anonnny1
<teeboy> pity i can't share my leased line with you all
<Smellyhed> Me too
<teeboy> brag brag
<anon2> Anyway, Pen...
<anon1> All's well they're fine with me hoggint he line a littel longer
<anon1> yes, pen let s hear your story
<teeboy> come on pen
<Smellyhed> SPEEECH
<Penfold> ummmm
<teeboy> drum roll
<teeboy> lights, camera
<Penfold> AHHHHHH
<teeboy> in your own time
<anon2> Ktion!
<teeboy> in your own time
<teeboy> ACTION!!
<anon2> Action!
<Smellyhed> That's a crap story so far
<teeboy> I am bored with that one
<Penfold> it;s coming
<anon2> It's good to talk, though, innit? (Bob Hoskins)
<teeboy> come on I am hungry
<teeboy> and need a pint
<teeboy> and a fag
<Penfold> a bloke and he liked three
<anon1> I like him better than that arse rory thingy
<teeboy> and all that
<anon2> Especially when BTare rakin' it...
<Penfold> women
<Smellyhed> Happy talky talky, Happy talk (Captain Sensible)
<Penfold> shut up teeboy
<Penfold> im trying to tell a story here
<anon2> three women? At the same time?
<anon1> What?
<Penfold> yes
*** Koala has joined #encounter
<Smellyhed> A guest!
<Penfold> three women
<teeboy> good grief
<anon2> Ha! Caught anon1 napping
<Penfold> but he could not decide
<Penfold> wich one best
<Smellyhed> Hello Koala
<Penfold> so he gave them
<anon2> Okay...
<anon1> I'm awake but confused
<Koala> Hello
<anon2> Hi Ko
<teeboy> hi Koala
<teeboy> you just caught us as we
<teeboy> were all about to leave
<anon1> Hello koala you've arrived at the end
<anon2> so he gave them ...
<Penfold> all a thousand pounds to spend
<Koala> the end is the beginning...
<anon2> very generous
<Penfold> to see what they would do with it
<anon1> pen's telling a story to finish with
<Penfold> hi koala by the way
<Koala> hi
<Penfold> i'm trying to tell a story or i'll
<Smellyhed> A: The one with the big tits
<Penfold> never get roung to it
<Koala> please continue
<anon1> smelly!!
<anon2> Smelly, you are a rude boy!
<Smellyhed> Did I just say that out loud?
<Penfold> thanks smelly!!!!!
<anon2> You need your botty smacked
<Penfold> yeh
<anon1> come on pen, continue
<Penfold> well the
<Penfold> first one spent it all on clothes
<Penfold> and the second
<anon2> yes?
<Penfold> half on clothes and
<Penfold> half invested it
<Penfold> the last invested it all
<anon2> very sensible Thatcherite
<Penfold> which one did he choose
<Penfold> bit pointless now though
<Smellyhed> No idea
<anon2> What about the third one?
<Penfold> hay smelly
<teeboy> was it the one with the
<teeboy> ...
<Smellyhed> WHich one did he choose?
<teeboy> or maybe
<teeboy> which one did he choose?
<Penfold> the one with the biggest tit naturally
<teeboy> hello again Koala
<anon2> What did the third woman do with the dosh?
<anon1> Koala do you know what thye're on about because I don't?
<teeboy> where are you coming from
<teeboy> how did you find this rather
<anon2> Is that Belgium on your IP
<teeboy> small gathering of children
<Koala> yes, it's some old joke
<Koala> Yes, Belgium
<Smellyhed> I don't get it
<anon1> What's everyone's plans for later?
<Smellyhed> Oh, beer I think
<anon2> But Pen, you still haven't told us what the third one did with the MONEY!
<Koala> going to bed
<Koala> invest it
<Penfold> invested it all
<anon2> I see you have heard this one before, Ko
<Penfold> thanks koala
<Koala> many times
<Penfold> i'm going home now to
<Penfold> sacrifice
<anon2> What about a real story, Pen? about you?
<Penfold> myself for being so bad at
<Penfold> telling jokes
<Smellyhed> What are you doing later anon1?
<Penfold> even on computer
<anon1> I think it's time to go, pen's getting...oh no
<anon1> I think I might watch a video, have soem wine
<anon2> Pen, don't get depressed...
<anon2> anon1, want to do CU-Seeme?
<anon2> When? Where?
<Koala> always look on the bright side of life (whistle)
<Smellyhed> Saucy
<anon1> I'm thinking about it, I'll get back to you
<anon2> I'm going to afriends to drink wine and watch the moviec channel
<Penfold> can i come round i like white wine
<anon1> another fairly similar spooky thing!
<anon2> I got my ticket to Lancaster today
<anon1> well doen, I haven't got mine yet
<anon1> I'll get it tomorrow
<teeboy> I got mine too
<Smellyhed> See you all next week
<Koala> what happens in lancaster?
<anon1> yes, lets finish
<Koala> CU
<anon2> Yes, but you are IN Lancaster
<Penfold> bye smelly well nosstar
<teeboy> overlooking the castle
<anon1> oh koala there'll be a dinner next sat, a real one
<anon2> Dinner happens in Lancaster
<teeboy> it is a lovely view
<anon2> IOn the 18th
<teeboy> shame it is a prison
<anon1> when anon2 and I will meet
<teeboy> and beer?
<anon1> we're having an anonymous conversation
<Koala> Problem there, I got to go to Westmalle then
<anon2> Are you off, Smelly?
<Smellyhed> I think so
<teeboy> me too
<anon2> Koala, you can join us on the net
<anon1> if you can gte acces to the web the check
<Penfold> nosstar
<Penfold> do you know what i'm on about smelly?
<anon1> check it out anyway, it documents our conversation
<anon2> nosstar?
<Koala> nose-star?
<Smellyhed> I'm not really welsh
<anon1> Okay lets go I think its' tiem to finish
<Smellyhed> I fibbed
<teeboy> I am tired
<anon1> should we meet again next week same tiem same place
<anon2> We have been talking every day for 22 days? Is it that long?
<Smellyhed> OK Night y'all
<anon1> yes
<anon1> night smelly see you next week
*** Smellyhed has left #encounter
<teeboy> looking forward to meeting you all
<teeboy> next week
<teeboy> artichoke or no artichokes
<anon1> yeah, can't wait, it should be a laugh
<teeboy> it better be
<anon2> Koala, you can find our conversations at that URL: it's not all crap jokes
<teeboy> i could do with a laugh
<anon1> and you will
<Penfold> and me now anon very kindly invited me looking forward to it
<anon1> good I'm glad
<anon2> My relative is excited about it
<anon1> I've never been to lancaster and like to visit new places
<anon1> excellent
<teeboy> I need to think about where you will stay
<anon2> I've been: it's a nice old town
<anon1> Okay I've got to go, my stomach's raging for food
<teeboy> everyone would be very welcome at
<teeboy> my house
<teeboy> but it is horrible
<Koala> See you, people!
<teeboy> and dirty
<teeboy> and not too nice
<anon1> oh thank you, don't want to put you out though
***Koala has left #encounter
<teeboy> and it would be a little embarassing for me
<anon2> Bye bye Koala, thanks for joining us
<anon1> whoops they shot off
<teeboy> and I don't think you would enjoy your stay
<anon1> I'm about to aswell
<teeboy> and it is a bit small
<teeboy> and i am drivelling on a bit
<teeboy> time to go
<teeboy> i think
<teeboy> before i go insane
<anon1> don't worry about it teeboy, i think you're tired
<anon2> Oh welll, I hope you were not talking about me before I arrived...
<teeboy> I take it all back
<teeboy> everytbing
<Penfold> oh yes we where
<anon1> we were but it'll be on the site so you can se what we sadi
<teeboy> even the bit about the...........
<anon2> SO YOU WERE?!!!
<Penfold> all BAD BAD BAD
<anon2> Humph!
<anon2> That is very rude
<anon1> Go to go, you'll see anon2, I'll put it up when I gte off
<teeboy> ok shall we go
<anon1> yes, next week
<teeboy> i need to be last becasue i am logging this
<anon2> It's okay I'm not really offended
<Penfold> SEE YOU ON THE 18
<teeboy> so bugger off
<teeboy> and let me go and have a pint
<anon2> No
<anon1> and I'll be in touch anon2
<anon1> bye bye
<anon2> Okay, anon2
<teeboy> please
<anon2> Bye
<teeboy> bye all
<anon2> Preetty please with yellow ribbons?
*** anon1 was kicked by teeboy (teeboy)
*** Penfold was kicked by teeboy (teeboy)
<teeboy> oops
Session Close: Fri Apr 10 20:52:25 1998