Start: Fri Apr 17 18:58:11 1998
*** Now
talking in #encounter
created on Fri Apr 17 11:02:48
SmellyHed has joined #encounter
Bonjour teeboy
anon1 has joined #encounter
Et bonjour anon1
Just a sec
cyril has joined #encounter
freak tornado
Evening cyril
henry has joined #encounter
hello everyone, it's getting busy already!
Hello Henry
slagbag has joined #encounter
hi all
that's really wierd, i thought i was freak tornado, but now i'm
hello slagbag
hey cyril
hello slagbag
you got my name i think
henry will be with us shortly
anon2's not here yet eh? More trouble with buses maybe
It's awfully quiet
how are you all
For those who weren't here last week they got very held up last
and I can't spell!
I'm just dandy teeboy
SmellyHed lights up a cigarette
*** yaw
has joined #encounter
i'm in my new home tonight!
I'm fine and feeling amzingly calm considerin git's the dinner
hi yaw
hi y'all
How is your new home cyril?
*** yaw
has quit IRC (EOF From client)
anon2 has joined #encounter
hip hip
nice but it smells of paint and i have a scary neighbour
yaw didn't stay long?
Evening anon2
Evening all...
evening, how's it going?
slagbag: are you one from the north joining the meal tomorrow
Not too bad: still nervy!
Don't worry I think we'll have a lot of fun
got any fags? I'm gasping!
I hope everyone shows up
SmellyHed gives slagbag a fag
I was just saying how calm I feel, don't knwo why
I'm just about to roll one: maybe my nerves'll calm down
It'll be all those tranquilisers
teeboy don't you worry either, I feel like it's under control
Gawd thanks, needed that, christ has anyone got any spare knicker
eleastic but I think my draws are about to fall down!
I'm gazing on a lovely sunset at the moment...
SmellyHed ties up slagbags knickers with some string
can you see a lovely sunset anon1?
I've got my curtains closed as i was just testing the projector
I can't
smelly youa re a one!
just a monitor
A one what?
Well, I can see the light cast by it to be precise
sounds nice anon2
a one two three four
I can see a bit of sunshine through my curtains
It's got a calming effect
are you ready for your dramatic entrance anon2?
everyone waiting for you
I think I might open my curtains
cyril: what are you on about?
Oh teeboy you'll panic anon2
teeboy: what dramatic entrance????
Is everyone here going to the dinner?
did s/he know we are all dressing as anon2
I have light!
get your anon2 mask only 50p
Hey, my anon2 mask was 75p!
do we have to dress for dinner
it would be warmer
teeboy continues his mischeivous ways...
Yes, well
boom boom !
another gag
hang on a minute we're just warming up
from the bottom of the pile
of gags
Henry youre' awful quiet tonight
okay here we go
henry is having a fag
in the cafe
teeboy is the king of the bad gag - tee us another, tb
oh, okay
he will be here in a bit
I'm looking forward to coming to Lancaster, is it nice?
What do you call a man with a banana in one ear and a cabbage in
the other?
Don't know?
si's gone he'll be in Edinburgh in an hour
any thing you want!
Anything you want 'cos he won't hear you
teeboy can gees a gag
what was that
I missed that one
I have a cabage in my ear
You're all silly!!
yee ha!
who's colin?
not me
Are we supposed to be serious, anon1?
when i'm colin you
yes I can see a fine sunset
I don't think it's possible in here
perhaps we can think up some pre arranged gags for
tomorrow night
some in jokes
and tricks
or maybe that is just me being childish
Will there be cake?
shall we have a competition who can type the fastest
and type the most rubbish
and stoop
everyone else
I'll win
getting a word
tell teeboy that spontaneity is everything
I wish you wouldn't...
you just told him slagbag
what anon2?
...keep typing a load of old crap, teeboy
he loves it
no he doesn't
How long since you saw your relative anon2?
Too much tannin, obviously
4 I can type in colours you know
he's quite pale
It's been a while
and what relative are they?
Have a guess
we'll smarty colours we can't read the yellow!!!
where's the meal tomorrow?
i am back
another scotish person just phone me
It's at cafe no6
slagbag, what are you a newbie to?
anon2 are they your aunt?
what's a newbie?
teeboy: it looks like the Scots hordes will be invading Lancaster
anon2: no
Oh flower of Scotland.....
teeboy: apparently, before the Union, it used to happen quite a
whne will we we crush those naughty scots, What is it in the
national anthem again?
Nowadays I guess it's mostly burglars and tourists...
so they say
anon2 are they your cousin?
anon1: no
Great Uncle?
join us Henry
teeboy: certainly some of the Scots I've met in Lancaster have
been.. how shall I put it... a bit dodgy!
anon1: you may find out tomorrow...
yeh dodgy indeed
one of them is cooking your dinner tomorrow
i'm here just reading the previous
teeboy: I forgot one category: FOLKIES!
Yes please
what are yuu on about?
ah that one
anon1: who?
More spam: <Linda17> !FREE! Pics of the SPICE GIRLS
yeh I just got that one
lets go
back in a bit
yeah right, why do you two always get them
got some cleenex
are you on some list?
must be
pervy list!
too right
lots of people use my computer while i am away
Ahaaa I believe you!
don' t lie
must be one of them
I'm on lots of lists
silence is golden
I bet you are...
on lots of lists, thta is
anon2 what time do you get into lancaster?
anon1: at some point before the meal
3Can I make a quick announcement?
yes, of course
are you pregnant?
SmellyHed is all ears
its not mine
teeboy would like to appologise in advance for the disgraceful
state of his house
for all people
who may be staying there tomorrow
here here
It does not reflect my personality
and please don't hold it against me
as a reflection of my intelligence
we won't you're such a worrier
you've not seen it yet
all these lovely colours
I can imagine very easily that I've stayed in worse
i hope so
I live in worse
just have a few drinks first
teeboy: what might reflect upon your intelligence?
the interior design
of waht?
my house
i've had soem awful places for interior design
anon2, you knwo that place i was telling you about in prague?
it is made of ash trays and curry
that kind of thing
anon1: yes?
and dead mice in the yard
I took my parents there when they came to see me and told them
about the very likely eviction
can't believe I took them now as I'm sure you can imagine it
wasn't very nice
alright there cyril
teeboy i lived in a house with mice and cockroaches once
slagbag is very quiet, knickers fallen down again?
you'll be alright then
it is nice
to have friends
slagbag has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
in a strange house
I heard soemone at a train station saying you couldn't get tehm
I knew better
Sounds lovely
Poor slagbag seems to have taken offence?
Well it was a brilliant house though, a bit of a commune
I live in a commune
I'll be back in five minutes
[cyril] PING
teeboy: how many folk are coming to the meal?
about 25-30
if they all show
I think they all should
I will cry if they don't
and run away
And how many of those found out through the net?
more food for us
very few
maybe 8
So, you know most of them, then?
a fair number
sorry i just popped off there but am back now
Have you been getting a lot of hits to the site?
yeh not bad really
we have someone trying to get through who says...I don't knwo
anon2, haven't been loggin them
SmellyHed has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
I will get some stats to you
at some stage
hey, i just had a mad adventure!
anon1: what was that?
cyril: with paint
would people have a problem accessing efnet from another country
for any reason?
SmellyHed has joined #encounter
peering through curtains
SmellyHed is back
smelly's back
7hi smelly
My house guests wanted to order Pizza
i locked myself out and had to go and ask Jan the mad polish man
to let me in, earlier today he came home from holiday to find me
painting his front door and redecorating his house
anon2 do you knwo about access form other counries?
anon1: perhaps if they were in the US, the traffic might snarl...
we missed you
anon2: this bloke has been having problems
yeah so youu can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be able
to access us?
and getting arsey about it
I'll send you the message
I think he is behind a firewall and
doesn't know how to sort it out
Perhaps their software is not properly configured...
I am behind a firwall system
but have no problem
yes but THEy say maybe we don't know how to use irc!
but I am sure it is very different for him
I wouldn't know
beyond me
A bad workman blames his tools, a terrible one blames his
Ahh poo we're having fun though eh?
Who is "poo"?
A really bad one doesn't even bother to blame anyone
Just makes excuses...
no just poo you know like a nice version of shit that doesn't
smell so much or soemthing
anon1: Obviously the stress and isolation are beginning to tell
It's a shame slagbag had to go,
what do you mean, anon2?
Yes, it's just us again now
do yu think I seem sad and isolated?
We can have fun though
anon1: "a nice version of shit that doesn't smell so much or
soemthing" ??????
the mind works in miraculous ways...
Horses shit, men crap and women merely poo
anon2: don't be hard on yourself, I didn't mean to offend...
no I'm just teasing anyway...hard to tell thugh isn't it
Two can play at that game
Indeed we both have
So, anons, well do you know each other after this last
yes, because I've always been interested in how people hide so
much in person and the miscommunciation person to person now it's
in a whole new realm!
Not that well
Are you boys or girls or girl/boy or boy/girl?
We both know what we used to do for a living, but not our current
occupations, for example
defense mechanism's we have to disclose feelings and the like but
in the virtual world it's...
its... what?
Well, you have to be really direct to get things accross if you
want to be understood
Are you saying I have been not direct enough?
4I have a question
although you can of course interpret... no no anon2
Yes, Smelly?
I don't mean that I'm talking generally, go on smells
Who is harder,....Charles Bronson, or Clint Eastwood?
Are we talking fighting, or erections?
Two votes for clint
both i hope
Both are inextricably linked
hey henry we're ona level here
If the latter, probably Bronson, as he is younger
clint definitely
three for clint
I think Charlie myself
anon2 bronson's crap
for both
bronson maybe gets it
for better taste in women
Clint talks too much
charles bronson is great as well, though, i like they way he only
has one expression
who, whihc women?
I think bronson's crap
he wouldn't scare me
i don't know but sondra locke:(
Oh dear, here we are doing the usual net thing of discussing
media celebs
yeah she's a bit dodgy but i think clint knows thta now
i think MR. Bronson was cooler, they way he picked on ant jones!
bit late after the fact
anon2 what do you wan to talk about?
Have you got any news to fill us in on?
What do you do work wise?
Let's face it, none of us REALLY knows anything about either
actor, just what the PR hacks tell us
apart from clint being the cooler
I think charles in genuinley harder
What, "cool" in the same way that Blair talks about
"cool Britannia"?
Blair who?
anon2 I was thinking maybe you should come at about 8.15
they should make a hybris actor called clint charles, he'd be
hard as nails
Tony Blair?
I'd watch Clint Charles films
with 2 looks
You know, the guy with the biggest majority in Parliament ever?
It'll give teh rest of the guest time to arrive as I wan thtem to
be there when you come
the steely eyed
and the steely eyed
Are you trying to say that Tony Blair is harder than Charles
anon1: What's with the drama? Are you videoing this or something?
well yes, we will be but it's not a drama, but a little structure
will be in place
but blair's satan so its stands to reason
Clint Charles...Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime,
zero tolerance god
Smelly: No, I'm just hinting at the fact that "cool"
and judgemental statements about things being "cool",
can be used to bully people into taking a stand for or against a
particular ideology
I( wasn't talking about being cool, I was talking about being
It's no co-incidence that Eastwood and Bronson are both
right-wing Republicans
charles eastwood good wit the dishes
teeboy is on the phone
Boy George is hard and he's not right wing
teeboy appologises
so's george michael hurrah
For example: Fashion press says something is cool, everybody must
wear it or be very sad. Just a strategy to get you to spend more
money on clothes
Ok, enough about silly media folks
i hope clints not silly
Lets talk about the meal
the chef's are supposed to be great
Smelly, what's your favourite food?
great fun and great cooks
Or Duck
and very hard
henry are you coming tomorrow?
oh yes
I had frogs legs onece and they were quite nice too
Never tried them
I had snails once but didn't realise at the time
lovely but i'm veggie now
They taste like chicken
So I've heard
I know that's what everyone says, but they really do
I quite like swordfish
never had it
It's expensive though
i agree
its v tasty
I like vegetable more than most meat
Quite partial to squid, to
What does swordfish taste of?
I have just stunk the flat out with smoked fish
It's quite flavoursome, somewhere between tuna and white fish
anon1: that's funny, I was going to have smoked mackerel tonight
I love seafood though
spooky again!
Mussels in white wine and garlic....
I had a horrible dream about eating live fish the other night
mussels are lovely but absolutely disgusting if they're not right
anon1: Doctor Freud would have had a theory about that one
clement freud would have a recipe for it
I hate when people sit and go urggh they look awful how can you
eat them, when I'm eating mussels, really puts me off
Yes, I had a gippy tummy on several occasions with mussels
I got m & s one s the last time i had them and htey were yuk
Charles Bronson has mussels
All this talk of food is making me hungry
only eat fresh
Quite right, henry
lets get take out
God, we're like a bunch of foodies, eh?
well the m&s one's were supposed to be fresh
I like land-food
mud pie?
Do you mean you're a veg lover too?
I do love veg
Hey it's nearly time to go...
But I love animals too, dead and cooked though
well past time to go
yeh, im off, sse youall tomorrow...
see you all tomorrow
should we exit and get ourselves spruced up for tomorrow?
the house is not as bad
I'm willing to spruce
I believe that is wise advice
as teeboy makes out
Baths all round please
cyril has quit IRC (Leaving)
henry, that's good to know
I thought he must be exaggereating
i'll make sure he tidies
don't bother we're all used to mess
in his little pinny
quite fetching
little duster in his hand
anon1: is it just me, or do you feel exhausted by our 30 day
watching richard and judy
totally anon2!
I don't think i could go on any longer
I think I migth start to lose friends
Endurance - it's a bit like when a friend stays, you know for a
bit too long?
You start running out of fresh topics of conversation
I don't feel like that more I've been neglecting other people I
already knwo
There's that as well
I am really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night though
Aw, I must admit I'm a bit trepidatious
My friend is excited
I think it's going to be fine..
Such a build up - you fear for an anti-climax
Will anyone bother to look us up on the web, I wonder?
The drink will eb free flowing it'll be a good night
During the meal?
there are peopl I know of who'll be looking
Yes, maybe the answer is to get pissed!
Bye y'all
Bye Smelly
see ya
bye smelly...
yes anon2 that's my paln
i'm off too bye:)see you tommorow
Bye henry
SmellyHed has left #encounter
bye henry
henry has left #encounter
Well, I suppose we'd better go, too
yes, I think teeboy's still on the phone
Hope I didn't offend with my comparison to friend who outstayed
Was just trying to find a near experience
I'm not offended don't worry
It's strange this enforced "getting to know you" stuff
well it was the theme
be back in a sec
Over such a time span: quite rigid
we'll see tomorrow what we think when we see each other in person
I am aware that I chose to join in
if we think we know eac other at all
I'm not being arsy
again the problems of writing
But somehow the daily routine/discipline has altered the process
lets talk about it tomorrow, IN PERSON!!
I'm not sure if we do know each other
it'll be easier to get accross what each other means
i'm not sure at all either
Although we have a lot of anecdote and "circumstantial
I got to gt
see you both tomorrow
yes, there'll be things we know but not so much personality
and i will try to play any
I think we should all hop off
not to
i meant
Okay, see you tomorrow...
I have to go last
becasue of the log
bye until then, have a good journey and I'll see you both in
So, I shouldn't kick you then? :)
bye I'm off
I will do the kicking
i give you ten seconds
I'm off
anon1 has quit IRC (Leaving)
you're off
anon2 has quit IRC (bye!)
Close: Fri Apr 17 20:18:24 1998