

ACM: youConnect

Are Flagan: Over the RGB Rainbow

Joy Garnett: War Projects

Ryan Griffis: Gift(Wrap)ing New Media

Stacy Hardy/Dror Eyal: FrictionFree

Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga: Games

MSDM: Outsourcing


youConnect iconArtOfficial Construction Media :: youConnect

the screensaver :: the pamphlet :: installation stills

youConnect is the beginning of a larger attempt to deal with the materiality of digital commodities, commerce, and culture. The work takes the form of a display at SouthWest Missouri State University comprised of a popular laptop displaying a "tropical" screensaver while playing audio testimonies relating the hazardous working environments for microprocessor manufacturers and the negative health effects that result from exposure to toxins in the workplace. Pamphlets explaining the materials of the piece and narrating the separation between the digital euphoria of consumption and the abuses suffered by those (mostly women) working in electronics manufacturing were provided for visitors to take.
The screensaver is simulated as a Flash movie with a clip of the audio testimonials and the pamphlet has been recreated as an interactive screen piece, with PDFs available of the original, printed version. <Flash Player 6 and 5+ browsers needed for viewing>

content: copyleft 2002, Artofficial Construction Media [reuse/links must be requested from individual artists/writers].