Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (concept, direction, visuals, text) is a Mexican-Canadian non-disciplinary artist. Works with teleabsence, technological theatre, installation and performance art.

Will Bauer (audio, programming, custom hardware) is a un-disciplinary artist and engineer working with integrated media. He is the inventor of the Gesture and Media System (GAMS).


Susie Ramsay and Terese Gaetz
Charlotte Pöchhacker, Andy, Robert, Mig, Wolfgang, Susi and the rest of the Film+Arc festival crew
Nell Tenhaaf, Conroy Badger
Anne Marie and Patrick Pavillard and the rest of the ETC team.
IRC participants!


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Hortaleza 100, 1º Derecha
Madrid 28004 Spain
Tel. (341) 319-8769


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