var imageHeight = 40; var imageWidth = 30; var speakerHeight = 80; var speakerWidth = 60; var hMargin = 0.2 * screen.availHeight; var wMargin = 0.2 * screen.availWidth; var diameter = screen.availHeight - hMargin; var radius = 0.5 * diameter; var numFrames = 10; var interval = 200; window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); function turnLabelOnFromLeadersList(element, event) { var label, profile; var id =; if (document.all) { // Code for IE label = document.all[id+"_label"]; label.left = parseInt( + 20; = parseInt( + 20; = "visible"; profile = document.all[id+"_profile"]; profile.left = parseInt( + 20; = parseInt( + 20; = "visible"; } else if ( document.getElementById) { // DOM compliant browsers label = document.getElementById(id+"_label"); = parseInt( + 20 + "px"; = parseInt( + 20 + "px"; = "visible"; profile = document.getElementById(id+"_profile"); = parseInt( + 20 + "px"; = parseInt( + 20 + "px"; = "visible"; } else if (document.layers) { // Code for Netscape4 label = document.layers[id+"_label"]; label.left = parseInt( + 20; = parseInt( + 20; = "visible"; profile = document.layers[id+"_profile"]; profile.left = parseInt( + 20; = parseInt( + 20; = "visible"; } } function turnLabelOnFromProfile(element, event) { var label, labelPattern, id, result; labelPattern = /([0-9]+)\_([a-z]+)/; result =; id = result[1]; if (document.all) { // Code for IE label = document.all[id+"_label"]; = "visible"; = "visible"; } else if ( document.getElementById) { // DOM compliant browsers label = document.getElementById(id+"_label"); = "visible"; = "visible"; } else if (document.layers) { // Code for Netscape4 label = document.layers[id+"_label"] = "visible"; = "visible"; } } function Face(player) { var initialTheta = ( player.initialTheta / 100000 ) * 2 * Math.PI; var finalTheta = ( player.finalTheta / 100000 ) * 2 * Math.PI; this.initX = ( ( ( 100 - player.initialRho ) / 100 ) * radius * Math.cos(initialTheta) ) + radius + wMargin; this.x = this.initX; this.initY = ( ( ( 100 - player.initialRho ) / 100 ) * radius * Math.sin(initialTheta) ) + radius + ( 0.4 * hMargin); this.y = this.initY; this.finalX = ( ( ( 100 - player.finalRho ) / 100 ) * radius * Math.cos(finalTheta) ) + radius + wMargin; this.finalY = ( ( ( 100 - player.finalRho ) / 100 ) * radius * Math.sin(finalTheta) ) + radius + ( 0.4 * hMargin); this.dX = ( this.finalX - this.initX ) / numFrames; this.dY = ( this.finalY - this.initY ) / numFrames; this.rhoMovement = player.rhoMovement; this.thetaMovement = player.thetaMovement; this.said = player.said; this.addr = player.addr; this.isSpeaker = player.isSpeaker; this.score = player.score; this.previousScore = player.previousScore; this.hasWonPoints = this.score - this.previousScore; this.isWinner = player.isWinner; if ( document.getElementById) { this.front = document.getElementById(player.said+"_front"); this.profile = document.getElementById(player.said+"_profile"); this.label = document.getElementById(player.said+"_label"); } else if (document.all) { this.front = document.all[player.said+"_front"] this.profile = document.all[player.said+"_profile"]; this.label = document.all[player.said+"_label"]; } else if (document.layers) { this.front = document.layers[player.said+"_front"]; this.profile = document.layers[player.said+"_profile"]; this.label = document.layers[player.said+"_label"]; } if (this.front) { var frontImage = new Image(); frontImage.src = "FaceImages/"+player.imageID+".jpg"; var profileImage = new Image(); profileImage.src = "FaceImages/"+player.imageID+player.profile+".jpg"; if ( this.isSpeaker ) { this.front.innerHTML = ''; this.profile.innerHTML = ''; } else { this.front.innerHTML = ''; this.profile.innerHTML = ''; } if ( this.isWinner ) { this.label.innerHTML = ''+this.addr+' '+this.score+''; } else { this.label.innerHTML = ''+this.addr+' '+this.score+''; } // If IE was DOM compliant all of the innerHTML statements // above could be replaced with something like this: // this.profile.appendChild(profileImage); } } var faces = Array(); var i; var subjDiv = ""; var sentDiv = ""; // Create the faces for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { faces[i] = new Face(players[i]); } // Place the other faces in profile, to face the speaker, and on the // page in their initial positions. for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { var captionSpacer; if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { captionSpacer = speakerHeight * 0.2; if ( document.getElementById) { subjDiv = document.getElementById("subject_line_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { subjDiv = document.all["subject_line_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { subjDiv = document.layers["subject_line_div"]; } subjDiv.innerHTML = ''+subjectLineText+''; if ( document.getElementById) { sentDiv = document.getElementById("sentence_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { sentDiv = document.all["sentence_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { sentDiv = document.layers["sentence_div"]; } if ( sentenceText ) { sentDiv.innerHTML = ''+currentSpeaker+''+sentenceText+''; } } else { captionSpacer = imageHeight * 0.2; } if (faces[i] { faces[i] = faces[i].initX + "px"; faces[i] = faces[i].initY + "px"; faces[i] = "visible"; faces[i] = faces[i].initX + "px"; faces[i] = ( faces[i].initY - captionSpacer ) + "px"; if ( faces[i].hasWonPoints || faces[i].isSpeaker || faces[i].isWinner ) { faces[i] = "visible"; } else { faces[i] = "hidden"; } if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { = ( imageWidth + faces[i].initX ) + "px"; = ( faces[i].initY + ( 0.5 * speakerHeight ) ) + "px"; = "visible"; sentDiv.x = ( imageWidth + faces[i].initX ); = sentDiv.x + "px"; sentDiv.y = ( faces[i].initY + ( 0.5 * imageHeight ) ); = sentDiv.y + "px"; sentDiv.dX = ( wMargin - sentDiv.x ) / numFrames; sentDiv.dY = ( sentDiv.y - ( 0.05 * hMargin) ) / numFrames; = "hidden"; } } else { faces[i].profile.left = faces[i].initX; faces[i].profile.bottom = faces[i].initY; faces[i].profile.visibility = "visible"; faces[i].label.left = faces[i].initX; faces[i].label.bottom = faces[i].initY - captionSpacer; if ( faces[i].dX || faces[i].dY || faces[i].isSpeaker || faces[i].isWinner ) { faces[i].label.visibility = "visible"; } else { faces[i].label.visibility = "hidden"; } if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { subjDiv.left = ( imageWidth + faces[i].initX ); subjDiv.bottom = faces[i].initY + ( 0.5 * speakerHeight ); subjDiv.visibility = "visible"; sentDiv.x = ( imageWidth + faces[i].initX ); sentDiv.left = sentDiv.x; sentDiv.y = ( faces[i].initY + ( 0.5 * imageHeight ) ); = sentDiv.y; sentDiv.dX = ( wMargin - sentDiv.x ) / numFrames; sentDiv.dY = ( sentDiv.y - ( 0.05 * hMargin) ) / numFrames; sentDiv.visibility = "hidden"; } } } // Move each player function nextMovePlayersFrame () { for (i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) { var captionSpacer; if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { captionSpacer = speakerHeight * 0.2; } else { captionSpacer = imageHeight * 0.2; } faces[i].x = faces[i].x + faces[i].dX; faces[i].y = faces[i].y + faces[i].dY; if (faces[i] { faces[i] = faces[i].x + "px"; faces[i] = faces[i].y + "px"; faces[i] = faces[i].x + "px"; faces[i] = (faces[i].y - captionSpacer ) + "px"; if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { = ( imageWidth + faces[i].x ) + "px"; = ( faces[i].y + ( 0.5 * speakerHeight ) )+ "px"; } } else { faces[i].profile.left = faces[i].x; faces[i].profile.bottom = faces[i].y; faces[i] = faces[i].x; faces[i] = (faces[i].y - captionSpacer ); if ( faces[i].isSpeaker ) { subjDiv.left = ( imageWidth + faces[i].x ); subjDiv.bottom = faces[i].y + ( 0.5 * speakerHeight ); } } } } // Create, place and then move the social networks' themes function Theme(theme) { var theta = ( theme.theta / 100000 ) * 2 * Math.PI; this.initX = radius + wMargin; this.x = this.initX; this.initY = radius + (0.4 * hMargin); this.y = this.initY; this.finalX = ( ( radius + ( 0.25 * wMargin ) ) * Math.cos(theta) ) + radius + wMargin; this.finalY = ( ( radius + ( 0.125 * hMargin ) ) * Math.sin(theta) ) + radius + (0.4 * hMargin); this.dX = ( this.finalX - this.initX ) / numFrames; this.dY = ( this.finalY - this.initY ) / numFrames; this.text = theme.text; if ( document.getElementById) { this.textBox = document.getElementById("theme_"; } else if (document.all) { this.textBox = document.all["theme_"]; } else if (document.layers) { this.textBox = document.layers["theme_"]; } if (this.textBox) { this.textBox.innerHTML = ''+this.text+''; } } // Create the themes var themes = Array(); for (i = 0; i < networkThemes.length; i++) { themes[i] = new Theme(networkThemes[i]); } // Place the themes on the page. for (i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { if (themes[i] { themes[i] = themes[i].initX + "px"; themes[i] = themes[i].initY + "px"; themes[i] = "hidden"; } else { themes[i].textBox.left = themes[i].initX + "px"; themes[i].textBox.bottom = themes[i].initY + "px"; themes[i].textBox.visibility = "hidden"; } } function nextMoveThemeFrame () { if ( sentDiv ) { sentDiv.x = sentDiv.x + sentDiv.dX; sentDiv.y = sentDiv.y - sentDiv.dY; if ( ) { = sentDiv.x + "px"; = sentDiv.y + "px"; = "hidden"; } else { sentDiv.left = sentDiv.x; = sentDiv.y; sentDiv.visibility = "hidden"; } } for (i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { themes[i].x = themes[i].x + themes[i].dX; themes[i].y = themes[i].y + themes[i].dY; if (themes[i] { themes[i] = themes[i].x + "px"; themes[i] = themes[i].y + "px"; themes[i] = "visible"; } else { themes[i].textBox.left = themes[i].x; themes[i].textBox.bottom = themes[i].y; themes[i].textBox.visibility = "visible"; } } } function nextFrame() { frameNum++; if ( frameNum >= numFrames ) { haveMovedPlayers = 1; } if ( frameNum >= ( 2 * numFrames ) ) { haveMovedThemes = 1; } if ( frameNum >= ( 3 * numFrames ) ) { stopAnimation = 1; } if ( haveMovedPlayers == 0 ) { nextMovePlayersFrame(); } else { // After moving the players, face them all forward for (i = 0; i < players.length; i++) { if (faces[i] { faces[i] = faces[i]; faces[i] = faces[i]; faces[i] = "hidden"; faces[i] = "visible"; } else { faces[i].front.left = faces[i].profile.left; faces[i].front.bottom = faces[i].profile.bottom; faces[i].profile.visibility = "hidden"; faces[i].front.visibility = "visible"; } } } if ( ( haveMovedPlayers == 1 ) && ( haveMovedThemes == 0 ) ) { nextMoveThemeFrame(); } if ( haveMovedThemes == 1 ) { if ( ) { = "visible"; } else { sentDiv.visibility = "visible"; } for (i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { if (themes[i] { themes[i] = "visible"; } else { themes[i].textBox.visibility = "visible"; } } } if ( stopAnimation == 1 ) { clearInterval(intervalId); } } /** * PortableDrag.js: * beginDrag() is designed to be called from an onmousedown event handler. * elementToDrag may be the element that received the mousedown event, or it * may be some containing element. event must be the Event object for the * mousedown event. This implementation works with both the DOM Level 2 * event model and the IE Event model. * * author: David Flanagan, _JavaScript: The Definitive Guide_, 4th edition, (p. 380) * **/ function beginDrag(elementToDrag, event) { // Compute the distance between the upper-left corner of the element // and the mouse click. The moveHandler function below needs these values. var deltaX = event.clientX - parseInt(; var deltaY = event.clientY - parseInt(; // Register the event handlers that will respond to the mousemove events // and the mouseup event that follow this mousedown event. if (document.addEventListener) { // DOM Level 2 Event Model // Register capturing event handlers document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", upHandler, true); } else if (document.attachEvent) { // IE 5+ Event Model // In the IE Event model, we can't capture events, so these handlers // are triggered when only if the event bubbles up to them. // This assumes that there aren't any intervening elements that // handle the events and stop them from bubbling. document.attachEvent("onmousemove", moveHandler); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", upHandler); } else { // IE 4 Event Model // In IE 4 we can't use attachEvent(), so assign the event handlers // directly after storing any previously assigned handlers so they // can be restored. Note that this also relies on event bubbling. var oldmovehandler = document.onmousemove; var olduphandler = document.onmouseup; document.onmousemove = moveHandler; document.onmouseup = upHandler; } // We've handled this event. Don't let anybody else see it. if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2 else event.cancelBubble = true; // IE // Now prevent any default action. if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); // DOM Level 2 else event.returnValue = false; // IE /** * This is the handler that captures mousemove events when an element * is being dragged. It is responsible for moving the element. **/ function moveHandler(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; // IE event model // Move the element to the current mouse position, adjusted as // necessary by the offset of the initial mouse click. = (e.clientX - deltaX) + "px"; = (e.clientY - deltaY) + "px"; // And don't let anyone else see this event. if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2 else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE } /** * This is the handler that captures the final mouseup event that * occurs at the end of a drag. **/ function upHandler(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; // IE event model // Unregister the capturing event handlers. if (document.removeEventListener) { // DOM Event Model document.removeEventListener("mouseup", upHandler, true); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler, true); } else if (document.detachEvent) { // IE 5+ Event Model document.detachEvent("onmouseup", upHandler); document.detachEvent("onmousemove", moveHandler); } else { // IE 4 Event Model document.onmouseup = olduphandler; document.onmousemove = oldmovehandler; } // And don't let the event propagate any further. if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); // DOM Level 2 else e.cancelBubble = true; // IE } } // Place the newsgroup name, current time, and def button at the bottom of the page (off to the right) var defButtonDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { defButtonDiv = document.getElementById("def_button_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { defButtonDiv = document.all["def_button_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { defButtonDiv = document.layers["def_button_div"]; } if ( defButtonDiv ) { defButtonDiv.innerHTML = defButtonHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.45 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { defButtonDiv.left = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ); defButtonDiv.bottom = ( 0.45 * hMargin); defButtonDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } var newsgroupDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { newsgroupDiv = document.getElementById("newsgroup_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { newsgroupDiv = document.all["newsgroup_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { newsgroupDiv = document.layers["newsgroup_div"]; } if ( newsgroupDiv ) { newsgroupDiv.innerHTML = newsgroupHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.35 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { newsgroupDiv.left = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ); newsgroupDiv.bottom = ( 0.35 * hMargin); newsgroupDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } var endDateDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { endDateDiv = document.getElementById("end_date_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { endDateDiv = document.all["end_date_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { endDateDiv = document.layers["end_date_div"]; } if ( endDateDiv ) { endDateDiv.innerHTML = endDateHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.25 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { endDateDiv.left = ( 0.7 * screen.availWidth ); endDateDiv.bottom = ( 0.25 * hMargin); endDateDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } // Place the rewind and forward buttons under the circle (centered, one to right one to left of center) var rewindButtonDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { rewindButtonDiv = document.getElementById("rewind_button_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { rewindButtonDiv = document.all["rewind_button_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { rewindButtonDiv = document.layers["rewind_button_div"]; } if ( rewindButtonDiv ) { rewindButtonDiv.innerHTML = rewindButtonHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.4 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.25 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { rewindButtonDiv.left = ( 0.4 * screen.availWidth ); rewindButtonDiv.bottom = ( 0.25 * hMargin); rewindButtonDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } var forwardButtonDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { forwardButtonDiv = document.getElementById("forward_button_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { forwardButtonDiv = document.all["forward_button_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { forwardButtonDiv = document.layers["forward_button_div"]; } if ( forwardButtonDiv ) { forwardButtonDiv.innerHTML = forwardButtonHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.6 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.25 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { forwardButtonDiv.left = ( 0.6 * screen.availWidth ); forwardButtonDiv.bottom = ( 0.25 * hMargin); forwardButtonDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } // Place [help] and [post] buttons centered and beneath the circle of participants var postButtonDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { postButtonDiv = document.getElementById("post_button_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { postButtonDiv = document.all["post_button_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { postButtonDiv = document.layers["post_button_div"]; } if ( postButtonDiv ) { postButtonDiv.innerHTML = postButtonHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.5 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.30 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { postButtonDiv.left = ( 0.5 * screen.availWidth ); postButtonDiv.bottom = ( 0.20 * hMargin); postButtonDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } var helpButtonDiv = ""; if ( document.getElementById) { helpButtonDiv = document.getElementById("help_button_div"); } else if ( document.all ) { helpButtonDiv = document.all["help_button_div"]; } else if ( document.layers ) { helpButtonDiv = document.layers["help_button_div"]; } if ( helpButtonDiv ) { helpButtonDiv.innerHTML = helpButtonHTML; if ( ) { = ( 0.5 * screen.availWidth ) + "px"; = ( 0.05 * hMargin ) + "px"; = "visible"; } else { helpButtonDiv.left = ( 0.5 * screen.availWidth ); helpButtonDiv.bottom = ( 0.05 * hMargin); helpButtonDiv.visibility = "visible"; } } var frameNum = 0; var haveMovedPlayers = 0; var haveMovedThemes = 0; var stopAnimation = 0; var intervalId = setInterval("nextFrame()", interval);