Selected entries since February 96. (Loading 539 entries)
Last update 3/29/99

torie a swelling in your abdomen that grows and pushes up through your throat and out your eyes.
oz it's like stuff
rfs i wish i knew
dede an cinema´s invention
Willie the poison and the antidote
Kelly a drug
Chris Warm Mexican and a Cold Beer!
lana candy for the heart
Rena eating your heart out
whittney love is sacrifice and pain.
Karen Tory
Jan-Philipp When an angel's tear hits your dried-out tongue.
sylvie love is having somebody to lick your wounds
Kelley Really Small Particles
Ernerto es hacer algo en favor de tus congeneres siempre que lo necesiten y no volver la vista al horizonte
Guust funny
Andreas the irrational feeling which keeps other people alife
dennis everlasting gobstoppers
Amy Love is never feeling like an outsider in anything your lover is involved in.
Manny Love is what makes us do stupid things for no apparent reason.
david the SGI O2
Rob an all consuming gift
Athena the realization that you desire
assi you and me
seth love is a memory
hideki the virus of scarlet fever
claudio a firestar
le a sublimation of the always and the knowing of the never
moe flakey fish food
Wee Biao Something in life that will happen to everybody
Linzi love is having to say your sorry
Rebecca a big, real smile
John pleasant insanity
Lisa capital punishment
c. rain, domination, & pedantic poetry
D failure at solitude
julia love is a rented sky-blue buick and stale bread with cheap wine in plastic cups.
Andrew a nonexistant fantasy.
Naoko Light cube
Mike The smell of old machine oil
tara blueish white hot sun
akira it is a wave.
Reynard rednary
Patrik The ticle in your stomach
Sunnie Love is a commitment to care.
nikki humble
BigBob evrything
suz washing someone's dirty underwear
Rich lack of lonliness
brad my imagination
Takuji false tooth
tricia blue jellyfish in a dark sea
glub the end of the world on a budget
P perpetual headeache!
c a web site
Lysa Sunday mornings when there's nowhere you need to be.nowhere no where to go
oz love
Reuben an affect or an affectation?
Simone A dream --ha!
nicole an illusion of need
craig love is being able to understand why youfeel so much for something that is not a physical part of you its like a lump of you outside your body
Dara love is that creulty that takes us straight to the gates of Paradise only to remind us they are closed forever.
Jeremy it is a longingfor the something that you know exists but can never have.
amerillas yes & silence
Dara The memory of love was so vivid that it came to me not as a thought but as a taste in the mouth.
Robert ... is the reason for the Big Bang.
David Kind of a predisposition, a crooked picture on the wall.
Eric warm mud
Sarah A rose, beautiful yet painful
stefano it is all
Lee Not Fried Chicken, but a Toffee Mirange with chocolate ice cream on the side!
Phoilix undefinable, visceral, illogical, subconcious, irrational, devouring, dangerous, illegal in 48 states and the majority of most countries of the world
Claire why it's lust of course!
dede my lovely girlfriend
Leroy apathy and confusion
olaf just hangin around
Rob Love is just a four letter word
vivian pickle and cake
Joel steeds of self-preservation harnessed to the chariot of hope riding up the vertical face of death
joseph love is overrated
Lynn ever hopeful
Rob A kick ass feeling in your gut that makes your heart pound like crazy!
yoni The bird of your soul...
Ann Voltaic touch
Frank when you don't have to say anything: because indiferrence ceases
Mary the ocean
jacquie lickable armpits
Nicholas perfectly toasted bread, with just the right amount of butter to make the cinnamon sugar stay on. That's love, baby.
David A violent cage
jennifer very doubtful
jcbean hm......
Nader love is you
lilman I honestly don't know.
shannon love is when soul aches for someone
shannon love is when soul aches for someone
Sofie not being dull
emily wishful thinking
leslie the best disease you can ever hope to catch
Nathan tears
sarah something no one can ever completly understand
RoseAnn Giving up cheese.
jason the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe of lover
dara these scented messages in the war that never was and does not end....
Jenn Love is what keeps me from feeling alone. When I have love.... I'm never alone.... Someone out there loves me... I know that. Therefore.. No matter how far they are. I am not alone because they are here with me... Always and forever.....
Mark unknown, not known
Franck It's beleiving in angels
hoien a tall redhaired boy
Troy chaos
Bernd Love is Love is Love is Love is Love
David a cold martini with olives on a porch overlooking the avenue
angie it's gotta be the guts
jacquleyn strange and colorful
marielle intimacy without understanding
shan sux
Darlene god
Charlie boredom
G.H. A quiet emotion, which is part desire and part strenght.
melissa love is bliss
Jenny A powerful feeling...
Jenny A powerful feeling...
Rick Shattered dreams, darkness and despare, lonelyness and emptyness, for the fatihful never fair.
Lee A mystery
jeff a fuzzy ball of emotional goop.
Rakesh Love is DNA propogation
margot is a pain
Thomas A nightlight
kapil Love is the mutual understanding between two persons and It's sharing the joy and sorrow of other half
Zsuzsi hot tub
eric Love is taken for granted until it is suddenly gone and you are alone. It is also a strong competitor to ambition.
Tariq love is lessen to what your lover says
Matt clean socks and
Brett my religion
Elias an energy common in all things awake
paola it's the fire of life
Harry A necessary Conflict
be a chocolate surprise
E Hugs and Kisses
Robert God is Love, and Love is all there is...
simone poodles
camille a wave
yael the best dream
Ths love is not knowing what love is
ME Sex
Roy If I knew I guess I wouldn't be surfing the web now... no, just kidding. love is a wounderfull thing that a 15 years old haven't expirienced...
Danny A simple filling of possession (I wish I have
tina rainbows & unicorns
Olivia Nasi Lemak
adi a blue holl
Nadav Love is a never ending smile
sharon love is what i feel now
Ohad an emotion that you forget existed in you, but remember it's bitter-sweet taste
Amitai Love is to go to sleep togather - and to wake up togather
Gat Love is to hate someone so much just because he isn't with you
Zvi Love is the highest level of companionship
Or Love is willing to sacrifice, to be enslaved to someone
Ami joy
David Being there, always at the edge of your thought
jacob love is life,can you imagine life without love,i can't.
Dan love is that that makes me dream,speak, act and even write poetry from time to time
khalil its not atechnical braek down-its the road to hell
Asaf You and me together.
Meytal love is everything when there is love.
Yoni very strong feeling that make u happy
yuval na nana na nana nanana
Eyal it's getting your friend drunk the day she got reliesed from the army
Hila The ability to want someone badly and the urge to kill them (if they hurt you) at the same time
doron it's when you say bless you every time your lover sneeze
Gal An apple pie on a rainy day..
Itzhik The born of my first chield
nir to love a bueatiful girl!!
Uri LOVE is an ART it's a field of SCIENCE it's a RELIGION and none of the ABOVE
Tomer ?
Heather Jeff
Assa Stupidty feeling we can live without...
hanan no such thing
Gil Love is when you feel to old to be just friends
raanan sky without clouds
Shira an excuse to have sex
Shay when you can't think of anything else
Onn The best thing on earth!!!
Shlomo It is the whisper of the wind and the delicate sound of the melting snow...
Shlomo It is the hand on your shoulder when lonliness becomes inbearable
shosh the children
Asaf Love is
Adir It is the cure to every disease, and yet it causes all illness
Oded woo-wii-waa ahava
Moshe The primary support of life and hope
aso pain
LEVY not to be afraid
Mor Cinical Sentimentalism
yair Love Is Everything
Sam impossible solitude bondage
shlomo Love is coming in from the cold into a warm hug
björn you
daniel what love got to do with it?
Amir somthing that's is wanted by everyone but owned by noone
Oren life=love
sarit letting him sleep late
Yuvalal a big gray smiling dog
Nir Two pepole, in the rain, one broken heart.
Daphna It's" all you need".
amit bird
Gaal heinlein, poor sod, got it right only here; love is the state when somebody's happiness is essential for your own. that was him. me? love is meaning, love is caring. love is Good. and btw, i don't believe in one-way communication w, i
Ariel the ocean, the waves, the earth and the skies, the moutains, the storm within
mei ling something hard to get!
dror lot's of talk about nothing
dror lot's of talk about nothing
dror lot's of talk about nothing
eyal It's beeing there
Nick nuclear fusion of sunlight
tsachi love is everything
Klaus devotion
Kristen quiet and sex and rain
nir Streaming hot scotch...
patrick love is a feeling that can not be measure with anything
William admiration of yourself in another
Gady Love is when you go to sleep with a smile
lee love is sex
Andres geduldsspiel
a. sky
Dan love is the first drop of rain ever
Dan love is the first drop of rain ever
Renat Having him to comfort me in my birthday (dotay)
ben the smell of a pillow
ira hugs from people
Doron love is about acceptance
H.C love is her tender
danny a sweet pain
xcvdfg can of maggots
Dina Truth
hudson the end of solace
dev Love islife
Avri Unasking & undemanding devotion
Sophia love is the meaning to peace!! love and you'ill see peace around you.
Carl Love is to cum in a room, come, and then come together now and feel very comefortable about coming this far.
Doron an ocean of warm water
Dubi to feel the sound of the waves together , to give her a kiss on the nose and smile , to make her feel she's the onlt one on earth , to give her love...
Oded the sweet pain that won't let go...
Phil nerve ends
Jenny a pit of despair
Scott Life
Amy hugs
Eyal is to know that you are the happyst persone in the world when your love is loveing you too
Teace relaxation
Peter what isn't?
harold a broken accordian played by a pretty chef
Dina Timelessness
Tina Peace of Mind
Liad love is the force that make 2 people into 1
Dorian dirty underwear
Kamakula love is itself,no discription.
Adeline mutual respect
bosse sex
jody chilli cheese fries
izik a big garden with two doors w8ing to be open!
Anna subconsious meetings
mike love is 5, both heaven and hell, all that is light and darkness.
eke evol
Juan laugh?Loaf? What a fuck is love?
Toon Hai giving away your freedom
Christina a distillery
anmei rapture and eruption
Francesc Don't know
Tsar psychological self-manipulation
Danny full erection
mafalda loss of energy
Marc The right chunk of cheese at just the right time..
last friend chicken?
Michel Whatever happens, Love is Pain in the end
hugo love is like a drug,is very important when u need it,but once u have no use for it,is bad for u.
Heidi Caring
youngjoo it's snow.
shimi when u fall from your critic point to your persodippest eyes
Nori Like a sun
erwin love is like a rosary that is full of mystery.
ingo it's like toilet paper. sometimes you need it.
martin Being
michael harmoniously melting together
toru toys for sale
Philip Fresh Washed Radishes
Renat A cup of ginger-lemon-honey drink
Kelly laughter
manual "boogie" a television episode i should have missed
orit pain
daneal life on the road
Rodrique love is a burning desire for a person
kara the strength to say NO when you mean NO
David Chicken fried steak
manish manish
Wee Biao forget-me-nots
Katre my boyfriend
Humphrey coffee
Indra Thing that Everybody can give and take
rita an icecream
molten a bridge between two worlds
Hyun-jae Thinking something
andy a good song
Babu Relations
jack the top of everything
Lorrie a prolonged sneeze
Julian Simple.
david reality impaled on a point in time
peter it is in the eyes of the beholden
Bob a low harmonic wave form that thrums the insides of people at like frequencies
Claude love is like an enema - fucking painful
carah an accessory
Melanie Love is accepting a person for whom they are, faults and all.
Jody Love is a waste of time.
Soledad the only way to live
bjoern my friends
Jay Joy/Pain. Sunrise/sunset. One seems to need the other. But for my eye, I much prefer a sunrise. However, I disagree with Dennis. Its Rotisserie.
Steve doing the dishes
Fred spittle
the cum dripping down my thigh getting slurped up by my bitch saying "umm, i love every last drop" thats love.
amalia wanting him in the morning even before there was any tooth brushing
Alex The intoxicating feeling of irrationality
Cyprine Love is an urge to share everything that you have and everything you feel with people you feel are special
darja decision
Mike felling for someone with all your heart
Vijay Life
Christina Love is not enough.
Margot Is when you know that all the crew will go down with you, and you all believe a big tanker will come and save you even as you're all going down...:)
Margot Now that I've devoured your site, Yael, love is definately "the real thing" and I personally don't like greasy fried chicken...does that mean I will never know what true love is???????
simran its playing golf together, and finding the lost balls in the deep woods in each others company
liko is love and how to write love letters
kevin the glistening eye of viral infection.
Jennifer love is a burning desire a crazy emotion that cannot be quenced
Juseung sacrifice......and death
fetish obscene amounts of cash
ron love is everywhere
Rebecca Something emotional that is supposed to happen to everyone at least once in their lives.
Loves Peace
Mahfuz Love is when you live
Erkki chemistry
eric love is the unexplained
Amanda Stuff
Rafael Temeika H.
michelle it's romance
Kuljit flower
J Undefined
Atarah toxic paint fumes
vidyadhar Love is about caring and sharing your feelings with a like minded person .
paul a genre
Mike Love is two people who live as one
philip love is medicine to all illness
Billy pure enjoyment
h love is fantastic
girlie Vegiterian food
gerald life
Florian Yael getting mad at me for talking at the show
Sasa Love
Keisuke my favorite stone
Kamby Love is sitting on the porch when you are old and sayimg "no" and "stop that!"
Kamby Love is sitting on the porch when you are old and sayimg "no" and "stop that!"
Michael the feeling of being capable to do everything
Raywadee i dunno
Nicolas it is a great felling
Jenna baby don't hurt me, no more
Betty love is like soft bing cherries and blue honey.
Liquid everything thats yummy
ass roses from the heart
Mbekem It's believing,trusting and giving your all;but it should be reciprocal.
roy it is you..
Angela Love is what I feel for Jeremy Judy
Nancy Let me know when you figure out what 'Love' is!!!!
Betsy I wish I knew.
Rosemary yes
carlo clean well-lit face
Heather Rain in the summer, starry nights, and a paper cut.
Jean A bowl of fruit salad under the stars.
Ben sticky magnetic glo
elisabeth august
josua Love is forgiving
Bubul a dangling tooth
Diane willingness to surrender to the unknown. Trust. Faith. Surrender. Purity of heart and intention.
gerry wild chemistry
Zorka illusion
Jackie lightbulbs.... illuminating and easily broken
none pain & heartbreak
valery infinite space
Jude only another type of pain...
Bryan letting your lover bring her cold feet close to you in bed
Lisa K. another demention
Victoria belief
Wile E. feel warmth from someone
brittany strawberries and powdered sugar
J freedom
waser i say it's a thoothbrush!
waser i say it's a thoothbrush!
Zorka knowing you're home
Christina It is true. Through and Through
Salma Love is communication
lin trust
v. love is adventures in your brain and fireworks in your heart !
mario me and chrissie de cesare
Vicky Sunday morning without the Archers
Cassie good back rubs
Kimberly when size doesn't matter
Mathew the curve of a woman's hip
Carson fun
mal my prisoner
sarah vivisection
Edna a gift from above
Rachel a little death and silence
Marc the heck
Omer It's something wonderful that can't be defined! But i guess that's what so wonderful about it.
Alf Love IS fried chicken...
Michelle My fingers
zvoni momentum
lee one of the strings that holds life together
ariel fro me LOVE is when people think that they are special to
ryniee a warm gun
Kelley Beer
neau when you know you won't get it
berta pain
anna to drink a lemonade in a damn hot day
emily a lime glow against flesh
Gilbert It is a strong feeling (Loss Of Visible Evidence)
Kerowyn Love is a lemon tree in an alley.
Matthew That feeling you get when you look into the eyes of sertain very special people.
Marcelo bedsheets warming up
sherry a poem could be a thread for yer love loom?
Clover knowing today will be perfect
avid touch of god
Alex love is money
jonathan falling in love is like setting yourself on fire
antoine l'absolu à la porté des cochons
stup3id sixteen splendors in a single sip
Dave my laughting kitty
Tanvir love is something you learn to give while you may get nothing in return
Steph fits of laughter first thing early morning
cherryline love is the best gift that god has given me.
nagita finding something and losing it
Matthew Love is the tone of voice that someone has when she says that she never wants to see you again...
Arnold Love is all we need.
Kevin Love is my Beanie
Anna chocolate and acceptance
cristiana my life
Cinder Warm sand under your feet ...
Karen peace, real peace.-
Jennifer an feeling that is there forever
marisa full acceptance
Staffan Love is all you need
Snuggle happiness