In the Iftodian codex from Capadochia preserved for a while in Aburia fortress that lays on the everlasting sunbathed sands in South Mediterrana, later on lost about the Constantinopole's siege and recovered 200 years afterwards in a hamlet in Antakia by the young at that time Pietrino Lorangino, the nephew of Marcelo Lorangino the merchant from Viterbo, yes, that very person, the brother of the famous monk Lorenzo Lorangino, codex which was consulted by our friend, the famous historian Ioti Marinescu, immigrated in the present in Vancouver where he writes a book and who reported us that while he was studying the Omeyazians dynasty in the archive of Cara Calé Seraglio in Istanbul he found out in the codex the next story that comes to enlarge the impressive number of alternative histories concerning the past of our country.
Thus, at that age, Pietrino was returning from Africa Cornus following the same route with the merchants of rhinoceros antler, but, what a pity, he wasn't anymore the same person as that who had gone for Africa. He has experienced for 5 years a series of alternative positions and he has researched all the orifices and the entrails recesses of the earthly pleasure garden, together with a group of two Thailand's girls who were in vilegiatura on the sunbathed regions of Africa, thus satisfying the so necessarily hours of practice, experiences that would bring in their arms when returned in their native country, a medium of five American or European tourists treated with self-denial and soul abnegation (far from us the thought of thinking to homeopathy) and cured in the end of ulcer, lordosis, cifosis , scoliosis, scleroses, direction correction of the backbone, double fracture breaking of meniscus, recallibration and anal retouch. Pietrino already knew about these things 'cause a feldsher from Cerveteri, GianLuca Strobbolli had told him about them, feldsher descended from the ancient family of Etruscans. It was said his genealogical tree on his mother side was up to the illustrious remains of the Vespasians (that is not unusual for an attentive researcher and so is the case of the merry-go-round found dancing in a Maya grave on the Sun Pyramid's basis in Teotihuakan, the grave of a Maya merchant family of the famous Aztec metropolis, this Maya family being unique in the entire Yucatan because of its Olmecian ascendance, its genealogy loosing at the legendary merchants from La Venta).
About the Olmecians exists a theory according to which the Olmecians were related with the Oltecians, but we'll return to this subject some other time. This feldsher told him twice how he had met in his youth, at a congress, two Thailand's girls who have answered him the questions who do we are, from where do we come and where do we go, respectively they… And now, in the art history, these questions came to us a little distorted, but what is for sure, those Thailand's girls met by GianLuca: one of them made a demonstration shoving into her vagina a bottle of Gioni Ualcar, and by emptying its content, practically drinking it grace of her muscles, she pushed with her vaginal muscles the liquid back into the bottle, sealing it up; the second Thailand's girl peeled a banana with the vagina and then, by the strength of her muscles she remade it completely. What happened with the bottle? The bottle got in the end to Pietrino who opened and drank it together with a Prince from the Principality. Who stole it after that, for other princes from Principality to also drink that bottle, or different bottles. What happened with Pietrino? After drinking the bottle Pietrino, while urinating nearby a tulip transplant during his dwell in Olandia, he noticed something. What did Pietrino noticed? He observed that the tulips, by than gray and vapid flowers, burst into flowers and those flowers burst into the entire rainbow's colors (thing known until then only from a painting of Keith Haring seen by Pietrino in NYC with a skeleton of Ensor who pissed on some flowers and after that he found a key). What did Pietrino do in that moment? In that moment Pietrino discovered the healing powers of his penis. The curing virtues of his penis hold him for a while in the Prince's court who, after nothing to heal remained in the Principality left for another Principality where he lived and perpetrated miraculous healing. And after that in other Principality. And after that in other Principality. And after that in other Principality. A group of skepticals wondered what was the procedure by means of which Pietrino committed the healing. Because they found no explanation or comparison they tried to describe it as pressopuncture or massage. What happened with Pietrino? Indeed, what happened with Pietrino? Pietrino rambled until his wanders lead him to a knoll, on a hill, where a princess lay down and who couldn't be identified what did she is. She was crying and sobbing 'cause she has been shamed by some heathens, or she has been violated by 300 Tartars, or 500 not-baptized sodomites dressed in leather and chains have forced her to sodomize them a couple of times, repetitively, each one of them anyway. Her sigh was so shamed the prince wouldn't recognize and honor her and in fact the chronicler has forgot to tell us that the pagans had broken her face. And what did Pietrino do? Pietrino healed her and married him, because he made her a boy, 'cause that's what he thought about.

text by nicolae & floe

