Urban Fragments was made after a proposal for my final undergraduate project for the School of Architecture and Urbanism in the University of Sao Paulo. This
work tried to create an interface that could communicate the feeling of
imaginary, dream-like cities, combining video with a sense of space and
3D, building spacial forms with distortion, and ignoring formal perspective
The main purpose of this web site was to enrich the experience of the
user with the city. I also believe that taking images from Sao Paulo and
bringing them into a different context (using them to build these cities
from the texts) can help the user to construct new ways of seeing Sao
Paulo and create
a more personal involvement with it. By
the user´s interaction, different combinations of images, sounds
and texts are made to question stereotypes and help him/her to experience
the city as an eternal discovery. The texts were taken from: "The Invisible Cities",
Italo Calvino: translated from the Italian by William Weaver. Harvest
Book, Harcourt, Inc. San Diego, New York, London. conception, images and production
of website: Juliana Sato Yamashita If you have questions or problems to view the site, please e-mail me at: jusy@uol.com.br