Utah Code -- Title 76 -- Chapter 09 -- Offenses Against Public Order and Decency

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Updated: 9 July 2012

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76-9-101    Riot -- Penalties.
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76-9-102    Disorderly conduct.
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76-9-103    Disrupting a meeting or procession.
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76-9-104    Failure to disperse.
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76-9-105    Making a false alarm -- Penalties.
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76-9-106    Disrupting the operation of a school.
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76-9-107    Unauthorized entry of school bus -- Posting of warning on school buses.
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76-9-108    Disrupting a funeral or memorial service.
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76-9-201    Electronic communication harassment -- Definitions -- Penalties.
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76-9-202    Emergency reporting -- Interference -- False report.
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76-9-301    Cruelty to animals.
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76-9-301.1    Dog fighting -- Training dogs for fighting -- Dog fighting exhibitions.
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76-9-301.5    Spectator at organized animal fighting exhibitions.
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76-9-301.6    Dog fighting exhibition -- Authority to arrest and take possession of dogs and property.
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76-9-301.7    Cruelty to animals -- Enhanced penalties.
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76-9-301.8    Bestiality -- Definitions -- Penalty.
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76-9-304    Allowing vicious animal to go at large.
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76-9-305    Officer's authority to take possession of animals -- Lien for care.
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76-9-306    Police service animals -- Causing injury or interfering with handler -- Penalties.
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76-9-307    Injury to service animals -- Penalties.
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76-9-401    Definitions.
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76-9-402    Privacy violation.
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76-9-403    Communication Abuse.
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76-9-404    Criminal defamation.
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76-9-406    Injunctive relief against privacy offenses -- Damages.
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76-9-407    Crime of abuse of personal identity -- Penalty -- Defense -- Permitting civil action.
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76-9-504    Fair reporting privilege of newspaper or broadcasting station personnel as to public official proceedings -- Privilege as to defamatory matter not subject to censorship.
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76-9-505    Libelous matter not privileged.
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76-9-506    Privilege as to communications between interested persons.
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76-9-509    Conveying false or libelous material to newspaper or broadcasting stations.
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76-9-601    Abuse of a flag.
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76-9-701    Intoxication -- Release of arrested person or placement in detoxification center.
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76-9-702    Lewdness.
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76-9-702.1    Sexual battery.
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76-9-702.3    Public urination.
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76-9-702.5    Lewdness involving a child.
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76-9-702.7    Voyeurism offenses -- Penalties.
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76-9-704    Abuse or desecration of a dead human body -- Penalties.
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76-9-705    Participation in an ultimate fighting match.
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76-9-706    False representation of military award -- False wearing or use of medal, name, title, insignia, ritual, or ceremony of a military related organization.
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76-9-801    Title.
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76-9-802    Definitions.
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76-9-803    Penalties regarding criminal street gang activities.
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76-9-804    Convicted criminal gang offender -- Prohibition.
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76-9-901    Title.
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76-9-902    Definitions.
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76-9-903    Gang loitering -- Failure to disperse -- Penalties.
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76-9-904    Failure to disperse -- Penalties.
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76-9-905    Designation of areas where orders to disperse are authorized and gang loitering is prohibited.
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76-9-906    Protection of constitutional rights.
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76-9-907    Training for participating law enforcement officers.
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76-9-1001    Title.
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76-9-1002    Definitions.
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76-9-1003    Detention or arrest -- Determination of immigration status.
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76-9-1004    Grounds for presumption of lawful presence in United States -- Statement to officer.
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76-9-1005    Illegal alien -- Notification of federal government -- Transportation to federal facility.
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76-9-1006    Enforcement of federal immigration laws.
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76-9-1007    Determining an alien's immigration status -- Transfer or maintenance of information.
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76-9-1008    Proof of immigration status to receive public benefits.
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76-9-1009    Implementation to be consistent with federal law and civil rights.
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means this portion of the Utah Code has been modified since the last update on 3 May 2012.

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Last revised: 9 July 2012