138 seconds of peace?

What is peace?

An illusion or just a pipe-dream?

Is it only the state of non-war, the state of non-conflict?

Is the state of peace not against the animal nature of the human being?

Doesn't represent peace (like harmony) an essential human desire on one hand,

but the most instabile one, and having it, who can stand it?

Aren't peace and war not degraded to mere consuming good of humans who have lost any sense for humanity?

The human evolution is a history of war, not the history of peace. Isn't it??

138 seconds of peace? - a net based art work by Agricola de Cologne, points to these and other questions not only in times of war.

  Technical requirements:

Pentium 4, 1,6 Ghz or better or comparable MAC , sound card browsers: MS Internet Explorer 6.0+ Netscape 6.0+, Opera latest version - Flash 6 player/plug-in required

modem: broad bandwidth DSL Internet connection

The work is developed according the principle of SAMAC (Simultaneous Associative Media Art Composing) which describes Agricola’s individual way of experimental electronic writing: words, sound, images, animation, music and voice performance are developed simultaneously –depending on each other – in one long single process.

Voice, music, sound, words performed by Agricola de Cologne.

The movie is developed in Flash, produced, edited and directed by Agricola de Cologne.

Copyright © 2003 by Agricola de Cologne. All rights reserved.