Dear ArtBase Team, here you could find something helpful for HTMLdna's publication as a cloned object. 1. Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 1st page to serve to user is HTMLdna.html. This page collects the user's input (URL) and calls the Perl script HTMLdna.cgi. HTMLdna.cgi processes the user's input and serves to user an HTML page, storing the input URL in the data.txt file. HTMLdna.cgi also produces a temp file that stores the HTML code of the last processed page. So, after publication and after the first processing, you will be able to see (in the server's folder containing HTMLdna.cgi) all the files contained in the ZIP file I have uploaded, plus 2 files: data.txt : the collection of URLs processed by HTMLdna.cgi, in chronological order temp.txt : the HTML code of the last processed page While temp.txt will always have a small size (according to the size of the last page processed), data.txt represents a file that grows up after each HTMLdna process (but the growth speed is very slow: data.txt is a plain-text file). If the parent folder has a quota to be respected, please take in account the growth of data.txt. 2. Perl declaration ------------------------------------------------------------- The HTMLdna.cgi script requires, in its 1st line, an instruction that allows Perl to work right. This line contains a Perl declaration that lets your server to locate the Perl program and to execute it. So, the content of this line depends on you server configuration. Please contact me if I have to change this line according to your server's needs. Best, Riccardo Zanardelli