The debate over whether hypertextual-constructs create nonlinear, anti-linear or multi-linear reading/viewing practices is similar to the great literary debates of the 70s over whether certain kinds of metafiction or fabulist fiction were in fact anti-realist or, even worse, immoral. Taken to its logical extreme, so-called Moral Fiction would be right up Linearity's fantasy alley. As one cyborg-narrator recently said to another, "maybe I think that my writing has always been hypertextual and that until now it has simply been misperceived as being otherwise," which, if applied to the contemporary upheaval over the development of HTC, would suggest that, for example, our channel-surfing consciousness (the "cyberspace" we enter when scanning cable TV) is informing our present-day reality to such a degree that it is no longer possible to distinguish one from the other, that is, consciousness (a hypertextual construct) is now compatible with more radical forms of random departure or instantaneous clickual realities than previously thought possible and our technology is finally catching up with our dream-narrative apparatus. This means that just as metafiction created a new self-reflexive reality for fiction to lose itself in, HTC as experienced in cyberspace is creating a new form of narrativity to get lost in. This narrativity may be more hallucinogenric or clickual to the reader/participant, but it still has the feel of a narratologically-minded discourse (an instantaneously transponded writerly experience).