The candidate who knows what to do is the candidate to elect.
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Banner ads for the WWW Material / Images / Banner ads
To use an image below, insert the following into your html, changing the "bannerprofit.gif" as necessary (see also this automatically-updating ad, these Phone In Sick Day banners, and be sure to visit the Leonardo banner support site):
<a href=""><img src="" width="468" height="60" alt="RTMark: No limit to our bottom line." border=0></a>

No limit to our bottom line: profit... growth... IMPACT.

Safe as sex... Smart as Wall Street... RTMark.

What would the pharmaceutical industry do without AIDS?

For the sake of cheap toys

Increased potency!

Bringing IT to YOU!

Safer than sex... Smarter than Wall Street... RTMark.

Here are some historic Y2K banners:

Finally, a clarification of a different group's banners:

Unaltered Ameritrade(tm) banner

Very slightly altered banner

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