welcome to the SECOND reading book. enjoy it.

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My message:

Name: Chikin
Sent: 11:30 PM - 8/23
I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! FK!!!!!!! I'm gonna have to be NICE to you.......but you're not getting any of my beer....
Hey, do you think the Reading Book's gonna get lonely while we're gone? Should we get someone in to feed it every morning?
Name: Paul
Sent: 8:52 PM - 8/23
..man, that's exactly ho wI feel right now... I feel strange at not really feeling really, really excirted at tommorow - at one point, the prospoect if a birthday was so painfully excitting it was hard to stand the days leading up to it, now, not only is it going to be my birthday, it's the first day of Reading tommorow, and... it's not painful at all. I'm just... kinda looking forward to it, knowing it's going to be a really cool couple of days. I got my birthday prescent from my parents today - £100 towards Reading.. How boring, yet really practical...

anyway - enough rambling - I've got to gew travel insurance...
Name: shaihan
Sent: 4:42 PM - 8/23
jess>>>>the tit and the moon!!!
man that's the greatest film, i've ever seen

man i'm so excited about reading that i could ......

....sit here typing a pointless message into this guestbook
Name: Chrispy
Listen to me kids.. I'd like to say When I was a TEENAGE WHORE!!
Sent: 4:22 PM - 8/23
Reading, reading, reading.. Man! I'm as excited as I would be if I'd just swallowed a pint of sugar and coffee.. coca cola, flourescent lights, department stores.. man!
Name: jess
Sent: 3:55 PM - 8/23
just been to ukjoe.com, go there, try the orgasm buttons... tres amusant
Sent: 1:05 PM - 8/23
a french kiss
Sent: 12:48 PM - 8/23
Soulwax are down to play reaing on the friday:!
(virtual-reading.com- very informative. it seems to be the only palce with the official final line up (the official site doesnt have it ???)
Reading: The Evening Session Stage

Friday 25 August

Shed Seven
King Adora
Orange Can
The High Fidelity
The Lapse
Saturday 26 August

The Wannadies
Badly Drawn Boy
Graham Coxon
Black Box Recorder
Queens of the Stone Age
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead
The Get Up Kids
The Custom Built
Sunday 27 August

Ian Brown
Elliott Smith
Utah Saints
Les Rhythmes Digitales
Lupine Howl
Clint Boon Experience
The Animal House
The Crocketts
Action Spectacular


Name: robbie, hype hype hype
Hometown: hype
Hey, I'll bet you didn't know that hype
Listen to me kids.. I'd like to say hype
I want to hype
Oh, and by the way hype
Sent: 12:31 PM - 8/23
bbc weather forcast for READING
Sent: 12:26 PM - 8/23
Name: jess
Sent: 11:51 AM - 8/23
man i was just typing in an entry for the titfield thunderbold... and i scrolled down to find, wait for it... the tit and the moon... fabulous
Name: robbie
Sent: 11:27 AM - 8/23
chickin: so when are you planning on driving down? whos going with you?
would you be interested in driving down at the same time as me and possibly steve, adrian (9:00). to meet at the bp station or the rivermead entrance for a set time or something (or maybe meeting in campsite K at a set time is a better idea?!
im not gonna argue you not taking your phone but at the same time im just trying to do my best to get EVERYBODY who knows each other to camp near each other.
Name: frank
Sent: 1:07 AM - 8/23
Man jailed four years for sex assaults on horses

Last updated: 21 Aug 2000 19:45 GMT (Reuters)

MALIBU, California, Aug. 21 (Reuters) - A man who sells carrots to horse owners was sentenced on Monday to four years in prison for sexually assaulting female horses at private California ranches.

A judge in Malibu Superior Court also ordered 55-year-old Daniel House to pay $1,665 (1,120 pounds) to one of the horse owners for veterinary bills.

House pleaded no contest August 10 to two felony animal cruelty counts and two misdemeanour counts of sexual assault on animals.

Police arrested him last June after receiving reports of suspicious injuries on the back legs of some of the horses, indicating they had been tied up and had struggled against the restraints.

One horse also suffered a severe knee injury, indicating that she may have stumbled forward, Deputy District Attorney Martin Herscovitz said.

As part of his plea of no contest House admitted he was out on bail in connection with the assault of a female horse June 5, 1999, when he attacked another female horse 18 days later.

Since that time he has remained behind bars in lieu of $250,000 bail.

A sheriff's deputy testified last February that House admitted in an interview to engaging in sexual acts with the female horses and a gelding.
Name: Chris
Sent: 11:47 PM - 8/22
Um.. I really shouldn't ask about the fishy smell comment.. but I 'm fascinated.. who? why? when? what? and other words that invoke questioning..

Sadly, I can't make tha train that young Becca and her sister are on, as I'm travelling up with my little brother (sorry, and all that..), and he has to wait for his GCSE results.. I'd abandon him, but my mum'd get cross, and make me do all the washing up. So I'm leaving at about 10.45 from the station. If Robbie & friends could save us a space, I'd be eternally grateful..

Ohh, Dave man.. don't not go to Reading.. you'll have fun when you get there!

+ yes, I've heard the wooden hills - bedforshire expression before.

Um.. well, mobiles may make our lives easier (and I don't entirely agree), but they're also annoying, and also they'll mean the demise of the static phone, and the end of phreaking.. also, they have stupidly long numbers.. and they mean people spend their time playing with them in the pub..

But no.. don't worry.. I don't plan on setting off any dangerous explosives, or eating any meat that's too old.. I'm (sadly) a lot more sensible than I initially appear to be.. but not to a kingsley level; "You know, that's really dangerous.. you could put someone's eye out.." (What!! Is this the "I AM A MAN!" Kingsley we all know and watch transfixedly?)

But yeah.. Reading's green fields are about to be trodden by us, and slowly turned to charred earth.. it's gonna be fun.. oh and Paul.. I can't wait for your speech, baby..
Name: Chikin
Sent: 11:09 PM - 8/22
Oh, and I'm not taking my fone. So nerr! You'll have to *gasp* FIND me...!!!
Name: Chikin
Sent: 11:05 PM - 8/22
Hey Dave A, I'm gonna put a message on www.ghymp.co.uk about you wanting to sell your tickets, I'm sure it'll go down well. Unless you don't wanna sell, in which case you're gonna get innundated with beggin emails, ahahahaaa!!!
Hey, I'll bet you didn't know that Paul smells of cheese and chive flavour crisps
Sent: 9:45 PM - 8/22
Longing to have you fill me with your passion
Juices over flowing.
Lying in you embrace in the aftermath of our passion,
You turn to me and say
'I'll never get the fishy smell off these sheets'

Name: jess
Sent: 8:33 PM - 8/22
hey kids, i thought it might be nice if those of you getting the train from stalbans could meet becca and her sister and go with them perhaps? i think that way we have a slightly larger chance of all finding eachother painlessly (unless you like pain) because there is no guarantee that the phones will have any reception n stuff... so if you were to get the first offpeak train at 0943 (harpenden) 0949 (stalbans) which goes fast... you then get off at farringdon (rather than kings cross where you have a long walk) and get the circle line to paddington etc etc yada yada.... riiight then.
Sent: 8:04 PM - 8/22
yeah ok. so i forgot to take it off na when i walked into my room and signed this book. sory
Name: Paul
Sent: 7:18 PM - 8/22
Robbie man, that's what I did last year, but everyone still said "oooh, you didn't respond to me on ICQ...."
Sent: 6:13 PM - 8/22
its cos i now dont pay for the internet therefor i leave it on so yo can leave me messages. but cunningly with the na sign to show that i am not actually there
Number of messages: 200

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