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Email This Page to Someone! << next newest topic | next oldest topic >> bbs > General Beck Discussion > deconstructing beck Topic Rating: Not yet rated
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From: las vegas,nv usa
Registered: 06-25-00
Total Posts: 43
deconstructing beck
did beck have anything to say about this? i just recently found out about it on i saw somewhere that beck's lawyer was going to sue but an info from beck? also, anyone hear the album? was t good? .that is all.

wear your love like heaven

posted 08-03-00   08:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for !!!Click Here to Email !!!Edit or Delete Message


From: HELL....oh, no, my mistake...Phoenix.
Registered: 03-22-00
Total Posts: 309
Yup, I actually own this. It was hard to find til one day my boyfriend was in the record store and *viola* there it was. So he bought it.
It's really wierd. It has different songs all mixed up into one song, or else a song cut up to where it sounds like it's something else. For example, one of the best songs is cut from Readymade. It goes, "Stuck together, fallin' apart, stuck together, fallin' apart..." you get the idea. Most of the songs are this way...sometimes it's different songs put together, tho. It sounds really odd for those of us that know how the *real* songs go.

It's log, log, it's big, it's heavy, it's's log, log, it's better than bad, it's GOOD!

posted 08-03-00   10:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Beck2RockClick Here to Email Beck2RockEdit or Delete Message


From: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Registered: 07-31-00
Total Posts: 17

ICQ: ICQ Status
I have just finished reading up on the Deconstructing Beck album and it sounds very interesting.... I read emails from layers to illegal art and rtmark and back and soforth.

Rtmark puts forth a very interesting argument which I highly suggest reading. You can find it by clicking .

If after reading the arguments, you find it moraly acceptable to listen to the music you can click here:
and listen to 30 second clips of each song.

I am not quite sure if I find rtmarks logic completely sound or not; they put forth a well thought out logical argument but I find it a little weak in the fact that they will most likley profit from Becks name. Their goal seams to be to sabotage corporate buisness...

.... They keep asking to hear Becks oppinion on the whole deal, which I would also like to hear taking into consideration that I seem to remember Beck having his own little problems with copywrite infringements hahmm (not that their is anything wrong with that). I think that rtmark
may have thought of this in advance and that may have been one of the reasons that they targeted Becks music in the first place....

tell me what you think.

Pyrogyratin in the Catskills out.

posted 08-03-00   11:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PyromanClick Here to Email PyromanEdit or Delete Message


From: San Jose
Registered: 05-24-00
Total Posts: 85
I have it and it sucks..It's virtually unlistenable.

I'll forgive em on my knees...

posted 08-03-00   11:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for chloegalClick Here to Email chloegalEdit or Delete Message


Registered: 05-13-00
Total Posts: 46
One of my favorite Beck articles is the one in which he discusses the possibilities of online music and public access to his work. Halfway through the article he talks about the Deconstructing Beck project.

Go check it out. It's worth your attention and deliberation.


posted 08-04-00   12:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jinksEdit or Delete Message


From: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Registered: 07-31-00
Total Posts: 17

ICQ: ICQ Status
I have that issue... I was just reading it over again... I guess I could have answered my own question.... damn... it mentions something about a contest to remix loops from Mixed Buisiness... that would have been realy cool.... too bad..


posted 08-04-00   12:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PyromanClick Here to Email PyromanEdit or Delete Message


From: las vegas,nv usa
Registered: 06-25-00
Total Posts: 43
deconstructing beck
i think rtmark has a pretty good arguement....i think they definitely thought ahead in picking beck as an artist to sample, because of the fact he uses so much sampling himself. personally im all for it. you should check out all the other cool things they have done. they replaced the voice boxs in some gi oes at a store with barbie voice boxs that said something along the lines of "i want to have a pic nic!" also, adbusters does some brillant culture jamming through billboard sabotage. anyone willing to tape this for me? i can send a tape and postage $$$,thanks.

wear your love like heaven

posted 08-04-00   10:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for !!!Click Here to Email !!!Edit or Delete Message


From: Chicago, IL, USA
Registered: 04-16-00
Total Posts: 92
It's kinda interesting, but worth no more than $5. I only think about 2 of the songs on there are actually listenable. The rest are pretty much just annoying & Pointless. I'm sticking to the stuff BECK releases/creates himself from now on.

Will you put me inside your TV tonight? Cuz you're treatin' me like a rerun.."Puttin' It Down"

posted 08-04-00   10:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for TogetherWeFoundMiseryClick Here to Email TogetherWeFoundMiseryEdit or Delete Message


From: las vegas,nv usa
Registered: 06-25-00
Total Posts: 43
deconstructing beck
i just listened to the samples and think the album sounds pretty fvcking good! anyone who has it and wants to get rid of it let me know.

wear your love like heaven

posted 08-04-00   10:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for !!!Click Here to Email !!!Edit or Delete Message


From: Holy Mountains
Registered: 07-04-00
Total Posts: 126

Let's see, a few comments:
First, this rtmark is an anti corporate group using corporate tactics to further their interests? hmmm. Sounds a little ironic and hypocritical to me. Like the kind of people who would have no problem rationalizing a "Kill for Peace" kind of mentality.
Second, deconstruction is the sincerest form of flattery, isn't it?
Third, I heard a new antianti corporate group called f*rtmark is looking for those individuals with too much free time to contribute to a CD called "Deconstructing Deconstructing Beck" . They are already hoping that news about the project will forego the actual thing being done so that it will generate legal action in advance and bring them lot's of attention without doing any real work.

"Looking back at some dead world that looks so new."

posted 08-04-00   12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WearyoftheEndEdit or Delete Message

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