All Cyberarts Events

Art Complex Museum
Dorothy Simpson Krause: Sacred and Mundane

Intimate collages that combine the humblest of materials, including plaster, tar, and wax, with high-tech media

Art Institute of Boston
Digital Identity, Better Living through Bits

Web and wall show curated by artists Ellen Wetmore and Fred Levy.

Artists Foundation
The Artists Foundation

three one-person shows: Deb Todd Wheeler, Joanne Kaliontzis, and Jane Hudson.

Attleboro Museum
The Eye's Mind: Art through the Lenticular Lens

Works of eight leading lenticular artists, organized by Dore Van Dyke and Vivian Pratt.

Attleboro Museum (Gallery Talk)
The Eye's Mind: Art through the Lenticular Lens

Dorothy Simpson Krause and Vivian Pratt will present a gallery talk and lenticular imaging demonstration

Babson College
Computer Art

Works by Dorothy Simpson Krause, Dennis Miller and June Bisantz Evans.

Babson College
Cyber Feast for Eyes and Ears

New digital music and artworks, featuring works by Dennis Miller, music by Eric Chasalow and Rhonda Rider, video mixing by Toshi Hoo, and more.

Babson College
Two-Part Invention: Music from Chaos

Diana Dabby demonstrates her technique for using chaotic mapping to generate musical variations of an original work.

Babson College - Reynolds Campus Center
Signing and Protecting Digital Art - JSG Boggs

JSG Boggs, a pioneer in new media, discusses how artists can protect themselves from being ripped-off.

Berwick Research Institute

Live and pre-recorded works utilizing multi-channel spatialization.

BNN Multimedia Center
Boston Neighborhood Networks Open House

Quality training and access to new communications technology, including special seminars, courses, a job training program for adults and programs for youth and others.

Boston Architectural Center

The Boston Cyberarts Festival Headquarters.

Boston City Hall
Symphony of a City

Images from 16 diverse Bostonians with "wearcams" projected on City Hall and streaming on the website, by Liz Canner and John Ewing.

Boston City Hall
Symphony of a City Symposium

A discussion between scholars, wearcam operators, directing artists and community leaders involved in the Symphony of a City projections on City Hall.

Boston Public Library
The Boston T1 Party: Electronic Literature in Performance

Award-winning authors reading from their online projected work. At Boston Public Library.

Boston University - Photonics Center
Light as Art: Art at the Photonics Center

Four installations: "Light as Art: Art at the Photonics Center", "First Light" by Hugh O'Donnell, "On the Shoulders of Giants" by Bill Bell, and "Athanot" by Janet Saad Cook.

Boston University - SCV Computer Graphics Lab
Gallery on the Grid

Exciting physical/virtual works that utilize the Access Grid, technology that lets users at sites across the country interact with both the art works and with each other through numerous digital video streams, audio, and various input methods.

Boston University - Tsai Center
Tod Machover's Hyperstring Trilogy

An evening-length series of three works, featuring the hyperinstruments invented by Tod Machover's team at the MIT Media Lab. At Tsai Performance Center.

Brandeis - Slosberg Recital Hall
Digital Polyphony

A day-long event of new works, talks, and panel discussions by members of Boston's electronic music scene. At Slosberg Recital Hall, Brandeis.

Brandeis - Slosberg Recital Hall
Boston Cyberarts Electronic Music Marathon

Featuring some of the best new music ensembles in Boston plus performers from New York, England, and Italy. At Slosberg Recital Hall, Brandeis.

Brandeis University
Ballet Mecanique

The landmark film, for the first time synchronized with the music as film-makers Fernand Leger, Dudley Murphy, and Man Ray and composer George Antheil intended.

Bromfield Art Gallery
Adam Sherman

Work in multiple parts of image, projection, spoken word, and music.

Brown University
Digital Arts and Culture Conference 2001

A cross-disciplinary conference on the theory and practice of digital arts and culture

Brush Art Gallery and Studios
The 3rd Dimension in Prints

Six artists explore the third dimension within and beyond the picture frame, curated by Mary Ann Kearns.

Brush Art Gallery and Studios (Gallery Talk)
The 3rd Dimension in Prints

Curator Mary Ann Kearns discusses the third dimension within and beyond the picture frame.

Canal Park
Dance of the Water Spiders

Eight robotic spiders, darting about a cove in a spirited dance of avoidance. By Remo Campopiano with the Robotics Art Club, a group of 10-13 year olds. At Cambridgeside Galleria.

Codman Square Health Center
Codman Square Youth and Technology Center

Neighborhood activities, including youth Cyberarts displays, Citizens Schools showcase, local cyberartist booths, website launch and more.

Columbus Avenue
Crossing Paths

A large-scale, open-air public projection of photos by Corey Tatarczuk and Denise Marika, along the bike path linking the JP/Roxbury community to Boston, appearing at dusk and vanishing at dawn.

Coolidge Corner Theatre
U and I dOt cOm and Other Strange Sights

Video artist and experimental documentarian Branda Miller.

Coolidge Corner Theatre
Not Still Art Festival

Weekend of screenings and premieres featuring over 100 artist's electronic motion imaging, gritty retro to cutting edge.

Coolidge Corner Theatre

A cultural event on the concept of Internet community, sponsored by the Milan-based and Boston-based Videospace.

Coolidge Corner Theatre

Images from the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Scotland, Germany, and U.S.

Coolidge Corner Theatre

Cancelled due to illness

Coolidge Corner Theatre

Recent initiatives by the corporate clearinghouse for anti-corporate activism.

CyberArtCentral @ Boston Architectural Center
Augmented Realities

An exhibition of multi-media interactive and immersive installations

Davis Museum and Cultural Center
2 Exhibitions at the Davis Museum

"abc" by Ann Hamilton and "Thumper III" by Alan Rath.

DeCordova Museum
Flights of Fantasy

A computerized installation by Glorianna Davenport, Barbara Barry, Aisling Kelliher, Nyssim Lefford, Paul Nemirovsky, Arnan Sipitakiat, James Seo and other members of the Interactive Cinema Group, MIT Media Lab.

DeCordova Museum (Gallery Talk)
Flights of Fantasy Reception

Reception and artist talk for "Flights of Fantasy," a computerized installation by Glorianna Davenport, Barbara Barry, Aisling Kelliher, Nyssim Lefford, Paul Nemirovsky, Arnan Sipitakiat, James Seo and other members of the Interactive Cinema Group, MIT Media Lab.

Do While Studio
8 Track

A synchronized, unpredictable, participatory organic musical composition.

Faces of Tomorrow
Faces of Tomorrow Online

An international youth project that combines self-portraiture, the web, and graphic arts.

Forbush Memorial Library
Westminster Faces of Tomorrow

Cyberart by young people in Westminster, at the Forbush Memorial Library.

Fort Point Arts Gallery
Internal Drive

Work by FPAC artists and those who work in the Fort Point neighborhood.

Gallery fx
Dirty Pixels

Juried show of works by student artists.

Gallery ONI

The origins of cybernetics explored through music, video, film, and more. At ONI Gallery.

Gallery@Green Street

A collaborative computer-controlled installation by the students at the School of the MFA.

Goethe Institute
The Future of Interactivity in Museums

Roundtable discussion moderated by George Fifield, with artists of the virtual reality Nibelungen Museum, at the Goethe-Institut.

Goethe Institute
The Treasure of the Nibelungs

An interactive installation for voices, music and images based on the myth of the Ring of the Nibelungen.

Goethe Institute
'The Nibelungenlied'and German Nationalism: A Reception History

Lecture by Tufts Professor Bernhard Martin on the Nibelungen saga, at the Goethe-Institut.

Harvard - Longfellow Hall
Mutual Transformations: Technology in Arts Education

The Harvard Graduate School of Education's Arts in Education Program presents cyberartist Jennifer Hall, as part of the John Landrum Bryant Lecture Performance Series.

Harvard - Three Columns Gallery
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Mouse in the Studio

Digital prints by Martha Jane Bradford, Roberto Bermejo, Aida Laleian, and Jaye Phillips.

Harvard - Three Columns Gallery
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Mouse in the Studio

Martha Jane Bradford and Roberto Bermejo discuss and demonstrate the use of computer technology in their work.

Howard Yezerski Gallery
Basket Case III

Humanoid, interactive sculpture by Alan Rath.

IDV Studios
Chris Florio and Guests - Live and Online

A series of simulcast musical performances that include jazz, rock, world music and classical ensembles incorporating video, animation and computer imagery generated and composited in real time.

Inquilinos Boricuas en Accion
CyberArts with IBA

Art by participants in IBA's Casique Youth Program and El Batey's Flash animation class, plus a CyberCafe.

Institute of Contemporary Art
Sonic Circuits VIII

An all-star line-up including Richard Lerman, Ron Kuivila, and Neil Leonard; works of Charles Dodge, Dennis Miller, Arun Chandra, Ileana Perez, Ezra Sims, Amnon Wolman and Jorrit Dijkstra. At ICA Theater.

International Society's Tremont Theatre
WAAM: Digital Landscapes

Independent and collaborative multimedia work created by Wellesley and MIT alumni.

Lesley University
Digital Identity, Better Living through Bits

Web and wall show curated by artists Ellen Wetmore and Fred Levy.

Little White Box Gallery
Honey Apparatus

Digital photographic assemblage by Mark Snyder.

Louis Boston
The Princess Project

"Who's the Fairest of Them All?" a multimedia installation by Kathleen Bitetti & Joanne Kaliontzis, with associated website launch.

Madison Park Development Corporation
Cyberarts@Madison Park

Open house at the Computer lab and Activity Center.

Maine New Media Arts Project
Website Launch

An online exhibition of digital art works from Maine artists.

Mass College of Art
Kid 606 w/Dogg and Pony and the Paul Flaherty Trio

MassArt's Studio for Interrelated Media program, including "The Future Genies of Mush Island Night" and "Kid 606 w/Dogg and Pony & the Paul Flaherty Trio" at Mass College of Art.

Mass College of Art
The Future Genies of Mush Island Night

MassArt's Studio for Interrelated Media program, including "The Future Genies of Mush Island Night" and "Kid 606 w/Dogg and Pony & the Paul Flaherty Trio" at Mass College of Art.

MIT Building E-51
Race in Digital Space

A three-day national conference exploring key issues surrounding race and technology in the digital age, including scholars, artists, writers, professionals, policy makers, social and cultural commentators, community leaders, and young people.

MIT List Visual Arts Center
Four Exhibitions at the List Visual Arts Center

"The Long Road to Mazatlan" with Javier De Frutos; "The Long Count (I Shook Up the World)" by Paul Pfeiffer; Johan Grimonprez's " Inflight"; and "Race In Digital Space", featuring the work of some 30 artists.

MIT List Visual Arts Center - Bartos Theater
The Lite Show

An international festival of cutting-edge low-bandwidth animation and interactive web-based art.

MIT List Visual Arts Center - Bartos Theater
Five Ideas

A multi-modal event incorporating postcards mailed to recipients, a companion website, and an evening of presentations, all exploring five great ideas. At Bartos Theater, MIT.

MIT Museum
Approaching Chaos - Visions from the Quantum Frontier

Eric Heller, physics and chemistry professor.

Imaging New England

An interdisciplinary collaborative research initiative, conducted across institutions and over distances, by John Craig Freeman, Lisa Link and Margaret Wagner.

The Third Room

Two sound and video installations, by Landon Rose and Larry Johnson, with audience participation via the Internet. At Mobius.

Mobius Black Box

Two days of multimedia installation and performance by the faculty and MFA students of the Integrated Electronic Arts Program of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. At Mobius Black Box.

Mount Wachusett Community College
Student Digital Art Exhibit

Juried exhibit of graphic design work and cyberart by students.

Museum of Science
Cyberarts Exhibitions at the Museum of Science

Plus ongoing exhibitions including the Virtual Fishtank, Musical Stairs, Laser Shows, Light Sticks in the Theater of Electricity, and Cahners ComputerPlace.

Museum of Science - Computer Clubhouse
Computer Clubhouse Digital Studio

Young people working as designers, inventors and creators on projects based on their own interests, supported by adult mentors and other youth.

Museum of Science - Red Wing
Musical Stairs

An experiment in participatory architecture by sound artist Christopher Janney.

New Art Center

Exhibition of work of 11 artists, including video, film, installation, painting and computers curated by Alison Cornyn.

New England School of Art and Design

Improvisations for computer and real-time sampling featuring AnDREw NeuManN. At NESAD/Suffolk University.

New England School of Art and Design
d{s}eduction dialogue

A collaborative video dialogue between Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder.

Northeastern University
Music Technology Senior Recital

Works and performances by Thomas Beyer, Corinto Cevallos, James Mello, David Nurmi, Morgan Ross.

Northeastern University
Moving Target

An afternoon of computer sound and images. At Shillman Hall, Northeastern.

Roxbury Latin School
Mortui Vivos Docent

Light sculpture by Bill Bell at Roxbury Latin School.

Somerville Theater
Solo Artists on the Edge: Immersion Music by Virtuosos

Musician Curtis Bahn, Teresa Marrin Nakra's "Conductor's Jacket", Jan Swafford's "Magus" violin virtuoso Joanna Kurkowicz, dancer Tomie Hahn with a wireless interactive dance system. At Somerville Theater.

Symphony Hall
Orchestral Music at the Technological Frontier

An aural, visual and sensory experience with works by Machover, Jolivet, Antheil, and others - including three world premieres - presented by BMOP and Immersion Music. At Symphony Hall.

Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery
Technics: Baubles or Ballast?

Works by Jennifer Hall, Blyth Hazen, Ray Howlette, Richard J. Linke, Rosamond Wolff Purcell, and others.

Tufts University - Dowling Hall
CollageMachine / JumboScope

An interactive streaming multimedia collage.

University of Southern Maine Art Gallery
Virtual Shooter

An interactive multimedia exhibition by Kathleen Ruiz.


An open forum, hosted by Michael Heim of the Art Center College of Design, taking place in V-Art: the Boston Cyberarts Virtual World in's Eduverse, a space designed by faculty and students of the Boston Architectural Center.

Villa Victoria
Critical Breakdown

Multimedia hip-hop experience.

Wellesley - Jewett Art Center
Spotlight on Media Arts

Works by the Electronic Imaging and Multimedia classes at Wellesley College.

Worcester Art Museum
The Wall at WAM: Denise Marika

Video installation incorporating real space, time, and volume, projected onto the Museum's 67-foot terra cotta wall in the Renaissance Court.

Youth Voice Collaborative
Media and Technology: The Next Chapter

An interactive forum focusing on the growing relationship between media and technology.

Zeitgeist Gallery
Media Midway

An extravaganza of interactive video art, video projection, and video art performance by seven artists.

ZuMix Live Freestyle and CD Release

Streaming freestyle open mic event with hip-hop, spoken word, and other musical styles.