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The Two of Us

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Hillary whips up support

Monica on Hillary's intentions:"I find it hard to swallow.
But you know, when push comes to shove, she'll blow it."

Al Gore's Theme Music: Won't you go home, Bill Bradley, Won't you go home?

"I think Al Gore makes a great Vice President, and I plan to keep him in that job"...Bill Bradley

We ask the readers:"Is it true MadLady Albright dreams of becoming Governor of the NATO Protectorate formerly known as Yugoslavia. Was Slobodon her first boyfriend, the one who scorned her? Is that the reason for her frothing? By the way, Is there anyone at this Whitehouse who hasn't had a name change? Email us with

Top Ten Domain Names George W Bush didn't waste good money buying:

Website URL (U're Real Lazy) Real Owner   The Barber Pole Lobby The Texas Landscapers Consortium Traffic Safety Devices Bulls by the Horn - Texas Blowhards Daddy's Little Sushi Bar GW's Pink Panties Two Lonely Old Farts in a Texas Wh__ehouse Dan Quail (sic) Salt Lake Olympic Committee Read My Lisps Society for Impediment to Free Speech on This and Every Other Planet in the Known Universe

If you are running for office. Be sure to get your banner on this page.
We're going to skewer you anyway, but at least you'll get you're side in.
Like these two lost puppies did:


We get paid everytime you click on one of the banners on this page, but don't click these two on the bottom because the GOP is so cheap we only get 2 cents.Voting for Hillary pays a lot more. So vote early, vote often, and vote for the New York Party Animal.


New York Politics Already - New York Political Anarchy - New York Party Animal
The Fine Print: Sometimes satire just means satire.

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