light from an empty fridge


10th May 2003


Music is Alex Gopher / The Child
What else would I have to buy to make Wired proud of me? I actually can't think of any other gadgets. I have my own personal Bluetooth wearable network. I have a wireless network in my apartment. I have a phone that takes pictures, a laptop that can receive them... okay, so I need a wireless card for the iBook, but that's it.

Maybe one of those webcams that acts as its own wireless server for pictures. Or maybe I could stop wasting my money on this shit.

Yes, I did it

Music is Wheatus / A Little Respect
I ordered a fricking iPod. The 30 gig model. I blame the government, for giving me a cheque of money that was mine anyway.

Hell, I was going to anyway. This has nothing to do with tequila, though it is good stuff.

Cheap sauce papers

Music is Golden Boy with Miss Kittin / Kuckucksuhr
To be honest the tomatoes did need some salt.

I'm cooking for no reason again. Just a pasta sauce, with tomatoes (real ones), tomato puree (has only "Tomatoes" as ingredients), onions, garlic, one small carib pepper, a few herbs. Nothing special, but I can put it in the fridge and use it in the future.

Even if I don't use it, it's a relatively cheap way of occupying a few hours, and it gets me off the computer. I will probably end up eating it with bread.

While I was out I picked up a couple of free listings papers in the hope that they would plan my life for me tomorrow; as yet they don't seem to be doing that, no matter how hard I leave them on the floor.

What is this thing you Earth people call...

E! Online News - The Trouble with Shatner's Semen

You can't really beat that as a title.

In Kentucky's Lexington Herald-Leader, Marcy Shatner's attorney, C. Thomas Ezzell, makes the case for "fresh cooled format" versus frozen, saying there is a lower rate of impregnation with the kind you can store next to the ice cubes and Otter Pops.

On a more personal note, might I suggest that if Ms Davis can't get access to her mailbox, she starts up a webmail account with Yahoo or someone? cheersmate


Mood is tomatoed
Music is lunatic calm / whitelinefever (remix)
Is it too much to ask that when I buy "crushed tomatoes", the ingredients will be
rather than
Tomato puree, tomatoes, salt, calcium chloride, citric acid

Let alone the "tomato sauce" which contains
Tomatoes, salt, dehydrated onion, dehydrated garlic, natural flavorings (from herbs and spices), dehydrated bell pepper
If I want onion, garlic, salt, mouse heads, I'll add them myself, thanks.

If you can't say something nice

Music is Manic Street Preachers / Found That Soul
Nobody ever seems to have a good word to say about Detroit. The residents seem to be even worse than everyone else.


Music is The X-Ecutioners / Turntable eXhibition
Is there really any point in marinating tofu? I'm not at all convinced there is. I keep marinating it and all I end up with is wet tofu in a marinade that I generally use as a cooking sauce.

I'm currently marinating 1cm cubes of extra-firm tofu in a mixture of soy sauce, green Tabasco and lemon juice. I think I'm wasting my time.

And is it marinating or marinading? I can't be arsed looking that one up.


Music is Primal Scream / Burning Wheel
Oh, and I also bought some St John's Wort.

Haven't tried it for a while. I seem to remember that it did little more than take the edge off things, compared to prescription drugs, but edge-removal would not be unwelcome.

I find myself having a lot of difficulty sleeping. This is very unusual for me. I grew up close to the South Circular (major London route) and under the Concorde flightpath. I have slept through roadworks outside my window and a party with a megawatt sound system right below me. (I always wake up when I need to, though - if someone comes into my room, for instance.)

Now, sunlight wakes me up. I was awake at 6.30am, or actually before, today, and have been doing that for a while. I also have trouble going to sleep before midnight. All this combined means I am a bitch in the mornings. SJW is not a tranq, but it might help with anxiety enough to let me sleep properly, which will help in itself.

Explain to me

...why the following items are expensive:
  • Beef jerky. $6 for four ounces. Yeah, I imagine each and every strip is hand-cut and laid out to dry in the sun.
  • Shower gel - $4 for a not-terribly-large squeezy bottle of jet-age polymer technology. Because it's coloured and smells of stuff, we're supposed to pay more?
  • Salmon. $12 for three small salmon fillets. I assume that we're not meant to know that it's farmed on an industrial scale.
On the other hand I got a cheque from the fedral guvmint for $885 of money that was mine to start with, and another cheque from Maryland for $294 of money that my dumbshit employers paid to them by mistake. Of course I had to pay a coupla hundred to tax people to get this money, and a bit more to Pennsylvania to make up for the money that didn't get paid to them. But it still feels like I'm getting paid, yo. Leave me with that.

I also bought an bottle of what claims to be 100% Agave tequila but I'm not complaining about the price of that. The price is the least of my worries. I haven't had tequila for years now, but I remember liking it slightly too much. what?


9th May 2003

Kitty Kaster Cat Toy

this is a real thing

Surreal eBay praise

eBay Feedback Comments Left by andy46477
mike10 (57) Jun-30-99 17:51:26 PST
Praise: WEARS CLOTHES SNUGLY. Reads at a COLLEGE level! Uses BALLPOINT pens!

vapors (9) Jun-30-99 17:42:49 PST
Praise: FREAKY! Seller is FANTASTIC, but, somehow, REALLY DOESN'T EXIST AT ALL!

g2relics (1445) Apr-07-99 00:41:50 PST 78576838
Praise: OW, MY FOOT! Look what you did to my foot! You mangled it! Yes, you did...A+!

zack6 (1) Apr-07-99 22:18:37 PST
Praise: I named my goldfish Zack6, cuz you're so great. I only feed him onions now.

bishop2 (204) Jun-30-99 18:35:03 PST
Praise: Pornography is bad because God will kill you and eat your bones. TERIFFIC SALE!
Response by bishop2 - I have not dealt with this person. Do not understand the "feedback."

Missing words round

A word has come back to me that I've had a mental block on - expedient. The number of times that I've wanted to use that word but couldn't think of it in the last few months... in the context of discussing politics, this is. Maybe my brain had shut down access to that word, after everything I saw was causing a hit on it. Too much more exposure would have left a little burnt-out "expedient"-shaped hole.

I don't know why I've suddenly been granted access again. It's not like the politics of expediency has gone out of style, or ever will.

Some form of post-something

I'm sure I've seen this before somewhere, maybe just quoted from - Socio-political Smurfs.
The Smurf Village itself is a perfect model of a socialist commune or collective. It is self-reliant, and the land is not owned by individuals, but by the entire collective of all the Smurfs, if the word 'owned' is even appropriate...

...The evil wizard Gargomel represents capitalism. He embodies everything bad about capitalism.He is greedy, ruthless, and his only concern is with his own personal gratification. He is what happens when the individual makes himself more important than the society he lives in...

...Gargomel's ginger cat, Azrael, represents the worker in the ruthless, free-market state that is Gargomel's house. He is uncomplaining, or, since he has no voice (ie. Trade Unions), is metaphorically unable to complain. He cannot negotiate his wage - he eats whatever he is given by his master. He is smaller and less well-off than Gargomel, and metaphorically, he represents the proletariat, while Gargomel represents the bourgeoise. Azrael is exploited and oppressed. He risks his life fighting and hunting for his master, and does not have the intellectual capacity to question this state of affairs, just as the worker suffered his fate for centuries because education was off limits to him, and he had no other option but to work for his bosses.
Monique Wittig wrote that women are defined as women, while men are defined by their occupation, the idea being that men have occupatons but women do not. For example, if an accident was being reported, the victims might be described as 'a teacher, a plumber and a woman'. Smurfette is unique in the village in that she is not defined by an occupation or a personality trait like the male, or real Smurfs, but by her sex.
Much like ancient Greek city-states such as Athens, which many believe is the closest to a pure democracy the world will ever come, government was by all the people, and by 'all the people' they meant males only. Women are not invited to particpate in public affairs. In Athens, homosexuality was not uncommon, nor was it particularly frowned upon.

No Smurf ever forms a relationship with Smurfette. Although she is the focus of some childish heterosexual rivalries, especially between Hefty and Handy, there is never any real heterosexual tension in the Village. The tension is more between Hefty and Handy themselves, who seem to be more interested in impressing each other than Smurfette.
Now I consider it, I could be thinking of Mario As Communist Propaganda.


8th May 2003
sorry, have to bold that:



Excuse me.

Brown nose of the year award goes to...

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage
OSLO (Reuters) - A Norwegian parliamentarian nominated President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair for the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, praising them for winning the war in Iraq.
Yes, I know, Kissinger, but is there really any reason to keep the joke running this long?, most wanted playing cards

Not the first people to do this, but... TRO - "55 Most Wanted" Playing Card Deck Aims for Regime Change in U.S.

bush on a playing card with a halo

Tony Blair ends up as the Queen of Hearts. Hmm. Wonder what that is meant to suggest?


7th May 2003

Here's the t-shirt

Server back up again...

me in a t-shirt saying Brixton - Running Tings

I like it.

Frigging... is down. I was going to post pictures of an excellent t-shirt that my mate Greg sent me from London, but now I can't. I swear, this host is about as reliable as Livejournal.

Livejournal when it's being reliable, that is. Not when they "update the Chef Cluster" (every other week).

Penguin Chat

it is on this link here (needs Flash)

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an empty fridge