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Saturday, April 26th, 2003

Time:9:55 am.
Mood: lazy.
its so neat to me that in the blog... )

i've downloaded six episodes from kazaa: the pilot & second episode, 3 from the second season that i hadnt seen and the season 3 premiere because i wanted to watch that episode again.

i have a baby shower to go to today. i'm supposed to go to the store then my aunt's house at 10. *checks clock* yeah.. i'm not dressed and its already after 10. i blame donna dewberry and her hypnotic painting techniques.

(*personal reminder* Frontier House will be on sunday at 1PM... i wonder if its the whole series or just one episode... i never saw the first episode. - edit - its the whole series! party over here! i'm a nerd.)

yeah i should prolly get dressed.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Time:9:15 am.

I can't believe it! I got a 3rd row center ticket to John Mayer/CC through ticketmaster.

If anyone (debi?) wants my 26th row ticket for August 29th at PNC, please let me know. I will sell it for face value. It may actually get upgraded as they bust more and more scalpers.

And Debi, what show are you going to? I can try and see if the fan club has better seats for you. Let me tell you though, I was so fed up with that fan club. I can't believe tat ticketmaster was good to me (just like they were for teh circus last year). I guess it helps just trying to get single seats.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:a few links....
Posted by:tp_naomi.
Time:7:49 pm.
Mood: mischievous.
Music:trick question eh... ? ^_^ Tea Party of course!.
Hey Y'all... your friendly neighbourhood Tea Party freak here ^_^

Check out these great Tea Party sites going around ... (german site) (australian site)

Looking forward to hearing some new stuff from the boys ^_^
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Posted by:redmonika.
Time:1:37 am.
So I basically have to redo a website with over 500 megs of photos.

The guy who took care of it before, did it all with ACDSee, so it was all hardlinked and had jenky code...
but it worked

I took over, and I had a plan of using PHP to set up a photo database. No go, the host they went with runs PHP with "safe mode on" which means I can't use any of the kick assed photo gallery PHP packages out there. I even had a geeky friend of mine compile all of the PHP into CGI scripts so the gallery program could make the calls it needed too. I mean, the PHP idea was going to be great. I could just upload a .zip file and make uploading and making html pages like 687654x easier. No go - the CGI would not work on our server.

This has left me dead in the water - I've looked at other gallery packages, and the only one that kinda worked was this really crappy one called Coppermine which used this funky plugin to display the image.

I wanted to know, if any of you great web developers had any idea how I could make this website work better? Besides all the CSS stuff.

I basically have to redo this whole website, and I've spent my whole spring break figuring out that I can't salvage anything but the photos.

I just want some dreamweaver template, or something, some program - because as I see it, this website is not going to be dynamic the way I need it to be since PHP is run in safe mode.

Do any of you know any work-arounds?

It's page that hosts thousands of photos taken at faires.

Any advice?
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  3 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Posted by:roboticdreams.
Time:3:04 am.
Mood: annoyed.
Hey all. I need a bit of help. I wrote out this page, but for some reason one link at the top never works. At the moment it says main, you cant click on it and its in white, but all the other ones work. I tried deleteing the main link and then the link after it didnt work. I am soo confused. Could someone look at the sorce code for me and tell me if something is missing or wrong?! I am new to using yea. Ned help please!
Click for site
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  6 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:News on the Harlots
Posted by:sailorusagi.
Time:1:31 am.
Mood: groggy.
Crawl Spaces, the Harlots’ brand new disc, hits store shelves across Canada on April 29th, 2003! If you live outside of Canada or have no way of picking up a copy at a local retailer, you can order the disc online at

And don’t forget about the Harlots’ CD release shows in Toronto on Tuesday, April 29th at the Horseshoe Tavern and in Winnipeg on Saturday, May 3rd at the Zoo.

The band will also be in Regina at the State on Friday, May 9th and in Edmonton on Saturday, May 10th at the Sidetrack. Keep your eye on the show dates section at for added shows and more information in a city near you!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:dropdown menus and the ass-pain that is refreshing.
Posted by:rxqueen.
Time:2:12 am.
i'm currently using a dropdown menu form in my livejournal style that runs an external perl script for page redirection. two problems are frequently occuring.

one, the script itself ( runs perfectly once or twice and then seems to roll over and die. i'm not very familiar with perl, or scripts of any sort, really - so if there's a possibility this could be a script or database overload of some sort i'd appreciate it if someone could inform me.

secondly, and more importantly, it seems as though usage of the dropdown menu in combination with the browser's 'back' button creates a buildup of target code. in other words, selecting Profile >> GO, then returning to the LASTN page via the 'back' button and selecting another menu option creates a target of this nature:

ideally, a page or form 'auto-refesh' property would provide the solution to at least one of the above problems -- however i do not know if such a property even exists, and my searches have not yet yielded any helpful clues. if anyone has any solutions/suggestions, i'd be eager to hear any&all.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  5 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:12:09 am.
Mood: restless.
Music:Shakira - Whenever, Wherever.

there's no 'mood icon' on here for "selfish selfish bitch".

but that's about how i feel right now.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Friday, April 25th, 2003

Subject:Quick update about my aunt...
Time:10:29 pm.
Her surgery went very well. The cancer was a little deeper than the doctor at first thought, but it was actually smaller in length than first thought. The test results to make sure they got it all should be back on Tuesday, but the doctor seems to think everything should be fine. My aunt's vital signs were good throughout, and she's back to cracking jokes and worrying about everyone else already. My mom is exhausted, so I treated her to a bite to eat and some lighter talk tonight.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  4 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:pix, pic, pick your nose
Time:10:10 pm.
clickah fo' gustah
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:I'm Boooored .... watch me amuse myself
Time:7:42 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:Christina Aguilera - "Get Mine, Get Yours".
Because I don't do this often, I usually do 'em several at a time. And yes, I'm a nice blogger and I do put them behind a cut text, so you don't have to see your friends pages cluttered with my quizzes.

click me dammit! )
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  5 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:7:01 pm.
Mood: excited.
well...time to pack...
then sleep...
then i'm off to the cities to fly to philly :)

talk to you all laterrrr :D
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:Happy Birthday Jonah!!
Time:6:56 pm.
I know you might not stop and read this, but then again you might. I just want to say Happy Birtday to one very nice person from across the pond. I count myself very blessed and lucky to have you as a friend.

Happy Birthday Jonah :)
Mind the Gap
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:o/~ It's been... six months since you looked at me... o/~
Time:4:41 pm.
Mood: content.
Music:o/~ My heart was broken.... you saw it. You claimed it. You.
Hello all... remember me?

I've been "away" dealing with life and coming to terms with various aspects of the human condition. You know... love, war, old age, poverty, car repairs. Stuff like that. I didn't mean to disappear, and I didn't mean for it to be so long. A few of you on my friend's list may have seen some comments in your own journal's from me, and I've been putting in random appearances other places on the internet, but this post marks what I consider my "real" return to online life.

Nothing much has changed since I moved out of Seattle, but living in my parents basement has been a very eye-opening experience for me on several levels, and I think that, even though I can't wait to get the hell out of here, its been a good and positive experience for me. I've re-connected with my parents, had time to sort out and resolve some personal issues, discarded some emotional baggage. I filed for bankruptcy. I lost some weight.

I was saving a lot of that for my mid-life crisis, but this just worked out so well, I couldn't resist the opportunity.

More )
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  9 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:Quick Thought
Time:5:25 pm.
Mood: relieved.
Music:Thelonious Monk - "Straight, No Chaser".
I liked this entirely too much to not pass it along:

"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."
-- Jackie Robinson

Have a good evening, everyone!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  2 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:5:44 pm.
So, are there gonna be Bord Awards this year, or did they get overlooked in the downtime?

"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  5 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:2:30 pm.
Mood: infuriated.
I must not be called before 8pm my time. If you call, I will have my cellphone on and I will see who is calling, but I will most likely NOT ANSWER. I went 195 minutes over my daytime plan for 3/21 to 4/21, so Alltel is going to *bad word alert* ass-rape me to the tune of another $45.11, in addition to the usual $40, this month. I can't fucking afford this shit. And if I go up to the next plan, it takes effect... MAY 21ST. So either way, I'm screwed and I have been screwed. @(@*@#&@#&$&#&@ !!!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  2 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:let's try this again
Time:1:56 pm.
Mood:crossing my fingers.
Music:cursing invalid syntax errors.
OKGo was highly, highly excellent last night. Possibly the best show I've seen by them- perhaps they are just better outdoors?? The setlist is here, for those interested. I'll do a longer update on the show, but I gotta do a bunch of calling around for stuff right now.

userinfoangelbomb, if you have a shirt in the same hand-done style as mine, wear it tonight. I told them you made my shirt, and might be wearing a similar shirt, so maybe they will recognize you!!!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  2 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:NYC party tiiiime
Time:4:36 pm.
For anyone who will be in the NYC area (or hell want to come to NYC) you are cordially invited to attend the Parsons School Of Design Department of Photography BFA Senior Exhibition.

April 30 - May 9, 2003

Opening Reception:
Wednesday, April 30, 6-8pm (There will be wine and snacks!)

Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries
66 5th Avenue


Gallery at 2 West 13
2 West 13th Street

SO. Very. Excited....!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  3 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:3:21 pm.
Mood: excited.
Music:Guster - Pasty Tapes Vol. 2.
so...if you didn't notice from the subject...
i got my pasty tapes :D PERFECT timing :D

i highly enjoy them, and i was listening to them to and from classes today...
pasty tapes spoilers )

if anyone wants a copy...let me know..and i'll hook ya up :D

i also got my paycheck today....$210!!!! added to my other $ me yes...$310 for philly :D to do whatever with

see some of you this weekend!!! can't wait!!!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  4 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Posted by:prettysomeday.
Time:2:49 pm.
I used CSS to make text scroll but there is that ugly scrollbar underneath (look at my journal). How can I get rid of that?

Thanks in advanced.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  7 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:Todays Priceless Comment
Time:1:56 pm.
Otaku (1:55 PM) :
yeah and make his ass pay for gas
Otaku (1:55 PM) :
say gas for ass... even though he wouldn't be getting any
toto (1:55 PM) :
hehehe.. oh man.. thats priceless.
toto (1:55 PM) :
its like oil for food but better..
Otaku (1:56 PM) :

Im going to hell..
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:I dunno ...
Posted by:hfx_ben.
Time:12:17 pm.
... not sure that this sort of thing should be allowed.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  3 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:10:48 am.
Mood: silly.
Famous people I have had crushes on:
Scooby Doo
Paul Orndorf (a wrestler)
Uncle Al (sorta like a local Mr. Rogers)
Mr. Rogers
Michael Jackson
Kevin Hearn (those EYES)
Ed Robertson (those EYES)
Lionel Ritchie
Joey McIntyre
Alyson Hannigan (the ONLY female I have ever been attracted to, or well had a crush on)
Joey Ramone
Alice Cooper (I know he is extremely old, but hey!)
Dana Carvey (that smile)
David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King
Judd Nelson
Umm..probably a lot more, as I was a very fickle youngster. The thing was, I realized these were school girl crushes.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  9 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:10:49 am.
Mood: rushed.
shit im running sooooo late today.

but as you can see from my last post i needed sleep REALLY bad...

as for now:
1. finish watching Wed's Angel
2. finish doing laundry while doing #1
3. finish packing, or more aptly, start and finish packing heehee
4. go to bank, get mad cash, bling bling etc...
5. drive to Asbury Park
6. see lots and lots of bands'
7. go to Brad's and sleep

i will update again from Brad's house...

"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  1 slanderous statement :: spread rumors.

Subject:Ooh la la!
Time:10:48 am.
Mood: naughty.
Music:linkin park - breaking the habit.
First (in case some of you don't already know this) on my list of obsessions, it's BNL directly followed by Harrison Ford.

Okay, so I was watching the preview for Hollywood Homicide (Ford's new movie) on Apple's site. After seeing this part:

I got ten times more excited about seeing this movie. Yes, I'm a big perv. June 13, hurry up and get here! :p
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:Survey stolen from someone I do know (neferkiti)
Time:10:33 am.
another damn survey )
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  3 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Time:3:45 pm.
So i took the Portsmouth place. It's done. Scary stuff. Now I don't have to think about it again til 2004! wheeeee! lol. I now have a buttload of homework I have to do in the next three days. yikes. I have an english essay, to take a roll of film for art, produce the equivalent of 2 a1 boards for art, write up a brief for art and do an art history sketchbook. CRAP!

I'm karting tommorrow and sunday (yesssssssssssssssss!) so that gives me even less time. I'm so not looking forward to the early starts. ick. Plus it's been raining all day today and is scheduled for the same at the weekend. that sucks. ah well. off to try and do som work.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:I just wanted you to know, that I dont hate you anymore
Time:10:22 am.
My quote of the day;

"Those who say money is not everything have never walked into a grocery store and asked if you could pay for food with love."
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Time:8:45 am.
As promised, a few of the pictures from the weekend.

Today I do laundry over at mom and dad's while I take care of the dog while mom is with Aunt Brenda.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  3 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:After the first go-round
Posted by:revalkorn.
Time:5:54 am.
I picked up the latest Chantal Kreviazuk album on Tuesday (the first day it came out in the States--as I said before, it was much easier to keep up with Canadian artists when I was at Brock), and I hate to say it, but I'm not as impressed with this one as I was with Colour Moving and Still. Some of you have had the album for months longer than I've had it. What do you think?

By the way, has Sarah McLachlan put out anything studio since Surfacing?
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  2 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Subject:new pornographers
Posted by:tymbrimi.
Time:12:56 am.
Mood: amused.
Music:Tegan and Sara - Freedom (live acoustic).
the New Pornographers are gonna be on Letterman on July 17th!
yah I know it's early notice, but I just felt like telling everyone that one of their Junos is temporarily sitting in my Grandmother's living room for safe keeping ^_^ Kind of fun to hold... It's nice to have family connections!
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  1 slanderous statement :: spread rumors.

Subject:regime change begins at home!
Posted by:gregclow.
Time:1:24 am.

Playing Card Deck Shows Way to U.S. Regime Change

In the wake of the U.S.'s "pre-emptive" destruction of Iraq, her people, and her culture, the Trade Regulation Organization is issuing a "55 most wanted" playing-card deck similar to the one that the Pentagon issued two weeks ago in Iraq.



Halliburton ex-CEO

click here for more

"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  6 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

Thursday, April 24th, 2003

Subject:To Save My Mental Health
Time:10:38 pm.
Mood: peaceful.
as tenuous as it may feel some days ...

I have left userinfodepression, as it was exactly what I was afraid it would be ... depressed people talking about how depressed they are, and when someone offers help in any way, shape or form, some of them turn bitchy and lash out at you.

No offense to anyone that's a part of that community, and that has been helped by it, but I just couldn't take it any longer. It risked being more detrimental to my mental health and well-being than anything, so it was best for me to cut my losses now before it became worse.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  1 slanderous statement :: spread rumors.

Time:11:27 pm.
Mood: drained.
i am so tired i can barely function anymore.

i barely get sleep at night. i work (between 2 jobs) at the minimum 65 hours a week. i just joined a gym and need to start working out daily. i feel like i could cry because i just dont have the time in the day to fulfill everything i want in a full awake fashion.

i think i need to make work cut backs, no?

money is nice but it's not enough to justify torturing myself.

my eyelids are weighing down.. best hit "post" before it's too late...


ps- i just got an email from Price. that boy is just neato.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Subject:Sometimes it just feels really good...
Time:10:06 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:Matchbox Twenty - "If You're Gone".
to stand up for yourself and tell someone above you "NO". Even if you have to say it repeatedly, because they want to test your limits and see if you'll eventually bend.

Bad news for them ... apparently my spine has finally ossified and I'm willing to stand up to them and tell them to try again - but not with me. (Yes, I'm talking about work, my friends, lovelies and everyone else)

It's wierd, really, because when I moved from the front desk to my plot in the cube farm, I'd gone from being perfectly neutral to being thrust into office politics - which included the producers trying to take advantage of my still being wet behind the ears. Being a geek, I'd always considered myself to be the Switzerland of the office - perfectly neutral, no alliances or fealty to one person or department. Then, like Switzerland, which ultimately gave in, joined the United Nations and the European Union ... I moved up in the office, into an Insurance Broker's license and the Personal Lines department.

But, I digress. As I was trying to say originally, I'd gotten to where I was neutral to the point of being damn near apathetic and indifferent. I was so wrapped up in currying favor with everyone for so damned long that I'd gotten to where I was afraid of standing up to someone if/when I disagreed with them. Ah well. It took me about a year to get to where I could feel comfortable enough in my abilities and in myself to stand my ground, do my work in a way that is beneficial to my clients, and falls in line with the professional and ethical standards that my license may require.

So the producers may not like that I can't/won't/don't agree to work with them on the occasional problem child client. That I decline to do something because it would be cheating the insurance company (and the agency) in an attempt to save the client a small amount of money. Things like that.

Well, guess what. Life goes on. Your client may not be happy with either one of us for a short span of time - but they move on, finding something else to be grumpy over. You might storm off to your office and pitch a temper fit behind closed doors because you'd been defeated. Go ahead, whine at my supervisor. She's already been given a heads-up in case you decide to try and pull a fast one on her. Hell, even if I don't give her a heads-up, she's a damn smart gal, and can see past the bullshit.

So there. *pfffftttt* Don't like it? Too bad, so sad. I'll work with you, but to a limit.
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Posted by:seventhcircle.
Time:8:16 pm.
Fetish Cares
June 26th - 29th @ The Big Bop

Thought that this community might be interested in this event since there are a wealth of Canadian bands (as well as American imports like VAST), not only performing during the 4 day festival, but also quite a few of them are modeling in a fetishistic fashion show. All profits will be going to the AIDS Committee of Toronto

Canadian bands so far include: The Birthday Massacre, Superhalo, The Statistics, First Born Unicorn, No Assembly Required, Vampire Beach Babes, Sex Without Souls, Tepid Lust, Eden Ants, Delica, Vegasphere, Aphasia, C(X) and more to be announced...

Check out the site for full details and ongoing info that is constantly being updated

LJ Community: userinfofetishcares
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  spread rumors.

Time:6:39 pm.
oi so as soon as i'm done typing this, i'm on my way down to the greyhound station to bring home zeke. wheeeee! i feel sick. i don't know if it's nervousness (which would probably be more on her behalf than on my own) or the can of iced mochacino i had at lunch. which wasn't until 3:30. yeah, it's probably that.
so it's colder than i expected and i meant to have more food in the house and i'm fretting but it's going to be fine i just need to chill. there's a faster way to get down there but really only one way to get back because of the timing, so i'm going to take the long way there so i'll be sure to know how to get back without any wandering around. because i'm worried she'll have had a horrific experience on the greyhound and i want to make sure that all of the time she is actually in my company is pleasant and unstressful. which goal is making me stress the fuck out. again, i should chill.
all right. i'm off...
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  1 slanderous statement :: spread rumors.

Time:6:14 pm.
Mood: pissed off.

how does one expect to successfully take away a hard drive with 18 gigs of music on it...and stick it in a different computer and expect to be able to install windows and everything else it needs to be protected from evil internet things...

how? can one expect to take away said hard drive from the computer i use....with all of MY music on it...
need i remind you that music is my life??
i know it's just a hard drive...but if you put it on a different won't be able to play half the things on the other computer doesn't have a that screws everyone out of being able to burn things off of that drive....which, need i remind you...has all of my downloaded guster boots that i haven't been able to burn yet...

i WAS having a good day until this subject was brought up...
now i'm just irritated greatly...
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  1 slanderous statement :: spread rumors.

Posted by:sydney94541.
Time:3:15 pm.
Is there such a thing? If so which is the best program for a beginner in web design?
"I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts."  8 slanderous statements :: spread rumors.

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