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Searched the web for iraq card deck Results 1 - 100 of about 10,200. Search took 0.77 seconds.

Iraqi 55 "Most Wanted" Playing Cards - Only $5.95/deck
www.greatusaflags.com      As seen in the news, everyone wants this deck of playing cards.
Sponsored Link
Iraq’s Most Wanted Cards
www.iraqdeckcards.com      Iraq 55 Most Wanted Deck of Cards  As seen on TV, only $5.95
Sponsored Link

Sponsored Links
Iraqi Most Wanted Cards
Get the Iraqi 55 Most Wanted Deck.
Only $5.95. Buy 5 Get 1 Free!


"Most Wanted" Iraq Deck
Full set of 55 most wanted in Iraq.
Don't be fooled by imitations.


Iraqi "Deck of Death"
As given to troops. 55 Most Wanted
Iraqi leaders on premium deck.


Most Wanted Iraq Deck
Official Liberty Most Wanted Cards
Full Deck of 55 Iraqi Criminals


Iraq 'Most Wanted' Cards
Now in stock - only £4.95
Fast UK Shipping


Iraq's Most Wanted Cards
Get "Iraq's Most Wanted" Deck of
Playing Cards - USA affiliate


Iraq's Most Wanted Cards
As seen in the TV news, this is the
"most wanted" playing card deck.Aff


War on Iraq - Aftermath
What should be done now? Balanced
views from across the globe.

See your message here...

Get an 'Iraq Most-Wanted"Card Deck or the Brand-New Collectible ...
... pocket. You can get the same, casino-quality, 55 card-deck given to the
troops, featuring Iraq's 52 'Most-Wanted" leaders for FREE! Or ...
a.websponsors.com/c/s=87/c=27586/ - 42k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Iraq most wanted playing cards - 55 card deck
Buy a set of the 55 card deck of playing cards with the most wanted people
in Iraq. ... eBAY. Buy Iraq playing cards, most wanted, 55 card deck.
www.shops-online-uk.co.uk/iraq-most-wanted-cards.htm - 4k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

TRO - "55 Most Wanted" Playing Card Deck Aims for Regime Change ...
... culture, the Trade Regulation Organization is issuing a "55 most wanted" playing-card
deck similar to the one that the Pentagon issued two weeks ago in Iraq. ...
www.gatt.org/regime/ - 26k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Buy Iraqi Most-Wanted Deck of Playing Cards! 4.75 where to order ...
... faithful reproduction of the original Iraq decks of 55 cards presented to Centcom
and the Kuwait Embassy. This excellent quality 55 card deck manufactured by ...
www.armourdiecutting.com/mostwanteddeck/ - 15k - May 10, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

leftbooks.com Product Lists of Pages
... Who Dare Volume I Knowledge Card Deck. Gifts. Music CD: Working Class, by Pam Parker
and Friends. Anti-War Tee Shirts. Black Long Sleeve Tee Shirt: No War on Iraq. ...
www.leftbooks.com/online-store/ scstore/c-Gift_Calendars.html - 6k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Yahoo! Auctions: Memorabilia
$7.50, -, 2 days 3 hrs. IRAQ MOST WANTED IRAQI CARD DECK IN STOCK. No ...
auctions.yahoo.com/20424-category-leaf.html - 50k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

The eBook of Iraq's Most Wanted Cards
... Iraqi Freedom. Contains pictures of the entire 55-card deck given to
Coalition soldiers featuring Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. ...
www.ebookboutique.com/Ad/IraqiMostWanted.htm - 16k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

eBay Listings : Poker
... 07m. IRAQ'S 55 MOST WANTED Playing Card Deck Cards, $9.99, 1d 19h
45m. IRAQ'S 55 MOST WANTED Playing Card Deck Cards, $9.99, 1d 15h
42m. ...
listings.ebay.com/pool3/plistings/ list/all/category19085/?from=R13 - 101k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

eBay Listings : Board, Traditional Games
... 36m. IRAQ'S 55 MOST WANTED Playing Card Deck Cards, $9.99, 1d 20h
13m. IRAQ'S 55 MOST WANTED Playing Card Deck Cards, $9.99, 1d 16h
10m. ...
listings.ebay.com/pool3/plistings/ list/all/category2550/?from=R0 - 101k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from listings.ebay.com ]

beta blog: Get The Iraq Most Wanted Deck of Cards Just Like The ...
... This is the same 55-card deck given to Coalition soldiers featuring
the Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. Don't wait on this one! ...
www.betablog.com/archives/000099.html - 21k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Thieves and Kings
... Version 1.5 is now available!!! Thieves and Kings 1.5 allows you to choose your card
deck. Besides new default cards, the first new deck is the Iraq card deck! ...
www.thievesandkings.com/ - 7k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Iraq Most Wanted Deck of Cards - Artifacts
http://www.wantedartifacts.com click images to enlarge Click here
to reserve your Iraq's Most Wanted Card Set! Enter your email ...
www.hvaldwin.net/card_deck/ - 73k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

8TH IN EVIL CARD DECK TURNS UP. ... DOHA, Qatar - Muhammad Hamza al-Zubaydi, known as
Saddam Hussein's "Shiite Thug" for his role in Iraq's bloody suppression of ...
www.nypost.com/news/worldnews/74005.htm - 24k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... had been used in the war against Iraq for refueling ... with the pilots, officers and
on-deck sailors, some ... Card's plane arrived just a few minutes before Bush's jet ...
www.nypost.com/seven/05022003/news/worldnews/57285.htm - 26k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.nypost.com ]

... www.greatusaflags.com (sponsored listing). Iraq's Most Wanted Playing
Card Deck Order this high-quality deck of cards for only $5.95. ...
www.librarianjobs.com/lander/pages/ General.php?name=librarianjobs.com&term=Cards - 16k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

iraqi most-wanted deck of playing card :: Ginca.com
Most-Wanted Iraq. Ginca! We'll find it for you! ... Related 6. CNN WebSearch: Search
Results for '55-card deck of t... .. Most-Wanted Deck of Cards. ... ...
search.ginca.com/ iraqimost-wanteddeckofplayingcards.html - 31k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... Gin Rummy Rules For 2 players, standard 52-card deck used. ... British History Guide
James Appleyard explains how Iraq evolved from British protectorate to rogue ...
cardgames.about.com/cs/ginrummy/ - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Basics of Hearts
... rules page with everything listed from type of deck to game ... Subscribe to The Card
Games Newsletter. ... History Guide James Appleyard explains how Iraq evolved from ...
cardgames.about.com/library/weekly/ aa011200.htm?once=true& - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from cardgames.about.com ]

Iraqi Most Wanted Playing Cards
... This deck is "officially" licensed by US Playing Card, but is NOT licensed by the
US ... Cards - Includes 2 Packs of Cards Only $16 (or $8 per deck) USP-IRAQ ...
www.newtscards.com/cards/iraq.asp?REFERER=rdgpa - 66k - May 10, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Deuce of Clubs Gallery
... Clubs. Ms. Ultima inquires: So have you found out what evil scourge
is the deuce of clubs in the Iraq's Most Wanted Card Deck? Well ...
www.deuceofclubs.com/deuce/dgal160.htm - 6k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Deck stacked with 'most wanted' - The Honolulu Advertiser - ...
... A card deck consisting of 55 images of the "most wanted" Iraqi leaders is being
distributed to US troops on duty in Iraq. The US military designed the deck. ...
the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/ 2003/Apr/12/ln/ln63a.html - 63k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Forbes.com: A Winning Bet On Iraq's Most Wanted
... Some 200 decks of cards featuring Iraq's most wanted on ... contacted USPC, looking for
a new card publisher, and ... rights to sell a USPC-printed deck--complete with ...
www.forbes.com/business/smallbusiness/ 2003/04/25/cx_ah_0425cards.html - 63k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

channelcincinnati.com - Entertainment - Local Playing Card ...
... of Germany that was printed in between the card faces in case troops were captured
in World War II. SURVEY. Will you try to buy a deck of the 'Iraq's Most Wanted ...
www.channelcincinnati.com/entertainment/ 2154459/detail.html - 44k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Yor Ad here MultiScripts.com Get your Iraq Most Wanted Iraq Most Wanted Playing
Card Deck Playing Card Deck Here HomePage_125X125_Animated Click here Click ...
www.moneyinyourinbox.com/ - 14k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Scoop: Scoop Daily Ratings
... pre-emptive" destruction of Iraq, her people, and her culture, the Trade Regulation
Organization is issuing a "55 most wanted" playing-card deck ( http://gatt ...
www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/NM0304/S00017.htm - 34k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Trading Cards: American Crusade 2001+
... Saudi Women Citizens of Afghanistan Terrorist Evildoer Saddam Hussein of Iraq Bashar
Assad of ... Those of you looking to buy the Pentagon's 55-card deck of "Most ...
yorick.infinitejest.org:81/1/cards.html - 36k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Iraqi MOST WANTED cards For The Home - Buy It Now!
... of paper or some low quality playing card material. ... High quality deck - order today
before they sell out. ... April 12, 2003 – Coalition forces in Iraq are using ...
www.dutchguard.com/Merchant2/ merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=dc - 24k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Boston Globe Online / Sports / Wild card in a stacked deck
[ Send this story to a friend | Easy-print version | Search archives
]. Wild card in a stacked deck. UMass may be odd team out of NCAAs. ...
www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/073/sports/ Wild_card_in_a_stacked_deck+.shtml - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

... 2. Iraq's "Most Wanted" Playing Cards Get the Iraqi 55 Most Wanted Playing Card
deck for only $5.95! These are the same cards you've seen in the news. ...
www.fizgigs.com/page.php?page=cards - 22k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

CNN.com - Saddam trained for suicide, opposition leader says - ...
... Iraq Banner. Saddam trained for suicide, opposition leader says. ... (April 27) PLAY
VIDEO Iraq's only psychiatric hospital home to 1,200 patients, is looted. ...
www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/04/27/sprj.irq.chalabi/ - 42k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

CNN.com - US steps up WMD hunt in Iraq - Apr. 18, 2003
... of the most-wanted figures from the former regime and the five of clubs on the Central
Command's deck of cards ... Syria said it has sealed its border with Iraq. ...
www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/04/17/sprj.irq.war.main/ - 49k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.cnn.com ]

KREM.com | Spokane | Iraq
... The blast rattled the teeth of those on deck. A US-led war against Iraq may be
looming, but Capt. Kendall Card, on the bridge of the USS Abraham Lincoln ...
www.krem.com/sharedcontent/iraq/military/ 021303cciraqlincoln.625fd0a.html - 64k - Cached - Similar pages

KREM.com | Spokane | Showdown with Iraq
... Much depends on President Bush and on Iraq's compliance with ... jet takeoffs on the
flight deck and clanking ... 47-year-old captain, Gulf War veteran Kendall Card. ...
www.krem.com/news/specials/conflict/stories/ NW_021403AABusslincoln.d79cdaf.html - 71k - Cached - Similar pages

Veriana.org News Articles
Report: Aziz Tells Interrogators Saddam Is Alive Bio materal from US to Iraq Iraq
files 'show al-Qaeda link' They Came to Baghdad Playing Card Deck Shows Way ...
www.veriana.org/contents.shtml - 16k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

USATODAY.com - Most-wanted deck has card dealers flush with ...
... 27, a reservist from Hazleton, Pa., who wishes he had saved a deck as a ... Far more
decks are in the hands of card collectors than military forces in Iraq. ...
www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/ 2003-05-05-deck-usat_x.htm - 38k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Games Galore!
... DECK OF CARDS DOWNLOAD & SCREENSHOTS. Next page > Five Card Frenzy > Page 1 , 2
, 3 , 4. ... British History Guide James Appleyard explains how Iraq evolved from ...
shareware.about.com/library/weekly/aa031703a.htm - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

National and regional card games: USA
... and the Northeast, and was much played by American soldiers during the recent war
in Iraq. ... The 48 card deck, with two each of AKQJ 10 9 in each of the four ...
www.pagat.com/national/usa.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

HoustonChronicle.com - Aircraft carrier's crew coping with ...
... for its aircraft to patrol the no-flight zone over Iraq. ... one another during transit
-- Sunday night on the flight deck. "They barely touched paint," Card said. ...
www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/special/iraq/1812729 - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

ajc.com | News | A winning hand
... Related: • Photo gallery: Iraq's 'most wanted' deck of cards. ... Each 55-card deck
identifies 52 members of the Iraqi regime -- 39 with a picture, including ...
www.ajc.com/news/content/news/iraq/0403/28deck.html - 34k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Search our veterans Reunion and military database to find and ...
... a resolution in the Security Council to lift sanctions on Iraq imposed after ... Hussein's
defeated regime on the now-famous ''most wanted'' card deck have become ...
www.militaryinfo.com/news_main.cfm - 27k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

The Command Post - Iraq - Advisor surrenders
... I think the card deck "trumps" the top 55 list :) Posted by ... is this a new card game
I am going to have ... says that he's (still) claiming there are no WMD in Iraq. ...
www.command-post.org/archives/005288.html - 21k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... The cards were handed out to US troops in Iraq to help them identify suspects. ... He
has been listed in the 55-card deck as the five of clubs. ...
www.command-post.org/archives/005838.html - 9k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.command-post.org ]

The Black Vault
... Eye on Iraq: 52 Card Deck of Iraq's Most Wanted (Hearts and Spades). Black Vault
News . ... Eye on Iraq: 52 Card Deck of Iraq's Most Wanted (Clubs and Diamonds). ...
www.bvalphaserver.com/ modules.php?name=News&new_topic=50 - 42k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

The Black Vault
... 52 Card Deck of Iraq's Most Wanted (Hearts an... (393 reads | 1 comments)
2003.04.22. · 52 Card Deck of Iraq's Most Wanted (Clubs and... ...
www.bvalphaserver.com/ - 76k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.bvalphaserver.com ]

Germany Dealt the Jack of Diamonds
... of the Habbush wild card. Follow the game with your own "Deck of Death." CLICK
HERE. Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics: Saddam Hussein/Iraq. ...
www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/ 2003/4/21/212359.shtml - 33k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Funny Political News - Updated Daily
... Franken and Paul Wolfowitz Exchange Tart Words Salon.com Playing Card Deck Shows
Way ... Pizza Hut and Burger King Set Up First Franchises In Iraq Sydney Morning ...
politicalhumor.about.com/library/bldailyfeed.htm - 58k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Funny Saddam Hussein Pictures and Saddam Cartoons
... Denials From Baghdad Bob • Even Denials From Baghdad Bob • Iraq Conquers America ... Cards
New • Deck of Doom: Baghdad Bob Joker Card New • Deck of Doom ...
politicalhumor.about.com/library/ images/blsaddampictures.htm - 61k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

5StarAds: Miscellaneous
... Designer lingerie up to 80% off; Iraqi -Most Wanted- Playing Cards; Iraq Most Wanted ... Make
3 Grand A Week; Iraqi -52 Most Wanted- Playing Card Deck; Hate Spam? ...
www.5starads.com/ads/Miscellaneous.html - 12k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Rock Star Headquarters - The music industry leader for online ...
... Now you can own the Iraq Most Wanted 55 War Criminals Playing Card Deck. Issued
to Coalition troops just days ago with the orders "Find these SOB's". ...
www.rockstarhq.com/ - 26k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

NewsNow: Iraq - Environmental Issues
... Greenpeace launches anti-nuclear parody of US Iraq most wanted card deck Zawya
15:59 30-Apr-03. Greenpeace finds WMDs... Greenpeace 11:03 30-Apr-03. ...
www.newsnow.co.uk/newsfeed/ ?name=Iraq+-+Environmental+Issues - 42k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Student News Net: Explore Your World
... The 55-card deck was printed with the names and faces, when available,
of the “most wanted” of Iraq’s leaders. Iraq Playing Cards. ...
www.studentnewsnet.com/index.php?fuseaction=home.main - 30k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... Freedom. This is the same 55-card deck given to Coalition soldiers featuring
Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. Don't wait on this one! ...
www.nmh-mynt.a.se/WorldTradeCenterIssues.html - 32k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

CyberJournalist.net: Interactive Iraq coverage from NBC30.com
... site has a lot of interactive tools to offer at www.nbc30.com/iraq, including: •
Military ... of the few to post a slide show of the full 55-card deck of cards ...
www.cyberjournalist.net/news/000298.php - 22k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

MilkandCookies - Random
... Iraqi Card Deck Gallery (602 hits, pop-up) http://www.cnn.com/interactive/world/0304/gallery.iraq.card.
deck/content.1.html Rating: 6/7 Link: 6941 | Broken? ...
www.milkandcookies.com/random/ - 66k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Pray for Peace Bookstore
... Iraq's present weapons capabilities to uncover the neo-conservative forces behind
the White House's push for war on Iraq. ... A 64-card deck with original ...
surrealist.org/prayforpeace/books.html - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Product Information
... Also known as the "Deck of Death," this is a replica of the 55-card deck
given to Coalition soldiers featuring Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. ...
www2.pulsetv.com/st/prodinfo.asp?number=1661A - 12k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

FreebieDot.com Freebies - Tons of Freebies and Free Stuff!
... Card Deck. This is the same 55-card deck given to Coalition soldiers
featuring Iraq's 52 Most-Wanted leaders. Availability: US only ...
freebiedot.com/ - 15k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

CBS News | Coalition Takes Another Card | May 8, 2003 10:07:23
... VersionPrintable Version Coalition Takes Another Card DOHA, Qatar ... of the top cards
in the deck: Saddam and his ... as justification for the war in Iraq — and have ...
www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/ 04/23/iraq/main550823.shtml - 47k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

CBS News | Iraqi Nuke Expert Surrenders | April 17, 2003 08:00: ...
... Vince Brooks, of US Central Command, displays a 55-card deck of playing-sized ... United
States was holding several high-ranking Iraqi prisoners in western Iraq. ...
www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/ 04/17/iraq/main549776.shtml - 43k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.cbsnews.com ]

Ace of spades rises from ashes - War on Iraq - smh.com.au
... Abid Hamid, and his defence minister, Sultan Hashim al-Thai - the ace of clubs, ace
of diamonds and eight of hearts in the US card deck of fugitive ... War On Iraq. ...
www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/04/19/1050172799468.html - 23k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Amazon.com: Books: Instant Empire: Saddam Husseins Ambition for ...
... Links (What's this?): Iraq Most Wanted Cards Full 55 Iraq card deck
with Saddam and other most wanted Iraq men. www.greatusaflags.com. ...
www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1562790072/ - 54k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Amazon.com: Books: Sanctioning Saddam: The Politics of ...
... What's this?): Iraq Most Wanted Cards Full 55 Iraq card deck with Saddam
and other most wanted Iraq men. www.greatusaflags.com. Product ...
www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1860644732/ - 65k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.amazon.com ]

Hobby Heroes, The internet's Largest Collectibles Superstore!
... from Operation Iraqi Freedom. This is the same 55-card deck given to
Coalition soldiers featuring Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. ...
www.hobbyheroes.com/ - 52k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US testing Iraq chemical find
... said they had detained General Hossam Mohammed Amin, the former head of Iraq's arms
monitors and the six of clubs in the US "most wanted" playing card deck. ...
news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2979195.stm - 39k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | US arrests 'Baghdad mayor'
... has taken into custody General Hossam Mohammed Amin, the former director of Iraq's
arms monitors and the six of clubs in the US "most wanted" playing card deck. ...
news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2980381.stm - 40k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from news.bbc.co.uk ]

TheFreeSite.com is the best place to find freebies, freeware, ...
... free 55-card deck of the type that was issued to coalition soldiers participating
in Operation Iraqi Freedom. This collector's item features Iraq's "most wanted ...
www.thefreesite.com/Newest_Freebies/ - 26k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Disarmament of Iraq
... Aziz was the eight of spades in the military's card deck of top Iraqi leaders.
Aziz was often the public face of Iraq when reponding to accusations by the ...
www.gijargon.com/news.asp - 22k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... 7 20 45 75 110 150 Nuclear 6 25 55 90 130 175 # = Number of that card in the deck.
SELLER CARD LIST Country: # Profit Cannot Sell to: USA 4 +10% Iraq USSR 3 -10 ...
www.angelfire.com/games2/warpspawn/Warfair.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Iraq 55 Most Wanted with Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi Regime ...
... Department and sent out to selected personnel in Iraq. ... 300 of these decks printed
on card stock, cut in ... The first professional deck was printed by the United ...
www.streetgangs.com/iraq/ - 10k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Status report on US war goals | csmonitor.com
... the 55-card deck with pictures of wanted Iraqi officials issued to US troops (and
now going fast on eBay). Do the symbols match the ground truth in Iraq today? ...
www.csmonitor.com/2003/0418/p01s02-woiq.html - 60k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... You get the same, casino-quality, 55-card deck given to the troops,
featuring Iraq's 52 Most-Wanted leaders for FREE! (US Only). ...
www.1000samples.com/ - 36k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

DefenseLINK News Articles
... Saddam Hussein's defeated regime on the "most wanted" card deck keep turning ... 2003:
Bush Appoints State Department Official to Administer Iraq WASHINGTON, May 6 ...
www.defenselink.mil/news/articles.html - 25k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Worldandnation: Another Hussein adviser nabbed
... weapons inside Iraq. Al-Najim was the Baath Party regional command chairman for
east Baghdad and was ranked as the four of clubs on the 52-card deck US ...
www.sptimes.com/2003/04/19/Worldandnation/ Another_Hussein_advis.shtml - 41k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Playing Cards
... Civil War Union Emblems. Iraq War Playing Cards. Naval Spotter Playing Cards - 1940's-1960's.
US Games. ... US Games. 1995. World War I Posters Playing Card Deck. ...
www.djmcadam.com/playing-cards.html - 58k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Rumsfeld Rules Out Religious Iraqi Government -- Beliefnet.com
... US forces in Iraq have taken custody of Tariq Aziz, the former deputy prime minister ... 43,
the eight of spades in the military's card deck of top Iraqi leaders. ...
www.beliefnet.com/story/125/story_12573_1.html - 45k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Indiainfo.com -> Spotlight -> War on Iraq -> US troops capture ...
... for East Baghdad and was the four of clubs on the 55-card deck that US ... Al-Najim had
served as Iraq's Ambassador to Egypt, Turkey, Spain and Moscow and was a ...
news.indiainfo.com/spotlight/ usiraqwar/18uscapture.html - 18k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

WMBB-TV, Panama City, Florida - Military
... faces of Saddam Hussein's defeated regime on the now-famous "most wanted" card deck
have become ... It's Just Heartbreaking' What Saddam Did to Iraq, Rumsfeld Says ...
www.wmbb.com/features/military/index.shtml - 53k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

'Most Wanted' Novelties Boost Iraqi Economy
... thinking Iraqi businessmen are taking advantage of the current "Iraq's Most Wanted ... Information
Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf) in that card deck," gloats one ...
www.thespeciousreport.com/2003_novelties.html - 5k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

OregonLive.com: David Sarasohn
... A new 50-card deck of enemies ... Just to start with, there's Susan Sarandon, Colin
Powell, anybody who asks what happens next in Iraq, and the entire nation of ...
www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/ david_sarasohn/index.ssf - 26k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

DEBKAfile - Saddam’s Half-Brother Barzan Al-Tikriti Captured
... His importance lies in his status as an insider of the overthrown Saddam regime,
prominent on the card deck of 55 most wanted Iraqis and ... Who Will Rule Iraq Now ...
www.debka.com/article.php?aid=469 - 22k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Weird Links is a Bizarre Index of Weird Websites
... Why do people turn into vulgar heathens when they get on the web? Playing card
deck for US Regime similar to Iraq most wanted deck issued by Pentagon... ...
www.weirdlinks.com/ - 45k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Steaming Toward the Record Books, With No End in Sight ( ...
... Kendall Card knows the signs of fatigue among the 5,655 men ... one combat plane moving
around on the deck brushed the ... the "no-fly" zone over southern Iraq as part ...
www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ articles/A7972-2003Mar10.html - Similar pages

Pokemon Trading Card Game Forum at GameTalk
... 9/11/2001 (luna.org), Iraq (luna.org), Earthday (luna ... Pokemon Trading Card Game Forum
(GameBoy) Questions, Answers ... super evolution deck, 0, corpulent, Apr 29, 2003. ...
www.gametalk.com/talk/gb/pokemon_trading_card_game - 51k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Q&A on the news
... Published May 7, 2003 Q&A on the news QThe American military forces in Iraq issued
a 55-card deck with the pictures of the former regime's most wanted people. ...
www.startribune.com/stories/801/ - 38k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Q&A on the news
... Published May 6, 2003, QA06. QThe American military forces in Iraq issued a
55-card deck with the pictures of the former regime's most wanted people. ...
www.startribune.com/stories/801/3866132.html - 27k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.startribune.com ]

**Most Wanted** IRAQ!!!
... Iraq Most Wanted Cards $8.95 Single Deck. ... 144 Decks Most Wanted $999.95 only $6.95
per deck! ... work, spending time and money to research every card we could find. ...
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The Southern Illinoisan - Business - GOT-TO-HAVE-IT SOUVENIR: ...
... Nobody ever called Tariq Aziz a card. For a long time, he was the public face of
Iraq -- a serious ... prime minister a lowly eight-of-spades in its deck of cards ...
www.thesouthern.com/rednews/2003/ 04/27/build/business/BIZ006.html - 37k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Totally Free Stuff - Iraqi Playing Cards
Sign up today to get your free Iraqi “Most-Wanted” Card Deck (This is the
same 55-card deck given to Coalition soldiers featuring Iraq's. Click Here. ...
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Now That Everyone Else Has One
... of State Colin Powell, methodically making his case that Iraq has defied all ... whatever
assumptions you need to make (standard, unmarked 52-card deck, for example ...
matt979.blogspot.com/ - 58k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... You have to hit the deck running, you ... The Lincoln, set to engage in war against
Iraq, began conducting ... Southern Watch mission 24 hours after Card took over. ...
www.thesunlink.com/iraq/92656.shtml - 39k - Cached - Similar pages

Pete Best's Discount Magic And Cool Stuff Warehouse
... Freedom. This is the same 55 card deck given to Coalition soldiers featuring
Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted" leaders. Don't wait on this one! ...
www.pbdm.com/coolstuff32p.htm - 11k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... A card deck that's become a hot seller here at home. ... for Terrorism / War Would terrorists
retaliate against the United States, if we went to war against Iraq? ...
www.wixt.com/news/reminders/ - 23k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Welcome to Peter Werbe's Homepage!
... debate. [click] We were right about Iraq! Bush Lied! ... g. GOT THIS CARD YET?
Rumsfeld & Saddam. How about this deck? Collect them all! Click ...
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Readers' Views
... set of cards detailing the attractions in Sunday's 52 card deck? ... the sights on the
back of each card, then these ... their three weeks as POWs in Iraq, compared to ...
enquirer.com/editions/2003/04/22/ editorial_wwwedit2let22.html - 48k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Iraq Most Wanted Playing Cards
... just like the cards given to our troops in Iraq. ... This deck is being supplied to troops
in Kuwait and is produced by United States Playing Card Company, the ...
www.freeonlineslot.com/ - 4k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Free Entertainment Samples
... Sign up today to get your FREE Iraqi “Most-Wanted” Card Deck (This is the same
55-card deck given to Coalition soldiers featuring Iraq's 52 "Most-Wanted ...
ker-ching.com/Free_Stuff/Entertainment/ - 89k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

Great Flags USA
... Most-wanted Iraqis card deck. ... Each card lists an Iraqi leader's name and former title,
and -- if ... former deputy prime minister In custody in Iraq, according to ...
www.greatflagsusa.com/captured.html - 15k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

... in the 55-card deck. He is a former director of intelligence and the General Security
Directorate. Sab'awi was deputy chief of police in Iraq before Saddam ...
www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,84397,00.html - 69k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

WHAS11.com | Louisville | Iraq
... ABOARD THE USS IWO JIMA — A V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor touched down on the deck of
the USS Iwo Jima at 1:11 pm Tuesday, the first time in almost three years that ...
www.whas11.com/sharedcontent/iraq/multimedia/ 011703cciraqosprey.30faf906.html - 67k - Cached - Similar pages

Newhouse A1
... The cards made by US Playing Card Co. ... The most famous such deck, White said, was given
to troops ... Individuals can view the Iraq cards, and even print out their ...
www.newhousenews.com/archive/orr042803.html - 18k - May 9, 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

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