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Dow: living, poisoned daily
Visit the Great Bear Rainforest
Nuclear weapons playing cards

Tell Exxon/Esso it's time to face the music
Hidden poisons in your home
Unborn babies are exposed in the womb to toxic chemicals.
Maybe you live in a nice house, with a sparkling bathroom, comfy carpet, air that smells of alpine meadows and lovely polished surfaces? Well next time you buy polish, shampoo, detergent, toys for your kids or a new television you could also be bringing some nasty chemicals into your home. Do you want to remain an unwitting chemical consumer?  Moremore
Weapons of Mass Destruction found!
Since the US and the UK are having such a hard time finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we thought we'd lend a hand by providing this easy guide to the nukes we know about.  Moremore
Turn the page and the forests are Finnished
Europe is known more for its ancient cities than ancient forests. And if Finnish paper companies have their way, there may soon be nothing left of the old forests that once covered most of Europe. But Greenpeace activists confronted paper imports in Germany to expose the ongoing destruction of Finland's forests.  Moremore
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Monsanto: heading for disaster?...MoreMore Button
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