Latest update: Mon Apr 28 2003 10:46 PDT

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4/28/03 False Alarm? - Experts Believe Positive Tests for Chemicals Were Wrong

4/28/03 "the first causality in war is the truth"

4/28/03 Israeli calls for "regime change" in Iran and Syria According to the Israeli ambassador in Washington, Daniel Ayalon, the regime change in Iraq was "not enough."


4/28/03 Anti-war Crowd Demands Proof of WMDs


4/28/03 Wal-Mart suit could be largest ever against private employer

4/28/03 Female workers file bias suit against Wal-Mart

4/28/03 Russian Rocket Takes Two To ISS

4/28/03 Halliburton Defends No-bid Iraq Contract Halliburton nearly doubled the value of federal contracts it received – from $1.2 to $2.3 billion – during the five years Cheney was its CEO. “I’m not saying it’s illegal,” says Lewis, who points out that many former high-ranking military officers work for firms seeking federal contracts. “They set up the system for themselves, and they may be doing it in red, white and blue, but they’re doing quite well.”

4/28/03 No WMD? No Problem! Jacoby is honest enough to admit that we may, in fact, never find Saddam's alleged arsenal of terror. But, you see it doesn't even really matter if we do. "Now it is conceivable," he concedes, "if just barely, that when all is said and done, the search for Iraq's WMD – 'weapons of mass destruction' – will turn up nothing…. [b]ut in a larger sense, all of this is beside the point."

4/28/03 Libel Award Against Anti-Defamation League Upheld Israel's supporters can be sued for smearing people as "Anti-Semitic".

4/28/03 Flashback to Sept, 2001: Paul Wolfowitz's campaign to bomb Iraq

4/28/03 Iraqis target Gen. Franks for war crimes trial

4/28/03 I wonder when America will say it's had enough of the lies, the god-posturing, the policy of naked aggression cloaked with moral assurance and certainty, and the destruction of our freedoms. I've had enough.

4/28/03 Springsteen backs under-fire Dixies

4/28/03 US subservience to Israel

4/28/03 US Lied About Iraq WMDs - Ritter

4/28/03 Another Fine Mess From Army Intelligence

4/28/03 Are we looking at another frame-up? The caption claims the truck in the foreground was used to mix chemicals, but aside from being stripped for parts, there are no structures on the truck consistent with handling liquids, let alone dangerous ones.

4/28/03 U.S. Official Warns of Chemical Threats The latest "booga booga" to keep Americans too scared to think.

4/28/03 On message, on script Democrats are so afraid of fallout — of being called unpatriotic — that a "prominent Democratic senator" had to go off-the-record recently to tell the New York Times the White House is pursuing a policy of "never-ending war" in order to keep the U.S. public from focusing on Bush's domestic record and get him re-elected next year. A senator who doesn't want his name in the paper? Now, that's intimidation.

4/28/03 'Dream a little dream...' Let's imagine that the same rules that applied to Democrats in the 90's apply to Republicans today.

4/28/03 'US military bases: The spoils and deceptions of war'

4/28/03 'George W. Bush, war criminal'

4/28/03 'U.S. Iraq policy for dummies'

4/28/03 Remember the lessons of Lebanon

4/28/03 Antiwar Protesters Say Cops Used Excessive Force

4/28/03 Al-Qaida links still dubious The intel boys back off the forged and planted documents.


4/28/03 Israel violates Lebanese air space again.

4/28/03 Further tests ordered on suspicious Iraqi chemicals "And we will KEEP testing until we get the results we want!"

4/28/03 Aziz Tells Interrogators Saddam Is Alive

4/28/03 Hidden Saddam arsenal 'will be found' Phony Tony can never admit the WMDs are there or he will lose his job.

4/28/03 John Pilger: How to justify the murder of a 10 year old boy How to make a US soldier who machine-guns a 10 year old kid look sympathetic.

4/28/03 U.S. States Wrestle with Surging Medicaid Costs

4/28/03 SMOKING GUN STINKS OF SPOOKS CALL me a cynic, as many do, but I have great difficulty in believing all the top-secret files cascading from the bombed-out ministries of Baghdad.

4/28/03 Israel is happy to see a major strategic threat removed

4/28/03 The spooky provenance of the smoking gun that backfired

4/28/03 Galloway: I'm the victim of Blair's revenge

4/28/03 Potentially high levels of a toxic chemical in rocket fuel have been detected in winter lettuce purchased in Northern California supermarkets

4/28/03 Israel Wants EU to be Sidelined in Mideast Deal

4/28/03 Remember the guy kissing the US Soldiers He also helped tear down the Saddam statue.

4/28/03 "Thievery in Baghdad"

4/28/03 Jewish Group Uses Toys To Blast Palestinian Schools

4/28/03 SANTORUM'S SINS Fag-bashing is the least of it – this jerk wants a government crackdown on campus criticism of Israel

4/28/03 Blair 'confident' of weapons finds Tony Blair has urged people not to "jump around gleefully" over the fact the US-led coalition has failed to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

4/28/03 Israel now claims Iran behind suicide bombings.

4/28/03 Technology Users Rejoice as Judge Rules That Peer-to-Peer Software Such as Gnutella is Legal This is a slight misstatement of the facts. The Judge ruled that the makers of peer-to-peer software are not liable for criminal use of that software, no more than gun manufacturers are liable for crimes committed with guns. The Judge has NOT ruled that it is legal to use file sharing software to violate copyright.


4/28/03 The Police State Agenda

4/28/03 Our shame still lies in the Katyn forest

4/28/03 Israel: Next, turn the screws on Syria Bush: ""

4/28/03 About Half of Likud MKs are Members of Settler’s Lobby

4/28/03 Unembedded Thoughts on the Great Patriotic War

4/28/03 Bush May Be a Write-In On More Than One State Ballot Was someone not paying attention, or is missing the deadline an excuse to toss out the election results of they don't go the way Der Fuhrer wants?

4/28/03 Gagged by the Flag

4/28/03 Halliburton: All In The Family The US taxpayer is the real loser in the Iraq war.

I wouldn't be so sure. Despite claims that the cash is counterfeit, the discoloration on the edges shows that this money has been in circulation somewhere before being bundled up like that.

4/28/03 Top 5 reasons why the Iraqi people should be more like Americans:

4/28/03 More Like 'The Matrix' Every Day Except that I don't look anything like Keanu Reeves!

4/28/03 Major media conglomerates get their reward for supporting the war

4/28/03 British intelligence officials have expressed doubt that Saddam Hussein established any working relationship with al-Qa'ida, despite the discovery of documents showing an envoy for Osama bin Laden visited Baghdad in 1998.

4/28/03 Ex-CIA Professionals: Weapons of Mass Distraction: Where? Find? Plant?

4/28/03 "You will drink your Coca-Cola and you will LIKE IT! This is AMERIKA!"

4/28/03 Playing Card Deck Shows Way to U.S. Regime Change Normally I don't pay attention to plugs for commercial products, but these are just too cool and I am going to order a set of these myself.

4/28/03 End of The Income Tax? And National Bankruptcy

4/28/03 Sharon Recruits US Mercenaries Against Syria Wait, we sent HIM Money!

4/28/03 Arms experts begin tests on barrels of 'nerve agent' "The contents of the 12 barrels will be transported to US government laboratories in Maryland in an effort to identify the chemicals. The process is expected to take up to a week." Note they are taking not just samples, but the entire contents to the US lab, so that nobody else can check on the conclusions.

4/28/03 Jerusalem is still the real issue

4/28/03 During the Iraq war, Americans snubbed local online news sources such as Fox and USA Today in favour of The BBC World Service and Al-Jazeera ... and one or two others. :)

4/28/03 SEOUL COUNTERFEIT NOTES ALMOST PERFECT! Counterfeiting is the job of the Federal Reserve, dangit!

4/28/03 U.S. weighs shift of forces in Gulf Strongest sign yet that the wars of conquest are not over.

4/28/03 Banfield Lashes Out at Own Network


4/27/03 ENGLAND ROCKED BY NEW HUGE SCANDAL Commissioner Sir John Stevens, the most senior police official in Great Britain, releases the findings of a report, documenting that a special branch of British army intelligence coordinated the murders of Catholics in Northern Ireland.

4/27/03 Rumsfeld again warns Iraqi neighbors

4/27/03 U.S. Seeks to Keep Gulf Military Presence

4/27/03 Paris and Berlin prepare alliance to rival Nato

4/27/03 The Link Archives Page 9 of this issue [PDF version] lists the 34 times over the past 30 years that the United States has vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions critical of Israel.

4/27/03 Pause the postwar glee to ask: Were supporters misled?

4/27/03 Did the United State murder journalists?

4/27/03 Americans kick out 'mayor of Baghdad'

4/27/03 Perpetrators of the holocaust against Christian Russia transform themselves into "survivors" of a holocaust.

4/27/03 Companies Eliminated More Jobs in March: U.S. Economy Preview

4/27/03 Skepticism over Saddam-Osama link

4/27/03 Cops' big secret in Laci's death Weeks before the remains of Modesto's Laci Peterson and her unborn son Connor washed up on the Richmond shoreline, investigators say they had found her watery grave through side-scan sonar that penetrated the inky darkness inside a Chevron shipping channel.

4/27/03 Baghdad's Self-Appointed 'Mayor' Arrested

4/27/03 CNN AND PSYOPS Military personnel from the Fourth Psychological Operations Group based at Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, have until recently been working in CNN's hq in Atlanta.

4/27/03 Jobless and Hopeless, Many Quit the Labor Force

4/27/03 Police Get Power to Check Prints On The Spot And like the facial scanning software, expect far more "false-positives" than actual criminals.

4/27/03 Unions demand inquiry into police tactics at port

4/27/03 Secret Exposure: U.S. tested chemical weapons on own citizens

4/27/03 Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis Unite To End Anarchy

4/27/03 Controlling the news with 'embedded' journalists

4/27/03 'Bull Durham' stars go 'On the Record' with Costas

4/27/03 'Empire' creeps into analyses of U.S. world role

4/27/03 Iraq victory may be opening move in U.S. strive for supremacy

4/27/03 IRS reverses decision on tax-exempt groups tied to Gingrich Interesting timing coming as it does on the heels of Gingrich's recent public statements.

4/27/03 Wash. Police Chief Kills Self, Hurts Wife

4/27/03 Iraq may have to leave the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries so it can pump out extra oil to pay for the country's reconstruction, says a former Iraqi oil minister who is now a key adviser to the American government. I'll bet the US oil companies feel really bad about that, too.

4/27/03 Bush always suspected Saddam was behind 9/11 Despite the fact that the documents have been pretty much discredited by the sheer number of different media claiming to have "discovered", Bush wants to create a link from Saddam to 9-11 to justify the war. The problem is, all the documents claim is that there was a meeting from an Al Qaeda envoy and some official in Iraq. But what if the meeting was to tell the envoy to go jump in the lake? After all, Saddam was the last Arab leader Osama would approach, given that Osama wanted to create Islamic states, while Saddam's rule was s secular one.

4/27/03 A War Crime Or an Act of War? CIA Analyst: Iraqi Kurds were probably gassed by Iran, not Iraq

4/27/03 Richard Perle proposed war not only on Iraq, but on Saudi Arabia and Egypt as well. One of the justifications for this design is the need to defend Israel.

4/27/03 Multiculturalism not for Israel

4/27/03 Journalism?

4/27/03 Carving Up The New Iraq

4/27/03 Halliburton, Dick Cheney, and wartime spoils

4/27/03 Richard N. Perle - From Disinfopedia, the encyclopedia of propaganda.

4/27/03 Tax package passes House committee over lobbyist objections The House approved $272 million in tax increases and other revenue late Saturday over the loud objections of Republicans and business lobbyists who called boosting taxes on cigarettes, booze and candy a "job-killer" in an already weak economy.

4/27/03 Opponents of wind farms 'misled' public

Check this out.

4/27/03 First paragraph of the Telegraph version of the story "Iraqi intelligence documents discovered in Baghdad by The Telegraph..."

4/27/03 First paragraph of the Toronto Star version of the story "Top-secret Iraqi intelligence documents, unearthed by the Toronto Star in the bombed-out ..."

4/27/03 Sunday Telegraph: "No, OUR guy found the documents!!!"

4/27/03 Chronicle: "No, WE found them!!!!!!!

4/27/03 ABC: "No, WE found them, the rest of you bugger off!"

So, who found the documents? Or were there so many copies left around that every newspaper found a set?

4/27/03 And the Sunday Times gets in on the act too! "The Sunday Times reported that its own journalists had found documents in the Iraqi foreign ministry that indicate that France gave Saddam Hussein's regime regular reports on its dealings with American officials. "

Interesting that the CIA had already been through the buildings with a fine-tooth comb and they didn't find any of these incriminating documents.

4/27/03 This story has a photo of a document. Note the white-out where Osama's name is supposed to have been hidden.

4/27/03 Toronto Star staff correspondent Mitch Potter found the documents!

4/27/03 No, no, no, NO! Inigo Gilmore found those documents!!!!!!!!

4/27/03 Of 'Zionist Jews' And 'Zionist Aryans' : An Enquiry into the Mechanics of Self-Sabotage by the Revisionist and Pro-Palestinian Movements "If you are talking about Zionists then stick with that classification. It is gratuitous and racist to mix "Jews" into the equation. You are well aware that there are Judaics who are anti-Zionist, anti-rabbi, pro-freedom and even pro-Arab. "

4/27/03 My Arrest in Front of a House My Ancestors Built

4/27/03 West Bank - Peace Camp Slated for Dynamiting by Israeli's

4/27/03 Israeli court rules that int'l law does not bar use of flechettes Yeah, and the German courts said everything Hitler did was legal, too.

4/27/03 Soldiers find Iraqi chemical 'dump' Actually, they found drums that Bush hopes contain something to retro-actively justify the war. However, without UN (or any other third party) observers, the possibility that Charles Duelfer has repeated his past games of planting evidence cannot be ruled out. Once the drums are moved, the chain of evidence is broken. No doubt, as was the case with the claimed discovery of VX gas, the US will discourage any outside independent tests.

4/27/03 Double jeopardy for the global economy The guardians of global growth are putting on a brave face, but after years in the doldrums the world economy is still in serious jeopardy.

4/27/03 Visiting professor speaks on "Topplegate" "Topplegate" was a staged event to mask the fact that, while Iraqis weren't fond of Hussein -- a terrible man, Ewen said -- they also do not want an American occupation.

4/27/03 Bush considers victory parade In New York, to symbolically link to 9-11

4/27/03 Wall Street firms to pay $1.4B in settlement on tainted reports Brokerages rigged reports during the "boom" of the 90s.

4/27/03 An attorney for Canadian David Hudak is asking why prosecutors have zealously pursued his client for allegedly stockpiling warheads in Roswell but ignored the company from which Hudak purchased the weapons.

4/27/03 Bush Allowing Corporate America To Violate Patriot Act

4/27/03 Marine Discusses Execution-Style Killing

4/27/03 Shultz denies role in Bechtel's Iraq deal - GOP insider says he 'made no calls' How about visits, FAXes and calls by an intermediary?

4/27/03 Head of Joint Chiefs Defends Use of Cluster Bombs in Iraq

4/27/03 Chalabi says expects capture of Saddam, sons soon

4/27/03 Finding banned weapons in Iraq irrelevant, British official claims If simple defiance of the UN is reason to invade, then what of the fact that Israel has defied more UN Resolutions than Iraq?

4/27/03 SARS news resource

4/27/03 Chalabi says Saddam has suicide belts .. and bad breath, Saddam has really had breath. And he farts in elevators, too!

4/27/03 Little federal aid for states White House, pushing tax cuts, says red ink may shrink state government And in that last one may lie the real agenda, abolishing the state governments in favor of direct federal rule.

4/27/03 Hussein Given Safe - Haven In Belarus?

4/27/03 Agreement to Grant Israel $10 Billion by US to be Signed this Week

4/27/03 Israel plans to hold its first issue of bonds backed by American loan guarantees in July 2003 But if you're one of the states, fahgeddaboudit!

4/27/03 Up to 1 Million Iraqis May Get Pay This Week -U.S. ... and we only had to slash veteran's benefits a little bit to pay for it.

4/27/03 Saddam alive and on the run And JUST when Bush needed a villain, too!

4/27/03 Criticism of the State of Israel Is Not the Same as Anti-Semitism

4/27/03 The truth is "hate speech" only to those who have something to hide See above

4/27/03 Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies

4/27/03 Japan FM rejects Powell appeal not to meet Arafat US acting like it runs the world.

4/27/03 It Won't Just Go Away


4/26/03 Latest forged documents to bolster case for war. "They were just sitting there in a folder right where we could trip over them when we walked in. Imagine that, and after the place had been bombed, too!"

Check this out.

4/26/03 First paragraph of the Telegraph version of the story "Iraqi intelligence documents discovered in Baghdad by The Telegraph..."

4/26/03 First paragraph of the Toronto Star version of the story "Top-secret Iraqi intelligence documents, unearthed by the Toronto Star in the bombed-out ..."

So, who found the documents? Or were there so many copies left around that every newspaper found a set?

4/26/03 The damning of Gorgeous George Damning documents were found in pristine condition, in a room filled with badly burned records, in a building nobody else in the media had any interest in..

4/26/03 LACI PETERSON - INTERESTING TIMING? I HAVE QUESTIONS My friend replied, "I think there's more going on here. I think someone wants to knock something out of the headlines and we are going to have another OJ Simpson trial."

4/26/03 To the People of Gaza: From the Family of Rachel Corrie

4/26/03 THE LIBERATION RAGES ON "I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt. Nick Boggs

4/26/03 The USA PATRIOT Act Was Planned Before 9/11

4/26/03 Afghanistan commander promises Bush "thousands of Osama bin Ladens."

4/26/03 Oh Really O'Reilly Bill O'Reilly is getting more dangerous as he accumulates more power in his position as lead lap dog at Fox.

4/26/03 Bush on a revenge mission Merde!

4/26/03 The view from Wonderland Are the people who are caught up in a mass delusion ever aware that they are living in a malignant fantasyland? Did the puritans of the Salem colony suspect that they were not hanging real "witches," but instead were collectively engaged in a monstrous injustice? Did the "good Germans" in the 1930s ever doubt that Adolf Hitler was anything less than what the captive press said he was: the "savior of the nation and the protector of the Aryan race?" Did the "good patriots" of the 1950s ever ask for proof that Senator Joe McCarthy really had a list in his hand of "known communists in the State Department?" (The number changed with each speech). How long did we persist in believing the telegenic generals' reassurances that "we've turned the corner in Viet Nam," and that "there was a light at the end of the tunnel?"

4/26/03 Personal Voices: Letter to the President

4/26/03 Fury as explosion at weapons dump kills 40 Read that fifth paragraph: "A series of loud explosions, lasting about an hour, were heard in the city centre from about 8am (1400 AEST). US troops said they were caused by controlled detonations to destroy Iraqi munitions as part of a continuing program."

4/26/03 Millions trapped as Beijing shuts gates

4/26/03 Leaked document exposes pro-Israel lobby's manipulation of US public Relinked at reader request

4/26/03 US lawmaker says Syrian support for Hizbullah damages ties Senator Bob Graham, $94,250 from AIPAC.

4/26/03 Blair signals euro go-ahead despite tests

4/26/03 Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies

4/26/03 Catch Hannity in an error and he'll denounce you as a tool of terrorists.

4/26/03 Abu Abbas given amnesty by Israeli court Israel was facing severe global criticism in 1985 when the Achille Lauro hijacking took place. In a single day, all criticism of Israel vanished. Now, years later, the mastermind of that hijacking turns out to have been protected by the Israeli government that benefited from his crime.

4/26/03 Suspected Terrorist Received Fellowship Something very disconnected between Atta's real life and the claim he was a terrorist mastermind. Atta is starting to look more and more like an intelligence agent.

4/26/03 MOHAMED ATTA WORKED FOR ELITE U.S.—GERMAN GOVERNMENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Relinked at reader request. Funny how the "bad guys" always seem to turn out to be working for our government.

4/26/03 The Defamation League This case establishes, in a court of law and under full rules of evidence, that Israel's supporters smear people as "anti-Semitic" who are not actually anti-Semitic. The ADL, having over-used this phrase as a smear tactic, have now rendered the phrase meaningless. Those smeared with the label "anti-Semite" should use this lawsuit as a precedent and start suing anyone who publicly attacks them as anti-Semites. (Unless you really ARE an anti-Semite, in which case shut up and go away; you're not helping things).

4/26/03 FLASHBACK: The ADL spying case. Far from preserving the image of the Jewish people, the ADL's crimes are a source of constant embarrassment and shame.

4/26/03 US should focus on Israel's WMDs: Pak MP

4/26/03 Why won’t Washington allow the UN weapons inspectors into Iraq? Because they STILL won't find anything that justified a war.

4/26/03 Delusional MD Epidemic Grows

4/26/03 Aziz UK 'asylum idea' denied

4/26/03 Tax money better spent on home front

4/26/03 MSNBC's Banfield: Media filtered realities of war "According to Banfield, U.S. broadcasters do not accurately inform the American public of the basic reason behind widespread Islamic distrust of the U.S. -- the American government's continued unwillingness to treat Israelis and Palestinians as equal partners in the future of Israel."

4/26/03 Top US State department official calls Gingrich an "idiot" Newt's comment about "fruits of hard-won victory" was pretty stupid.

4/26/03 Israel cuts number of Christian worshippers at Orthodox Easter ceremony For safety reasons, right? I mean it's not like they have a religious bias or anything like that.

4/26/03 God's chosen molesters

4/26/03 At least six people have died in a series of explosions at an arms dump on the edge of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

4/26/03 U.S. Forces Blame Attackers for Baghdad Arms Blast The Iraqi hospital is reporting 40 dead, not 6, so already the US is caught lying about this incident.

4/26/03 Far right greases skids for GOP fall

4/26/03 Bio-Terrorism & SARS

4/26/03 Okay, there are no WMDs, so we better come up with another good reason we invaded. No, not the OIL, I mean a reason the suckers will buy for the next elections!

4/26/03 Iranian nuclear program top threat to Israel: general "Sic' em!"

4/26/03 Dangerous Liaisons Iraq isn't the only place where despots have been sitting atop oil reserves. How does a company like ExxonMobil keep its pipelines filled without getting its hands very dirty?

4/26/03 Sticker Shock - President Bush's re-election strategists are planning a double-edged blitz next year fueled by the patriotism of Sept. 11 commemorations and financed by the free-spending donors who broke all contribution records when he ran in 2000. There is no truth to the rumor that Bush will air a captured video tape showing Democratic leaders testing nerve gas on cute puppy dogs.

4/26/03 Prime Time Payola Is Clear Channel buying political favors with pro-war fanaticism?

4/26/03 Conquest but no success for Bush in Iraq

4/26/03 U.S. threatens Syria 'to serve Israeli interests'

"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."-- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

4/26/03 Is Everything We Learned a Myth?

4/26/03 Administration bent on dictatorship

4/26/03 Actual MPEG of Bush joking about being a dictator

4/26/03 Weapons inspector says US lied Okay Saddam, we were wrong, you can have your country back!

4/26/03 The Bush 'Warbucks' Family Cashes In

4/26/03 Fox News would be right to rethink 'fair and balanced' Watching Fox News Channel is like visiting a cult.

4/26/03 Israeli assassins likely to pose as Canadians: expert

4/26/03 North Korea warns of "merciless deadly blows" at US We'll probably find out about it first here in Hawaii.

4/26/03 The Story of the 'Wood Pecker - Coalition, Pecking on the 'Wrong Tree' - Iraq The Sunnis and Shi'its, who are supposed to be at each others throat in their struggle for power, are now united. ... In the meantime, all the Muslim neighboring countries of Iraq, all 8 of them, some of them are USA's best allies in the Middle East held a forum, calling unanimously, USA/UK forces to withdraw form Iraq.

4/26/03 US draws sword of trade retribution What this means is that our government will allow countries that support the war to dump their crap on the US consumer, well aware that competition from higher quality products made in nations that oppose the wear will be kept out.

4/26/03 The spooky provenance of the smoking gun that backfired The fact remains that the Iraq war has been a boon for forgers and peddlers of misinformation. Take the phony war's great hoax: the dossier that Colin Powell finally presented to the UN in early March as "proof" that Iraq had imported illicit uranium ore from Niger.

4/26/03 Rocket blasts off with Russian and US astronauts aboard

4/26/03 Iron-Fisted Media Monopolists Clobbering Opposition FCC (i.e. Colin Powell's kid) To Let Media Bosses Rule Your Airwaves

4/26/03 Bush's Revenge

4/26/03 Libel Award Against Anti-Defamation League Upheld

4/26/03 Whose war is this? Note the date.

4/26/03 US Dollar has lost up to 30% of its value compared to other foreign currencies in the last 4 months!

4/26/03 Perle's Double Whammy

4/26/03 Puzzle pieces fit to reveal US fundamentalism

4/26/03 Syria: Where are weapons of mass destruction? Syrian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says Mideast peace begins when Israeli occupation, settlement end.

4/26/03 The Decline and Fall of American Journalism (Part LXV): the Case of Judy Miller

4/26/03 We won't stop in Iraq - Bush aide Frankly, I am getting sick of Perle (et. al.) saying "we" won't stop in Iraq when "they" are sitting safely in Washington sending your money and your children to foreign lands.

4/26/03 They Let It Happen On Purpose! 9/11 The final Dots - Top 20 LIHOP Suspects

4/26/03 Bush on a revenge mission

4/26/03 Rumsfeld's conflict of interest and ASPARTAME

4/26/03 What happened to free speech in America? Well, what happened is that [REDACTED DUE TO NATIONAL SECURITY BY ORDER OF THE [REDACTED DUE TO NATIONAL SECURITY ON THE ORDER OF [REDACTED]]].

4/26/03 Rally set for today for Bill of Rights

4/26/03 Bush's World War Four

4/26/03 Rush Limbaugh: The Father of Lies The angle of Limbaugh’s argument was that the media was doing the outrageous thing of calling into question the possible conflict of interest in having men of the Jewish faith, supporters of Israel, advising Bush on matters having to do with the Middle-East. Limbaugh went so far as to say that anyone suggesting that a conflict of interest existed was anti-Semitic.

4/26/03 Is Rush Limbaugh Jewish?

4/26/03 After Iraq, It’s Syria, North Korea, Iran It's whoever Uncle Ariel orders.

4/26/03 `Wolfowitz Cabal' Is an Enemy Within U.S.

4/26/03 Ex-CIA Professionals: Weapons of Mass Distraction: Where? Find? Plant? The Bush administration’s refusal to allow UN inspectors to join the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in US-occupied Iraq has elicited high interest in foreign news media. The most widely accepted interpretation is that the US is well aware that evidence regarding the existence and location of such weapons is “shaky” (the adjective now favored by UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix), and that the last thing the Pentagon wants is to have Blix’ inspectors looking over the shoulders of US forces as they continue their daunting quest.

4/26/03 Read Carefully: US refuses to discuss if they had stored munitions in exploding ammo dump.


4/26/03 Straw: It doesn't matter if no WMDs found in Iraq

4/26/03 River collision spills chemical

4/26/03 Have you seen me?

4/26/03 Rift Exposed in Sept. 11 Terror Panel Get this, the argument is over whether the 9-11 panel should get access to 9-11 documents.

4/26/03 The Dick Before you knew it, America was, officially, the big dickhead.

4/26/03 Say It Slowly: It Was About Oil Burning Iraqi oil wells were headline news, while burning Iraqi children were ignored.

4/26/03 Gassed by Iraqi Troops, Blindsided by the INS "Thank you for lying to help us sell the war, now get out!"



4/25/03 Judge: File-swapping tools are legal Judge Stephen Wilson ruled that Streamcast--parent of the Morpheus software--and Grokster were not liable for copyright infringements that took place using their software.


4/25/03 Something deeply corrupt is consuming journalism

4/25/03 Jerusalem police have decided to limit the number of Christian worshipers allowed entry to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Saturday

4/25/03 The Reading Post

4/25/03 Paging Rick Santorum. Paging Rick Santorum. Paging Rick Santorum.

4/25/03 A Stupid War Certainly, if we’re to believe that Saddam Hussein was so unstable that given half a chance he would fire a chemical warhead at the United States — knowing he would be devastated by the inevitable counterstrike — then surely we could at least have expected a comparable attack on U.S. and allied forces who were trying to destroy him. This point by itself raises serious doubts about U.S. claims of the Iraqi “threat.”

4/25/03 U.S. media losing global respect

4/25/03 Chirac: US and UK violated international law


4/25/03 Canadian Dollar rocked by SARS fears Uh huh.

4/25/03 Leaked document exposes pro-Israel lobby's manipulation of US public

4/25/03 Criticizing Israel will be a taboo in United States First amendment? WHAT First Amendment?!?

4/25/03 Exclusive Interview with Richard Ben-Veniste, a National Commissioner on 9/11 The Bush/bin Laden Connection? "No Comment." Daschle Threatened by Cheney over 9/11 Inquiry? "I have no Comment." Venice Flight School and the connection to Ben-Veniste's former client, the CIA drug-runner Barry Seal? "Not central to us getting started."

4/25/03 Bush lies, April 24, 2003

4/25/03 Tribute to Kayla Rolland

4/25/03 "Many, many Jewish people do not want a Jewish president."

4/25/03 U.S. May Move Against France, Including at NATO

4/25/03 Reports of weapons 'greatly exaggerated' Why have American and British Forces not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? The most plausible answer is that there are none, in the true sense of the word.

4/25/03 Occupation Enduring Freedom

4/25/03 9-11 Story Examined with Screening of AfterMath: Unanswered Questions from 9-11


4/25/03 White House expresses support for Santorum Gay-bashing, and openly trashing the First amendment, Little Rickie gets a pat on the back from Bush to go along with his AIPAC cash.

4/25/03 Soldiers returning from the Gulf will be offered tests to check levels of depleted uranium in their bodies to assess whether they are in danger of suffering kidney damage and lung cancer as a result of exposure,

4/25/03 PeopleSoft to close office, cut 200 jobs

4/25/03 US Forces Make Iraqis Strip and Walk Naked in Public

4/25/03 MSNBC's Banfield: Media filtered realities of war

4/25/03 Why Intel doesn't write stuff down

4/25/03 Iran frees all Jews jailed for spying for Israel

4/25/03 Fatherland - The Remake

4/25/03 Verizon gets 14 days to ID file-swapper But the FBI refuses to even investigate email spoofers.

4/25/03 The Defamation League Picked up a cell phone call on a police radio? Suuuuuuuuuuuure.

4/25/03 Leaked document exposes pro-Israel lobby's manipulation of US public The document, entitled "Wexner Analysis: Israeli Communication Priorities 2003," counsels pro-Israel advocates to keep invoking the name of Saddam Hussein, and to stress that Israel "was always behind American efforts to rid the world of this ruthless dictator and liberate their people." Despite his solid support for Israel and Ariel Sharon, the document warns pro-Israel advocates not to compliment or praise President Bush. At the same time it acknowledges that Yasser Arafat has been a great asset to Israel because "he looks the part" of a "terrorist." The installation of Mahmoud Abbas as Palestinian prime minister, and potential replacement for Arafat, comes "at the wrong time," because he has the potential to improve the image of the Palestinians, and that could put the onus on Israel to return to negotiations. The document advises supporters of Israel to appear to affect a "balanced" tone, but admits that in arguing for Israel's policies, the illegal "settlements are our Achilles heel," for which there is no good defense.

4/25/03 Quit Iraq, Arab states tell U.S.

4/25/03 U.S. Arms Dealer To Run Iraq’s ‘Humanitarian Relief’

4/25/03 U.S. Wants to Shut Down UN Controls on Iraq's Oil

4/25/03 Carla Binion: 'Bush lies and manipulates public and Congress'

4/25/03 Walt Brasch: 'Playing spin the battle'

4/25/03 Margie Burns: 'Those who built up Hussein will profit from his demise'

4/25/03 Annan: US-UK's war on Iraq was illegitimate

4/25/03 US anger at Annan remarks Too damned bad.

4/25/03 'Worse than 1967'

4/25/03 Banned weapons may never be found in Iraq: Bush "But take my word for it, they WERE there, and even though Saddam didn't use them when we were destroying his country, trust me, he WOULD have used them against us, sometime. Maybe. Anyway, we got the oil and some of my good buddies got really cool lawn decorations out of that museum, so what's the fuss?"

4/25/03 WHO decision politically motivated, say Toronto SARS docs

4/25/03 U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan

4/25/03 Puppets and puppeteers in Iraq Although the Americans have their troops in Iraq, the rising Shi'ite political awareness with a clear anti-occupation/anti-American direction is providing the SAIRI the popular backing to demand a large share of the future Iraqi regime. It is also offering that group a high degree of political legitimacy to challenge seriously the US "regime-building" project, whether the US government likes it or not.

4/25/03 Al-Qa'eda terror trio linked to London School of 'Extremists' Atta's paymaster lives in England.

4/25/03 Sharonite Israel Replica Of Saddamite Iraq: Israeli Writer

4/25/03 Turkey summons U.S. ambassador in Kurdish flap Foreign ministry upset as U.S. general reportedly calls Kirkuk 'Kurdish city'

4/25/03 U.S. Military Recovers Millions Allegedly Stolen by Troops During Search of Hussein Palace "Hey, that's BUSH'S money, dammit! We already gave you guys a ribbon, so HANDS OFF THE GOODIES!!!"

4/25/03 Ashcroft: Security Fears Merit Detentions Ashcroft is the biggest threat to our security.

4/25/03 N. Korea Military Tactics In A War With US

4/25/03 Nasrallah urges Arab unity to face down US, Israel

4/25/03 Iraqi Spy, Taken Into Custody, at Home in a Shady World And as soon as we get the cattle prod firmly up his butt, he'll assure you all that Saddam was linked to Osama!

4/25/03 Follow That Story: Deep Miller Another piece of propaganda falls flat on its face.

4/25/03 BBC's Dyke "shocked" by American network bias on Iraq

4/25/03 North Korea could nuke California – but do we really have to cite recent polls showing the increasing popularity of the GOP in the Golden State to deter the President from writing us off?

4/25/03 Democracy Now interviews fired journalist and antiwar protester Henry Norr

4/25/03 Syria: Where are weapons of mass destruction?

4/25/03 Can An Entire Country Go Mad?

4/25/03 US Seen Using Trade as Foreign Policy Stick -Analysts

4/25/03 Iraq weapons 'will not be planted' Sure, Jack, and if you believe that, I have this great deal on the Tower Bridge for you.

4/25/03 Basra could soon rebel, warns Army

4/25/03 CHICKS' NAKED FURY Yes, there is a picture.

4/25/03 Richard Perle: "War Against Terror Not Over " "Let's see, there's Syria, and Iran, and Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, and Oman, and the United Arab Emirates, oh yes, all those places are terrorists, in fact all Arabs are terrorists, so let's just kill them all to be on the safe side, right? "

4/25/03 LaBrea returns to the net! The anti-worm tool that was a victim to DMCA laws in the US is back.

4/25/03 Here is what LaBrea does

4/23/03 The original story of how LaBrea had to be shut down because of poorly written DMCA laws. Laws written to enforce DMCA make common security tools illegal. Use a firewall, go to jail. As a side note all open-relay sites violate these new laws as well.

4/25/03 Moussaoui should get document, judge rules

4/25/03 Fund-raiser for GOP pleads guilty in case of child pornography This guy MADE child-porn. So, did any of the proceeds from that criminal activity wind up in the GOP coffers?

4/25/03 Securing Iraqi oil for Israel: The plot thickens Mosul-Haifa pipeline said to be high on US agenda

4/25/03 In absence of WMDs, White House tries to use 9-11 as justification for Iraq war.

Reposted by (constant) reader request
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."
-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in The Spies Who Came In From The Art Sale

"I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now. "
-- Senator Graham as quoted in Senator: At Least One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists
"While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk."
-- Unnamed reporter as quoted in American Media Censorship and Israel

"Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992" --"Anthrax Missing From Army Lab", The Hartford Courant, January 20, 2002 By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers
Israel running assassinations inside US.
"Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International." 

4/25/03 Hawaii issues gag order on SARS EMS barred from mentioning SARS on radios.

4/25/03 The "Separation Wall" - separating Palestinians from their land...

4/25/03 Blair under BIG pressure over failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

4/25/03 Subterfuge that deceives parents

4/25/03 U.S. economy may be headed for another major recession, says new UC Berkeley study

4/25/03 UC Berkeley professor warns of continued power crises under deregulated system California spent $7 billion for electricity in 1999, then paid $27 billion for it in both 2000 and 2001

4/25/03 Powell says talks over and warns Pyongyang

4/25/03 FOIA lawsuit filed for US documents on the attack on USS Liberty Unfortunately., the lawsuit is by A. Jay Cristol, whose agenda has been to exonerate Israel of any wrongdoing in the attack.

4/25/03 USS Liberty web site

4/25/03 The Baby Bells may have bilked consumers out of billions by inflating the cost of their networks. Regulators seem content to overlook the matter.

4/25/03 The shadow men

"I want to know who the men in the shadows are.
I want to hear somebody asking them why
they can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are,
But they're never the ones to fight and to die."
-- Jackson Browne "Lives in The Balance"


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