Links for International Law Class Fall 20000

Image from Slomanson's Website
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Links for the Slomanson text

  • Slomanson, FUNDAMENTAL PERSPECTIVES on INTERNATIONAL LAW, Third edition, Website:
  • General International Law lists of Resources

    International Court of Justice

    Links on Human Rights in general, and on the Southern Cone in particular

    General Human Rights Links:

    Chile Links

    Argentina Links

    Uruguay Links

    International Criminal Court

    Links for Palau, on Trust Territory issue

  • Various links to information about Palau, but the one that appears to have led to information on politics in Palau now appears to be a dead link:
  • CIA’s factbook on Palau, mostly a list of statistics with a map:
  • Story of Sandra Pierantozzi, of Palau, from the Women in Politics page:
  • Information about elections in Palau:
  • Report from the US Dept. of the Interior presents a summary of this territory associated with the US through the Compact of Free Association:
  • What the US State Department had to say in 1998 about Human Rights in Palau:
  • Brief introduction to Palau:
  • State Department’s Travel Advisory information on Palau:
  • A list of other web-sites having to do with Palau:
  • Rwanda Genocide and the Tribunal

    The Environment and International Law

    International Law and the World Economy


    North American Free Trade Association and the controversy about it


    World Trade Organization and the controversy about it