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CNNFN 12/17/99 - 4:19:08 PM .....gave it outperform righting for the near and long-term and oracle that stock up 1.3% Had been up as much as 4 forts day until last half hour of trading. Jan: All right. Thank you very much fred katayama. >>> They allegedly attacked the world trade organization's web site and now, they are after e-toys. A group of protesters with a beef against the on-line toy store has attacked the etoys web site at its busiest time of the year. Is this cyber-crookery, or is it a case of free speech gone too far? Our senior technology correspondent, steve young, has some answers. Steve? >> Well this dispute involved use of a web address but what ita has triggered a sit in this cyberspace. Protester from organization called our team art.Com urging folk click on their web site it overwhelm computer this support etoys .Com in final days of christmas shopping to web we managed to get etoys with but when we place an order the system blew it out with a message saying this system improvement underway seeing protester web site there. eToys denys this civil disbead yens in cyberspace has hurt operation but security exports we spoke to disagree. >> Nobody having worse response than, toys yes they were affected unless, toys the most popular site for purchasing toys. >> Well lift with a question is a varietyal sit down slowing or topping a web business legal is it protected freed on. Speech of the lawyers do not know. These same protesters as you .....

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