

Yes, more content is in the making. I am currently scanning and preparing for upload a veritable wealth of information which will prove of interest to many.

Your continued patience is appreciated.  This page should be leaving beta status by 3.21.00 (at the very latest) and will be replete with links and information for the edification of all, so be sure and check back shortly.

Until then, all are welcome to link here, and to take any information they might find to be of use. In the scant days between these words being written and the finalization of these pages, you are cordially invited to peruse the following:


Yes, the same folks who brought you the content of GWBUSH.COM and who won the ETOY.COM dispute (see below), these guys are fantastic, and I support their goals 100%.

"RTMark uses its limited liability as a corporation to sponsor the sabotage of mass-produced products, and to discuss corporate abuses of the political process. One of RTMark's ultimate aims is to eliminate the principle of limited liability."

Considering RTMark's well-deserved prestige as a force to be reckoned with (RTMark LLC were major coordinators behind the $3 Billion Stock Price drop that ETOYS.COM suffered when that corporation tried to bigfoot ETOY.COM out of their domain; more information about that can be found by searching MSNBC, The Washington Post, NY Times, Wired, etcetera, or, for a complete listing of media coverage about this, just go here and here), I was honored to see they decided to link to this site ("There is no Free Market Capitalism") and have requested I propose a project for them to sponsor.

While I've already come up with several ideas I think are original and creative as projects for them to sponsor, if anyone has what they think is a real 'killer app' project for RTMark LLC to sponsor regarding this site and the issues it presents, please feel free to send it my way for consideration.

One proposed idea involves...Well, I'll save that for later ;)

Until then, I shall present merely this for the reader's edification; I've done the digging around in public-domain and Government information so you don't have to - Hey, that's what I'm here for, right?

While there are many other things of far greater enormity than this particular bit of trivia, it did catch my attention as being of more than passing interest: it regards the [*ahem*] appearance of Concert/BT/AT&T engaging in what is commonly referred to as "Offshore Accounting"...In the Bahamas. Of course, that isn't meant to imply that they would actually be engaging in any such practice, nor should this be taken to implicate them in using the notoriously lax Bahamian financial, tax and accounting laws to advantage; I am certain there is a reasonable, legitimate explanation for it.

(And if I do find that legitimate reason, I'll be sure and publish it here ;)

Anyone with further information, or who has uncovered anything I may have failed to regarding this is encouraged to contact me; all valid information presented will be published here.

Being a firm believer in the people's right to know about issues directly affecting their well-being, I feel any such information as this ought to be brought into the light of day, and, being a firm believer in both privacy and freedom of speech, it should go without saying that your anonymity (if desired) is guaranteed.

For those interested in further information, the full text of the FCC filings are on the FCC's Website; that source will have to do while I finish up a more lucid, un-boiler-plated version, which is currently in progress.


AT&T's disavowal of ClickBuyTel's Press Release, and ClickBuyTel's site is still being 'reworked' weeks later (still out of commission as of March 17th, 2000).  Odd.

BT: Serving The Customer First - A UK Website about the high quality of British Telecommunications customer service. It seems likely that, with AT&T Corporation and British Telecommunications firmly at the helm of an increasingly large amount of the communications infrastructure in the United States, citizens here in the US can probably soon expect similar quality of customer service.

For those who are unclear as to the relationship between Concert, AT&T, and BT, a quick visit to their respective sites should be illuminating. There is also a BT Victims Support Group in the UK and there the possibility of starting up a 'Concert Victims Support Group' for the MD/DC/VA region of the United States is under consideration. Further input is welcomed.

Coming Soon

-A Bulletin-Board posting system for those who have had experiences (positive or negative) with Concert;
-Official, customized ConcertSucksDotCom Email Addresses (;
-All the news that's fit to print (hey, I can only scan/format/upload this stuff so fast, okay? ;)

If you have not done so already, please read the disclaimer, and direct any and all inquiries, corrections, additions, etcetera to the Webmaster.

Copyright © 2000 JMB.