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Charlotte's #1 BEST burrito !!!
301 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC  28282     Ph:704-371-4448
aol_jb.jpeg (10953 bytes)
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asseentv.gif (2804 bytes)

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Since 1998, while running the cash register at Johnny Burrito, I have
encountered unsung artists, poets, philosophers & pundits using our
national currency as their medium.  A cost effective delivery to be seen
by many.

We are dedicated to featuring their work here...

UGLY MONEY Site Menu...

smallnew.gif (8626 bytes)
20_rainbow_small_2.jpg (4244 bytes)
40 bills, $547
1_harold_a.jpg (42134 bytes)

73 bills, $494
5_thanks.jpg (50249 bytes)

67 bills, $396
5_burn.jpg (51780 bytes)

13 bills, $34
5_barstar.jpg (39496 bytes)

11 bills, $39
qtr_a.jpg (14456 bytes)

13 coins, $1.58
To currency galleries,
US Treas, JSG Boggs...
  Search Terms:
What folks are looking
for, when they find us...

The term "ugly money" does not necessarily reflect the quality of the work, it's just our phrase to categorize any & all altered  / mutilated money.

If you recognize your work, let us give you proper credit !!!

Enjoy, and please send us your own UGLY MONEY...
We'll add your finds to the gallery.


clt_obs.gif (5838 bytes)
Monday, March 17, 2003
"Insider" piece about our CNN/Money coverage below...

"UGLY MONEY" featured as "Fun Site of the Day" in
CNN/Money e-newsletter for Wednesday, March 5, 2003...

(We average 35 daily hits - that day we received over 2,000 hits !!!)
cnnmoney_logo[1].gif (6125 bytes)

Also, featured on two radio station websites as
"Cool Link" / "Website of the Week"...

X105.9 FM
Lafayette, Louisiana
105_9.gif (13119 bytes)

99.3 FM
Vancouver, Brit Columbia
99_3_fox.gif (3021 bytes)

Sep. 26, 2002

Updated Jun 1, 2003 -- 40 smallnew.gif (8626 bytes) Bills...
Number of different bills = 204 !!!

"Ugly Money" to date = $ 1,511.58
Seen by
Hit Counter "Ugly Money" Fans !!!


All 40 smallnew.gif (8626 bytes) bills are here together...

The dollar bill is the most common canvas.
Each image can be clicked for a larger, clearer image...

smallnew.gif (8626 bytes) animatednew.gif (1481 bytes) smallnew.gif (8626 bytes)
1_buck.jpg (36301 bytes)
Custom Deer stamp...
Reinforces this is
1_om.jpg (37636 bytes)
Om / Aum Stamp...
said to be essence / highest
of all mantras.
Learn more about the Hindu
"Symbol of the Absolute".
1_rose.jpg (35463 bytes)
George looking at the world
through rose colored glasses.
. . .
1_splatter.jpg (40757 bytes)
Very odd red splatter.
1_scribble_2.jpg (36554 bytes)
Nice scribble work here.
1_2002.jpg (34093 bytes)
"2002" with smiley faces.
More beard fill-in.
. . .
1_ronald.jpg (35159 bytes)
George has that
Ronald McDonald look to him.

Estaban says he another Curly.
1_another.jpg (36869 bytes)
"LOVE ONE another !"
Great incorporation of ONE.
1_twotone.jpg (34107 bytes)
Two-tone color.
. . .
1_tongue.jpg (34781 bytes)
"Tounge (sic) Jack my !@#$ %&*"
Sent to me after being
received in teller transaction.
1_bunny.jpg (33925 bytes)
George as a bunny.
Would Hugh Hefner approve ???
1_jackas.jpg (37278 bytes)
"Jackass" times two.
Nice reminder of the movie.
. . .
1_callme.jpg (38239 bytes)
"Read Me  Call sometime if you
ever are around Chapel Hill or Hillsborough or just call if you
want someone to talk to.  919-64...
or 919-59...  Be safe driving.
Love, Billy"
1_deface_2.jpg (41870 bytes)
"I am defacing American property !
So what ?  Gotta problem ?
Go tell Bush !  See if he can
understand you !  Well if you
speak idiot he might !  Either way
God Bless America !"

Johnny Burrito

#1 in Charlotte !!!

Stop in & see for

. . .
1_pollock_a.jpg (35364 bytes)
"Do you know how to keep a
Pollock busy ? over..."
1_pollock_b.jpg (36777 bytes)
"Do you know how to keep a
Pollock busy ? over..."
I haven't heard "Pollock" in 25+
years - now politically incorrect.
2_chaos.jpg (36261 bytes)
"Chaos Theory" in action...
Most interesting Chaos link...
. . .
5_bday.jpg (34351 bytes)
"Happy Birthday"
Nice use of word bubble.
5_horns.jpg (33182 bytes)
Some triangle looking horns.
And a hint of a mustache.
5_jessus.jpg (30028 bytes)
"I'm forsaking this in the
name of Jessus (sic)"
Hmm, was it really abandoned ???
. . .
5_fart.jpg (32392 bytes)
"I farted on this bill"
'nuff said !!!
5_cigar.jpg (32939 bytes)
Glasses, smoke, is that a hat ???
What's on the portrait left side ?
5_arrow.jpg (33173 bytes)
Arrow thru head - ALA Steve Martin.
Kinda droopy looking.
. . .
5_blt.jpg (33526 bytes)
Somebody was sent to get...
"(2) BLT w/ cheese  NO MAYO"
aol_jb.jpeg (10953 bytes)
Burrito Wagon Page
5_50year.jpg (35132 bytes)
"Whoever gets this dollar
gets 50 years good luck"

And Abe with mustache added.
. . .
10_art.jpg (34268 bytes)
Now this is art.
10_thanks.jpg (36382 bytes)
Nice smiley face & "Thanks Bit.."
$10 for poor service ???
10_smudge.jpg (26643 bytes)
Most unusual smudging on front.
Back side is completely unaffected.
. . .
10_satan.jpg (29690 bytes)
Very nice devil & "SATEN"
10_pinkhorn.jpg (34367 bytes)
A devil with pink horns &
mustache ???
20_notgod.jpg (35782 bytes)
"I am not your GOD"
Take time to let that sink in.
. . .
20_justin_a.jpg (37005 bytes)
Here's a fan stalker for ya...
"??? Rulz !!!
Justin Timberlake is HOT !!!
Nice silver pen effect on Jackson.
20_justin_b.jpg (37706 bytes)
"I love Justin Randall Timberlake
always & forever !!!  Justin
Timberlake is Fine !!  I love you
justin"  With "Justin" over the
White House.
20_goatee.jpg (34327 bytes)
Blue ball-point highlights in hair.
And nice goatee' action.
. . .
20_777.jpg (33326 bytes)
I know about 666, but 777 ???
20_jb.jpg (33092 bytes)
Bears a striking resemblance to
JB himself.  Turned in by Brian.
20_rainbow.jpg (35366 bytes)
Excellent rainbow border !!!
"To: Maggie  I LOVE YOU  Ruth"
. . .
..Let us know your favorite
"Ugly Money"...
mailman.gif (1346 bytes)jb@johnnyburrito.com
Check back for NEW
"Ugly Money"
20_boring.jpg (38986 bytes)
"What's going on ?  Nothing
Just chillin in Fashion
Merchandising watching this boring
ass movie.  I'm so tired."
With highlighter shades & lips.
50_glasses.jpg (33658 bytes)
Big, bold specs on Grant.
. . .
50_business.jpg (38567 bytes)
"Interested in a Home-based
Business ?  Earn a full-time income
on a part-time basis !  For Details,
call Now !  3 min. toll-free message
100_christ.jpg (36201 bytes)
"Real Christians Do Not
Buy or Sell on Sunday
Live for Him"
100_heehee.jpg (38665 bytes)
Nice poem...
"All good things will come to me -

from me all misfortune must flee -
as I will so will it be -
hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee !

Please let me know if you have seen other sites like this (I have not)...
mailman.gif (1346 bytes)jb@johnnyburrito.com

Money Terms...

Chrematophobia Fear of money.
Numismatic The study & collecting of coins & medals.
Syngraphics The study and collecting of paper money as opposed to coins & medals.
Scripophily The study & collecting of stock certificates, bonds & fiscal documents.


smallnew.gif (8626 bytes) Michael's Collection of Rubber-stamped Money...
  Fella who has collected more than 20 bills with stamped messages to the masses.
boggsbill.jpg (17072 bytes) J.S.G. Boggs
A Pittsburgh artist who, since 1984, has been using his hand-drawn "funbacks" & other personal currency as his illegal tender.  Includes a downloadable version of Boggs' "funback".

J.S.G. Boggs site #2
Another site with other examples of Boggs excellent work.

I will gladly accept a Boggs bill for a meal at JB.

seal.gif (7751 bytes)

Dollar Hack
Site with downloadable mini corporate logos you can print
right on your currency using an ink jet printer.
footerlogos.gif (2518 bytes)

Protected under the rtmark.gif (4888 bytes) umbrella.

cnn.gif (2352 bytes)

"Pssst !  Could your money be talking to you ?"
Feb 23, 1999 story by Jeanne Moos about writing on money.
Unfortunately, only a couple of sentences about the video
story.  The downloadable video now goes to CNN adverts.

This is the only reference I have found about this activity.
This "Ugly Money" page was born early Feb, 2002 as a
result of me and Estaban chatting about our unusual bills & coins.  At that time, we searched & found no such sites.

xtra1.jpg (8357 bytes)

Despite arguments, writing on currency still viewed as illegal
Sep 5, 2001 story by John Schneider in the "Lansing State Journal" about writing on money.  Seems it might be
technically illegal, but no trials to date.

one.gif (37439 bytes)

The Currency Gallery
An excellent resource for facts & history of each denomination - nice bill scans.
Lots of info, first-rate site !!!

secret.gif (7655 bytes)

US Treasury - Know Your Money
In accordance with the rules set forth for color copies of US currency, we have scanned images at 151% of original size.
(Site opens in new window as "Back" button is disabled there.)

engrave.gif (6387 bytes)

Bureau of Engraving and Printing
GREAT website with "Money Facts", uncut currency sheets for purchase, $10,000 bags of shredded currency & other money marvels.

Just for the record, BEP defines "illegal" defacement as
"intent to render such item(s) as unfit to be reissued."  All
bills displayed here were in general circulation, until now.
Read the details...Title 18, Section 333 of the US Code

oldcash.gif (3005 bytes)

Old Cash - Authentic Shredded US Currency
Sellers of lots of shredded currency in a "message in the bottle" format.   Bags also available.

grnseal.gif (8026 bytes)

Paper Money Collecting FAQ
Answers to most of your banknote collecting questions.

175+ unique "Search Engine" words & phrases
lead to "Ugly Money"...

johnny burrito ugly money splat serial number
bills johnny burrito paper money pics banknote
money pics where does a dollar go
money pic dollar wheres george stamps
money pics image wheres george dollar
money jpg love pics
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money bill picture jpg girl wearing glasses jpg
money us dollar bills picture eyepatch girl
money dollar backside pic pub trick
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lots of money pics uncut money sheets
paper money pics us uncut dollar bills
1 dollar dollar bill sheet uncut
one dollar bill picture can i get a picture of uncut dollar bills
five dollar bill americaanse dollar
10 dollar bill pics shredded money
ten dollar bill scans shredded money gift
dollar photo shredded currency
dollar front shredded us currency
dollar bill pics shredded currency + buck stops here
dollar bill jpg how to purchase shredded money
dollar bill scans how to bleach us currency
dollar banknote jpeg bleaching dollar bills
dollar money jpg currency bleaching
dollar money sign picture bleach blond
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     dollar bill indian face paint pics
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jpg dollar image money jefferson bill
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i grew hemp stamp       blessed with a lot of money
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antique dollar sign

Search Engines Used...

Google Google.Yahoo.com
Google UK - United Kingdom Yahoo.com
Google CA - Canada Yahoo.com
Google IT - Italy Search.MSN
Google IE - Ireland Comet Web Search
Google BE - Belgium Extremetracking.com - Authorization req. site
Google NL - Netherlands Xanga.com - "The Weblog Community" ???
AOL Search - "Enhanced" by Google


UGLY MONEY Site Menu...

smallnew.gif (8626 bytes)
20_rainbow_small_2.jpg (4244 bytes)

40 bills, $547
1_harold_a.jpg (42134 bytes)

73 bills, $494
5_thanks.jpg (50249 bytes)

67 bills, $396
To currency galleries,
US Treas, JSG Boggs...
5_burn.jpg (51780 bytes)

13 bills, $34
5_barstar.jpg (39496 bytes)

11 bills, $39
qtr_a.jpg (14456 bytes)

13 coins, $1.58
Search Terms:
What folks are looking
for, when they find us...


$Ugly$ | Menu | Fax | Catering | Nutritional | News | Wagon | JB on Ice | Links
Johnny Wear | Pics | JB Softball | Giving Back | Comments | Color | Guestbook

mailman.gif (1346 bytes)jb@johnnyburrito.com

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JB Home Page