


doj122602.txt       + Beware of Dangerous and Violent Persons          December 27, 2002

dot122602.txt       + Beware of Dangerous and Violent Materials        December 27, 2002
itar122602.txt      + Beware of Dangerous and Violent Weapons          December 27, 2002
dod122602.htm       + Beware of Dangerous and Violent WMD              December 27, 2002
treas122602.txt     + Beware of Dangerous and Violent Money            December 27, 2002
treas122602-2.txt   + Beware of Dangerous and Violent Insurance        December 27, 2002

af122402.txt        + Groom Lake Remains Filthy Dangerous Secret       December 24, 2002
niac122402.txt      + National Infrastructure Open Telemeet            December 24, 2002
tempest-leaks2.htm  + TEMPEST Leaks at US Army Signal Battalion        December 24, 2002
street-crime.htm    + How Wall Street and Its Cops Rob Investors       December 24, 2002
tempest-leaks.htm   + TEMPEST Leaks at US Army Crypto Facility         December 23, 2002

fco-hunt.htm        + UK Foreign Office Hunts Internet Leaker          December 22, 2002
gilmore-v-usa-drp   + Gilmore v. USA - Gov Dismissal Reply             December 20, 2002
fco-ivanov.htm      + FCO Reports on Russian Sergei Ivanov UK Visit    December 19, 2002
dodd3600-1.htm      + DoD Propaganda Operations Against Allies         December 18, 2002
ussc121802.txt      + Sentencing Guidelines of PATRIOT Act             December 18, 2002

bop121802.txt       + XXX Material Banned from Prisoners               December 18, 2002
usa-v-elcom-dt.htm  + USA v. Elcom/Dmitry Sklyarov Daily Transcripts   December 18, 2002
steen-v-hmg2.htm    + HMG Wins Appeal in Steen/Punch/Shayler Case      December 14, 2002
gilmore-v-usa-god   + Gilmore v. USA - Opposition to Dismissal         December 13, 2002
proc121202.txt      + Prez ODs                                         December 13, 2002

wmd-race.htm        + US Pumps WMD Race                                December 12, 2002
fru-claimant3.htm   + Witness Statement of KF, Force Research Unit     December 11, 2002
tia-balk.htm        + New Tools for Domestic Spying, and Qualms        December 10, 2002
mpaa-v-decss.htm    + MPAA Rigs Norway Attack on Jon Johansen          December 9, 2002
dvd120502.txt       + Avoid Products of DVDCCA Members                 December 9, 2002

frs120902.txt       + Billions for National Security Communications    December 9, 2002
uspto120902.txt     + RFC on TEACH Overreach of Digital Copyright      December 9, 2002
nric120602.htm      + Plans to Protect US Info Infrastructure          December 7, 2002
dot120302.htm       + Bush Hazardous Gas Buddies Warned by NTSB        December 3, 2002
tia-eyeball.htm     + Eyeballing Total Information Awareness           December 2, 2002

O f f s i t e 

AUN                   Australia National Security Website /T           December 27, 2002

CI Agent              Counter Intelligence Agent Home Page             December 24, 2002
FTP                   Voxfux Bushwhacked /S                            December 24, 2002
Home Sick             GAO: Homeland Security SNAFU                     December 24, 2002
TIA Sci               US Homeland Spying Aided by Cyber Scientists     December 23, 2002
Biz v. 1A             NTT/Verio Caves to Killer Dow                    December 23, 2002

MI5                   MI5 could have stopped the bomb going off /T     December 20, 2002
Da                    Elcomsoft/Sklyarov Crack DMCA/USA                December 18, 2002
LEA                   UK Cops Say Data Retention A Must /I/A           December 18, 2002
LEA Mirror            Cryptome Mirror of Data Retention Doc Above      December 18, 2002
Angel of Death        IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines            December 14, 2002

VIPS                  Volunteers In Police Service, Friday 13          December 13, 2002
Snuff                 Mil Porn of Bombing Running Men (164MB) /R       December 4, 2002
Pats                  The New American Freedom Fighters /D             December 2, 2002
UnSpy                 Eugene OR Rejects UnPatriotic Act Spying /D      December 1, 2002
FRU                   Key secret agent's cover blown in court          December 1, 2002
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 6 October 2002: and some of the other Cryptome archives are temporarily unavailable.

"At 10 oclock this morning (Dec 13) Approximately 40 agents from a joint group of CIA, FBI, And Major Crimes unit. Surrounded my home on Long Island New York (I was not there) and entered and proceeded to conduct a thorough search and removal operation while detaining a tennant who occupuys an apartment on the premises. I am in contact with my counsel (from NYCLU) NY Civil Liberties Union. (Norm Seigel)

I will try to make a further update tommorrow. As for now I wish someone could archive as many of the articles on my site as possible. I apologize for such a brief note but it has been a terrible moment and I am literally on the run. I do not wish this information to be released until after I have suitable time to consult with my counsul maybe a day or two.

Thank you


Cryptome mirror of Voxfux main page:

The Foreign Office is conducting an urgent mole hunt to find out how confidential documents are being leaked on to the internet. A secret memo describing meetings between a senior aide to Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, and British security chiefs is the latest to appear on an American website, causing intense embarrassment to Whitehall officials. The memorandum describes highly sensitive meetings between Sergei Ivanov, now the Russian defence minister, and security chiefs at the Foreign Office, Downing Street, the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Defence. Details of discussions about defence, terrorism and drug trafficking are described in the document.

-- Nicholas Rufford and John Elliott, Mole hunt at Foreign Office to find internet leaker, December 22, 2002

The FCO-Ivanov memo:

Top republican terrorist exposed in court documents as a special forces soldier.

He was one of the most feared men inside the Provisional IRA. To rank-and-file 'volunteers', a knock on the door from John Joe Magee was the equivalent of a visit from the Angel of Death.

However, court documents leaked to the Sunday Herald show that Magee, head of the IRA's infamous 'internal security unit', was trained as a member of Britain's special forces. The IRA's 'torturer-in-chief' was in reality one of the UK's most elite soldiers.

The documents, lodged as part of a court action being taken against the British government by a disgruntled military intelligence agent, name Magee as a 'former member of the Special Boat Squadron'.

-- Neil Mackay,  IRA Torturer was in the Royal Marines, December 15, 2002

See also:

15   Q    What type of events did you observe taking 
16   place at the DEFCON conference?
17   A    In various conference rooms had presentations 
18   being given.  There was also some flea market of 
19   sorts with T-shirts and different computer items 
20   for sale.  There also was a game, king of the hill 
21   type of game for hackers where the different 
22   attendees were attempting to gain control of the 
23   computer and it was a sort of competition taking 
24   place throughout the resort.
25   Q    And did you observe any evidence that at least 
 1   some of the individuals at DEFCON were cognizant of 
 2   law enforcement's potential presence at the 
 3   conference?
 4   A    This was a game that they played throughout 
 5   the conference called spot the fed where -- it was 
 6   a lighthearted game where they attempted to 
 7   identify whether one attendee or another was an FBI 
 8   agent or a federal officer.  And I was present 
 9   while that was played on one occasion.
10   Q    Did they identify you as a federal officer?
11   A    No, they didn't.
12   Q    Now, did you observe any speeches given at the 
13   Elcomsoft conference?
14   A    I observed the Elcomsoft presentation.
15   Q    And generally what was the Elcomsoft 
16   presentation?
17   A    It was primarily a presentation about the 
18   Elcomsoft eBook Reader and eBook security in 
19   general.
20   Q    Who gave that presentation?
21   A    That was Mr. Dmitry Sklyarov.
22   Q    What language did he give it in?
23   A    English.
24   Q    Did Mr. Sklyarov indicate whether Elcomsoft 
25   was distributing the Advanced eBook Processor 
 1   program?
 2   A    He was -- he indicated that they had 
 3   distributed it or were selling it, but they were 
 4   now giving out a demonstration version while at the 
 5   conference.
 6   Q    And what date was the conference?
 7   A    I believe it was July 15th, 2001.
 8   Q    Did Mr. Sklyarov indicate whether Elcomsoft 
 9   had been selling the program?
10   A    I believe he said they had priced it at $100.  
11   He may have stated that they were not selling it at 
12   that time.
13   Q    Did he indicate that they had been selling it?
14   A    I think he did.
15   Q    Did Mr. Sklyarov demonstrate the program?
16   A    He did.
17   Q    Did Mr. Sklyarov indicate whether the program 
18   would remove all protections from an electronic 
19   book?
20   A    He gave a demonstration in which he showed 
21   that that, in fact, happens with the program.
22   Q    Now, during this conference did you regard 
23   yourself as being undercover?
24   A    Yes.
25   Q    And did you wear a recorder or any kind of 
 1   recording device?
 2   A    Yes, I wore a recording device.
 3   Q    Now, at any point during the conference either 
 4   before or after Mr. Sklyarov's speech did you have 
 5   an opportunity to speak with him in person?
 6   A    I did.
 7   Q    And how did that occur?
 8   A    He welcomed questions from the attendees at 
 9   the conclusion of his speech at which point I went 
10   up and engaged him in conversation.
-- Testimony of FBI Agent Kevin McGee, USA v. Elcom, et al, December 5, 2002

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Cartome, a companion site to Cryptome. It is an archive of spatial and geographic documents on privacy, cryptography, dual-use technologies, national security and intelligence -- communicated by imagery systems: cartography, photography, photogrammetry, steganography, climatography, seismography, geography, camouflage, maps, images, drawings, charts, diagrams, imagery intelligence (IMINT) and their reverse-panopticon and counter-deception potential. Administrator is architect Deborah Natsios, longtime Cryptome partner.