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Economists Must Learn to Subtract
We're at it again.... Last November our little piggie went to the mass market (we put the big pig on Lou Dobbs MoneyLine). Now we'll take airtime to jolt Lou Dobbs viewers again with a basic lesson in economics. But first we need your help.
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Pledge of Allegiance
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Corporate Nation
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Brave New World
by Das
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Boycott Brand America!
America is already at war - with world opinion. From the Kyoto Protocol to the Iraq crisis, rogue nation USA has ignored polls and dismissed activism as “irrelevant.” Now the peace movement is the biggest protest block in history, and it’s time to flex our personal power. If America starts a war, we crack down on their economy.

Activists Block Financial District To Prevent War
On Friday, 70 people were arrested as hundreds more jumbled business in the center of San Francisco’s financial district and blockaded entrances to the Pacific Stock Exchange. Among the arrestees: Warren Langley, former president of the exchange. The anti-war jam kicks off a week of international boycotts, protests and civil disobedience.
The US Media: Sworn to Secrecy?
Turn on Fox, CNN, ABC or NBC. Is anyone asking hard questions at the White House or the Pentagon? Or is corporate pack media missing the big stories? Inside the system, a whistleblower journalist says it's time to stop playing softball with an increasingly secretive US government.

Deny, Deny, Deny
Polar ice is down, surface temperature is up and we worry about washing the car. New cameras on the street, hassles at the border and we yawn - there's nothing happening. We're living in a culture of denial. What will it take to break through?

Spy Games Bush Likes to Play
Last week the London Observer broke the story about US agents who were bugging homes and offices of UN Security Council members. Looks like the American media was too busy gathering copy from the White House press secretary to pick up the story.

Dow Chemical Target of Online Protests
Protest Dow. Desperate to avoid cleaning up its mess in India, Dow Chemical has hit a new low - it's suing survivors of a Bhopal chemical spill. Nice try Dow but Greenpeace and others aren’t going to let you off the hook so easily. They're blockading chemical plants, jamming websites and staging online protests.

Freedom Forum
Need a break from war, war, war? Take a moment to ask yourself a difficult question: do you have free will? Are you living moment to moment from something true within yourself? Take a hard look at your routine and the stuff that surrounds you. Who and what are really setting the agenda? Dig deep and talk to Bensu
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