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Go to World Affairs
Anti-Bush feeling is spreading
The sad murder of a USAID official in Jordan [delve]
Moscow: a stronger and larger group of terrorists have been
The Truth About Refugees
Dann Kolthoff speaks out [delve]
George Bush's speech on Iraq
Transcript: Cincinnati 7 Oct 02. "Nuclear holy warriors" [delve]
Go to Editorials
What is terrorism and where does it end?
Guest Editorial by Daan Kolthoff [delve]
We won an award
Context won a Golden Globe award last year ... [delve]

Actions Department
Public Submission on discussion paper for improving the HSNO
The Greenpeace online submission form allows you to make a quick submission on the discussion... [delve]
GE Free Rally E-card
Help promote the GE Free Rally by sending an e-card to your friends. [delve]

Worth a look:
Greenpeace NZ
Banners and us

Go to Conflict Zones
Pilger on Bali
For 40 years, Australian governments have colluded with state terrorism in Indonesia. Now, the... [delve]
Robert Fisk:
We've got to fight "nuclear holy warriors" [delve]
Will Bush's carve-up of Iraq?
including getting hands on its oil? [delve]
Gangsters, Murderers And Stooges
Used To Endorse Bush's Vision Of 'Democracy' [delve]
Go to participatory Democracy
Greenpeace puts heat on airport waste incinerator
Greenpeace's battle to force Auckland International Airport to change the way it disposes of... [delve]
Chief Justice queries JPs' ruling
Constable Keith Abbott is facing the country's first private murder prosecution against a police... [delve]

Go to World Trade
Co-Opted Non-Governmental Organisation [delve]
What's wrong with the OXFAM trade campaign
Walden Bello. April 26, 2002 [delve]


Go to Genetic Engineering
Public Face Of Ge Targeted By Baking Consortium
Wellington, October 14 This morning the public face of the Pro GE lobby group New Zealand Life... [delve]
GE Free Rally II
Just over a year after the huge GE Free Rally where 15,000 people marched up Queen Street in... [delve]

Go to Environment
Greenpeace Closes Down Auckland Incinerator
Government green light to incineration? [delve]
Monsanto go beyond all possible bounds of decency
A US court has found that Monsanto was "so outrageous in character and extreme in degree as to... [delve]

Go to Nukes
Greenpeace challenges French nuclear industry in Auckland
Auckland : Greenpeace activists in kayaks protested nuclear company Areva's involvement in the... [delve]
Nuclear sponsorship for the America's Cup ??
Greenpeace Cyber-Action [delve]

Go to Economics
Do as we say, not as we do
Lula is now forbidden to be radical. [delve]

Go to Defence
Implications of Australia's Pacific Refugee Solution [delve]
Activists held in US 'offered a plea bargain'
It is understood an eve-of-trial offer has been made by the federal authorities to drop serious... [delve]

Go To Health
The truth about DOW
From the DOW parody site: http://www.dowethics.com/ "Dow is responsible for the birth of the... [delve]
Go-ahead for 'designer' baby
A couple has been given the go-ahead to create a baby which could save their seriously ill son's... [delve]

Go to Echelon Watch
Echelon FAQs
Secret plan to prevent disclosure at trials-UK
Mike Frost (former Canadian spy) Speaking Tour of Aotearoa
16 to 29 October, 2001 [delve]

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