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Esso UK shutdown
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Dow: living, poisoned daily.
Visit the Great Bear Rainforest
Exposure: Bhopal images

Esso creates the (oil) drums of war
Bhopal protests move online
Victims of the Bhopal disaster protest outside Dow\'s headquarters in Bombay. Dow wants US$10,000 compensation from the survivors for this peaceful protest.
Dow Chemical is going to court soon in India. Not as the defendants for their ongoing responsibility for the Bhopal disaster, but as the plaintiffs. They're suing (we're not making this up) the SURVIVORS of the disaster for protesting at a Dow plant.  Moremore
Taking global action to stop the war machine
Greenpeace is opposed to war. As an organisation based on principles of peace and non-violence, we strongly believe that violence cannot resolve conflict. Find out more about our demonstrations around the world and what you can do.  Moremore
Diplomat resigns over US plans for war
We don't know if John Brady Kiesling is a member of Greenpeace, but we'd be proud of his company on any of our ships. He's clearly earned his stripes at standing up against the powers that be.  Moremore
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