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4/02: Varieties of Death: Index examines death and killing in all its forms, from the death of words at the hands of bookburners to the killing of hope by betrayed expectation. Taking in Communism, Catholicism, Nationalism and many more supposedly on their way through their God's waiting room. With new writing by Harold Evans, Aminatta Forna, Andrew Graham-Yool, AC Grayling, Isabel Hilton, Mary Kenny and Pervez Hoodbhoy. And Alex de Waal follows African peacekeepers and AIDS into a new heart of darkness.  Plus a special look at South Asia and our regular cartoon from Martin Rowson.
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 United States: Media principles
Killed by friendly
fire in US infowar

Training exercises along the Iraqi border: US Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class David K. Dismukes.The US administration's information war policy - along with the steps soldiers are taking to implement it - is blurring, even erasing the lines between factual information and news, on the one hand, and public relations, propaganda and psychological warfare, on the other. US military affairs analyst William Arkin warns that while this policy ostensibly targets foreign enemies, its most likely victim will be the US electorate.

International: Witness protection. US reporter Jonathan Randal's battle for the right to refuse to testify before the Hague war crimes tribunal leaves journalists who were professional witnesses to wartime atrocities free to decide whether or not they should become trial witnesses as well.

Palestine: Oscars' checkpoint bar. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been roundly criticised for refusing a Cannes award-winning movie a chance to compete for a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar because it does not recognise Palestine as a nation.

United States: Dow Chemical clean-up. Dow Chemical's legal assault on a spoof version of their company website highlights the potential threat to free expression posed by the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Index on Censorship on a tale of lawyers, copyright and censorship.

Index event: FoE awards 2003. We are honouring the best and bravest in the fight for freedom of expression - plus those who deserve our Golden Raspberry Award for "services to censorship". Click here to nominate a person or group.


Other news

Iran: Misplaced on the Axis of Evil. Veteran human rights champion Aryeh Neier, writing for the forthcoming issue of Index on Censorship, that President George W. Bush undermines Iran's brave struggle for change by linking it to the 'Axis of Evil'.

Cyprus: Green lines and red lights. Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktas is losing patience with his country's media - the bearer of bad news to the veteran president - so he has singled them out for retaliation. Report by Tabitha Morgan in Nicosia.

Britain: Freedom of information. Britain's Labour government must start keeping the promises of more freedom of information and transparency it made while in opposition, say the Campaign for Freedom of Expression, among others.

Russia: Kremlin's shooting tsar. Vladimir Putin's veto of repressive new media laws fails to reverse a decline Russia's rights to a free press, says Index on Censorship. And Chechnya veteran Juan Goytisolo condemns Putin's manipulation of events since the assault on Moscow's Theatre of Death.

Martin Rowson for Index on Censorship 4/01Index 4/02: Award-winning cartoonist Martin Rowson picks up his pen again.

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33 Islington High St London N1 9LH
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ph:  +44 20 7278 2313
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  • Britain: Atheist to challenge BBC over ban
  • United States: Students object to 'hate radio'
  • Belarus: Journalist begins serving two-year term
  • Liberia: Armed men assault Inquirer journalist
  • Italy: Defending school history books


  • Hong Kong: Mass protest against Basic Law
  • Bangladesh: Journalist detained for al-Qaida quote
  • Cuba: US could drop Cuba travel ban
  • Spain: 'Anarchist link' to El País bomb


  • United States: Bid to 'deny al-Arian jury trial'
  • Liberia: Bility - Free my colleagues too
  • Swaziland: First ever mass protest action plan
  • Iraq: US orders Yahoo! to cut Uday Hussein's e-mail account
  • Britain: M'learned friends' libel chances online
  • United States: Death of a Catholic peace pioneer

    Index Index is a chronicle of censorship and free expression abuses in some 70 countries worldwide. The full record can be found in the current issue of Index on Censorship now available. Subscribe here.

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