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Copyright Laws:
Protecting Or Ruining Digital Media?

Russian Software Firm Found Innocent Of Copyright Violation
December 18, BBC
Also see:
  Verdict Seen As Blow To DMCA
  DMCA Critics Say Reform Still Needed
  Background on the case from Yahoo Full Coverage

Teenager Accused Of Video Piracy For Creating DeCSS "To Watch DVDs" Could Have Computers Confiscated
December 16, BBC
Also see:
  EFF's "Free Jon Johansen!" Campaign And Background Info
  The Motion Picture Association's Anti-Piracy Pages
  An Interview With Johansen

Wednesday Is Deadline To Convince Librarian Of Congress To Make Exceptions To Sweeping DMCA Copyright Restrictions  (COMMENTARY)
December 17, TheRegister

Dow, Burson-Marseller Clamp Down On Fake Websites (PRESS RELEASE)
December 13, RTMark

Artists Band Together For An Alternative To Extreme Copyright Laws
December 16, Wired News

Elcomsoft Digital Copyright Case Goes To Jury
December 12, Wired News
For background see:
  ZDNet's special section on the case
  Electronic Frontier Foundation's archive of related documents

Hollywood Teams Up With Taiwan Law Enforcement To Stop "Piracy"
December 11, The Taipei Times via Asia Pacific Media Network

Anti-Piracy Group Bills Users For Downloads
December 11, Wired News

Russian Programmer Defends Code-Cracking
December 10, Washington Post
Also see:
  Programmer Takes Stand In DMCA Trial
  Articles, Commentary, and Protests in support of Dmitry Sklyarov, from The Community of Russian On-Line Periodicals
  Background on U.S. v. ElcomSoft from the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Teen On Trial In DVD Hacking Case
December 9, CNET

Microsoft's New Media PC Could Horrify Hollywood And Allow "Napsterization" Of TV
December 9,

Electronic Frontier Foundation Rejects Hollywood's Proposal To Control Digital TV Copyrights With "Broadcast Flag" (PRESS RELEASE)
December 9, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Bush Approves Reprieve For Web Radio Broadcasters Facing Extinction
December 6, Washington Post
Also see:
  Fees Forcing Colleges To Scale Back Webcasts
  Save Internet Radio's History of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
  Jesse Helms: Web Radio's Unlikely Hero

Wal-Mart Backs Away From DMCA Claim
December 5, CNET

Opening Arguments Heard In Elcomsoft Digital Copyright Trial
December 3, Wired News
Also see:
  Gov't: ElcomSoft software for thieves
  Background on "U.S. v. ElcomSoft" from Electronic Frontier Foundation

Court Test For DMCA Digital Copyright Law
December 2, BBC

Arguments Heard Over File-Swapping
December 2, BBC

BBC Admits Interference From Digital Radio Stations, Plans Further Launches
December 2,

Hollywood Tastes New Copyright Victory With Digital TV Plan
December 2, CNET
Also see:
  Background on the plan from Electronic Frontier Foundation

Naval Academy Seizes Student Computers For Downloading Films, Music
November 26, Washington Post

U.S. Judge May Allow Suit By Media Companies Against File-Swapping Service Kazaa
November 26, BBC

Big Retailers Use DMCA Copyright Law To Quash Leaked Sales Info On The Web
November 20, Wired News via Internet Sites Delete News of Sales by Big Retailers
Also see:
  DMCA Reopens for Public Comment
  Left gets nod from right on copyright law

DMCA Copyright Law Gets A Second Look
November 20, CNET

Recording Industry Pushes Streaming, Fights Downloads
November 18, Wired News

Congress Approves Net Royalty
November 15, USA Today via Benton Foundation

Hollywood Studios Launch Internet Service To Enable Download Of Films
November 11, BBC

Privacy Group Asks Universities To Avoid Monitoring Student File-Sharing (PRESS RELEASE)
November 6, Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Disney Claims Victory In Dispute Over Winnie The Pooh Rights
November 5, BBC

RealNetworks Reveals Software Code
October 29, Wired News
Also see:
Can open source compete with Microsoft?

Cable Vs. Content As Future Of TV Is Debated Inside AOL Time Warner
October 28, The New York Times (free registration req'd)
Also see:
Comcast May Anger Broadcasters With New Set-Top Cable TV Services

New Copyright Fees Forcing Colleges To Scale Back Webcasts
October 21, The New York Times (free registration req'd) via Yahoo Full Coverage

Programmer For Russian Software Company Denied US Visa To Testify In Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Case
October 10, The Register via Wired News
Also see:
Government Will Invite Public Comments On DMCA
"Russian Coding Firm Back for More"
Background on the DMCA from Electronic Frontier Foundation

New Tech Could Prevent In-Theater Recording Of Digital Movies
October 15, BBC

European Broadcasting Union Will Use Watermark Technology On Newscasts To Monitor Copyright Violations
October 15, EuropeMedia.Net via European Journalism Centre

Hollywood's Demands Could Cripple Consumer Technology, Panelists Say
October 15, Washington Post

"Illegal Art" Exhibit Challenges Copyright Laws
October 11, Wired News

Piracy Blamed For 9% Drop In Worldwide Music Sales
October 11, BBC
Also see:
Rock Stars Sue For Distributing Music Without Authorization

EC Approves "One Stop Shop" For Internet Music Broadcasting Rights, Covering 18 Nations
October 11, Reuters via ZDNet

Lawyers Attempt To Equate Copyright Protection To First Amendment Rights In Eldred V. Ashcroft
October 9, Wired News

Fencing Off the Public Domain (COMMENTARY)
October 9, Wired News

Classic Books Could Be Up For Grabs In Hollywood
October 9, Variety via Yahoo News
Also see:
Internet Bookmobile: Crusader Wants To Use Internet To Make Books Available To Everyone

Music Swapping On The Net Rising
October 9, BBC

U.S. Composers Distribute Their Work To Public And Peers Through New Website
October 9, The New York Times (free registration req'd)

Free Speech Same As Free Content? Copyright Under Debate In U.S. Supreme Court
October 8, Wired News
Also see:
High-Tech Versus Hollywood As Copyright Showdown Begins In Supreme Court: Eldred v. Ashcroft
Links to ongoing coverage on Eldred v. Ashcroft

U.S. Lawmakers Tuning In to New Media Issues And How We Use Technology
October 7, Los Angeles Times via I Want Media

Proposed U.S. Laws Would Protect Consumers' Use Of Digital Media, Reversing Current Trends
October 4, Mercury News
Also see:
New Bills Aim To Protect Consumers' Use Of Digital Media

U.S. Music Companies Seek To Force ISPs To Identify Names Of File-Traders
October 4, Washington Post
Also see:
Record Labels Request Online Sabotage Rights

EU Announces New Music Licensing Rules For Web Broadcasts
September 30,

Intellectual-Property Laws Don't Benefit Poor Countries, Says Report
September 12, The Economist

Stopping The Privatization Of Public Knowledge
August 1,

>> Yahoo's ongoing full coverage of copyright news

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