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Did you know?
Dow is responsible for the birth of the modern environmental movement. In 1969, Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring about the side-effects of a Dow product, DDT, on North American bird populations. Her work created a groundswell of concern, sparking the birth of many of today's environmental action groups. Another example of Dow's commitment to Living. Improved daily.
Dow-chemical, an excellent site, not really brought to you from the people at Dow, the company who now own Union Cardbide, whose pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, sprang a leak in 1984, killing est. 5,000 then and up to 15,000 since. The Responsible Care: Aiming for Zero Responsibility page, as well as all the others, is genius.
gwen - spoof dow site - 12:02 PM
comments: 2

an astonishing level of adbuster-esque irony! and therefore, sadly, too deep for the majority of the population (and clearly for most of the exec board of dow, since the posters of this faux site haven't been taken out and shot...yet).

it's obvious why these brilliant internet graffitti artists/ memetic-terrorists have to wear a virtual balaclava, but it would be nice to see a manifesto or policy statement somewhere, or at the very least a claim of responsibility. they remind me a little of that william gibson conceit of "the empire of desire"...

kudos to you once again for sharing tidbits like these with us!

by r@d@r at 1:29 PM on December 3, 2002

The Dow boys did grab the Domain name (the pranksters had registered it in the name of the son of the Dow CEO, so the Dow lawyers just had him transfer ownership.)

http://www.theyesmen.org/ for more info.

by Buster at 1:46 AM on December 9, 2002

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