Latest update: Sun Dec 15 14:05:17 PST 2002
"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.
"Investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide."
-- Carl Cameron, as quoted in The Spies Who Came In From The Art Sale
"While I agree with you, if I say anything about US geopolitical interests with Israel, I might as well clean off my desk."
-- Unnamed reporter as quoted in American Media Censorship and Israel

"Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992" --"Anthrax Missing From Army Lab", The Hartford Courant, January 20, 2002 By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers




12/15/02 Transcript from "Donahue" show in which Adelman gets blasted by a caller. Note also Adelman's support for the now-discredited story that Iraq gave terrorists nerve gas.

12/15/02 Fox may kill it, but the story of the Israeli spy ring survives on the net.

12/15/02 Christian America's Violent New Gospel

"A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!"  -- Jeremiah 48:10, Motto of Pope Gregory VII.

"Kill them all. Let God sort them out!" -- Saint Dominic, at the genocide of the Albigensians. 

Jerusalem was conquered on 7/15/1099 and 60,000 non-Christians were killed. Bodies were slit open to search for gold coins they might have swallowed. Jews who had taken refuge in the city's synagogue were burned alive, thousands of Muslims were chopped to death in Al-Aqsa mosque. According to the Archbishop of Tyre, who was an eye-witness, "It was impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror; everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror of all who looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished." Christian chronicler Eckehard of Aura noted that "even the following summer in all of Palestine the air was polluted by the stench of decomposition".

"Entering the city [Jerusalem, July 15, 1099], our pilgrims pursued and killed Saracens up to the Temple of Solomon, in which they had assembled and where they gave battle to us furiously for the whole day so that their blood flowed throughout the whole temple.  Finally, having overcome the pagans, our knights seized a great number of men and women, and the killed whom they wished and whom they wished they let live....  Then, rejoicing and weeping from extreme joy, our men went to worship at the sepulchre of jour Saviour Jesus and thus fulfilled their pledge to Him....  They also ordered that all the Saracen dead should be thrown out of the city because of the extreme stench, for the city was almost full of their cadavers.  The live Saracens dragged the dead out before the gates and made piles of them, like houses. No one has ever heard of or seen such a slaughter of pagan peoples since pyres were made of them like boundary marks, and no one except God knows their number."
       [Histoire anonyme de la premiere croisade, L. Brehier, ed.

12/15/02 The Christian Horror Picture Show

12/15/02 Anonymous sources fueling push for war "I want to know who the men in the shadows are I want to hear somebody asking them why They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are But they're never the ones to fight or to die." (See next)

12/15/02 Lives in the Balance Jackson Brown sing in dire need of a revival

12/15/02 DOW, BURSON-MARSTELLER CLAMP DOWN ON FAKE WEBSITES For the record, this website has no artificial colorings or flavorings of any kind.

12/15/02 Navy sends 2,600-man task force to the Gulf

12/15/02 Jamaica's murder toll has reached 1,000 this year. Thank goodness for strict gun control and a disarmed populace!

12/15/02 FBI "terror expert" claims Osama has "backpack nukes". "Booga, booga" Get ready for the next staged terror event.

12/15/02 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF "The sheriff of your county is the highest elected official and has more power than most people realize. Your local sheriff has the power to tell dragoons from various federal alphabet soup agencies that they will not come into his/her county and attempt to enforce unconstitutional 'laws.'"

12/15/02 Franco-German Show of Strength Puts America and Friends in Their Place

12/15/02 Was Wellstone's plane accident planned?

12/15/02 Amnesty on right course by insisting U.S. ‘come clean’ Americans have always held their country up as a bastion of human rights and freedoms as compared to most other nations of the world. It is important the fear generated by the Sept. 11 attacks - and the approach taken by an overzealous government that appears to value the illusion of security over the guarantee of freedom and justice for all - not undermine efforts of America to right the wrongs of countries engaged in actions that are morally and ethically the antithesis of what this country has stood for over the past two and a half centuries.

12/15/02 The death of opposition in America

12/15/02 Russian Official: Peace Corps Suspicious Took them long enough to figure that one out.

12/15/02 Gore won't run in 2004 Gee, I wonder who the Democrats will pick??????????????

12/15/02 Retirement at 65 to end as pensions gap looms Along with the fact that the Federal Government has been looting the Social Security Trust Fund.

12/15/02 Anti-war protestors arrested The repression begins

12/15/02 License to Kill: The Problem with Religious Definitions of Evil "BURN THE HERETIC! BURN THE HERETIC!"

12/15/02 Hezbollah story likely 'invented' The furor over the importance that a media article that allegedly contained "invented" remarks from a Hezbollah leader, and the role it played in Canada's decision to ban the Lebanese group, continued to grow on Thursday.

12/15/02 US to target scientists A kidnapping by any other name.

12/15/02 Americans in London hold 24-hour vigil in protest to war

12/15/02 UN Unease over Taking Iraq's Scientists Away The UN's weapons inspection commission warned Sunday that any decision to conduct interviews with Iraqi scientists outside their country required far more analysis, and that its recent request for a list of Iraqi weapons experts should not be interpreted as a move in that direction.

12/15/02 US casualties 'high' in Iraq war Small price to pay to steal other people's oil.

12/15/02 US Agrees to Israeli Demands on Peace 'Road Map' Big shockerooni there, right? >"I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

12/15/02 Saddam given two weeks to name scientists What happens when the US grabs the scientists the same way they grabbed the Iraq Declaration? The scientists AND THEIR FAMILIES are suddenly in some of those new cells being built in Guantanamo. The US has already taken the position that it may use torture in "fighting terror". During the overthrow of Chile, CIA-trained torturers would torture small children and force the parents to watch. There is absolutely no reason to assume similar methods will not be used, or at least threatened, to get the Iraq scientists to say exactly what the US wants them to say. The UN had better do something to prevent this, or they will have lost all credibility.

12/15/02 Media Caught in a Lie About a Quote that was Never Made

12/15/02 US agents in Iraq trying to buy a revolution

12/15/02 The US may use torture against terrorism

12/15/02 Iraq: Retaliation at Issue in Russian Contract Cancellations Sources say that Iraq's cancellation of a contract for LUKoil to develop the West Qurna oil field -- a move announced Dec. 12 -- came as retaliation for the Russian oil giant's recent dealings with the opposition Iraqi National Congress (INC).

12/15/02 British lawmaker warns against attack on Iraq

12/15/02 The War After Iraq U.S. occupation of a conquered Iraq would reshape the political dynamic in the Middle East. The United States would be in a position to manipulate the region on an unprecedented scale.

12/15/02 US, UK hit civilian Iraq sites "Iraq does not recognize the northern and southern air exclusion zones, which have been enforced since the end of the 1991 Gulf War without being explicitly sanctioned by any UN resolution. "

12/15/02 Who ARE the Iraqis?

12/15/02 Iraq Urges UN to Stop 'Undeclared War'

12/15/02 Bush widens CIA terror role I'm already terrified of the CIA.

12/15/02 Making a Hit List, Checking It Twice US goes on a murder spree.

12/15/02 Today is Bill of Rights day. Somehow, when Dubya declares it, it just seems kinda weird.

12/15/02 Top IRA terrorist exposed in court documents as a special forces soldier

12/15/02 See “The Trials of Henry Kissinger” While You Can!

12/15/02 Three-Strikes Law: Only the Poor Need Apply "The FBI estimates that burglary and robbery costs the nation $3.8 billion a year. Compare this to the hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from Americans via corporate and white collar fraud."

12/15/02 N Korea raises the stakes in nuclear standoff Underscoring the US hypocrisy in Iraq. North Korea is intentionally creating the situation the US claims justifies the invasion of Iraq, knowing that the US will not dare to invade North Korea, because North Korea really DOES have weapons of mass destruction!

12/15/02 Hi-tech arms 'would finish war in a week' You mean like the USS Yorktown, the Aegis cruiser wired with NT that had to be towed back to port? Or Aegis itself, which can't tell the difference between an F-14 and an Airbus? Or do you mean Aegis-CEC, that can't tell the difference between a target drone and a 747?

12/15/02 THE REHABILITATION OF JOAN PETERS - Discredited Author Finds a New Audience Third article down. This is a case study on how Israeli supporters within the US media will support and encourage the publications of falsehoods.

12/15/02 Eyeless in Israel Is it too much to ask Israelis to take a look, even a glimpse, at what's going on in their backyard?

12/15/02 Israeli Terrorism by Anonymous

12/15/02 Trent Lott is a Segregationist? What About Ariel Sharon? This is the article that is getting posters banned over at Free Republic.

12/15/02 Ibrahim, the Shin Bet wants you to join Qaida "Early last week, Rashi Abu Sba, head of the preventive security apparatus in Gaza, the equivalent of the Shin Bet, accused the Israeli security service of tricking young Palestinians into conducting missions in the name of Al-Qaida. " Did Israel do that in New York as well? "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

12/15/02 Here is the Official Fox News coverage of the Israeli spies and 9-11.

12/15/02 Dogs die to teach Peru's soldiers how to kill The military mind-set. Such things are not confined to Peru.

12/15/02 THE ONE STATE SOLUTION : ISRALESTINE Actually, that is what the UN set up originally. When Israel was created, the UN made it a requirement of Israel that the Palestinians not be treated as second class-citizens. Israel has since proven that it is incapable of treating ANYONE who is not Jewish other than as a second-class citizen. For this reason, a single state solution cannot ever work, because Israel will never keep promises it makes.

12/15/02 Iraq's Aziz Brands Bush a 'Hypocrite'

12/15/02 US Elite Teams Trying To Buy Iraqi Tribes With YOUR money!

12/15/02 Severe Cold Kills 41 Afghan Refugee Children "Gee, we're really sorry you lost your home, but you do realize that we had to put that pipeline somewhere, right?"

12/15/02 Commercial site stealing and altering articles by patriots?

12/15/02 Zionism Unbound "Vidal wrote: 'since spades may not be called spades in freedom's land, let me spell it out. In order to get military and economic support for Israel, a small number of American Jews, who should know better, have made common cause with every sort of reactionary and anti-Semitic group in the United States, from the corridors of the Pentagon to the TV studios of the evangelical Jesus Christers all in the interest of supporting the likes of Sharon as opposed to the Peace Now Israelis whom they disdain.' "

12/15/02 Has Big Brother arrived, and is he watching us?

12/15/02 'How George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan helped arm Iraq'

12/15/02 Saudi Arabia restores telephone links with Iraq THAT explains the US/UK bombing raids on civilian "communications centers".

12/15/02 Notorious brothers brush aside scandal and crimes in race for power The next Israeli parliament is shaping up as a rogues gallery, the last refuge for scoundrels clinging to public power.

12/15/02 Troops start countdown to war Phony Tony will stay safely at home, of course.

12/15/02 US cash squads 'buy' Iraqi tribes Your cash.

12/15/02 Coalition planes hit sites southeast of Baghdad "Sabri said the attacks and no-fly zone patrol flights were violations of Iraqi airspace -- 1,141 between November 9 and December 6, he said -- and demanded that the United Nations call a halt to the flights. Without a specific U.N. resolution, U.S. and British aircraft have enforced no-fly zones -- which Iraq does not recognize -- over northern and southern Iraq since the end of the Persian Gulf War in 1991 to protect Kurds in the north and Shiite Muslims in the south from possible attacks by the Iraqi government. Iraqi officials insist that the zones violate the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity. "

America is being run by a president who has people who protest against him arrested unless they do it in 'free-speech' zones. If that doesn't scare you, then you're not paying attention. ----unknown

12/15/02 Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters Bombing blamed on Hizbollah may have been a drug hit!

12/15/02 Project for the New American Century This is the memo which proves Bush intended to invade the Middle East all along.

12/15/02 Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true.

12/15/02 Not such a super power after all Only a superpower would try to take the world's temperature thus. The trouble is - when you hold their thermometer up to the light - the reading that comes back says this power isn't so super after all.

12/15/02 Iraqi Oil Controversy The Bush administration says that a war with Iraq will not be about oil, but experts contend that oil must be part of any war equation because Iraq has the largest known oil reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia. Steve Kroft reports.

12/15/02 The Unseen Gulf War Picture your children part of this.

12/15/02 You knew there'd be scandals

12/15/02 Mexican ambulance drivers are transporting hospital patients unable to pay for medical care or emergency-room services in their country to facilities in the United States, where their treatment is mandated by federal law

12/15/02 British troops poised for Iraq invasion

12/15/02 Young and old protest war against Iraq

12/15/02 Alex Jones - Homeland Security RealMedia file

12/15/02 Anti-war protestors demonstrate in France, Germany

12/15/02 23 Reasons to Condemn Zionism

12/15/02 Voting Machine Check Aided Louisiana Democrat

12/15/02 Canadian activist reported detained in Israel

12/15/02 Scientist convicted of stealing research

12/15/02 Victim Families Glad Kissinger Quit 911 Panel Anyone who values the truth is glad Kissinger quit.


12/14/02 The Tom Hayes film on Palestine "People & The Land"  that Israel does not want you to see. Whole film, 65 Meg Windows Media File, don't even bother clicking this unless you have broadband access. UPDATE: FILM HAS BEEN TAKEN DOWN BECAUSE OF HIGH DEMAND. I HAVE SENT ADC EMAIL ASKING FOR PERMISSION TO MIRROR THE MOVIE HERE.

12/14/02 Iraq to provide list of scientists involved in arms programs Scientists and their families to be taken out of Iraq. The question now is, what means does the UN have to assure the world that these same scientists will not be bribed or threatened into making statements the US needs to justify the conquest of the oil?

12/14/02 Signs' antiwar message catches on

12/14/02 US "recommends" Blix censor Iraq report before dissemination In other words, the US will bomb Iraq for weapons but don't tell anyone the US gave those weapons to Iraq in the first place.

12/14/02 Quick, before the media gets that list of who gave Iraq those weapons, let's pump out some more smears as quick as we can!

12/14/02 Bush reshuffles economic officials: more CEOs and bankers There is a mystery afoot in the nation's economy. In order for the value of the dollar to remain high, as much money must come into the US in the form of investments as goes out in the trade deficit. But with CEO scandals, poor stock market performance despite the PPT and crushing government debt, who would see US companies as a good investment these days? Something does not add up. And in light of various bookkeeping tricks by the US Government in recent years, such as looting Social Security and spending the cash as if it were general funds (then declaring a budget surplus), one is tempted to wonder if another similar grand fraud is underway, one of such magnitude as to explain the sudden flurry of resignations and reassignments within the administration's top economic advisors.

12/14/02 Israel wins the world's worst housing rights violators award

12/14/02 America’s bid for global dominance "The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. "

12/14/02 UK reverses itself, now okay to invade without new UN resolution.

12/14/02 Dancing Israeli Spies at Site of 9/11 How many times have you heard some people justify their support of Israel over Palestinians because of that footage of dubious authenticity, of Palestinians celebrating in the streets about 9/11? That footage was shown over and over for a reason: the Zionist-run media was doing its part to continue on its campaign to vilify all Palestinians in order to justify all the billions of US tax dollars that our government continues to give to Israel.

12/14/02 US, British planes hit civilian sites in southern "no-fly" zone.

12/14/02 Protests snarl traffic in Paris

12/14/02 Some parents resisting military's access to kids' info

12/14/02 Homeland Insecurity: Big Brother Is Watching You

12/14/02 The strange affair of the Yemeni Scud missiles


12/14/02 ''Who wants to rule the world?''

12/14/02 U.S. tells 27,000 reserve troops to prepare for duty

Announcement of Kissinger resignation on BBC. Note that commission will ONLY investigate "Intelligence lapses" in regard to 9-11.

12/14/02 Court misses Internet opportunity The bias of this reporter is clear, but the story reports that Australia has decided that it cannot sue Dow Jones for an article read in Australia.

12/14/02 Pravda picks up Bush rape story

12/14/02 Church sexual abuse not confined to gays and boys. Women are unreported victims.

12/14/02 Three more WTC "victims" found alive. Count down to 2,792

12/14/02 Government: All three `Axis of Evil' nations may pose nuclear threat Maybe it's time to stop calling them evil.

12/14/02 Mary Matalin leaves post at White House It's starting to look like a bug-out!

12/14/02 We're Broke! The US Government is so deep in debt it can never get out.

12/14/02 Bali bomb linked to government covert op "An intelligence source told Laksamana.Net that the arrest of Hambali would be a significant step in tracing former high-ranking military officers and probably former government officials who were instrumental in influencing Imam Samudra to mount the Bali operation. He says authorities also believe to uncover previous bombings such as the church bombings on Christmas eve 2000, and the alleged attempted assassination of President Megawati Sukarnoputri. The source says that in the 1970s Hambali was a Special Operations (Opsus) plant into Jemaah Islamiyah. He was given the codename G-8 and tasked with building the financial structure of Jemaah Islamiyah."

12/14/02 The 9-11 conspiracy

12/14/02 Lott's amnesia

12/14/02 Afghanistan, Turkmenistan Oil and Gas, and the Projected Pipeline One of Kissinger's conflicts of interest.

12/14/02 Colombian Journalist Tells All To US Press "After he investigated a 1997 massacre in Mapiripan, in which 67 people were decapitated, Gomez reported in 2000 that the Colombian military officer accused of masterminding the crime had been accompanied 'at all times' by a dozen U.S. military trainers." Gee, I wonder if the Columbians like Americans.


12/14/02 Curious silence greets discredited Hezbollah tale Antonia scores again!

12/14/02 10% of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons are CHILDREN

12/14/02 Subject to inspection (Warrantless Searches)

12/14/02 View and News from Bethlehem

12/14/02 Kissinger's resignation letter


12/14/02 Feds Issue Non-apology for Wrecking Dr. Hatfill's Life "Documents from the inquiry show that one unauthorized person who was observed entering the lab building at night was Langford's predecessor, Lt. Col. Philip Zack, who at the time no longer worked at Fort Detrick. A surveillance camera recorded Zack being let in at 8:40 p.m. on Jan. 23, 1992" --"Anthrax Missing From Army Lab", The Hartford Courant, January 20, 2002 By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers

12/14/02 US to open its dossier on Iraq Not all that open. US hands out ONLY what it thinks will win support for a war. And nobody is allowed to make it public for examination for accuracy.

12/14/02 150,000 protest against US military in South Korea

12/14/02 E.U. strongly condemns Israeli settlements

12/14/02 Jan. 18 NATIONAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON to demand: NO WAR AGAINST IRAQ ELIMINATE U.S. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION Rally at 11 am on the West Side of the Capitol Building March on the Washington DC Navy Yard • joint action in San Francisco Let's try for a quarter of a million!


12/14/02 Source: U.S. Firms on List Aided Iraq Arms Development United Nations -- Iraq's 12,000-page declaration of its weapons programs lists American companies that provided materials used by Baghdad to develop chemical and biological weapons in the 1980s, according to a senior Iraqi official. The public release of such a list could prove embarrassing for the United States and highlight the extent to which the Reagan and first Bush administrations supported Iraq in its eight-year war with neighboring Iran in the 1980s.

12/14/02 Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials Anyone know how to sign up for the "Palme plan"?

12/14/02 Eastside events to protest war

12/14/02 Number of anti-US protestors at South Korea event hits 300,000 We need that many to march into DC.


12/14/02 Bush-zilla

12/14/02 Democracy: US should practice what it preaches

12/14/02 Esbat al-Ansar denies US claim it has Iraqi nerve gas

12/14/02 History prize rescinded for controversial book about guns Author of book that claimed armed citizens were not essential to American Revolution asked to return prize.


12/13/02 Canada investigating computer hacking by U.S. and Israeli spies

NO TO WAR IN IRAQ Join us on December 14, 2002 ** Rally begins at 12 noon @ 157th St and Broadway March at 1 PM to 125th St. and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd for a Rally @ 2:30 at the Harlem State Office Building for more information contact Karim at 347-203-6157 or

12/13/02 Agencies see homeland security role for surveillance drones With or without hellfire missiles?

12/13/02 Bush administration rejects Iraq's weapons declaration "'We know that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and has programs to create more,' the State Department said." Okay, prove it.

12/13/02 Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights

For you Astronomy buffs, the Geminid meteor shower peaks tonight.

12/13/02 The Israeli Deception That Led to the Bombing of Pan American Flight 103 Over Lockerbie, Scotland

12/13/02 Israel advertises for spies Free art courses included.

12/13/02 Computer Sciences, DynCorp to merge

12/13/02 Officials: No hard evidence in nerve agent report Another false alarm from "sensitive and reliable intelligence sources."

12/13/02 23 Reasons to Condemn Zionism "Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East."
-- John Sheehan, S.J. (a Jesuit priest)

12/13/02 Homeland Security Duties Hurt Normal Public Safety

12/13/02 To George Bush

12/13/02 Low-Income Programs Face Cuts When Congress Completes Work on Appropriations Bills in January Meanwhile, $14 billion to Israel.

12/13/02 Ariel Sharon upset over sentence handed to Israeli spies.

12/13/02 U.S. manufacturing jobs fading away fast That is the root cause behind the trouble this nation is now in.

"The madman is the guy who's just figured out what's going on....." ---- William Burroughs

12/13/02 How Washington broke UN arms embargo

12/13/02 KISSINGER QUITS! I volunteer for the job.

12/13/02 ADL Urges President Bush To Reconsider Executive Order On Faith-Based Initiatives Amazing that I actually agree with them on this one.

12/13/02 FBI Searches Park for Anthrax Clues Looking as hard as they can in the wrong direction.


12/13/02 Anti-war protest snarls traffic at Yokosuka gate

12/13/02 Here a patch, there a patch.....

12/13/02 PM: Iraq war will yield `momentum' for peace "War is peace."

12/13/02 Study urges wider authority for covert troops vs. terror Or the ones framed for staged terror, take your pick.

12/13/02 Baghdad pulls plug on Russian oil deal "Iraq had been angered by reports that Mr. Alekperov had sought assurances that Lukoil’s deal would be guaranteed even if Saddam Hussein were ousted."

12/13/02 Israeli soldiers kill unarmed Palestinians

12/13/02 U.S. wants to debrief Iraqi scientists ... with cattle prods.

12/13/02 Iraq arms report has big omissions, US officials say There's a surprise.

12/13/02 90,000 US soldiers to arrive in Turkey

12/13/02 'Mooning' is political protest, court told

12/13/02 Possible infection sparks blood recall - Number of West Nile cases dramatically increasing "But you just finished pumping it in there, Now I gotta give it BACK!?!"

12/13/02 Anti-war organizer knocks down gov’t lies - Says movement must stay mobilized to combat war threats

12/13/02 Oooh, we MUST keep the myths going! We dare not let kids realize that beliefs ought to be examined to see if they are real or not!

12/13/02 Consumers warned on DVD recorders Current recorders use potentially obsolete format and are not upgradeable.

12/13/02 Global survey reveals growing economic hardship, opposition to US

12/13/02 Decoding Some Top Buzz Words of 2002

12/13/02 Bush to Nominate Fellow Skull & Bones Member as SEC Chair

12/13/02 US trying to create showdown over Iraq scientists. The same ones the US was suggesting be kidnapped just a week ago?

12/13/02 Congress considers "Guest Worker" program to flood US with cheap labor.

12/13/02 Our Politically Correct Theologian-in-Chief It's that poster of Brother Torquemada in the Oval Office that has me worried.

12/13/02 Controversial comments by the new spiritual head of the Church of England have re-opened the debate on whether the powerful secret brotherhood known as Freemasonry is compatible with Christianity... It isn't. Freemasonry stands in direct opposition to the intellectual tyranny of organized profit-based religion.

12/13/02 Bush, the hypocrite. Freedom is what we stand for, so hand over your guns, your keys, your money, your children, sit down, shove this electrode up your ass, smile for the cameras, fill out these forms, and shut the hell up.

12/13/02 Flight from the truth "The Lockerbie trial was meant to end the saga of Pan Am flight 103. But it didn't take into account the wads of US dollars, or the heroin, or the Hizbullah T-shirt found in the wreckage. As the man convicted of the bombing prepares to appeal, John Ashton and Ian Ferguson argue that there has been a top-level cover-up."

12/13/02 Germany fights increasing anti-Semitism Actually, what is going on is this. Germans are increasingly angry over what Israel is DOING. Israel spins this anger with what Israel is doing as "hate for all Jews (Reg. Trademark, Tel Aviv)" and the obedient media reports the story as increasing anti-Semitism, rather than correctly as increasing outrage over Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank.

12/13/02 Time to Secede? You might be surprised how wide spread this idea is!


12/13/02 Holy Land is a Holy Mess! As Christmas approaches, and Israel controls Bethlehem, returning travelers report devastation.

12/13/02 Canada about to become the 51st state?

12/13/02 "Cover-up of Convenience—the Hidden Scandal of Lockerbie" Blaming Libya makes for good politics (at least from Sharon's point of view) but what was all that CIA heroin doing in the wreckage?

12/13/02 Iran invites inspectors to nuclear sites Didn't we go through all this in Iraq just a few months back?

12/13/02 N. Korea: U.S.-led oil embargo forces nuclear plant revival We tried this oil embargo crap with Japan back in 1941. It didn't work out well then and it won't work out well now.

12/13/02 British agents helped Iran make killer gas "Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!"

12/13/02 U.N. Team Hits Snag In Iraq - Team Finds Couple Rooms Locked NUKE 'EM! NUKE 'EM! NUKE 'EM! NUKE 'EM! NUKE 'EM! NUKE 'EM! What? The guy with the keys was at prayer? Never mind.

12/13/02 American Border Patrol Network

12/13/02 What Lott Might Have Said

12/13/02 Top AFL-CIO officials resign in insurance scandal Three top US labor officials, including AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, have resigned their positions as directors of the union-owned insurance firm, Ullico. The resignations come amidst bitter conflicts within the union bureaucracy over probes into corrupt insider trading by board members.

12/13/02 Water for Profit Contamination, riots, rate increases, scandals. From Atlanta to Manila, cities are confronting the true cost of water privatization.

12/13/02 Japan’s economy at risk of collapse

12/13/02 Ellsberg: It's time to take risks.

12/13/02 Sean Penn Arrives in Baghdad for Three-Day Visit I'm going to have to take back some of the nasty things I said about him!

12/13/02 How NSA access was built into Windows Not a problem in my case. In fact I think the government wishes I WOULD keep what I know secret!

12/13/02 Bush hopeful new report will link Iraq to al-Qaeda If not, write it AGAIN until it does! (Note attempt to link Lebanon in there in the second paragraph from the bottom. The CIA and Mossad are really putting in the overtime.)

12/13/02 Iraq: inspecting the situation How can Western leaders put the burden of proof on Saddam, but then denounce everything he says as a lie? Why did Bush and co. agree to weapons inspections for Iraq, but then undermine the inspectors' authority?

12/13/02 In Austria, Incursion of the American Santa Triggers a Yuletide Backlash Careful, that glowing red nose on Rudolph is actually a PAVE-TAC laser designator!

12/13/02 Woman files lawsuit against President The story gains attention. FWIW I still have my doubts about this one.

12/13/02 Missile Seizure Backfires on U.S. -European Press

12/13/02 Factory workers seize factory, demand wages from U.S. owners

12/13/02 With narrow stalls banned, pregnant pigs face slaughter The Animal Rights people blow it big time

12/13/02 Student sues over aviation radio arrest


12/13/02 In February 2001, the Israeli military used a yet-unidentified gas on Palestinian civilians in the Khan Younis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip. Click to download a PDF (2.2MB) file of transcripts from interviews with patients, doctors, ambulance drivers and others describing this incident in detail.

12/13/02 Nerve Gas report turns out to be false CNN has removed the original report. Check the "Go To Original" link.

12/13/02 Converted to Islam? The Government Will Send You To A Psychiatrist Stalin would be proud!

12/13/02 U.S. has photos of secret Iran nuclear sites "This kind of publicity is not new," Assefi said. "Certain circles within the United States are trying to create tensions and poison the international atmosphere, and to avert international public opinions away from the real regional danger, which is Israel."


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