A B C D E F G H I        J to R        S to Z


Abraham, Martin And John
By Dion. Song pays tribute to fallen leaders; Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy. "...Has anybody here seen my old friend John? Can you tell me where he's gone?...Didn't you love the things they stood for? Didn't they try to find some good in you and me?..."

Absent Friends
By Saxon. Song was written in remembrance of a person's loved one who had passed away. "You went in the morning, we didn't say goodbye...I wish I could see you for just a day. Tell you we miss you and ask you to stay. To absent friends this one's for you..."

Aces High
By Iron Maiden. Song (Live version), begins with audio excerpt of Winston Churchill. About the air campaign over Britain during WWII, told from an RAF pilots point of view. "...Bandits at 8 O'clock move in behind us, ten ME-109's out of the sun. Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them, heading straight for them I press down my guns.."

Across The Lines
By Tracy Chapman. About intolerance, racial violence, and the social and economic conditions/attitudes that serve to seperate the races in Americs. "...Choose sides or run for your life. Tonight the riots begin. On the back streets of America they kill the dream of America. Little black girl gets assaulted . Ain't no reason why..."

Adam's Song
By blink-182-. Song deals with a teenager who is depressed and starts to have suicidal thoughts. "I never thought I'd die alone. I laughed the loudest who'd have known?...I'm too depressed to go on. You'll be sorry when I'm gone...16 just held such better days. Days when I still felt alive...Give all my things to all my friends...Please tell mom this is not her fault..."

By Peter Tosh. Song is about self determination, preserving cultural identity, promoting Black Nationalism, and building a sense of community, pride, and unity among people of African descent. Relates to the the topic Pan-Africanism and the group OAU . "Don't care where you come from, as long as you're a black man, you're an African. Don't mind your nationality, you have got the identity of an African. Don't mind your complexion, there is no rejection, you're an African..."

After Forever
By Black Sabbath. Song deals with issues related to personal beliefs and questions about the after life. Useful for a class on theology or world religions. Song is ironic in that critics have often associated Black Sabbath with the occult and immorality. "...Have you ever thought about your soul, can it be saved? Or perhaps you think that when you're dead you just stay in your grave. Is God just a thought within your head or is he part of you? Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?...Well I've seen the truth, yes I've seen the light and I've changed my ways. And I'll be prepared when you're lonely and scared at the end of our days..."

After The Dolphin
By Crosby, Stills & Nash. Song is about the first bombing of a civilian target by an enemy aircraft. 1915 German aircraft dropped a bomb on a pub in London called the Dolphin. "At the Dolphin the beer flowed like wine...In the air there's plane headed for the heart of the Dolphin...and in the blink of an eye they were gone, gone, gone."

After The Goldrush
By Neil Young. Human activity damaging the environment, "Look at mother nature on the run in the nineteen seventies..." and dreams of starting over, "...flying mother nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun."

After The Reign
By Blackfoot. About the displacement and relocation of Native American peoples in North America. "..to take a man's home, there's no pity, one man's land for another man's city..."

Against All Odds
By Phil Collins. A person has difficulty "letting go" and moving on from a relationship. "How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace...But to wait for you, is all I can do and that's what I've got to face. Take a good look at me now, cos I'll still be standing here. And you coming back to me is against all odds. It's the chance I've gotta take..."

Ain't No Mountain High Enough
By Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell. About devotion and the power of love over time, and across the miles. "...No matter where you are, no matter how far. Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry...Although we are miles apart, if you ever need a helping hand, I'll be there on the double as fast as I can..." Song could also be adapted for a lesson/activity about various notable geographic features of the earth. "...There ain't no mountain high enough, Ain't no valley low enough, Ain't no river wide enough. To keep me from getting to you..."

The Alamo
By Danny Joe Brown Band. About the Battle of the Alamo which began on February 23, 1836 in the state of Texas. "One hundred eighty Texans fought four thousand comin' strong. Fought to save the Alamo, the battle twelve days long...The last brave man fought to the end, the battle it was lost. Fought to save the Alamo, their lives was what it cost...Remember the Alamo..."

By Barenaked Ladies. The song deals with alcohol abuse and denial, also about people whu use alcohol as a crutch to escape the realities of life. "Alcohol, my permanent accessory. Alcohol, a party time necessity. Alcohol, alternative to feeling like yourself. O alcohol, I still drink to your health...To walk the fine line between self control and self abuse...O alcohol, would you please forgive me? For awhile I cannot love myself I'll use something else..."

By The Kinks. A well respected and successful individual turns to alcohol to deal with life's stresses and ends up ruining his marriage and life. "Here is a story about a sinner, he used to be a winner who enjoyed a life of prominence and position. But the pressures at the office and his socialite engagements...it turned him to the booze...He'll drink anything as long as all his troubles disappear. But he messed up his life and he beat up his wife...Oh, demon alcohol, sad memories I cannot recall..."

The Alcohol Talking
By Matthew Sweet. A relationship is threatened as a person tries to deal with their partner's addiction to alcohol. "Do you realize you're laughing as you're reaching for the gin. Even though I threaten that I'm never coming back again...'cause once the alcohol is talking, you're not even here..."

Alexander The Great
By Iron Maiden. Tribute to legendary ruler, Alexander The Great. "Near the East in a part of ancient Greece, In an ancient land called Macedonia. Was born a son to Philip of Macedon, the legend his name was Alexander..."

Alice's Restaurant
By Arlo Guthrie. Inspired by actual events taking place in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Related topics include; the military draft, Vietnam War, protest movements, crime and punishment, pollution, Thanksgiving traditions. "Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago... two years ago, on Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the restaurant..."

By "Weird Al" Yankovic. Song is about one of the many unpleasurable results of a divorce. "Here she comes now wants her alimony. Bleedin' me dry...Work at three jobs just to stay in debt now. Well first she took my nest egg and then she took my nest. I'm in debt..."

All Dressed Up (With Nowhere To Go)
By Reba McEntire. Song is about growing old alone and being forgotten by your immediate family. "The sign says "families welcome" at the Oaks Retirement Home. But mostly, no one comes 'cept on the weekends. Ruby Wilson lives in 303 where she spends most of her time...she's all dressed up watching and waiting but no one comes. Some days sure are lonely days and time can move too slow. When you're all dressed up with no where to go..."

By Billy Joel. Song is about economic decline and downsizing of American industry. Focuses on closing of steel mills in Allentown, PA., and it's impact on workers/community, and an end of a way of life. " Well we're living here in Allentown, and they're closing all the factories down. Out in Bethlehem they're killing time filling out forms, standing in line..."

All Thru History
By Will Powers/Steve Winwood. Song mentions many great historical figures who have succeeded and had a significant impact on our world. Song also has a positive health perspective in that it talks about the importance of goal setting, self confidence, and fulfilling your dreams and desires. "Since the dawn of recorded time...Certain individuals have emerged from the crowd. Socrates, King Arthur, Joan of Arc, the Beatles...Reminding us of how far a human being can go...No one is holding you back but you. There is no excuse for not getting what you want..."

All You Need Is Love
By The Beatles. A positive song about the power and importance of love. "There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game...All you need is love. Love is all you need..."

Almost Cut My Hair
By Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. A protest song recorded in the late 1960's during the hippie movement when long haired people were viewed as rebels. "Almost cut my hair. It happened just the other day...but I didn't and I wonder why. I feel like letting my freak flag fly..."

By Blues Traveler. This song is about the hurt of unrequited love and the pain of rejection. This theme of unrequited love is also examined in the short story  "A Sense of Shelter", by John Updike. "I said I love you. She began to cry. She said she needed a friend. I said I'll try...I'd loved her always. She didn't know. I tried patience. Let a friendship grow. I tried to keep her, that's what made her go..A love like hers ain't meant for guys like me..."

Already One
By Neil Young. About shared parenting. A relationship or marriage has ended but the couple are still joined or bound by a common interest, their child. "...I can't forget how love let me down...Your laughing eyes. Your crazy smile. Every time I look in his face I can't believe how love lasts a while...But we're already one. Already one. Now only time can come between us. "Cause we're already one, our little son won't let us forget..."

By Bon Jovi. A person has a difficult time accepting or coming to terms with the end of a relationship. He feels that his love for the other person will last forever. "...It's been raining since you left me, now I'm drowning in the flood. You see I've always been a fighter but without you I give up...I'll be there till the stars don't shine. Till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme. I know when I die you'll be on my mind. And I love you, always..."

Always On My Mind
By Willie Nelson. About regret, taking someone's love for granted, and trying to redeem yourself."...And maybe I didn't treat you quite as good as I should have...And I guess I never told you I'm so happy that you're mine. Little things I should of said and done. I just never took the time..."

Always Tomorrow
By Gloria Estefan. Song is about optimism, having a positive outlook on life and believing in yourself and others. "...Try to make a difference, try to love, try to understand. Instead of just giving up, I use the power at my command...I'll face whatever comes my way, savor each moment of the day. Love as many people as I can along the way...That's why there's always tomorrow to start all over again..."

A Man For All Seasons
By Al Stewart. A tribute to Sir Thomas More (1478-1535), song deals with the rule of law, the legitimacy of authority, and staying true to your conscience or principles. "...Henry Plantagenet still looks for someone to bring good news in his hour of doubt. While Thomas More waits in the Tower of London watching the sands running out. And measures the hours out from here to oblivion in actions that can't be undone...So what if you reached the age of reason only to find there was no reprieve. Would you still be a man for all seasons or would you just disbelieve?..."

Amadou! (Look What They've Done to You...)
By Courtney. Inspired by actual events. On February 4, 1999 four NYC police officers fired 41 shots at unarmed Guinean immigrant Amadou Diallo striking him 19 times and killing him in the entrance way of his apartment. "...John Wayne shooters rockin' hard dressed in blue. "Protect & Serve", but are they serving you? Abner Louima and now Amadou countless others paid the price for you..."

By Aerosmith. Song is about the cycle of drug addiction, hitting "rock bottom", and then working towards recovery. "...When I lost my grip and I hit the floor. Yeah, I thought I could leave but couldn't get out the door. I was so sick and tired of livin' a lie. I was wishing that I would die. It's amazing. With the blink of an eye you finally see the light...When the moment arrives you know you'll be alright..."

By The KBC Band. Song is about how the hopes, dreams and ideals of many American people have not been realized. "...New world, new people. New dreams for all of the children. Young country...Back in the summer of '85. I met a young girl, her heart was in flames...War had changed her whole world. Her daddy died in Vietnam. She lost her husband in Lebanon...And she saw hungry people in the streets. Young mothers who could not eat...And it all goes on. Yeah, the dreams go on..."

American Dream
By Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. A politician or public figure, caught in the act. "...Then they caught you with the girl next door, people's money piled on the floor, accusations that you try to deny, revelations and rumours begin to fly..." Also deals with the role of the press in a free society and issues of privacy. "...Reporters crowd around your house. Going through your garbage like a pack of hounds..."

American Pie
By Don McLean. A tribute to musician Buddy Holly who died in a plane crash along with Richie Valens and the Big Bopper, February 3, 1959. Along with the Grateful Dead's song "New Speedway Boogie", this song is also about tragic events during a free concert given by the Rolling Stones ( see photo taken by Robert Altman) at the Altamont Speedway December, 1969. "The day the music died." Song includes numerous historic, political and cultural references to the changing music scene in the late '60's.

American Skin (41 Shots)
By Bruce Springsteen. Inspired by actual events, this controversial song includes important political and social commentary dealing with race and the criminal justice system in America. "...Lena gets her son ready for school. She says now on these streets Charles you got to understand the rules. Promise me if an officer stops you'll always be polite. Never ever run away and promise mama you'll keep your hands in sight...The secret my friend. You can get killed just for living in your American skin..."

Amish Paradise
By "Weird Al" Yankovic. Parody of Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise". A satire of Amish culture, with numerous references to specific beliefs and practices.

Anagram (for Mongo)
By Rush. A fun tribute to the anagram. The letters of one word in each line of the song are rearranged to form other words. "There's a snake coming out of the darkness. Parade from paradise. End the need for Eden. Chase the dreams of merchandise. There is tic and toc in atomic. Leaders make a deal...Miracles will have their claimers. More will bow to Rome..."

...And Justice For All
By Metallica. Reference to corruption of government/justice system. "...Halls of Justice painted green, money talking..." Relates to ethics in government, misuse of power. Related topics: campaign financing, watergate.

Angel Flying Too Close to The Ground
By Willie Nelson. About sacrifice, and the temporary, sometimes circumstantial nature of love. "...If you would not have fallen then I would not have found you...And I patched up your broken wings...And I knew someday that you would fly away...So leave me if you need to. I'd rather see you up than see you down..."

Angel Of Death
By Thin Lizzy. Song is about the sixteenth century prophet Nostradamus who was believed to have predicted many of the great catastrophies (fires, earthquakes, weather disturbances) that occured in the twentieth century. "Oh, my god, there's millions of them!...In the sixteenth century there was a French philosopher by the name of Nostradamus. He prophesized that in the late twentieth century an angel of death shall waste this land..."

Angel Of Harlem
ByU2. Tribute to singer Billie Holiday. "Lady Day got diamond eyes, she sees the truth behind the lies...So long Angel of Harlem..."

Annie Jump Cannon
By Lynda Williams. This song is a tribute to Annie Jump Cannon the woman who developed the system for classifying stellar spectra. "...She was a human computer at the Harvard College Observatory classifying stellar spectra she was the world's leading expert. She created the spectral class system we all love and use today!..."

Another Brick in the Wall, part 2
By Pink Floyd. From the critically acclaimed concept album/CD called "The Wall" this song is about the importance of autonomy, individuality, and freedom of thought.  "We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. teachers leave them kids alone...All in all it's just another brick in the wall..."

Another Day In Paradise
By Phil Collins. Song reveals a person's disregard for another who is less fortunate. About the importance of community and social responsibility and compassion for the homeless. "She calls out to the man on the street, "Sir , can you help me?"...He walks on doesn't look back, he pretends he can't hear her. Starts to whistle as he crosses the street seems embarassed to be there..."

Another Drinkin' Song
By Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Reference to using alcohol as a remedy for solving problems. A person in denial. "...Countin on a remedy I've counted on before. Goin' with a cure that's never failed me. What you call the disease, I call the remedy. What you're callin' the cause, I call the cure..."

Another Man's Done Gone
By Billy Bragg & Wilco (Woody Guthrie). Looking back and reflecting on the significance or importance of one's life and work. "...I don't know, I may go down or up or anywhere. But I feel like this scribbling might stay...So when you think of me, if and when you do. Just say, well another man's done gone..."

By Al Stewart. About the human desire and urge to explore uncharted lands and regions, in particular, Antarctica. "...I felt the chill of mystery with one foot on your shore, and then and there resolved to go where no man had before..." Song includes references to actual explorers, "...Seduced by this ambition I easily forget, the hopeless quest of Shackleton, the dreamlike death of Scott..."

Anti Establishment Man
By REO Speedwagon. A protest song about the Vietnam War and government proceedings of that time period. "...I'm the fool, I'm waiting. Twenty five years of anticipating. I'm tired of your treating all of my children the same. Everywhere! Spending all that money on a stupid war in Vietnam. When we need it at home. I'm an anti-establishment man..."

By Nuclear Valdez. About the longing for youth and the safety and security associated with childhood. "When I was younger than today. Life was different in so many ways...And the wind always blew away my fears...Now I'm always looking back. Why happiness got a little off track. Why simple things just disappear. And the wind stopped blowing away my fears...Even though I'm lost inside. Then I'll find my road. I'll find the wind. Find the missing boy within..."

April 29,1992
By Sublime. About the 1992 Los Angeles Riot that erupted after the announcement of the verdict in the trial of the officers accused of beating Rodney King. "...I was participating in some anarchy. First spot we hit was my liquor store, finally got all that alcohol I can't afford..."

Atlantic City
By Bruce Springsteen. About people struggling to get by and hoping for redemption and a second chance in life. Song also deals with the rejuvenation of Atlantic City , N.J. and the individual or the personal impact as well as the socioeconomic effects of gambling which was legalized in 1976 in Atlantic City. "...Now I been lookin' for a job but it's hard to find. Down here it's just winners and losers and don't get caught on the wrong side of that line...Well I guess everything dies baby that's a fact. But maybe everything that dies someday comes back..."

By Doug Hoekstra. Based on a true story. A social responsibility song about the importance of compassion, empathy, love, and kindness. "...It didn't take much for her to show this man some dignity. I had to ask myself if I'd danced so gracefully. On the clouds around a corner somewhere in the night. Where angels fly and grown men cry, it's such a pretty sight. A piece of human kindness, unrequited love. A beautiful white pigeon, a charcoal-colored dove. On the corner..."

The Auction
By Tanya Tucker. Song is about a farmer who loses his livelihood due to high operation costs and poor crop prices. "Dear Mr. Johnson, we're sorry to inform you. You're request for a second loan has been refused. And the board of directors in the city have instructed us to take the farm from you...The fallin' price of wheat's not our concern..."

Authority Song
By John Mellencamp. About nonconformists, rebellion, and the age old adolescent struggle for autonomy, freedom and independence. "...They think they're so cute when they got you in that condition...I fight authority, authority always wins. I fight authority, authority always wins..."

B (top)

Baba O' Riley
By The Who. Song was originally conceived as part of the Lifehouse Project. A teenage angst song, lyrics address a variety of adolescent issues including; acceptance, freedom, identity, independence, and rebellion. "...I don't need to fight to prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven...The exodus is here. The happy ones are near. Let's get together before we get much older...It's only teenage wasteland..."

Bad Boy Bill
By Loudon Wainwright III. The songis a a not so flattering tribute to President Bill Clinton. "At first Bill was too cool to be true. Like JFK but like Elvis too. Wearing those shades playing saxophone. With secrets to hide, sins to atone for..."

Bad Habit
By Offspring. About "Road Rage" and the problem of aggressive driving. "...But when I'm in my car don't give me no crap. Cause the slightest thing and I just might snap. When I go driving I stay in my lane, but getting cut off makes me insane... Well they say the roads a dangerous place. If you flip me off I'm the danger you'll face..."

By Bruce Springsteen. Song is about feeling trapped or stuck in a situation, waiting for something better to come along, and wanting more out of life. "...Talk about a dream, try to make it real. You wake up in the night, with a fear so real. Spend your life waiting, for a moment that just don't come. Well, don't waste your time waiting..."

By Metal Church. About a person wandering aimlessly in the Badlands region range of the United States. Badlands is also the title of a 1973 movie that was inspired by actual events. "I ride alone, the wasteland I cross will take another life...I feel a dry wind, dust in my eyes, the arctic cold at night...God in heaven my only friend, will I live to see my journey's end...the vultures that circle, cloud the empty sky. Patiently waiting, they wait for me to die..."

By Blues Traveler. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book, song is about loss of innocence, maturing, and gaining new insights or understandings. "...The time has come now for your awareness to change forever and there's a choice for you to make...The only thing you must do is what you feel in your heart is true..."

Baker Street
By Gerry Rafferty. A person searches for happiness and fails to realize that true contentment must come from within and not from external sources. As the saying goes "the grass is always greener..." "...It has taken you so long to find out you were wrong when you thought it held everything...Another year and then you'd be happy. Just one more year and then you'd be happy. But your cryin', you're cryin' now..."

The Ballad Of Billy The Kid
By Billy Joel. A tribute to the legendary outlaw Billy the Kid. "...Well he robbed his way from Utah to Oklahoma and the law just could not seem to track him down. And it served his legend well for the folks they'd love to tell 'bout when Billy the Kid came to town..."

The Ballad Of Danny Bailey (1909-34)
By Elton John. A tribute to fallen gangsters, with specific reference to John Dillinger and Danny Bailey. "...Now it's all over Danny Bailey and the harvest is in. Dillinger's dead, I guess the cops won again...And he found faith in danger, a lifestyle he lived by, a running gun youngster in a sad restless age."

The Ballad Of John And Yoko
By The Beatles. A sarcastic look at the press and tabloid journalism. "...Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton, talking in our beds for a week. The newspapers said "Say what you doing in bed?" I said "We're only trying to get us some peace." Christ you know it ain't easy, you know how hard it can be. The way things are going, they're going to crucify me..."

The Ballad Of The Green Berets
By Sgt. Barry Sadler. A tribute to the U.S. Army special forces of the same name. "Fighting soldiers from the sky. Fearless men who jump and die...Trained to live off nature's land. Trained in combat, hand and hand...Courage peaks from the Green Berets..."

Ballad of a Thin Man
By Bob Dylan. Subject to a variety of interpretations, the meaning of this song has been extensively discussed. By one account, this song was based on an actual incident involving Bob Dylan and a reporter. "You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand. You see somebody naked and you say, who is that man? You try so hard but you don't understand. Just what you'll say when you get home..."

Ball Of Confusion(That's What The World Is Today)
By The Temptations. A social commentary about many of the world's problems. "...Evolution, revolution, gun control...Fear in the air, tension everywhere, unemployment rising fast...Kids growing up too soon, politicians say more taxes will solve everything...So round and round we go. Where the world is headed, nobody knows..."

Bank Of Bad Habits
By Jimmy Buffett. Song is about how overindulgence and unhealthy vices will eventually catch up with you and negatively affect you. "...Bank of bad habits. The price of vice foretold. One by one they'll do you in. They're bound to take their toll. The wrong thing seems to be the right thing until you lose control..."

Bangla Desh
By George Harrison. Song was written to bring attention to the refugee children of Bangla Desh in the early 1970's. Artist also staged two benefit concerts to support the cause. "...Bangla Desh, Bangla Desh. Where so many people are dying. And it sure looks like a mess. I've never seen such distress. Now won't you lend your hand, try to understand. Relieve the people of Bagla Desh..."

Barely Breathing
By Duncan Sheik. A man realizes that he is in an unhealthy relationship and must break free. His decision is further complicated though by his partner who is giving him mixed signals. "...You really had me going, wishing on a star...I believed in your confusion, you were so completely torn. Well it must have been that yesterday was the day that I was born...There's not much to examine, there's nothing left to hide. I say good-bye. 'Cause I am barely breathing, and I can't find the air. I don't know who I'm kidding imagining you care. And I could stand here waiting, a fool for another day. But I don't suppose it's worth the price, worth the price that I would pay...but I'm thinking it over anyway...I rise above or sink below. With everytime you come and go..."

Bartender's Blues
By James Taylor. A snapshot or view of life from the other side of the bar. "I'm just a bartender. I don't like my work. I don't mind the money at all. I see lots of sad faces and lots of bad cases of folks with their backs to the wall...I'm thinking about where I'd rather be, yeah. But I sunk all my bridges. I burned all my boats. I'm stranded at the edge of the sea..."

Bastille Day
By Rush. Song is about the French Revolution, storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. "There's no bread, let them eat cake. There's no end to what they'll take...But they're marching to Bastille Day, la guillotine will claim her bloody prize. Free the dungeons of the innocent. The king will kneel, and let his kingdom rise..."

Bat Out Of Hell
By Jim Steinman / Meat Loaf. About love, rage, obsession, and evil intentions. Said to be inspired by or about Alfred Hitchcock's classic film "Psycho". "The sirens are screaming and the fires are howling way down in the valley tonight. There's a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye and a blade shining oh so bright. There's evil in the air and there's thunder in the sky and a killer's on the bloodshot streets..."

The Battle Of Waterloo
By Running Wild. Song is about the Napoleonic Wars and the historic defeat of June 18, 1815 "June the 18th, 1815, the battle at "Belle-Alliance". Marshy fields and pouring rain. All the blood and cannon's fire... Wellington's command "bluecher of the night"...The Battle of Waterloo, a sea of blood that stains the field..."

Beautiful Life
By Ace of Base. Song is about appreciating all the positive things in life and having lofty goals. "...Take a walk in the park when you feel down. There's so many things there that's gonna lift you up. See the nature in bloom, a laughing child...You can do what you want just seize the day..."

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
By The Temptations. About the importance of judging a person on their inner qualities and strengths rather than their physical appearance. "...A pretty face you may not possess but what I like about you is tenderness...My friends ask what do I see in you? But it goes deeper than  the eye can view. You have a pleasin' personality and that's an ever lovin' rare quality...Beauty's only skin deep..."

The Beauty Of Gray
By Live. About tolerance and diversity, promotes peace and harmony between the races. "...This is not a black and white world. To be alive, I say the colors must swirl. And I believe, that maybe today, we will all get to appreciate the color of gray..."

Be Careful Of Stones That You Throw
By Dion. About how people should be careful about what they say about others because it may come back to haunt you. "...Oh, a tongue can accuse and carry bad news. Gossip is cheap and it's low. So unless you've made no mistakes in your life. Just be careful of stones that you throw..."

Because We Want To
By Billie. This is the official song for the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup. "...We can do what we want to do. We can do anything. We can be who we want to be. Just tell yourself you can do it. I throw a party for the world and my friends..."

Bedrock Anthem
By "Weird Al" Yankovic. This parody is a take-off on the cartoon and television show The Flintstones. "...Well I got a woman named Wilma. Well I got a baby named Pebbles. Well I got a doggy named Dino...Me and Barney, Loyal Order Buffalo...Yabba dabba do..."

Beds Are Burning
ByMidnight Oil. Many of their songs address environmental issues in Australia, and around the world. This song deals with the aborigines and land rights. "...The time has come to say fair's fair, to pay the rent, to pay our share. The time has come, a fact's a fact, it belongs to them, let's give it back..."

Beer Goggles
By Smash mouth. About partaking in risk behaviors, in particular, casual sex. Relates to issues of identity, responsibilty, promiscuity, self esteem, and searching for love. "...You spend your nights at home crying. I spend mine death defying. I call it testing morality. So pull the goggles down over your eyes. Say goodnight to the rest of the barflies. I'm forever yours temporarily...I want someone anyone..."

Beggar Man
By Danny Joe Brown Band. About homeless people and how they're ignored by society. "...Yeah, people pass him on the street. They hide their face in shame. He's treated poorly with disgrace...Well it's a case of livin' hard reality..."

Beginning Of A Great Adventure
By Lou Reed. About the remarkable and exciting experience of becoming a parent. "...It might be fun to have a kid I could pass something on to. Something better than rage, pain, anger, and hurt. I hope it's true what my wife said to me. She says, Lou It's the beginning of a great adventure..."

By Chicago. A person is feeling the initial rush of falling in love and looks forward to building a lasting relationship. "When I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing. I'm with you, that's all that matters. Time passes much too quickly when we're together...Only the beginning of what I want to feel forever..."

Be Good To Yourself
By Journey. About enduring through life's many challenges and taking time out of the day for yourself. "Runnin' out of self control, gettin' close to an overload. Up against a no win situation...Be good to yourself when nobody else will. Oh, be good to yourself..."

Behind the Shuttered Blinds
By Doug Hoekstra. A tribute to the elderly. About the importance of listening and taking time to acknowledge their lives and stories. "She's got a shawl around her shoulders, the air is growing colder. She was a dancer many years ago. Sailed around the world, gave birth to a little girl. To look at her, you'd never even know. There's something there inside. Behind the shuttered blinds Behind the shuttered blinds. A story deep inside..."

By Elton John. Song is about "the troubles" in Northern Ireland. Belfast was the site of "Bloody Friday" July 21, 1972. "...Look outside, summer's lost and gone. It's a long walk on a street of right and wrong. In every inch of sadness, rocks and tanks go hand in hand with madness...All I see are dirty faces, rain and wire and common sense in pieces. But I try to see through Irish eyes, Belfast..."

Belleau Wood
ByGarth Brooks. About the Christmas truce during World War I, December 24, 1914. "Oh the snowflakes fell in silence over Belleau Wood that night. For a Christmas truce had been declared by both sides of the fight...The silence broke in two by a German soldier singing...But I stood up in my trench and I began to sing along...And he raised his hand and smiled at me as if he seemed to say, here's hoping we both live to see us find a better way..."

Beside Myself
By Jethro Tull. A personal song inspired by an actual experience. Song is about human suffering and the tragedy of hunger and poverty in India. "Small child messing down, messing down in the streets of Bombay; Cities like this have no shame, no shame: indeed why should they?...Hollow faced mother with her babe in arms, babe in arms-looks through me...Out in the middle distance, still more tragedies are playing. I'm beside myself..."

Best I Can
By Queensryche. Song is about overcoming obstacles, striving to achieve personal goals, and working to reach your full potential. "I won't let it go, gonna make the grade,...to be the best man, the best man that I can.

By Paula Cole. Song is about childhood, and deals with the impact of poverty. Other issues; identity, self esteem, self image, trying to fit in, feeling unloved, unwanted, and inadequate. "...I want to be a dog or I want to be a rock, I don't want to be me, I don't want to be here in Bethlehem..."

Better Days
By Bruce Springsteen. About despair, disillusionment, and self pity. Also about the healing or redemptive power of love and the importance of hope and optimism. "Well my soul checked out missing as I sat listening to the hours and minutes tickin' away. Yeah just sittin' around waitin' for my life to begin. While it was all just slippin' away... Your heart like a diamond shone. Tonight I'm layin' in your arms carvin' lucky charms out of these hard luck bones.. But it's a sad man my friend who's livin' in his own skin and can't stand the company. Every fool's got a reason for feelin' sorry for himself..."

Better Man
By Pearl Jam. About a woman who feels trapped in a relationship, unwilling or unable to move away. Song could relate to domestic violence. "...It's got to stop. Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech...Talkin' to herself, there's no one else who need s to know...She lies lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man..."

Big Bang
By Lynda Williams. This song is about the Big Bang Theory. "In the beginning there was nothing and then...Big Bang! The cosmic soup expanded and cooled. The particle soup was born in the goo. Photons, bosons, gluons, gravitons. Energy radition-Watch out! Inflation!...Gravity attracts and galaxies form. Stars burn up and the elements are born...""

Big League
By Red Rider. About a dream cut short by a tragic accident. "When he was a kid he'd be up at five. Take shots till eight, make the thing drive...That was his life, he was gonna play in the big league...All the right moves when he turned eighteen. Scholarship and school on a big U.S. team. Out with his girl near Lake McClean. Hit a truck doing seventy in the wrong lane...never can tell what might come down. Never can tell when you might check out..."

The Big Money
By Rush. Song is about how organizations with money and power control much of what goes on in the world. "Big money goes around the world. Big money underground. Big money got a mighty voice. Big money make no sound. Big money pull a million strings. Big money hold the prize. Big money weave a mighty web. Big money draw the flies..."

Big Yellow Taxi
By Joni Mitchell. Lack of care/concern for the environment. Taking nature for granted, "...don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone...". Specific reference to the pesticide, D.D.T.

By Peter Gabriel. A human rights song about South African anti-apartheid activist Steven Biko. He died while in police custody, September 1977. "...when I try to sleep at night I can only dream in red. The outside world is black and white with only one color dead..."

Billy The Kid
By Running Wild.  Song is about legendary outlaw, robber, and gunslinging cowboy Billy the Kid. "...Wanted for the men he killed in vain. A thousand dollars cash on his Billy's head. Hunted by a star for the lives he'd left in vain...Billy the Kid, a youngster and his deadly gun..."

By Papa Roach. The lyrics are a classic example of somebody using alcohol to make their problems go away. This is known as "unhealthy escapism" and is a classic symptom of alcoholism. Song title is a reference to binge drinking, five or more drinks at one time. "...All I need is a bottle and I don't need no friends. Wallow in my pain. I swallow as I pretend to act like I'm happy...When I'm sober life bores me so I get drunk again. I'm losing all my friends..."

Biotech Is Godzilla
By Sepultura. About societal dangers or risks resulting from new technologies, advances in scientific procedures, and the growth of new industries. Song includes specific references to the "1992 Earth Summit" and the levels of pollution in Cubatao, a city in Brazil. Song also raises questions about the sincerity of world leaders, and the legitimacy of their efforts, to preserve and defend the environment.  "Rio Summit, '92 street people kidnapped hid from view. To save the earth our rulers met. Some had other secret plans...Strip-mine the Amazon of cells of life itself. Gold rush for genes is on. Natives get nothing... Biotechnology ain't what's so bad, like all technology it's in the wrong hands..."

By Amanda Marshall. The song is about domestic violence. A woman is abused by her husband and decides to leave him. "...His wife remembers well the man she knew, seems the dreams she had have all turned black and blue...As the rain falls down upon the interstate any doubts she had are all but washed away..."

Birmingham Sunday
By Joan Baez. Tribute to the four girls (Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carol Robertson) who died in the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham Alabama, September 15, 1963. This story is also told in the Spike Lee documentary, 4 Little Girls.

Black And White
By Three Dog Night. About racial harmony. "The ink is black, the page is white. Together we learn to read and write. The child is black, the child is white. The whole world looks upon the sight. What a beautiful sight..."

Black And White World
By Suicide Machines. Song is about racial harmony, tolerance, and equality. "Some persecute their brothers because of the color of their skin. Well thats wrong. Well, colors are deceiving but if you open your mind to see what's right. Wipe the anger from your eyes and take a look...It's a black and white world..."

Black Cat
By Janet Jackson. About a person who engages in risk behavior and lives dangerously. "...Black cat nine lives. Short days long nights. Livin' on the edge not afraid to die. Heart beat real strong but not for long. Better watch your step or you're gonna die..."

Black Eyes, Blue Tears
By Shania Twain. Tells the story of a woman coping in an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship. Deals with issues of low self esteem, domestic violence, and personal choices. "...Black eyes - I don't need 'em, Blue tears - Gimme freedom. It's all behind me he'll never find me now. Find your self esteem and be forever free to dream..."

Black Lung
By Rancid. About the coal mining industry, unions, and black lung disease which is often associated with coal miners. "...No prettiness for the mighty black lung. Reconfirm workers, reconfirm us. Take off the gloves and sock it to 'em...Lookin' for something to give your family a better life for every single day..."

Black Or White
By Michael Jackson. The song is about the evils of racism. Presents a positive message, encouraging people to accept and love one another regardless of race or nationality. "...See it's not about races , just places faces...I'm not going to spend my life being a color..."

Black Panther
By Isaac Haile Selassie.  Song is about intolerance, prejudice, and racially motivated violence. "...How come people kill each other for color? It is better to love and live together. Why do they treat blacks like animals? We want to know what the reason is..."

Black Sheep
By Triumph. The song is about a boy who is drawn to the dangers and excitement associated with life on the streets. References made to drinking, drugs, and guns. Main character in the song ends up in jail, and then turns his life around. "...Black sheep, black sheep bad boy of the family, two strikes against him from the start. Black sheep, black sheep livin' life out on the street, paid the price that left a scar..."

Black Superman(Muhammed Ali)
By Johnny Wakelin and the Kinasha Band. The song is a tribute to legendary boxer and humanitarian Muhammed Ali. "Muhammed, Muhammed Ali. Floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. Muhammed, the black superman. Who says to the other guy catch me if you can...My face is so pretty, you don't see a scar. Which proves I'm the king of the ring by far..."

Bleed To Love Her
By Fleetwood Mac. The song is about the fragile and tentative or fleeting nature of love. Also about the importance of communication, compromise, and sacrifice in a relationship. "...And once again she calls to me then she vanishes in thin air. And how she takes my breath away pretending that she's not there...Somebody's got to sacrifice if this whole thing's going to turn out right..."

Bloody Red Rose
By Running Wild. The song is about the Wars of the Roses which was a series of dynastic conflicts that took place in 15th century England. "In the War of the Roses, the tragedy source. King Edward was bound to die. Richard III, the new lord protector...Henry the traitor, victory by sin. Soiled Richard's blood with a grin..."

Bloody Well Right
By Supertramp. About the importance and influence of powerful friends or, as they say...... It's not what you know, but who you know. "So you think your schooling's phoney, I guess it's hard not to agree. You say it all depends on money and who is in your family tree. Right, you're bloody well right..."

By UFO. A man is in denial over the break up of his relationship starts to have obsessive thoughts and continues to live in the past instead of moving on with his life. "It's another night stuck in here with the TV on. As John Wayne holds the Alamo, I'm wonderin' where you've gone...The things you left I'll keep that way 'til we're together again...Panic sets in, I'm an irrational man. If I can't have you nobody can...Blue..."

Blue Collar Man
By Styx. A man struggles to find a job and yet he refuses to lose his self pride and confidence even though his unemployment benefits have ended. Despite the desperate times, the man continues to maintain a positive outlook. "...Give me a job give me security. Give me a chance to survive. I'm just a poor soul in the unemployment line. My God, I'm hardly alive...But I've got the power and I've got the will. I'm not a charity case..."

Blue Denim
By Stevie Nicks. About the ending of a relationship. Song deals with identity, regret, and wondering what might have been. "...I knew him another way. I knew him another day. In some ways he'd forgotten me. In many ways he got to me...I never thought he could walk away, but I lost him again yesterday..."

Blue Ridge Mountain Sky
By Marshall Tucker Band. A tribute to the beauty and serenity of the Blue Ridge Mountains located in the Eastern United States. "...I meet some people traveling around. But my home's always the best place to go...And I'll always hang my hat under the Blue Ridge Mountain sky...There's an old man sittin' in a rockin' chair...As he stares up to the heavens, I'm sure I know the reason why. He's thinkin' about that promised land and the Blue Ridge Mountain sky..."

Blue Sky Mine
By Midnight Oil. About the struggles and hardships of mine workers. Song also addresses policies and practices of the mining industry, conservation of resources, and related environmental issues. "...My gut is wrenched out it is crunched up and broken. My life that is lived is no more than a token...The sweat of my brow keeps on feeding the engine. Hope the crumbs in my pocket can keep me for another night...But if I work all day on the blue sky mine there'll be food on the table tonight...And the company takes what the company wants. And nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground..."

Bonnie And Clyde
By Georgie Fame. About the notorious bank robbers and criminals that terrorized the United States. "...Bonnie and Clyde got to be public enemy # 1. Running and hiding from every American lawman's gun...They were the devil's children..."

Boom Boom Mancini
By Warren Zevon. A tribute to the sport of boxing and the legendary, lightweight boxer Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini. Song includes references to other boxers including Du Koo Kim who was accidently killed in the ring by Mancini. "...When they asked him who was responsible for the death of Du Koo Kim, he said someone should have stopped the fight and told me it was him. They made hypocrite judgements after the fact, but the name of the game is be hit and hit back..."

Born A Woman
By Sandy Posey. A scathing commentary on males and how  females are treated as minorities and traditional roles have limited their progress in our society. "...A woman's place in this world is under some man's thumb. And if you're born a woman...You're born to be stepped on, lied to, cheated on and treated like dirt..."

Born In America
By Riot. Song is about our great country the United States of America and how much it has to offer. "...Vegas got the casinos and Texas oil wells. Got your Boston beans, got your 'Frisco queens...Chili dogs and baseball. Blue jeans and coca-cola. Rock-n-roll, all born in America..."

Born In The U.S.A.
By Bruce Springsteen. The song is social commentary about the Vietnam War and problems faced by veterans returning home. Also relates to the literary use of irony, and ironic point of view. "...Down in the shadow of the penitentiary, out by the gas fires of the refinery. I'm ten years burning down the road, nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go."

Born Stubborn
By Sepultura. The song is about the rights of indigenous or native peoples. "I got my tribe it's my own right", "Our life it's our right, why don't you go away."

Born To Run
By Bruce Springsteen. Song is about teenage/young adult angst, and the search for love. Also about young people seeking independence or freedom, wanting to break away, and searching for something better in life. Song includes references to places and locations in Asbury Park, New Jersey. "...Baby this town rips the bones from your back. It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap. We gotta get out while we're young...Beyond the Palace hemi-powered drones scream down the boulevard...The amusement park rises bold and stark kids are huddled on the beach in a mist... Someday girl I don't know when we're gonna get to that place where we really want to go and we'll walk in the sun..."

By Cranberries. The song is about the carnage and violence in the former Yugoslavia. "We live in our secure surroundings and people die out there...and we all sing songs in our room, Sarajevo erects another tomb." Relates to study of ethnic cleansing, war crimes, nationalism, fall of Communism, United Nations.

Boston Tea Party
By Sensational Alex Harvey Band. The song is about the Boston Tea Party that occured in the Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. "Are you going to the Boston Tea Party?...There's fighting in the streets...The king has said he's gonna put a tax on tea. And that's the reason why all Americans drink coffee..."

By Subterra. The song is about apathy in society and a lack of concern or empathy for others. "I am not bothered by a war in Pakistan. And I do not care if they're starving in Sudan...I am not bothered because I don't feel anything. A glacier doesn't cry. Frozen lips don't sing...".

Both Sides Now
By Sammy Hagar. The song is about empathy, seeing things from someone else's point of view, being open minded and accepting of others. "There's another side to everything, connected like the ring around your finger...We're crystallized, we stand alone. Conviction holds us like a stone...We got to learn how to listen, before we learn to talk...We got to walk through the darkness before we stand in the light. But I know it won't be long, I see both sides now..."

Both Sides of the Story
By Phil Collins. About the importance of being open-minded and remembering there is usually more than one side or perspective to an issue, topic, or problem. "...Sleeping with an empty bottle, he's a sad and empty hearted man. All he needs is a job, and a little respect, so he can get out while he can. We always need to hear both sides of the story...People looking for truth, we must not fail them now. Be sure, before we close our eyes. Don't walk away from here 'til you hear both sides..."

The Bottle
By Rancid. About alcohol addiction, blackouts, and using alcohol as a way to deal with life's problems. "Climb in, climb in, climb inside of me-pain. Another night of drinkin'. Another night of being out of my head and I don't know where I was last night...things I can't remember come back to haunt me. A lot of people out there who want me. Climb in the bottle and never come out..."

The Bottle Let Me Down
By Emmylou Harris. Song is about alcohol abuse, alcohol addiction and developing a tolerance to alcohol. "...I've always had a bottle I could turn to. And lately I've been turning everyday. But the wind don't take effect the way it used to...Tonight the bottle let me down..."

Bottle Of Wine
By The Fireballs. Song makes references to homelessness, alcohol addiction and begging. "...My pants are so worn they shine. Out on the street I ask the people I meet. "Won't you buy me a bottle of wine"?...Times getting tough and I ain't got enough to buy me a bottle of wine. When you gonna let me get sober?..."

Bottoming Out
By Lou Reed. An individual experiencing emotional turmoil turns to alcohol. Song relates to issues of identity, self esteem, self-destructive behaviors, substance abuse and suicide. "...My doctor says she hopes I know how lucky I can be...But this violent rage, turned inward can not be helped by drink, and we must really examine this, and I say I need another drink..."

By Rory Gallagher. Song is about a musician who leaves his wife and kids for the road  and starts drinking to deal with his problems. "...Well, he left a life behind him in some old trailer park. They tried to make it work but it was ruined from the start...Now he's drinkin' down the bourbon like it's soda pop. Trying to quell a feeling he knows ain't gonna stop...Another destination, some place else to play..."

The Boxer
By Simon and Garfunkel. References to running away, trying to make it on your own, and surviving on the streets. About standing up for yourself despite feeling tired and discouraged. You may be down, but are not beaten. Inspired by personal experiences. "...In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade. And he carries the reminders of ev'ry glove that laid him down or cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame, I am leaving, I am leaving. But the fighter still remains."

Box Of Rain
By Grateful Dead. Written by, and for, a person who's father was terminally ill. Deals with issues of death and dying, coping with personal loss, and providing comfort to someone who is in pain and suffering. "...What do you want me to do to do for you to see you through, A box of rain will ease the pain and love will see you through..."

The Boys Of Summer
By Don Henley. A person reminisces about a summer love and wonders how things ended so quickly. "Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach. I feel it in the air, the summer's out of reach. Empty lake,empty streets the sun goes down alone. I'm drivin' by your house though I know you're not home. But I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun...Now I don't understand what happened to our love...I thought I knew what love was. What did I know. I know those days are gone forever. I should just let them go but..."

Branded Man
By Merle Haggard. An autobiographical song that was written about the artist's time spent in San Quentin prison and the discrimination he had to face when he got out. "...When they let me out of prison I held my head up high. Determined I would rise above the shame. But no matter where I'm living the black mark follows me. I'm branded with a number on my name...I guess I'll never clear my name 'cause everybody knows I've been in jail..."

By Megadeth. About a man who has lost his job, is down on his luck and must turn to public assistance for help to survive. "Ain't got a job. Ain't got a smoke. Ain't got a car. His life's a joke. Living on the skids...Dancing on the breadline..."

Brenda's Got A Baby
By Tupac. Song serves as a warning to young people as it reveals how teenage pregnancy only adds to, or compounds, the myriad of problems that plague inner cities. "Now Brenda never really knew her mom and her dad was a junky...Just cause your in the ghetto doesn't mean ya can't grow...Do whatever it takes to resist tha temptation... Brenda got herself a boyfriend...And yet she thinks that he'll be with her forever and dreams of a world with tha two of them together, whatever. He left her and she had the baby solo...Now Brenda's gotta make her own way. Can't go to her family, they won't let her stay. No money no babysitter, she couldn't keep a job..."

Brian Wilson
By Barenaked Ladies. This song is a tribute to former Beach Boy, Brian Wilson. In another sense song is about the impact of depression, mental illness, and substance abuse"I'm lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did. Well I'm lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did...And if you want to find me I'll be out in the sandbox... Playing my guitar and building castles in the sun and singing Fun, Fun, Fun..."

By Ben Folds Five. The story of a young couple who decide to have an abortion and the emotional "weight" and impact of that decision. "...She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly...Can't you see it's not me your dying for. Now she's feeling more alone than she ever has before..."

Brickyard Road
By Johnny Van Zant. Brother's tribute song dedicated to Ronnie Van Zant, ex lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd who was killed in a plane crash October 20, 1977. Johnny Van Zant is now lead singer for the band. "...Brother do you realize what you've done, touched the hearts of everyone. You might've died too young, but your songs live on...I know I can't bring back yesterday, but we'll be all together, again some day...down to brickyard road".

Bridge Over Troubled Water
By Simon & Garfunkel. Deals with emotional health/well being and having a friend to turn to in a time of need. "If you need a friend I'm sailing right behind, Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind..."

Brimful Of Asha
By Cornershop. A tribute song to Indian singer/movie actress Asha Bhosle. "She's the one that keeps the dream alive from the morning past the evening..."

Bring The Boys Home
By Freda Payne. Song was a plea to stop the Vietnam War and return the troops to their homeland of America. "Fathers are pleading, lovers are all alone. Mothers are praying, send our sons back home. You marched them away, yes you did, on ships and planes. To the senseless war...Bring the boys home..."

Broke-down Palace
By Grateful Dead. Borrowing from themes of the Romantic period this song deals with the healing or restorative powers of nature and the spiritual benefits of communing with nature. Song also deals with timeless issues of love and homecoming. Related topics; environmental conservation and preservation. "...In a bed, in a bed by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul...Goin home goin home by the waterside I will rest my bones..."

Broken Home
By Papa Roach. A child deals with a dysfunctional homelife, impending divorce, and a strained relationship with his parents. "...I'm stuck in between my parents...I know my mother loves me but does my father even care...I feel like a weak link...Broken home..."

Brother John
By Blues Traveler. About a person struggling with addiction and the importance of loyalty, friendship, and support to help people through difficult times. "...And it's hard to be believed what can be achieved with an outstretched hand...The things that hurt just won't go away but neither will we. Doesn't really matter either way cause you're all you need to set yourself free...And you ain't Peter Pan you're just a man. You'll get there again..."

Brother Louie
By Stories. About an interracial relationship and all the problems that are created because of prejudice. "She was black as the night. Louie was whiter than white...He took her home to meet his mama and papa, man he had a terrible fright. Louie nearly caused a scene...Ain't no difference between black and white. Brothers, you know what I mean?..."

Brother To Brother
By Van Zant. About the bond of love and friendship between two brothers."...Why must we make it so hard? There'll always be more to bring us together than to ever keep us apart. As long as we stand, brother to brother..."

Buffalo River Home
By John Hiatt. About identity and self-knowledge. A person struggles to find his "place" in the world and seeks a higher meaning or spiritual purpose to his life. "I've been taking off and landing but this airport's closed. And how much thicker the fog is gonna get, God only knows...With no place to call your own. Mixing up drinks with mixed feelings...Trying to fill up this hole in my soul, but nothing fits there..."

Buffalo Springfield Again
By Neil Young. Artist fondly remembers one of his first groups which was formed in the 1960's, Buffalo Springfield. "...I heard an old song playing on the radio. Buffalo Springfield again. I'd like to see those guys again and give it another shot...But I'd just like to play for the fun we had...Buffalo Springfield again..."

Buffalo Soldier
By Bob Marley. A tribute to the "Buffalo Soldiers", a Native American term for the highly regarded Black Cavalry units that fought against them in the United States during the years following the Civil War . "...I'm just a Buffalo Soldier in the heart of America. Stolen from Africa, brought to America. Said he was fighting on arrival, fighting for survival. Said he was a Buffalo soldier win the war for America..."

Burn Hollywood Burn
By Public Enemy. Song criticizes the film and television industry in Hollywood for perpetuating racist attitudes and stereotypes through their portrayal and depiction of black people in various media. "...All right fellas let's go hand out Hollywood or would they not make us all look bad like I know they had. But some things I'll never forget so step and fetch this...Many intelligent Black men seemed to look uncivilized when on the screen...And Black women in this prefession. As for playin' a lawyer, out of the question...So let's make our own movies like Spike Lee. Cause the roles being offered don't strike me..."

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
By Buffy Sainte-Marie. About the abuse, betrayal, exploitation, and murderof Native Americans in the United States. "...We got these energy companies who want to take the land...And turn our mother earth over to pollution, war, and greed...We got the federal marshals. We got the covert spies...They lie in court and get nailed and still Leonard Peltier goes off to jail...Bury my heart at Wounded Knee. Bury my heart at Wounded Knee. I said deep in the earth...Bury my heart at Wounded Knee..."

By Ray Charles. About the hardships and difficulties faced by sharecroppers or migrant farmworkers. "My bills are all due and the baby needs new shoes and I'm busted. Cotton is down to a quarter a pound but I'm busted...The fields are all bare and the cotton won't grow. Me and my family got to pack up and go...I'm busted..."

By The Time I Get To Arizona
By Public Enemy. Song criticizes the government of Arizona for not recognizing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a legal holiday. "...I'm singin' 'bout a king. They don't like it when I decide to mike it. Wait I'm waitin' for the date for the man who demands respect..." This song created much controversy because of threatening lyrics directed at the Governor of Arizona "...I'm on the one mission to get a politician to honor or he's a gonner..."


Calico Jack
By Running Wild. Song is about Captain John Rackham, a well known pirate captain who ruled the waterways between 1718-1720. His ship was the only one known in history to have women on it's crew. "...Calico Jack, listen and hear my command. Calico Jack, I lead you to victory. Calico Jack, we shall win in the end. Calico Jack, you may believe what I forsee..."

By Chuck Berry. Song is a tribute to the "Golden State", California. "California, California. Much has been told to me about your beautiful sunshine. Mountains and snowtops, valleys and rich crops...Someday I will be in California. And go to places movie stars have been. Hollywood and trolley cars and oranges...movies and show plays, beaches and freeways..."

Callin' In Sick
By "Weird Al" Yankovic. Song is about faking an illness and lying to your boss in order to take a day off. "Hit my snooze alarm for the 27th time. Just don't feel like goin' to work. I think I'll call my boss then I'm gonna hack and cough and wheeze. Swear I got some strange disease...I'm callin' in sick today..."

By Joe Jackson. A satirical look at disease and how an increasing number of things supposedly cause cancer. "...no caffeine, no protein, no booze, or nicotine. Remember, everything gives you cancer..."

Candle In The Wind
By Elton John. Dedicated to Marilyn Monroe. Reference to problems with "celebrity" status and the press, and her original name, Norma Jean. Song was subsequently re-released and the lyrics were changed to commemorate the life/achievements of Princess Diana.

Can't Blame The Youth
By Peter Tosh. Song presents an alternative point of view, challenging traditional views of the accomplishments of certain historic figures and questions what "lessons" they have taught others. "You teach the youth about Christopher Columbus and you said he was a very great man. You teach the youth about Marco Polo, and you said he was a very great man...So you can't blame the youth of today. You can't fool the youth...All the great men were doin', robbin', rapin', kidnappin' and killing..."

Captain America
By Jimmy Buffett. Song is a tribute to comic book character, cartoon character, and crime fighter Captain America. "He's a lightnin' flash who made a dash from one coast to the other. To stop a crime or lend a dime or help his aging mother. Captain America, we love you...He likes to beat the bass drum for justice and salvation...Captain America's our man..."

Carbon Is A Girl's Best Friend
By Lynda Williams. This song is a tribute to the element Carbon. "...Life on Earth is carbon based. It came here on rocks from outer space and formed organic compounds till the carbon-cycle went round and round! Carbon is a girl's best friend!..."

Careless Ethiopians
By Isaac Haile Selassie. About the Eritrea-Ethiopia conflict. "...Let's create peace, even though there is war...For our country, for the people. Let's create peace, we have to stop being greedy..."

Carnival World
By Jimmy Buffett. Song is about money and the old phrase "you can't take it with you" so you may as well spend it while you're here on Earth. "...Spend it while you can. Money's contraband. You can't take it with you when you go. Spend it while you can. 'Fore its taken from your hand...My cash was always meant to flow..."

Casey Jones
By Grateful Dead. Song is inspired by the story of the legendary engineer, John Luther "Casey" Jones. Song also contains direct and indirect references to several drugs including cocaine. "This old engine makes it on time leaves Central Station at a quarter to nine Hits River Junction at seventeen to, at a quarter to ten you know it's trav'lin again..."

Cat's In The Cradle
By Harry Chapin. Father and son relationship, family dynamics and values, modeled behaviors, missed opportunities, importance of spending time with your children and developing effective parenting skills, being a positive role model.

Caught By The Fuzz
By Super Grass. A teenager makes poor decisions and is arrested for cocaine possession thus disgracing himself and his family name. "Caught by the fuzz, I was still on a buzz...Locked in a cell feeling unwell...Here comes my mum...You've blackened our name. Well, you should be ashamed..."

Celluloid Heroes
By The Kinks. A tribute to Hollywood and various legends of film. Also about the price celebrities pay in their quest for fame and fortune. "...You can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard, some that you recognize, some that you've hardly even heard of. People who worked and suffered and struggled for fame, some who succeeded and some who suffered in vain...Stand close by Bette Davis because hers was such a lonely life...Please don't tread on dearest Marilyn 'cos she's not very tough. She should have been made of iron or steel, but she was only made of flesh and blood...And those who are successful, be always on your guard. Success walks hand in hand with failure along Hollywood Boulevard..."

By John Fogerty. A tribute to our national pastime, baseball. References to baseball greats Joe Dimaggio, Casey Stengel, Ty Cobb, and Willie Mays. "...Put me in coach I'm ready to play today, look at me, I can be, centerfield..."

Central Park 'n' West
By Ian Hunter. A tribute to New York City, specifically the sights, sounds, and smells of life on Central Park West. "...I think it's the best, when I'm locked in the middle of New York City on Central Park 'n' West...you've got to be crazy to live in the city, and New York City's the best..." Related topic: Central Park, or the American Museum of Natural History which is located at Central Park West at 79th Street.

Chain Gang
By Sam Cooke. Song is about prisoners and their lives on the prison chain gangs. "All day long they work so hard 'til the sun is goin' down. Workin' on the highways and byways and wearing, wearing a frown. You hear them moan their lives away...That's the sound of the men working on the chain gang..."

The Change
By Garth Brooks. Song is dedicated to the victims and survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19,1995. "...They say what good have you done by saving just this one...This heart still believes that love and mercy still exist. While all the hatreds rage and so many say that love is all but pointless in madness such as this. It's like trying to stop a fire with the moisture from a kiss..."

Change My Way Of Living
By Allman Brothers Band. A personal song about accepting responsibility for your own actions and behaviors, and being honest with yourself. "Turning it around", striving to be the best person you can, be and taking control of your life. Song also deals with issues of self-esteem , identity, and substance abuse. "I've got to change my way of living, cause trouble's all that I can see. I gotta change my way of living, Lord trouble's all that I can see. My life is in such a mess, there ain't no one to blame but me..."

By Tupac. About the many social and economic problems confronting people in urban neighborhoods including crime, drugs, poverty, racism, and police brutality. Song also includes a reference to Huey P. Newton. Singer is encouraging people to end the cycle of abuse, hatred, and violence and to begin rebuilding their communities based on love, trust, unity and equality. "...I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere unlesss we share with eachother. We gotta start makin' changes..Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races...I wonder what it takes to make this one better place...And let's change the way we treat eachother..."

Change The World
By Rupert Hine. About people coming together to create a community based on peace, love and unity. "The difference is the way we are as people. The difference is the sum of what we are. So look at things that join us together. And take away things that pull us apart...We can change the world..."

The Chanukah Song
By Adam Sandler. A humorous tribute to the Jewish holiday and famous people who celebrate it. Song includes references to numerous practices and traditions of Judaism. "Put on your yarmulke here comes Chanukah... Chanukah is the festival of lights... David Lee Roth lights the menorah...You can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock..."

Cheap Whiskey
By Martina McBride. A man is given a choice by his wife to either stop drinking or end his marriage. In the end the bottle wins out and the wife leaves him. "...And the darkness still echoes her warning. You can't have two loves in your life. Now the things that will haunt him until the day he dies. Is the smell of cheap whiskey and the sound of goodbye..."

Cheatin' In School
By Corey Hart. About a boy who must suffer the consequences for taking short cuts and not applying himself in school. "...And don't you know school breeds success. And I keep thinking that I couldn't care less...Lookin' at Harold's paper, cheatin' in school. Playin' around, cheatin' in school. Now you're in detention..."

Chemical Addiction
By Alice in Chains. About the dangers and destructive effects of drug abuse and how getting high becomes the focal point of an addict's life. "...I don't care what you say or what you do. Chemical addiction is getting rid of you. So high, colors turn around. Goodbye, let us in and we'll lay you in the ground..."

Chemical Euphoria
By Armored Saint. Deals with many health related issues including chemical abuse/misuse, addiction and a person's deteriorating health due to drug use. "...Found another way to ruin and waste my health. Chemical euphoria, I'm about to crack...Won't get off my back...Addicted, won't you help me please..."

By Europe. About how the Native American was oppressed by the white man. "...The white man's greed in search of gold, made the nation bleed. They lost their faith and now they had to learn. There was no place to return, nowhere they could turn..."

By Graham Nash. About the 1968 Democratic National Convention and the "Chicago 8", with a specific reference to the court ordered restraining of Bobby Seale during their trial. "So your brother's bound and gagged and they've chained him to a chair... We can change the world, rearrange the world..."

By Amy Grant. About the lasting impact and effects of child abuse. "I see her as a little girl hiding in her room. She takes another bath and she sprays her momma's perfume, to try to wipe away the scent he left behind, but it haunts her mind...Now she's looking in the mirror at a lovely woman face. No more frightened little girl, like she's gone without a trace. Still she leaves the light burning in the hall. It's hard to sleep at all..."

Children Of The Night
By Richard Marx. About the struggles of teenage runaways and the street children in Los Angeles. "...All that I know in my life, I have learned on the street. No magic carpet, no genie, no shoes on my feet. Will I wake up from this nightmare?... We are the children of the night..."

Children's Crusade
By Sting. The song is about bravery, courage, duty and honor during World War I.  This song compares/contrasts human suffering and the needless death of young men during the Great War with the deadly consequence of drug use in the 1980's. Song contains repeated reference to poppies. "Young men soldiers, nineteen fourteen. Marching through countries they'd never seen...The children of England would never be slaves, they're trapped on the wire and dying in waves. The flower of England face down in the mud, and stained in the blood of a whole generation..."

Chimes Of Freedom
By Bruce Springsteen.  A person observing lightning during a thunderstorm begins to think about and reflect upon societies outcasts, the disadvantaged, and those who are stuggling to survive. "...We ducked inside the doorway, thunder crashing...The bells of the lightning tolling for the rebel...tolling for the luckless, the abandoned and forsaked...Tolling for the aching ones whose wounds cannot be nursed. For the countless confused, abused, misused, strung-out ones an' worse...And we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing."

Christine Keeler
By Phil Ochs. About the woman who had an affair with John Profumo British Secretary of State for war under Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. This 1963 affair created a political scandal in England. "Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies, you're the gals for me...When Lord Profumo takes off his mascara you know he can't go wrong... Cristine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies, will you be mine, all mine?..."

By Riot. Song is about a person that works for the Central Intelligence Agency. "...If they should hold me for ransom honey, destroy my tapes as you leave. I've got a license to murder...You see me on the T.V., the politicians I protect...We're fighting in the streets so you can feel at ease...I'm in the CIA..."

City of New Orleans
By Arlo Guthrie. About the varying sights, sounds, feel, and history of traveling on Amtrak's train or route called the City of New Orleans. Unfortunately, recent tragic events  might lend or give this song a more somber tone but also an added significance and importance .  "Ridin' on the City of New Orleans. Illinois Central, monday mornin' rail...The train pulls out of Kankakee and rolls past houses, farms and field...Thru the Mississippi darkness rollin' down to the sea...I'm the train they call the City of New Orleans. I'll be gone five-hundred miles when the day is done..."

Civil War
By Guns n Roses. Song begins with an audio excerpt from the movie Cool Hand Luke. Song is about war and the cycle of violence in society. Specific references to JFK and Peruvian guerillas."...Look at the shoes you're filling. Look at the blood we're spilling. Look at the world we're killing. The way we've always done before..."

Clap For The Wolfman
By The Guess Who. A tribute to radio personality Wolfman Jack. "Clap for the Wolfman, he's gonna rate your record high. Clap for the Wolfman, you're gonna dig him til the day you die..."

Closer To Fine
By Indigo Girls. About the process of self-discovery or self-knowledge, and the search for a higher purpose or meaning to life. "...I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains. I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains. There's more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line and the less I seek my source for some definitive. The closer I am to fine..."

Closer To The Heart
By Rush. Song is about compassion, hope, love, peace and unity. Song is asking political leaders throughout the world to change their violent ways and to adopt more benevolent policies and practicies. "And the men who hold high places must be the ones to start. To mould a new reality closer to the heart..."

By Uncle Tupelo. Song is about the hazards associated with coal mining and how capitalist forces in society took advantage of workers in the industry."...I was born in old Kentucky. In a coal camp born and bred...I know how the coal miners work and slave in the coal mines everyday...Mining is the most dangerous work in our land today... Dear miners, they will slave you until you can't work no more. And what will you get for your labor but a dollar in the company store...They take our lifeblood. They take our children's lives...Coal miners, won't you organize wherever you may be. And make this land of freedom for workers like you and me..."

Coal Miner's Daughter
By Loretta Lynn. An autobiographical song about the artist's upbringing as a child and her journey out of poverty. "Well I was born a coal miner's daughter in a cabin in Butcher Holler...My daddy worked all night in the Van Lear coal mines, all day long in the field hoeing corn. Mommy rocked the babies at night...Daddy loved and raised eight kids on miner's pay, mommy scrubbed our clothes on a washboard everyday...We were poor but we had love... Yeah, I'm proud to be a coal miner's daughter..."

By Jackson Browne. About the negative and harmful effects of the stimulant cocaine. "I was talking to my doctor down at the hospital. He said "Son, it says here your twenty seven, but that's impossible. Cocaine, you look like you could be forty five..."

Cocaine Bill And Morphine Sue
By (Traditional). Many health related references are in the song including drug use, tolerance, denial, gateway drugs and the destructive effect of drug abuse. "...It'll do no harm if we both just have a little shot in the arm. I can't refuse 'cause there's no more kick in this darned 'ol booze. Now in the graveyard on the hill lies the body of Cocaine Bill. And in the grave night by his side lies the body of his cocaine bride. All you cokie's is a gonna be dead. If you don't stop a sniffin' that stuff in your head..."

Cocaine Decisions
By Frank Zappa. About the powerful stimulant cocaine and it's health hazards. "Cocaine descisions. The cocaine decisions that you make today will mean nothing later on when you get nose decay...You are wasted..."

Cocaine Eyes
By Neil Young. Yet another song about the dangers of using the stimulant cocaine."... Cocaine eyes, can't hide your face. It's no surprise you lose that race again...It's a long hard road when your friends start to leave you behind..."

Cocaine 'Lil
By Chris Darrow. Song is about a cocaine addict who dies from an overdose. "Here's a story about Cocaine 'Lil. She lives in a house up on cocaine hill...Well along in the mornin' 'bout half past three. They were all lit up like a Christmas tree...Took another sniff and knocked her dead...And they wrote on her tombstone this refrain, she died as she lived, sniffin' cocaine..."

Cold Harbor
By The Outlaws. Song is about The Battle of Cold Harbor which took place during the Civil War, May 21 - June 3, 1864. "It wasn't far from Richmond, 2nd day of June. The year was 1864, the end was closing soon. A long, bitter struggle for the boys in blue and grey. The Battle of Cold Harbor was only hours away..."

Cold Sweat
By Thin Lizzy. Song talks about the addictive nature of placing bets and gambling in general. "I put my money in a suitcase and headed for the big race. I felt a chill on my backbone. As I hung up the telephone. Stone cold sober and stone cold sweat. Runnin' down the back of my neck. To lose means trouble, to win means double. And I got me a heavy bet. Cold, cold sweat...think I'll move to Vegas..."

Cold Turkey
By John Lennon. Song is about a person who has stopped using a drug and is experiencing withdrawal and  the negative effects that are part of it.. "Temperatures rising, fever is high. Can't see no future, can't see the sky. My feet are so heavy, so is my head. I wish I was a baby, I wish I was dead. Cold turkey has got me on the run..."

Colored People
By dctalk. About racial justice and harmony, song is promoting tolerance and cultural diversity. "Pardon me, your epidermis is showing. I couldn't help but notice your shade of melanin. I tip my hat to the colorful arrangement, cause I see the beauty in the tones of our skin..."

Colors Of The Wind
By Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz. From the soundtrack to Disney's animated adaptation of the legendary tale of John Smith and Pocahontas. About the arrival of settlers in the Americas. The ethnocentric beliefs and attitudes of European settlers are contrasted with Native American views towards people and the environment. "...You think you own whatever land you land on. The earth is just a dead thing you can claim...You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger you'll learn things you never knew you never knew..."

By Bush. Possible reference to drug use. "I don't want to come back down from this cloud..." To escape from pain and disappointment in a relationship,. "love and hate get it wrong she cut me right back down to size sleep the day let it fade..."

Come Out And Play (Keep'em Seperated)
By Offspring. About the growing incidence of youth violence, and the accessibility of guns. "Like a spreading disease the kids are strappin' on their way to the classroom getting weapons with the greatest of ease...Your never ending spree of death and violence and hate Is gonna tie your own rope"

Comes A Time
By Neil Young. About the time in most people's lives where they "grow up" and begin to accept responsibilities. "Comes a time when your driftin', comes a time when you settle down. Comes a light, feelin's liftin'..there comes a time..."

By Leann Rimes. Song deals with many health related issues including trust, love, and mutual monogomy. "...Commitment and everything that goes with it. I need honor and love in my life from somebody who's playin' for keeps...Commitment, someone who'll go the distance..."

Coney Island Steeplechase
By Lou Reed. A tribute to Coney Island and it's famous amusement ride the Steeplechase. "Would you like to go on the Coney Island Steeple, go and have a good time. We'll take the subway right down to King's Highway gonna have a good time..."

By C.W. McCall. A tribute to truckers, the trucking industry and especially to the CB radio. "...'Cause we got a mighty convoy, rockin' through the night. Yea, we got a mighty convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on and join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. We gonna roll this truckin' convoy cross the USA..."

Cortez The Killer
By Neil Young. About the conquistador Hernando Cortez and the subjugation/conquest of the Aztec people. "He came dancing across the water with his galleons and guns. Looking for the new world in that palace in the sun..."

Cottonwood Tree
By Doug Hoekstra. A ballad of a Native American paratrooper trying to balance the duty of his work with the ways of his heritage. Song was inspired by the New Mexico landscape paintings of Maynard Dixon and the writings of Tony Hillerman. "...He remembers home as an open sky. Fiery red at harvest time. Flowers brushed against his skin. Bending low in the wind. Cut his face like  mountain sage. Drawing lines that betray his age. The sun set slowly in the west until there was no brightness left...Been everywhere there was to go on these reservation roads..."

By Rush. Song is a tribute to the space shuttle. Describes the sights, sounds, and emotions of experiencing a shuttle launch. " Lit up with anticipation we arrive at the launching site. The sky is still dark, nearing dawn on the Florida coastline..."

Countdown To Extinction
By Megadeth. About the growing number of endangered species. References to "canned" hunts and poaching. "Endangered species caged in fright, shot in cold blood, no chance to fight...All are gone, all but one. No contest, nowhere to run. No more left, only one. This is it, this is the countdown to extinction..."

By Limp Bizkit. About the effects of peer pressure and people who change their behavior, image, and identity in order to fit in. About alienation, self esteem, and the importance of being true to yourself. "Ya know we figured you out...You wear a mask called counterfeit...Could be identity crisis, but I can't buy this...Artificial minds seekin' out tha' new trends. Get in where ya' fit in. Quit thinkin' like a has-been..."

County Fair
By The Beach Boys. About one of the great American summer pastimes, when the local county fair comes to town. "This time each year in our hometown. The county fair comes our way. Where the folks gather round to be happy and spend their day...Hurry, hurry, step right up and win your girl a stuffed koala bear...Break the ballon with a dart..."

Cover of the Rolling Stone
By Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show. About the influence of media and the desire or search for acceptance and popular acclaim. Lyrics also deal with commercialization of music and the corrupting influence of fame and fortune. "Well, we're big rock singers, we got golden fingers and we're loved everywhere we go. We sing about beauty and we sing about truth at ten thousand dollars a show...We got all the friends that money can buy, so we'll never have to be alone. And we keep gettin' richer but we can't get get our picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone..."

Cowboy Song
By Thin Lizzy. A tribute to the cowboy life. "I am just a cowboy lonesome on the trail, a starry night, a campfire light. The coyote call, the howling winds wail, so I ride out to the old sundown..."

Crazy Train
By Ozzy Osbourne. About the Cold War, Brinksmanship, and the increasing danger of nuclear conflict between nations, and wondering why it has to be that way. "Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as foes. Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love...Heirs of a Cold War, that's what we've become, inheriting troubles, I'm mentally numb..."

Creeping Death
By Metallica. About Hebrews flight from the Pharoah. References to the Burning Bush and Passover. "Slaves, Hebrews born to serve, to the pharoah heed...So let it be written. So let it be done. To kill the first born pharoah son, I'm creeping death..."

By David Gilmour. A satirical tribute to the cruise missile. About the risks and dangers of nuclear proliferation. "Cruise you are making me sing, now you have taken me under your wing. Cruise, we both know you're the best, how can they say you're like all the rest...Will you save our children, will you save our land and protect us from all the things we can't understand? Power and glory and justice for all. Who will we turn to when your hard rain falls?"

By Chris de Burgh. About the Crusades, a series of Christian military expeditions during the Middle Ages to free the Holy Land from Muslim control. "...For the noblemen and sinners, and knights of ready hand, who will be the Lord's crusader, send word through all the land...High on a hill in the town of Jerusalem, there stood Saladin, the king of the Saracens...Closer they came the army of Richard the Lionheart. Marching by day and night, with soldiers from every part.."

By Fleetwood Mac. About intuition and trusting your inner voice. Also about the powerful feelings and emotions experienced by someone in love. "Do you always trust your first intitial feeling? Special knowledge holds true, bears believing. I turned around and the water was closing all around like the love that finally found me..."

Crystal Flame
By Blues Traveler. About the power and importance of inspiration and it's intangible nature or qualities. "...Sometimes it's brilliance all around me. Sometimes it's a light I barely see. And though I utilize it's grandeur, it does not belong to me...They say that solid, wet or vapor. The only forms that are portrayed. To them I ask one burning question. Of what stuff are ideas made..."

By R.E.M. A tribute to the Cuyahoga river which is also known as the Crooked River. Related topics also include water pollution and environmental protection. "...This is where we walked, this is where we swam. take a picture here, take a souvenir...This land is the land of ours, this river runs red over it...Cuyahoga Cuyahoga, gone..."

D (top)

Daddy Won't Sell The Farm
By Montgomery/Gentry. About a farmer who won't give in to the "pressures" of urbanization and continues to run his farm as a family business. "His cows get loose and run right through the fast food parking lot. And Daddy gets calls from the mini malls...When his tractor backs up traffic, the reception ain't too warm. The city's growing around him but Daddy won't sell the farm..."

By Bon Jovi. About two people who are having an affair and the feelings of guilt and shame that go along with the territory. "I'm lying here beside you in someone else's bed. Knowing what we're doing's wrong...His ring is on your finger but my heart is in your hands. Damned if you love me, damned if you don't...God, I wish it wasn't me standin' in these shoes..."

Dance Band On The Titanic
By Harry Chapin. About a musician on the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic. "I'm in the dance band on the Titanic sing nearer my God to thee. The iceberg's on the starboard bow, won't you dance with me?...Well they soon used up all the lifeboats, but there was a lot of us left on board. I heard the drummer saying, "Boys just keep playing, now we're doing this date for the lord..."

Dancing With Mr. D
By Rolling Stones. About taking ill advised risks and increasing the chances of causing harm to one's self. "...Will it be poison put in my glass, will it be slow or will it be fast?...Hiding in a corner in New York City, lookin' down a fourty four in West Virginia...I was dancin', dancin', dancin' so free...Dancin' with Mister D..."

Dangerous Veils
By Jethro Tull. This song is about xenophobia and the "distance" between ethnic and religious groups. Song is about the importance of communication and trust between cultures. "...Is this some crazy woman here, dancing behind her thin veil? Am I misreading those mysterious eyes? Duet impossible to harmonize...And I won't peek behind those dangerous veils though you might hate me just the same...Words and tradition bind her in their spell..."

By Elton John. A person (veteran) faces difficulties after returning home. Trying to fit in, struggling to find a safe place and identity. "...Daniel my brother you are older than me. Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal? Your eyes have died, but you see more than I. Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky..."

Darkness of Greed
By Rage Against The Machine. About ethnocentrism, the imperialistic policies and practices of western nations And how  "contact" lead to the oppression and death of indigenous peoples throughout the world. "Greed! Causing innocent blood to flow. Entire culture lost in the overthrow. They came to seize and take whatever they please. Then all they gave back was death and disease...My people's culture was strong, it was pure. and if not for that white greed it would've endured...Ya cram ya culture down my throat. Say I'm inferior when I find that I choke.."

Date Rape
By Sublime. About risk behaviors and the dangers of date rape. "...She heard a noise and she looked through the door and saw a man she'd never seen before...One drink turned into 3 or 4 and they left and got into his car and drove someplace real far...That's when things got out of control. She didn't want to, he had his way...The next day she went to her drawer, look up her local attorney at law, went to the phone and filed the police report...The moral of the date rape story, it does not pay drunk and horny. But that's the way it had to be. They locked him up and threw away the key... DATE RAPE she didn't want to TAKE IT!"

The Days Of A Champion
By Rupert Hine. About the tentative or temporary nature of "celebrity status" and the unpredictable nature of fame and fortune. "The days of a champion are numbered it seems...He'll be out of the picture but stuck in the frame. No more prizes, no more accolades...The days of a champion. They will dissect his whole career. The days of a champion and watch him disappear..."

By Sprung Monkey. About the dangers of substance abuse. In the song a person is warning a friend about the destructive power of drugs and the risks he or she is taking. Song also deals with the issue of denial. "Open up your eyes and try to see now because it's a long dark road you turned to go down...But you just wanted to try to taste a small piece of the high...Like a bullet in your head it's bound to kill you and like a modern day Judas it will betray you...Now I'm tired of hearing you say that it's under control and that it's really not much..."

Dead And Gone
By Molly Hatchet. About heroin addiction and its negative effects on the body. "...Put the needle in the spoon...I know you'll need a fix real soon...You know your headed for your doom...You look a little older but you sure ain't no wiser...You're running for a stone cold tomb..."

Dead End Street
By The Kinks. About being poverty stricken, feeling helpless, and not being able to better yourself because of a poor financial situation. "There's a crack in the ceiling and the kitchen sink is leaking. Out of work and got no money...Two roomed apartment on the second floor. No chance to emigrate. I'm deep in debt and now its much too late...gonna die on dead end street..."

The Dead Heart
By Midnight Oil. About the Aborigines and the struggle to preserve their way of life. "...We don't serve your country, don't serve your king. White man listen to the songs we sing. White man came took everything. We carry in our hearts the true country, and that cannot be stolen. We follow in the steps of our ancestry, and that cannot be broken..."

Dead Man Walking
By David Bowie. About the aging process and reflections on growing old. "And I'm gone gone gone. Now I'm older than the movies. Let me dance away. Now I'm wiser than dreams. Let me fly away...And I'm gone, like I'm dancing on angels. And I'm gone, through the crack in the past..."

Dead Man Walking
By Bruce Springsteen. The song is from and inspired by the motion picture "Dead Man Walking" which is based on a true story. Song examines the brutal nature of crime and punishment in our society. Also about the importance of accepting responsiblity for ones's actions and the healing or redemptive power of love and forgiveness. "...Between our dreams and actions lies this world... All I could feel was the drugs and the shotgun and my fear up inside of me. Like a dead man talkin'...Sister, I won't ask for forgiveness, my sins are all I have...There is a new day comin' and my dreams are full tonight."

By Steve Winwood. Song is about corruption and greed in the music industry. Song was supposedly written about Chris Blackwell president of Island Records. "...Money is his only love. Feeling nothing deep inside. His mind is governed by his pride. Like the mighty oceans roar. He gets all his share and more...dealer, dealer..."

Dear Abby
By John Prine. A tribute to America's best known syndicated advise columnist, Dear Abby. Song is a humorous look at a serious topic; individuals who are experiencing personal problems and seeking counsel or advice. "Dear Abby, Dear Abby; My feet are too long my hair's falling out, and my rights are all wrong. My friends they all tell me I've no friends at all. Won't you write me a letter, won't you give me a call? Signed, Bewildered..."

Dear Bob
By Isaac Haile Selassie. Song is a tribute to Bob Marley. "...You try so hard to make us believe. Now I see the light I can see your way...Dear Bob dear Bob we love you. Dear Bob Dear Bob we miss you..."

Dear John
By Styx. A tribute to John Panozzo, former drummer for the group Styx who died from health complications related to alcoholism. "Dear John, I knew you about as well as anyone. We were the wild ones. So sure those days would never end. Now they're only memories my friend. Dear John, I'll see you someday again..."

Dear Mama
By Tupac. A first person account of Tupac's childhood, and the various struggles he faced growing up. "No love from my daddy cause the coward wasn't there....I hung around with the thugs, and even though they sold drugs, they showed a young brother love." Tupac also expresses gratitude to his mother, for doing her best to raise him as a single parent, "But now the road got tough, you're alone. Tryin' to raise two bad kids on your own. And there's no way I can pay you back, but my plan is to show you I can understand. You are appreciated."

Dear Uncle Sam
By Loretta Lynn. A man is sent off to war to fight for his country and his wife is left alone to grieve after he is killed in action. "...I know he's fighting for our land. I really love my country but I also love my man. He proudly wears the colors of the old red, white, and blue. While I wear a heartache since he left me for you. Dear Uncle Sam, I just got your telegram. Shaking like I am for it said, I'm sorry to inform you..."

The Death of Emmett Till
By Bob Dylan. Based on actual events, song reminds listeners of the painful memories and legacy of racism in America. Song tells the story of the brutal and senseless killing of Emmett Till and of justice denied. "...This boy's dreadful tragedy I can still remember well. The color of his skin was black and his name was Emmett Till...Some men they dragged him to a barn and there they beat him up...Then they rolled his body down a gulf amidst a bloody red rain...Two brothers they confessed that they had killed poor Emmett Till...This trial was a mockery, but nobody seemed to mind...For the jury found them innocent and the brothers they went free. While Emmett's body floats the foam of a Jim Crow southern sea..."

The Death of Queen Jane
By Joan Baez. Inspired by actual events this ballad is a tribute to Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII. "...Queen Jane, my love. Queen Jane, my love. Such a thing was never known...There was fiddling, there was dancing on the day the babe was born, while the royal Queen Jane beloved lay cold as stone."

Dedicated Follower Of Fashion
By The Kinks. Song is about an individual who feels he must wear the latest fashion trends in order to fit in to society. Can also be interpreted as a person who feels that dress and appearance are an important part of  their identity. "...His clothes are loud but never square. It will make or break him so he's got to buy the best...'Cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion..."

By Bob Dylan. Based on actual events, song is about the murder of Delia Green, Christmas Eve, 1900. "...Delia's daddy weeped, Delia's momma moaned. Wouldn't have been so bad if the poor girl died at home..."

By Leonard Cohen. Song is about the opportunity and promise of democracy and how that ideal has yet to be fulfilled or realized by many people and segments of American society. "...It's coming from the sorrow on the street the holy places where the races meet...To the shores of need. Past the reefs of greed. Through the squalls of hate. Sail on, sail on sail on...It's coming to America first the cradle of the best and the worst...It's here the family's broken and it's here the lonely say that the heart has got to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the USA..."

Demon Alcohol
By Ozzy Osbourne. About substance abuseand the power of addictions. Anti-alcohol messages throughout the song. Song is unique because it is sung from the point of view of the substance (alcohol). "...Although that one is too much, you know ten is not enough. There'll be no compromise today, I'll watch you lose control, consume your very soul. I'll introduce myself today, I'm the demon alcohol..."

Desert Angel
By Stevie Nicks. About the Persian Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm. "But then something happened in the desert. Something broke the stars into pieces...Where is my son? Where is my father, where has he gone? What is it that happened here, is it real? This war, this can't be happening..."

By Mighty Mighty Bosstones. About the negative influence of certain types of media. Specifically, about hyped or sensationalized coverage of  news stories and how it has resulted in a growing number of callous or emotionally insensitive viewers who no longer express feelings or reactions to tragic events. "...I remember how the wind was knocked from me before it became footage. A footnote in history...Recently I think I heard, it could have been avoided. It shouldn't have occurred. Sadly we're desensitized to all the scandals and the cover ups. The conspiracies and lies..."

Detox Mansion
By Warren Zevon. About substance abuse. Song takes a satirical look at the Betty Ford Center, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. "Well I'm gone to detox mansion, way down on last breath farm. I've been rakin' leaves with Liza. Me and Liz clean up the yard. What goes on in detox mansion outside the rubber room? We get therapy and lectures, we play golf in the afternoon..."

Detroit Rock City
By Kiss. A person uses drugs and alcohol, ends up driving too fast while under the influence and is killed in a head on collision on the way to a rock show. This song is a perfect example of what can happen when a person takes unhealthy risks and makes poor decisions. "...First I drink then I smoke...Start up the car and I try to make the midnight show...Movin' too fast, doin' 95. Hit top speed but I'm still movin' much too slow...There's a truck ahead, lights starin' at my eyes...'Oh my God no time to turn...I know I'm gonna die..."

The Devil's Right Hand
By Steve Earle. About the dangers of hand guns and gun violence. Related topics; gun control and the culture of violence. "...I saw my first pistol in the general store. In the general store, when I was thirteen. Thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen. So I asked if I could have one someday when I grew up. Mama dropped a dozen eggs she really blew up...Mama said the pistol is the devil's right hand...It can get you into trouble but it can't get you out..."

The Devil Went Down To Georgia
By Charlie Daniels Band. Song is based on or inspired by a 1927 Stephen Vincent Benet poem regarding a fiddle contest titled "The Mountain Whippoorwill." "The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for a soul to steal...Johnny rosined up his bow and played his fiddle hard...If you lose the devil gets your soul..."

Diamond Smiles
By Bob Geldof. Song is inspired by an actual event. About vanity and people who are overly concerned with image, appearance, and material wealth. Song takes a look at people who are suffering inside and the trappings of an excessive lifestyle that is spiritually and emotionally bankrupt.  Reminds listeners that looks can be decieving. "...Diamond smiles her cocktail smile. Tonight she's in heavy disguise...She wonders will her glamour survive... Everybody tries, it's Dale Carnegie gone wild...Everybody drinks Martini dry, and talks about clothes and the latest styles...Nobody saw her go...She went up the stairs, stood up on the vanity chair. Tied her lame belt around the chandelier, and went out kicking at the perfumed air."

Diary Of A Working Man
By Blackfoot. A hardworking man who doesn't get any breaks in life feels that suicide is the answer to his problems. "...Been a poor man all of his life. Just when things were going right. Some stranger takes his woman away. Doesn't know if he'll see another day...With a tear in his eye and a gun in his hand. So ends the diary of a working man..."

Different People
By No Doubt. About the beauty of differences among people and respect for individuality, and the opportunity to learn from someone else's point of view. "...So many different people, so many different kinds. Look at me, I'm a person, look at me I'm my own person...'Cause one can teach the other one what she doesn't know. While still the other fills a place inside, he never knew had room to grow..."

By King Crimson. A tongue-in-cheek look at the dinosaur and it's inability to survive. "...Ignorance has always been something I excel in, followed by naivete and pride. Doesn't take a scientist to see how any clever predator could have a piece of me. Standing in the sun, idiot savant. Something like a monument. I'm a dinosaur, somebody is digging my bones..."

Dire Wolf
By Grateful Dead. A tribute to the dire wolf, song was inspired by a viewing of the Hound of Baskervilles. Song includes a variety of references and allusions.  "...In the backwash of Fennario The black and bloody mire. The Dire Wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire. Don't murder me. I beg of you don't murder me. Please don't murder me."

Dirty Blvd.
By Lou Reed. About the poor and disenfranchised people who are sometimes forgotten in our society. "Pedro lives out of the Wilshire Hotel. He looks out a window without glass...His father beats him 'cause he's too tired to beg... No one here dreams of being a doctor or a lawyer or anything, they dream of dealing on the dirty boulevard... Outside it's a bright night, there's an opera a Lincoln Center. Movie stars arrive by limousine...But the lights are out on the mean streets. A small kid stands by the Lincoln Tunnel, he's selling plastic roses for a buck..."

Dirty Laundry
By Don Henley. About tabloid journalism and how the media sensationalizes events in our society. "...We got the bubble-headed beach blond, comes on at five. She can tell about the plane crash, with a gleam in her eye. It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry..."

(America's) Dirty Little Secret
By Schleprock. About how people in general ignore or turn their backs on racism and other cultural problems in our society. "...'Cause racism is breaking us up. Stop sweeping it under the rug...Created equal is what they said. Discrimination is what we get...Oppression, destruction, bigotry burning in our nation. Pathetic, anti-semetic, it's your dirty little secret..."

Dirty Magic
By Offspring. About a person struggling with mixed feelings and emotions about a relationship. He is finding it difficult to communicate with his partner, and understand her behavior and actions. "...I hate you so but love you more. I'm so elastic. The things you say. Games you play...I should know better than to think I'd reach inside her. It's all a cloudy kind of daze..."

By Smashing Pumpkins. Song has multiple layers or meanings by design. Some have interpreted the song to be about abortion.  It might also have autobiographical meaning or personal significance and be about the pain of childhood, experiencing betrayal, retribution, and a loss of innocence. In a broader sense the song could be about the responsibility we all share for our  "culture of violence" and the random or unpredictable nature of violence. "Disarm you with a smile and cut you like you want me to cut that little child. Inside of me and such a part of you...I used to be a little boy. So old in my shoes...Disarm you with a smile. And leave you like they left me here... The killer in me is the killer in you. Send this smile over to you..

By Tammy Wynette. A mother comes to grips with her impending divorce and wonders what effects it will have on her young son. "Our little boy is four years old and quite a little man. So we don't spell out the words we don't want him to understand. But the words we're hiding from him now tear the heart right out of me. Our d.i.v.o.r.c.e. becomes final today..."

By Pink Floyd. About the brutal, competitive, and ruthless nature of people in this "dog eat dog" world and how they must face the consequences of their actions. "...You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking... You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, so that when they turn their backs on you, you'll get the chance to put the knife in...You'll reap the harvest you have sown...So have a good drown as you go down alone. Dragged down by the stone..."

A Dog's Life
By Elvis Presley. About "man's best friend" and his life of luxury. "...Curled up in an easy chair. Man, that won't be too hard to take. I'll always be faithful, that's what I'll be. Never bite a hand that feeds me, no siree. Just lead a dog's life, what a life..." Teachers might use this song to introduce meaningful topics such as proper pet care, the role of local animal shelters, and the important work of the Humane Society.

Doll Parts
By Hole. Song is a reaction to the objectification of women and distorted images of women in media. Also about the superficial nature of beauty. "I am doll eyes. Doll mouth, doll legs. I am doll arms...I fake it so real I am beyond fake. And someday you will ache like I ache..."

Done With Bonaparte
By Mark Knopfler. About the Napoleonic Wars. Sung from the point of view of of a weary French soldier who has lost faith in his commander. "...We've paid in hell since Moscow burned as Cossacks tear us piece by piece...What dreams he made for us to dream. Spanish skies, Egyptian sands. The world was ours, we marched upon our little corporal's command...Save my soul from evil, Lord. and heal this soldier's heart. I'll trust in thee to keep me, Lord. I'm done with Bonaparte..."

Do Nothing
By The Specials. Song is about a person who is emotionally "lost" and searching for some meaning or greater purpose to his or her life. "...I'm just living in a life without meaning. I walk and walk - do nothing. I'm just living in a life without feeling. I talk and talk - say nothing. I walk along this same lonely street. Still trying to find, find a reason..."

Don Quixote
By Gordon Lightfoot. Inspired by Cervante's classic tale of the deluded, windmill-battling self appointed knight, and his trusty squire Sancho Panza. "Through the woodland, through the valley, comes a horseman wild and free. Tilting at the windmills passing, who can the brave young horseman be?..."

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
By Sugarloaf featuring Jerry Corbetta. Song is about the struggles of a rock band to secure a recording deal and the indifference of record companies. The band ends up having success on their own and now the same record companies want to sign them. "...Say hey A & R this is mister rhythm and blues. He said hello and put me on hold. To say the least the cat was cold. He said "don't call us, we'll call you"...Anyway, we cut a hit and we toured a bit with a song he said he couldn't use. And now he calls and begs and crawls. It's telephone deja vu..."

Don't Come Home A Drinkin'
By Loretta Lynn. A woman deals with her husband's neglect and absence from the home due to his alcohol addiction. "Well you thought I'd be waiting up when you came home last night. You'd been out with the boys and you ended up half tight. But liquor and love, they just don't mix...You never take me anywhere because you're always gone. And many a night I've laid awake and cried all alone...Leave the bottle or me behind..."

Don't Drink The Water
By Dave Matthews. Lyrics express ethnocentric/imperialistic beliefs and attitudes. Song relates to the conquest and removal of indigenous peoples throughout the world. "....There's no place here, what were you expecting? No room for both, just for me...For I have no time to justify you. Fool, you're blind, so move aside for me. All I can say to you, men, you neighbors. You must move on, or I will bury you..."

Don't Fear The Reaper
By Blue Oyster Cult. Often misinterpreted as promoting suicide, song is about the inevitability of death and dying and how people might learn to accept death without fear. Lyrics also express a belief or faith in the eternal or everlasting power of love and how it can serve as a link or bridge between the "living" world and the hereafter. "All our times here have come. Here but now they're gone. Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun, or the rain...We can be like they are. Come on baby...don't fear the reaper. Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper..."

Don't Give Up
By Peter Gabriel. Song is inspired by Dust Bowl era picture, song is about coping with the emotional and personal impact of poverty and unemployment. "...In this proud land we grew up strong, we were wanted all along. I was taught to fight, taught to win. I never thought I could fail..." Song encourages listener to carry on, to persevere. "...Don't give up, 'cos you have friends. Don't give up, you're not beaten yet. Don't give up, I know you can make it good..."

Don't Kill The Whale
By Yes. A tribute to the whale and a call to end it's slaughter. "...Rejoice they sing, they worship their own space. In a moment of love, they will die for their grace. Don't kill the whale..."

Don't Laugh At Me
By Mark Wills. About making fun of people who "don't fit in", and how teasing/cruelty can hurt others. "I'm a little boy with glasses, the one they call a geek. A little girl who never smiles, cuz I got braces on my teeth...Don't laugh at me, don't call me names. Don't get your pleasure from my pain..."

Don't Let Daddy Kiss Me
By Motorhead. Deals with the horrors of incest. "Little girl sleeping in dreams of peace. Mommy's been gone a long time. Daddy comes home and she still sleeps, waiting for the world's worst crime. And he comes up the stairs like he always does..."

Don't Leave Me
By blink-182-. About denial and a person coping with the end of a relationship. "...I'll be fine, it's not the first...She said I'm not the one she thinks about and she said it stopped being fun...One more chance, I'll try this time...I'll listen up, pretend to care..."

Don't Let The Joneses Get You Down
By The Temptations. About the importance of not competing with your neighbors to see who has the most material possessions. Relates to the phrase, "keepin' up with the Joneses"..."...Stop worrying about your neighbors and the fancy things they got...Remember the old saying, all that glitters is not gold...Keeping up with the Joneses, you know it makes your life a mess. Bill collectors, tranquilizers and getting deeper in debt..."

Don't Look Back
By Boston. About self acceptence, turning over a new leaf and moving forward to reach your goals and dreams. "Don't look back, a new day is breakin'. It's been so long since I felt this way...I'm much too strong not to compromise. Now I see what is holding me down. I'll turn it around...It's a new horizon and I'm awakin' now. I see myself in a brand new way..."

(You Gotta Walk And) Don't Look Back
By Peter Tosh w/ Mick Jagger. Song is about taking or accepting responsibility for your problems. Also about looking to the future with optimism and not dwelling on past mistakes. "If it's love that you're running from, there is no hiding place. Just your problems no one else's problems you just have to face. We're gonna leave all our troubles behind. We gonna walk And don't look back..."

Don't Stop
By Fleetwood Mac. An optimistic song about looking to the future as a time of hope and promise. Used as a theme song for president Clinton's 1992 campaign. "...Why not think about the times to come, and not about the things that you've done. If your life was bad to you, just think what tomorrow will do..."

Don't Take Your Gun To Town
By Johnny Cash. A coming of age song about decision making, maturity, overconfidence, and the desire for independence. "A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm...He laughed and kissed his mom and said your Billy Joe's a man I can shoot as quick and as straight as anybody can...But she cried again as he rode away, don't take your guns to town son..."

Don't Tread On Me
By Metallica. The phrase "Don't tread on me" is most commonly associated with the American Revolution and early American flags. In a general sense the song is about standing up for freedom and your rights, refusing to give in or back down, and being willing to fight for what you believe in. "Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail. Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail...Don't tread on me so be it, threaten no more. To secure peace is to prepare for war. So be it. Settle the score. Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore..."

Don't Worry, Be Happy
By Bobby McFerrin. Relates to emotional health, well being, and remaining optimistic. As the song says, "...In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double...cause when you worry your face will frown, and that will bring everybody down. Don't worry, be happy..."

Door Number Three
By Jimmy Buffett. Song is about being a contestent on the legendary game show "Let's Make A Deal". "...I held a big sign that said "kiss me I'm a baker and Monty I sure need the dough"...And I don't know what Jay's got on his table or the box Carol Merrill points to the floor...'Cause my whole world lies waiting behind door number three..."

Doppler Shifting
By The Chromatics. This song is about the Doppler Shift and how astronomers use it. "...That's the Doppler shift -- you can see it, it's true. The Doppler shift -- to the red or the blue. When a star is approaching and coming our way it's spectrum seems bluer, hear what I say. But when a star's retreating back out of range when the scientist measures its frequency change..."

Do The Evolution
By Pearl Jam. About the senseless destruction of our environment and resources as man and technology have come to dominate the planet. Song also deals with the often debated topic of Darwinism. "...I'm ahead , I'm a man. I'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeah. I'm at peace, with my lust...This land is mine, this land is free. I'll do what I want but irresponsibly. It's evolution baby...I crawled the earth, but now I'm higher..."

Do They Know It's Christmas?
By Bob Geldof. About social responsibility and remembering those who are less fortunate through both thought and action. Providing aid to people and nations around the world that are struggling with famine and hunger. "...But say a prayer, pray for the other ones. At Christmas time it's hard but when you're having fun. There's a world outside your window and it's a world of dread and fear. Where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears...And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time. The greatest gift they'll get this year is life..."

Down And Out In Paradise
By John Cougar Mellencamp. About difficulties facing less fortunate people in our society and their struggles to overcome these obstacles. Song also relates to public policy and how the government deals with social problems. "Dear Mr. President I live in the suburbs. It's a long way from Washington D.C. Had me a job working for wages. Till the company moved out and they forgot about me...I'm down and out here in paradise, looks like the milk and honey done run out on me..."

The Downeaster "Alexa"
By Billy Joel. About the life and struggles of a commercial fisherman in the waters off the Northeastern United States. "I have chartered a course to the Vineyard, but tonight I am Nantucket bound. We took on diesel back in Montauk yesterday...I've got bills to pay and children who need clothes...Now I drive my Downeaster Alexa more and more miles from shore every year...Can't make a living as a bayman anymore. There ain't much future for a man who works the sea..."

Down In A Hole
By Alice in Chains. Deals with a person who is emotionally distressed  and depressed and who is crying out for help. "...Down in a hole and I don't know if I can be saved. See my heart I decorate it like a grave. You don't understand who they thought I was supposed to be. Look at me now a man who won't let himself be. Down in a hole, losin, my soul...I'd like to fly but my wings have been so denied..."

Down In The Mall
By Warren Zevon. About the popularity of the shopping mall and how it has become such a large part of our society. "There's a brand new shopping center seven stories high. There's bound to be a sale or two, something we can buy. There's four floors of parking, and we're sure to find a space. We'll spend all the money that the government doesn't take..."

Dr. My Eyes
By Jackson Browne. About the many changes taking place in the world. Seeing too much, as a metaphor for loss of innocence. "Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?"

Draft Dodger Rag
By Phil Ochs. Anti-war song. "...I hate Chou En Lai, and I hope he dies, but one thing you gotta see, that someone's gotta go over there but that someone isn't me...And if you ever get a war without blood and gore, well I'll be the first to go." Related topics: Red Scare, pacificism, and peace organizations.

Draft Resister
By Steppenwolf. A protest song against the United States government and our involvement in the Vietnam War. Song also shows support for draft dodgers."...Heed the threat and awesome power of the mighty Pentagon. Which is wasting precious millions on the toys of Washington. Don't forget the draft resisters and their silent, lonely plea. When they march them off to prison, they will go for you and me..."

By Lou Reed. From the "Magic and Loss" CD which is "Dedicated to Doc and especially to Rita...Between two Aprils I lost two friends..." A personal song about death, grief, and love. "If I close my eyes I see your face and I'm not without you. If I try hard and concentrate I can still hear you speak...if I close my eyes I can't believe that I'm here without you..."

Dream On
By Aerosmith. A person realizes that their life is passing them by and wonders how it has passed so quickly. "Everytime that I look in the mirror. All these lines on my face gettin' clearer. The past is gone. It went by like dust to dawn. Half my life's in books written pages. Lived and learned from fools and from sages. You know its true, all these things come back to you...dream on..."

By Fleetwood Mac. About struggling with hurt and anger in a relationship, desiring independence, fearing loneliness, and being able or willing to let go. "Now here you go again you say you want your freedom. Well who am I to keep you down...But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness like a heartbeat...drives you mad. In the stillness of remembering what you had and what you lost..."

Dreams Go By
By Harry Chapin. About getting caught up with the responsibilities of life and not being able to realize all of your dreams. Also deals with issues of making personal sacrifices in order to make life's relationships work. "...You know I want to be a ballplayer, a regular slugging fool. But our dreams must wait awhile until we finish school... There you stand in your wedding dress. You're so beautiful I must confess. I'm so proud that you have chosen me, when a doctor is what you want to be...and so you and I, we'll watch the years go by. We'll watch our sweet dreams fly far away, but maybe someday...I don't know when, but we'll dream again..."

Drinking Again ( aka I've Been Drinking)
By Rod Stewart. A person turns to alcohol to ease his broken heart. Related topics; coping skills, dependency, and substance abuse. "I'm drinkin' again thinkin' of when you left me. That happened once so long ago hmm...Well I'm makin' the rounds and settin' them up. A total stranger to myself, I'm just makin' a fool of myself..."

Drinking Problem
By Dream Syndicate. About addiction, substance abuse and the crippling effect it has on a person's life and the people around them. "Well he lost a lot of friends in San Francisco. Made a fool of himself on the Letterman show. In Dallas, Texas he was thrown for a loss. When he passed out face first in the barbeque sauce. Oh, he's got a drinking problem...It's late at night and the bars are closed. He's callin' up people he barely knows. He says "can you give me a ride across the state line? There's just gotta be something open at this time." Oh, he's got a drinking problem..."

By Beach Boys. A tribute to one of America's lasting symbols, the drive-in theatre. "Every time I have a date there's only one place to go, that's to the drive-in...A big buttered popcorn and an extra large coke. A few chili dogs and man I'm broke...Don't sneak your buddies in the trunk 'cause they might get caught..."

Drive On
By Johnny Cash. A Vietnam veteran recalls his war time experiences. "...Well I came home but Tex did not and I can't talk about the hit he got. But I got a little limp now when I walk and I got a little tremble when I talk. But I finally found out who I am. I'm a walkin' talkin' miracle from Vietnam..."

Driving The Last Spike
By Genesis. About laborers in the early 1800's and the history or heritage of railways in England. "...I gave everything that they wanted, but still they wanted more. We sweat and we toiled, good men lost their lives...We worked in gangs for all we were worth. The young boys pulling the wagons. We were digging the tunnel, shifting the earth..."

Driving to Georgia
By Doug Hoekstra. This song deals with the elusive nature of knowledge, insight, and understanding with respect to the meaning or greater purpose of life. "...What it is ain't what it ain't. I don't think any one was born that great. You can go down to the shoppin' mall. Watch the escalators rise and fall. Show me canyons filled with tears. Rain that's fallen for a million years..."

Dr. Livingstone, I Presume
By Moody Blues. References made to some of history's great explorers including Dr. Stanley Livingstone, Christopher Columbus, and Robert Falcon Scott. "Dr. Livingstone, I presume. Stepping out of the jungle gloom...What did you find there?...Captain Scott, you were so bold. Now you're looking rather cold...out there in the snow I've seen polar bears and seals...Columbus, where are you bound? So you think the world is round? Sail off into the blue..."

By Hootie and The Blowfish. Song deals with the brutality of racism and the evils of prejudice. "...Why is there a rebel flag hanging from the statehouse walls?... Drowning in a sea of tears. Hatred trying to hide your fears. Living only for yourself. Hating everybody else, cause they don't look like you..."

Drug Me
By Dead Kennedys. About substance abuse and how people rely on drugs to achieve an altered state of mind, to temporarily avoid problems, and to compensate for insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. "I don't want to think. Don't make me care...My brain needs some stimulation. Drug me, Drug me...I want the max. I relate better loaded...Leave me alone. So I can't see myself."

Drunk Daddy
By Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Song is about a child who has a dysfunctional homelife and is a victim of physical and emotional abuse from his alcoholic parent. "...Drunk daddy broke my fingers. Drunk daddy done kicked my head. Drunk daddy smashed my sister. Turned my whole world red, blood red...No daddy, don't, leave me alone..."

Drunken Hearted Man
By Robert Johnson. A misogynistic song about the corrupting or evil influence of women. Sung from the point of view of a man who regards females as the source or cause of all his troubles. "I'm a drunken hearted man my life seem so misery...Every man likes that game you call love but it don't mean no man good...And that day that you get weak for no-good women that's the day that you bound to fall."

By The Offspring. Song talks about many negative risk behaviors including alcohol abuse, driving under the influence of alcohol and letting a friend drive drunk. "Three in the morning I gotta be someplace...Friends try to make me stay. I grab my keys and a beer. I drink and drive...But I can't drive a straight line..."

By Nirvana. Deals with different perspectives on intellect and societal notions about intelligence. "...I'm not like them but I can pretend. The sun is gone but I have a light. The day is done and I'm having fun. I think I'm dumb. Or maybe just happy. Think I'm just happy..." This song might also be used in conjuction with "Of Mice And Men" by John Steinbeck

Dust Bowl
By 10,000 Maniacs. Draws upon images of the Dust Bowl to create a portrait of a parent trying to provide a good life for his/her family and struggling to overcome poverty and economic hardships. "...I try and try but I can't save. Pennies, nickels, dollars slip away. I've tried and tried but I can't save. The hole in my pocket is growing..."

Dust In The Wind
By Kansas. About the tentative or transitory nature of life and the relative insignificance of material possessions. "...Same old song; just a drop of water in an endless sea...Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky...And all your money won't another minute buy...Everything is dust in the wind."

The Dying Soldier
By Christy Moore. About loss of innocence and the senseless brutality and violence of war. "...My hands got colder, my thoughts are growing weaker. This must be the way it is. Stop the shooting, don't you see I'm dying, someone come and say a prayer. I don't want to die here, don't let me die here alone..."

E (top)

Earth Song
By Michael Jackson. A moving tale that tells about the destruction of earth and the environment caused by people/technology. "...What about crying whales, we're ravaging the seas. What about forest trails, burnt despite our pleas..."

Earth And Sun And Moon
By Midnight Oil. About the beauty of our planet and how pollution is destroying this precious gift. "There's the contours of the mountains, the deserts, and plains. And a hurricane is blowing, and it turns once again. Now there's oil spills in the water where Columbus once sailed. And there's history and mystery and it's rolling away..."

Eat For Two
By 10,000 Maniacs. Emotional and physical changes experienced by a woman during pregnancy. "...Five months, how it grows. Five months now, I begin to show..." An awareness of this new responsibility, "I eat for two, walk for two, breathe for two now..."

Ebony And Ivory
By Paul Mccartney. Song deals with racial harmony and respecting and tolerating different cultures. "...We all know that people are the same wherever we go...we learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive together alive...Ebony and ivory, live together in perfect harmony..."

By Ice-T. About substance abuse, specifically the dangers of drinking and driving. "Let me tell ya a little story bout my homeboy Ed...One night he got drunk, and started drivin real fast----------------------------------Ed's dead."

By Styx. A tribute to Senator Edward Kennedy and the Kennedy family, song specifically refers to the risks or dangers associated with campaigning for the presidency of the United States. "I woke up today, the papers spoke of a man we know. He's made of the stuff they say that first made our country grow...Eddie, now don't you run. It's the end of all your fun. And you saw  just what they've done to your brothers. Can we ignore the basic facts of history? Or deny what people say is destiny? First in the eighties but last of the sons..."

Egg Cream
By Lou Reed. A tribute to Brooklyn's own, the Egg Cream. "When I was a young man, no bigger than this a chocolate egg cream was not to be missed. Some U Bet's Chocolate Syrup, seltzer water mixed with milk, stir it up into a heady fro, tasted just like silk. You scream, I steam, we all want Egg Cream..."

18 And Life
By Skid Row. About risk taking, poor decision making, and having to live with mistakes for the rest of your life. References to alcohol abuse, violence, hand guns, and prison..."Tequila in his heartbeat, his veins burned gasoline. It kept his motor runnin' but it never kept him clean. They say he loved adventure, Ricky's the wild one. He married trouble, and had a courtship with a gun. Bang bang shoot'em up, the party never ends. You can't think of dying when the bottle's your best friend...Accidents will happen they all heard Ricky say. He fired his six shot to the wind that blew a child away...eighteen and life you got it..."

Eisler On The Go
By Billy Bragg & Wilco (Woody Guthrie). About music composer Hanns Eisler who was called before HUAC , House Committee on Un-American Activities. Related topics include the Red Scare, Cold War, and Blacklisting. "...Eisler him write music, Eisler him teach school. Truman him don't play so good and I don't know what I'll do..."

Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
By Pearl Jam. A person returning to a small town and realizing that he may have given up, as much as he has gained, by moving away. "I seem to recognize your face, haunting, familiar, yet I can't seem to place it...Lifetimes are catching up with me. All these changes taking place, I wish I'd seen the place, but no one's ever taken me...It's hard when you're stuck upon the shelf. I changed by not changing at all, small town predicts my fate. Perhaps that's what no one wants to see..."

Electric Funeral
By Black Sabbath. About the dangers of nuclear proliferation and nuclear warfare, with references and imagery of destruction, armageddon. "...Storm coming you better hide from the atomic tide flashed in the sky..."

The Elephants Graveyard
By Bob Geldof. Song was inspired by actual events, and written as a response to 1979 race riots in Miami. Song questions the fairness and objectivity of the criminal justice system with respect to black americans. "...You're guilty 'till proven guilty. Isn't that the law. Gulty 'till proven guilty that's what we saw...Justice isn't blind, it just looks the other way. Not from want of trying. I have nothing left to say..."

Elephant Talk
By King Crimson. About human air pollution, that is, people who constantly talk and really have nothing important to say. "Talk, it's only talk. Arguments, agreements, advice, answers, articulate announcements. It's only talk...Cheap talk..."

Ellis Island
By Marc Cohn. A tribute to Ellis Island, the point of entry to the United States for many immigrants. "I was driving down Ninth Avenue, as the sky was getting dark. Didn't have nothin' else to do so I kept on riding to Battery Park ... I could almost hear the sounds of thousands pushing through the lines. Mothers and bewildered wives that sailed across the raging sea. Others runnin' for their lives, to the land of opportunity. Down on Ellis Island..."

Ellis Unit One
By Steve Earle. The song is from and inspired by the motion picture "Dead Man Walking" which is based on a true story. Song is a repudiation of the death penalty and an "eye for an eye" approach to crime and punishment. Sung from the point of view of a guard assigned to the Ellis Unit for death row inmates in Huntsville Prison. Singer bares witness to the cruel and inhuman nature of capital punishment. "...And I worked on every cell block. Now, things're goin' good. But then they transferred me to Ellis Unit One....Well, folks just got too civilized. Sparky's gatherin' dust 'cause no one wants to touch a smokin' gun. And since they got the injection they don't mind as much, I guess. They just put 'em down at Ellis Unit One...Well, I've seen 'em fight like lions, boys. I've seen 'em go like lambs. And I've helped to drag 'em when they could not stand. And I've heard their mamas cryin' when they heard the big door slam. And I've seen the victim's family holdin' hands...Swing low Swing low and carry me home..."

Elusive Dreams
By Doug Hoekstra. A loss of innocence song about dreams, hopes, and opportunities of childhood. "...Her smile reminded me of you and how you must have been. A little girl with a great big world at your fingertips. These elusive dreams...Eyes that see a speckled prize through the innocence of youth. Eyes that see everyday as a chance to know the truth..."

Elvis Imitators
By Jimmy Buffett. Song is a tribute to all the Elvis Presley impersonators all over the world. "Well I walk up to the mike and then I shake my hips. I take a deep breath and put a snare on my lips. See me on the street you wouldn't know my name. But imitating Elvis is my claim to fame...'Cuz I'm an Elvis imitator and I just can't stop..."

Elysian Fields
By Megadeth. Deals with issues of death and the afterlife. Specific references to the burial grounds of the Gods as described in Greek mythology. "...I hope the end is less painful than my life, I stand on trial before the Gods. On judgement day, a blink of an eye between the cradle and the grave...We ascend to our destiny, to the Elysian Fields."

By Queensryche. About the effects of teenage drug use, drug dealing, and gang related activities. "...Too bad, people say, what's wrong with kids today? Tell you right now they've got nothing to lose. They're building EMPIRE! Johnny used to work after school at the cinema show...Now he's out on the street all day. Selling crack to the people who pay...Brother killing brother for the profit of another. Game point, nobody wins..."

Endless Cycle
By Lou Reed. About the cycle of hate, violence, and substance abuse that is often passed down within families. "The bias of the father runs through the son and leaves him bothered and bewildered...The sickness of the mother runs on through the girl leaving her small and helpless. Liquor flies through her brain..."

The End Of The Line
By Offspring. A person struggles with the death of a close friend and tries to cope with their feelings of loss and emptiness. "...Now that you are dead and gone and I'm left to carry on. I could never smile 'cause you won't stay alive for me...your final resting place is without me..."

The End Of The World
By Gary Moore. Song is about nuclear arms and the possibility of nuclear war ending the world as we know it. "...The storm clouds are forming, take heed of the warning to come. The Kremlin has told every nation there's no place to run. The leaders are waiting with blood on their hands. Playing with weapons they don't understand. Could it be this time we'll see the end of the world..."

By Everlast. Song is about poor decision making and partaking in risk behaviors with specific references made to drug use, prostitution, and violence. Song also deals with ills of society and how people often have trouble handling life's challenges in healthy ways. "I knew this cat named Dale who didn't have a dollar. He was Harvard material, Ivy League scholar. But he's waiting tables 'cause there's rent to pay...so he falls off the track, starts smokin' crack. And once it hits his brain, it starts a chain react...So he ends up on his back in a bloody pool. For the ends..."

Equal Rights
By Peter Tosh. About the timeless struggle for justice and equality by people throughout the world who have been denied political, social, and economic rights or opportunities. "....I don't want no peace, I need equal rights and justice. You gotta get equal rights and justice..."

By Joni Mitchell. About the history of political turmoil and geographic conditions in Ethiopia contributing to hunger and widespread famine. "Hot winds and hunger cries, Ethiopia. Flies in your babies eyes, Ethiopia. Walking sticks on burning plains, betrayed by politics, abandoned by the rains. On and on the human need..."

Eve Of Destruction
By The Turtles. Warning of an approaching apocalypse/nuclear conflagration. "If the button is pushed there's no runnin' away. There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave..." Song contains specific references to violence/problems in places around the world including "Red China" and "Selma, Alabama".

Everybody Gets The Blues
By Kenny Wayne Sheperd. Song talks about how occasionally you will have set backs in life but a person must continue to rise above the challenges that life throws their way. "...Simple things in life can make you mad to the core. It doesn't matter if your young. Don't make no difference if your old. You got to stand a little rain before you reach a pot of gold. Everybody gets the blues. Everybody got to cry. Take the good and the bad. Take the lows and the highs..."

Everybody Has The Blues
By James Taylor. Relates to emotional health, realizing that everybody will occasionally have a bad day but there are always better days to come. "...Maybe you lost your job, maybe you lost your girl. Maybe you feel like you're losing your mind, that's not the end of the world...Everybody gets to feel some pain. Everyone got to get caught out in the rain. Everybody got some days that they can't explain..."

Everybody Hurts
By R.E.M. About struggling through difficult times, not giving up, and the ubiquitous or universal nature of pain and suffering. "...If you feel like letting go, hold on. When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on. Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends..."

Everybody's Got A Mountain To Climb
By Allman Brothers Band. Song deals with many health related issues including goal setting, self confidence, hard work, persistence and positive thinking. "...Everybody's got a mountain to climb. Don't be discouraged when the sun don't shine. Gotta keep on tryin', gotta keep on pullin'...You can't go around with your lip stuck out. Life ain't all good but it sure ain't bad...everybody's got a mountain to climb..."

Every Breath You Take
By Sting. Song is about the dark side of human relationships and the obsessive or possesive nature of love. "Every breath you take. And every move you make. Every bond you break, every step you take. I'll be watching you. Oh can't you see, you belong to me?..."

Everyday People
By Sly and The Family Stone. About people loving one another and living together in peace. Promotes tolerance, cultural diversity, and racial harmony. "...We got to live together. I am no better and neither are you. We are the same whatever we do...There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one that won't accept the red one that won't accept the white one And different strokes for different folks..."

Everytime I Think Of You
By The Babys. A positive song about love, commitment, and monogomy. "Everytime I think of you. It always turns out good. Everytime I've held you I thought you understood...Seasons come and seasons go but our love will never die...We know a love like ours will never pass..."

Evil Ways
By Santana. About change, choice, communication, trust, and unfulfilled expectations in a relationship. Song might also deal with the impact or influence of substance abuse and risk behavior on a relationship. "You got to change your evil ways ,baby. Before I start lovin' you...When I come home, baby. My house is dark and my pots are cold...I'll find somebody that won't make me feel like a clown. This can't go on..."

Eye Of The Beholder
By Metallica. About civil liberties and freedom of expression. Influence of governments or corporate powers and restrictions placed on individual rights. Also relates to issue of censorship. "...Who decides what you express?... Independence limited, freedom of choice is made for you..."

Eye Of The Tiger
By Survivor. Often recognized or associated with the soundtrack to Rocky III, the song is about believing in yourself, not giving up in times of adversity and facing challenges with confidence. "Risin' up, back on the street. Did my time, took my chances. Went the distance now I'm back on my feet. Just a man and his will to survive. It's the eye of the tiger, it's the cream of the fight. Risin' up to the challenge of our rival..."

Eyes Of The World
By Grateful Dead. About belief that each of us is part of nature, or a child of the universe. Related to studies of the 60's culture, paradigm shifts, systems science or modern ecology. "...Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world...Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings..."

F (top)

Face The Fire
By Dan Fogelberg. About nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, in 1979. "I hear the thunder three miles away, the island's leaking into the bay..."

By Bruce Springsteen. About the struggles of the working class and the life of a factory worker. "Early in the morning factory whistle blows man rises from bed and puts on his clothes...Factory takes his hearing, factory gives him life. The working, the working, just the working life..." Related topic: Industrial Revolution.

The Factory
By Warren Zevon. About the everyday monotony and routine of factory work, and the workplace hazards or dangers encountered on the job. "...Five days a week at the factory, up early in the morning at the factory. I've been working in the factory...Saying yes sir, no sir, yes sir, no sir, yes sir, no sir...My daddy worked for Pontiac 'til he got hurt. Now he's on disability...I've been working in the factory. Kickin' asbestos in the factory. Breathin' that plastic in the factory..."

Fade To Black
By Metallica. About feeling despondent, hopeless, losing the will to live, committing suicide. "Life it seems will fade away, drifting further every day. Getting lost within myself, nothing matters no one else. I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give..."

By Peter Cetera. Deals with emotional health including commitment, love, and mutual monogomy. "...This fire for you is as constant as the morning star. And you will forever be in my heart. As long as the river is searching for an endless sea. I will always love you, faithfully..."

Fake Friends
By Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Talks about the importance of choosing friends who you can count on in times of need and not relying on people who turn their backs on you. "When you were down they were never there. When you're all alone you really get to learn...ya got nothin' to lose, ya don't lose when you lose fake friends..."

Fallen Horses
By Smash mouth. Song was written as a tribute to the late Linda McCartney. "...I'm wishing that I had wings so that I could become one. Would you help me if I wanted to die, I could ride off with horses tonight...Now that I've arrived here I know I'm not alone...But could you tell me where to find the one I'm looking for cause her wings have arrived"

Fall Of The Peacemakers
By Molly Hatchet. About leaders or martyrs who have worked to change society for the better and bring about justice and peace only to suffer a violent death. "...A voice from the past cried give peace a chance. He paid our price, now he's free at last. And imagine we called him a dreamer...A hush stilled the crowd as the horse rode by. A black-laced veil hid the tears from our eyes...How many times must good men die..."

By Lou Reed. About the difficulties of coming home. Conflict and struggle within a family when a child does not meet parental expectations. A person wanting to be accepted and loved for who they are. "...I know how much you resent the life that I have, but one more time - I don't want the family business...Really, daddy, shouldn't you give it to my sister...She lives practically round the corner, that's really the kind of child you could be proud of...I don't think I'll come home much again Mama, Papa. We often make each other cry. No, I don't think I'll come home much anymore."

Family Bible
By Willie Nelson. A song about the importance of family and religious education. "There's a family bible on the table...At the end of the day when work was over, when the evening meal was done. Dad would read to us from the family bible and we'd count our many blessings one by one..."

Family Business
By Fish. Song touches on many health related issues including domestic violence, incest and alcoholism. "...When I see you at the supermarket, sunglasses in the shade. Averting your eyes from those staring questions. How were those bruises made?...Daddy's sitting home, drunk again so they bite they're lips and pray. 'Cos Daddy don't like people poking in his private affairs...Nowhere to escape to, but she knows she's got to move. 'Cos when Daddy tucks the kids in, its taking longer every night..."

Family Snapshot
By Peter Gabriel. About the attempted assassination of Alabama Governor George Wallace in May, 1972. Sung from the point of view of the assassin, his name was Arthur Bremer. "...I've been waiting for this, I have been waiting for this...Holding my breath. Release the catch, and let the bullet fly..."

Family Tree
By Megadeth. About an incestual relationship, the pain and suffering associated with child abuse. "...Let me show you how I love you. It's our secret, you and me. But keep it in the family tree. The secret of the family tree..."

Farm On The Freeway
By Jethro Tull. This song is about the demise of the family farm, the spread of urban areas, and the personal or human cost of economic growth and development. "...They say they gave me compensation...That's not what I'm chasing. I was a rich man before yesterday. Now all I have left is a broken-down pickup truck. Looks like my farm is a freeway...This was no Southfork, it was no Ponderosa. But it was the place that I called home..."

Fat Boy
By Jewel. Song is about the pain and suffering an overweight youth has to endure. "Fat boy goes to the pool. Sees his reflection, doesn't know what to do. He feels little inside...Fat boy goes about his day, trying to think of funny things to say...Oh, fragile flame when no one feels the same..."

By LL Cool J. Singer reveals memories of childhood and the pain and suffering of growing up in a home with an emotionally and physically abusive father. "...My head was spinning, I had never seen blood. Four years old, this don't feel like love..."Cycle of violence continues when mother remarries. "..They fell in love with one another, everything seemed right...I started getting beatings everyday...A young child wishing the pain would go away..."

Father And Son
By Cat Stevens. Father trying to give guidance to his son, son wants to learn for himself and is not going to listen to the "voice of experience". "...Your still young that's your fault, there's so much you have to know...From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen. Now there's a way and I know I have to go away..."

Father Of Mine
By Everclear. Son recalls the good times he had with his dad before his father left home and abandoned him. "...Take me back to the day when I was still your golden boy. Back before you went away, I remember the blue skies and walking the block....Sometimes you would send me a birthday card with a five dollar bill...Father of mine, tell me where have you been?..."

Fear Of A Black Planet
By Public Enemy. Song is promoting social change by challenging racist beliefs, attitudes, and stereotypes regarding black people and interracial relationships. "...your daughter. Nah , she ain't my type. But supposin' she said she loved me. Are you afraid of the mix of Black and White?...Would you still love her? Or would you dismiss her?...I've been wonderin' why people livin' in fear of my shade...All I want is peace and love on this planet. Ain't that how God planned it?...You might not be amused, but did you know White comes from Black..."

By Van Halen. Deals with emotional health and the constant search for the meaning of life. "I'm feelin' things that I don't know, I don't know what I'm seeing... I'm seein' things that I don't know what I'm feelin' hey, I don't understand..."

Feelin' Satisfied
By Boston. About the power of music and how it can be used as a healthy outlet when a person feels down or depressed. "Well come on all you people the time has come to get together. You gotta have a little rock 'n' roll music to get you through the stormy weather...When you let go, nothin's gonna help you more than rock 'n' roll...Don't let your troubles get to you. 'Cause win or lose its alright...Nothin's gonna help you more than rock 'n' roll..."

Feelin' Stronger Everyday
By Chicago. A couple is involved in the break up of a relationship and realizes that it was for the best. They now look to the future with unbridled optimism. "...And now we realize, love's not all that it's supposed to be...And knowing that you would have wanted it this way. I do believe I'm feeling stronger everyday...After what you've meant to me, ooh baby now I can make it easily..."

Feel Like A Number
By Bob Seger. Song is about getting caught up in the masses and only being seen as another face in the crowd of human existence. "...To workers I'm just another drone. To Ma Bell I'm just another phone. I'm just another statistic on a sheet. To teachers I'm just another child. To IRS I'm just another file...and I feel like a number. Feel like a stranger..."

Fell On Black Days
By Soundgarden. Song relates to emotional health as issues such as depression and hopelessness are addressed. "...Just when everyday seemed to greet me with a smile. Sunspots have faded and now I'm doing time. 'Cause I fell on black days...How would I know that this could be my fate..."

Field of Opportunity
By Neil Young. A metaphorical song about determination, faith, hope, and optimism. "...In the field of opportunity it's plowin' time again. There ain't no way of telling where these seeds will rise or when. I'll just wait around 'til springtime and then I'll find a friend. In the field of opportunity it's plowin' time again..."

Fight The Good Fight
By Triumph. About making the most of one's life, always trying your best, and never giving up. "...Don't get discouraged, don't be afraid, we can make it through another day. Make it worth the price we pay...Fight the good fight every moment, every minute every day. Fight the good fight every moment, it's your only way..."

Fight The Oppression
By Running Wild. Song takes a stand against nuclear war and countries that are involved with nuclear arms. "Atomic warheads, weapons of all kind. Invented to destroy, to find their victims to grind. Mendacious rulers, ministers of defense. Leading you to war, can't you see where it all ends..."

Fight The Power
By Public Enemy.  About oppression, racism and the struggle for justice and equality. Song deals with issues of empowerment, black pride, and black power. Song serves as a wake up call to both blacks and whites. "...Cause I'm Black and I'm proud. I'm ready and hyped plus I'm amped, most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps... What we got to say power to the people, no delay. To make everybody see in order to fight the powers that be." Song is included in soundtrack of Spike Lee's 1989 movie, "Do The Right Thing".

The Finer Things
By Steve Winwood. About the joy of life and the importance of living one's life to the fullest and not taking people and/or things for granted. "While there is time let's go out and feel everything...We must live while we can and we'll drink our cup of laughter...The finer things I feel in me. The golden dance life could be..."

Fire Of The Dragon
By Blackfoot. About the dangers and devastating effects the drug heroin has on the user. China white is a slang term for the drug heroin."A young man lies with a needle in his arm, china white in his hands. Say a little prayer for his unlucky soul. It's so sad, so sad...'Cause it's the outlaw in your city, voodoo in your town. Steal the life from those you pity. And leaves them under the ground. Fire of the dragon..."

Fire On The Mountain
By Marshall Tucker Band. About the California Gold Rush and Westward Expansion. References to prospectors and the Oregon Trail. "Took my family away from my Carolina home. Had dreams about the west and started to roam. Six long months on a dust covered trail. They say heaven's at the end but so far it's been hell..."

The First Cut Is The Deepest
By Rod Stewart. About the pain of a broken relationship and the loss of a first love. "I would have given you all of my heart but there's someone who's torn it apart. And she's taken just all that I had but if you want I'll try to love again. Baby I'll try to love again but I know. The first cut is the deepest..."

Fitter Happier
By Radiohead. About making lifestyle changes in order to live a healthier and more productive life. "...Regular exercise at the gym. Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries . At ease. Eating well (no more microwave dinners or saturated fat)...Sleeping well. No paranoia..."

5-10-15-20(25-30 Years Of Love)
By The Presidents . A testament to the institution of marriage, commitment and true love. "Lasting forever now. 5-10-15-20(25-30 years of love). Aren't we happy. Look at the kids playing...Holding hands and talking. Walking in the park...We have so much to be thankful for..."

The Fletcher Memorial Home
By Pink Floyd. A biting commentary on world leaders, their military policies and warrior mentality. Song includes references to numerous leaders including Margaret Thatcher, Leonid Brezhnev, and Menachem Begin."Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere and build them a home a little place of their own...The fletcher memorial home for incurable tyrants and kings...They can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles...Wasters of life and limb..."

Flight Of Icarus
By Iron Maiden. Inspired by Greek mythology, the story of Daedalus & Icarus. " As the sun breaks, above the ground, an old man stands on the hill. As the ground warms, to the first rays of light, a birdsong shatters the still..."

By Smash mouth. About a person in a relationship who is competing with the memory of a past boyfriend. "Your friends keep telling me I bear a striking resemblance to someone you used to know. But baby it's me...We've been going for a while but lately she's been somewhere else...Florence if you hear this won't you come and pick your girlfriend up. She's been talking in her sleep and I think that I've had enough. She's been a wreck since you've been away..."

By Billy Yates. A man kills his wife in a drunk driving accident. The husband pays a visit to the grave sight and is remorseful as he realizes how much he has lost and that he took his wife's love for granted. "...I went by the junkyard, they still got our car. I still see the one we need, beggin' me not to drive. But I took away the keys, and made you climb inside...Oh, I'd take your place in this field of stone, if only I had the power. Look what it took for me to finally bring you flowers..."

Follow Your Dreams
By Poco. About goal setting and realizing that you determine your own destiny in life. Also deals with individuality and not giving in to negative peer pressure. "...So give it your best, and don't worry about what some may say. Follow your dreams, it's really all that you can do. Give it your best, and remember that life is what you choose. Follow your dreams and do what you love to do..."

Folsom Prison Blues
By Johnny Cash. A prisoner in Folsom State Prison reflects on his life, the poor choices he made, and the advice he failed to heed. "I hear the train a comin' it's rollin' round the bend. And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when...I'm stuck in Folsom prison and time keeps draggin' on..When I was just a baby my momma told me son always be a good boy don't ever play with guns. But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. When I hear that whistle blowin' I hang my head and cry..."

The Fonz
By Smash mouth. About the power or influence of image and popularity, and wanting to be like someone else. "I wanna try your shoes on and wear them for a day. Learn to talk like you do...I'd talk like I knew something that everyone wanted to hear...Cause you're the Fonz..."

Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)
By Styx. About a person who does not set lofty goals, fails to utilize strengths, and does not realize his or her potential. "You see the world through your cynical eyes. You're a troubled young man I can tell. You've got it all in the palm of your hand...And you're fooling yourself if you don't believe it..."

Foreclosure Of A Dream
By Megadeth. Song relates to the tragedy of the American farmer who has been forced to sell his land because of an uncertain economy. "Rise so high yet so far to fall...More borrowed money, more borrowed time...Foreclosure of a dream, those visions never seen. Until all is lost, personal holocaust. Foreclosure of a dream...Barren land that once filled a need, are worthless now dead without a deed..."

Forgotten Years
By Midnight Oil. About remembering and paying tribute to the sacrifices of previous generations and cherishing the hard fought rights and freedoms we hold today. "...Our sons need never be soldiers. Our daughters will never need guns...Seasons of war and grace. These should not be forgotten years...The hardest years, the wildest years. The desperate and divided years. We will remember..."

For The Love Of Money
By O'Jays. About greed and things people will do for the almighty dollar. "Money...Some people got to have it...For the love of money people will steal from their mother. For the love of money people will rob their own brother...For the love of money people will lie, Lord they will cheat..."

Fortunate Son
By Creedence Clearwater Revival. Criticism of the special treatment received by sons of the wealthy and powerful who did not serve during the Vietnam war. "Some folks are born silver spoon in hand, lord don't they help themselves..."

By U2. Song is based on or inspired by the Bible's Psalm 40. "I waited patiently for the Lord...He set my feet upon a rock and made my footsteps firm...I will sing, sing a new song...How long to sing this song?..."

48 Hours 'Til Monday
By Sawyer Brown. A tribute to the weekend warrior. In other words, thank God it's Friday! "...It's Friday night and I been workin' all week long. After the rent all I have left is this old song...I've got a hole in my pocket and the world by the tail and everything is going my way. I've got forty eight hours and twenty five dollars in change..."

Forty Hour Week (For A Livin')
By Alabama. A tribute to the hard working blue collar employees of America. "There are people in this country who work hard everyday. Not for fame or fortune do they strive. But the fruits of their labor are worth more than their pay. And it's time a few of them were recognized...."

By Riot. About the 1849 California Goldrush. 49er is a slang term to describe the thousands of people who headed west in search of gold. "...Headed west was a 49er to stake his new shrine...Headed west was a 49er, get rich quick, live life finer...Some never made their dreams come to life. Many men fell..."

41 Shots
By George Stass. Inspired by actual events. On February 4, 1999 four NYC police officers fired 41 shots at unarmed Guinean immigrant Amadou Diallo striking him 19 times and killing him in the entrance way of his apartment. "...41 shots I can't understand. 41 shots killed an innocent man. Outrage and disbelief throughout the land. 41 shots explain if you can..."

40 Oz. To Freedom
By Sublime. Using alcohol as a crutch or an escape from life's everyday problems and struggles. "...Life is one big question when your starin' at the clock. And the answer's always waiting at the liquor store, 40oz. to freedom..."

For What It's Worth
By Buffalo Springfield. An anti-establishment protest song that captures the political and social upheaval which characterized the turbulent 60's in the United States. "There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear...People speaking their minds. Getting so much resistance from behind...What's that sound. Everybody look what's going down..."

Fountain Of Youth
By Savatage. Song is about explorer Ponce de Leon and his infamous search for the "fountain of youth". Instead, he became the European "discoverer" of Florida. "...Ponce de Leon in the search for the gold. Indian tales never growing old. The fountain of youth, that's where we might find the truth..."

Four Strong Winds
By Neil Young. About the end of a relationship and realizing it's time to move on. "...Still I wish you'd change your mind, if ask you one more time. But we've been through this a hundred times or more...The good times are all gone. then I'm bound for movin' on I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way..."

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle
By Nirvana. A tribute to the movie actress Frances Farmer (1913-1970) "...She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars, and leave a blanket of ash on the ground. I miss the comfort in being sad..."

Frank And Jesse James
By Warren Zevon. Song is about the cowboy, outlaw legends of the same name. References to Robert Ford, the man responsible for gunning down Jesse James."...They rode against the railroads, and they rode against the banks. And they rode against the governor, never did they ask for a word of thanks. Keep on riding, riding, riding Frank and Jesse James..."

By Rage Against The Machine. About American Indian activist Leonard Peltier, who is currently incarcerated at the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was sentenced in 1975 on charges resulting from the deaths of two federal agents during an incident on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota.

Free Girl Now
By Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers. About domestic violence and a woman who is able to break free from an abusive relationship. "Remember when you were his dog. I remember you under his thumb...I remember when he was your boss...No longer will you have to crawl. No longer will you suffer...Hey baby, you're a free girl now..."

Free Nelson Mandela
By Jerry Dammers. A human rights song about Nelson Mandela, leader of the African National Congress who was imprisoned for 27 years as punishment for his opposition to Apartheid and the white minority government of South Africa . Nelson Mandelawas released in February, 1990 and in 1994 was elected President of South Africa. "...his body is used but his mind is still free. You're so blind that you cannot see...Free Nelson Mandela"

By Rush. About freedom of choice. Relates to "natural rights" and the thinkers of the Enlightenment. "...You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill; I will choose a path that's clear - I will choose Free Will..."

By Van Zant. About the importance of friendship, and knowing there is someone who you can count on."...I think of all we've been through. You and I are one and the same and I thank God for you... You taught me how to live my life. You're the strength that pulls me through..."

G (top)

By Amy Grant. About following your dreams despite what others may say. Also deals with listening to your heart or inner voice and appreciating the wonder/mystery of love. "...Who needs a rhyme or a reason, some dreams were made to find. So I know that I must follow, ask me just how much I love you..." Song includes references to other well known dreamers. "In the year of fourteen ninety-two when Columbus sailed the ocean blue...Mr. Franklin stood there holding his kite, he was crazy always pressing his luck...You are starlight, I'm Galileo even on the darkest night oh, I will find the shining light of our love...."

By Indigo Girls. About self-awareness, the search for knowledge, and striving for an an enlightened level of emotional/spiritual existence and understandings. "Galileo's head was on the block. The crime was looking up for truth...How long till my soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach that kind of light? I call on the resting soul of Galileo. King of night vision, king of insight..."

Galveston Bay
By Bruce Springsteen. About xenophobia in a small Texas town. Hostilities between local Texans and recently settled Vietnamese refugees erupt into violence. Based on actual events. August 3rd, 1979 Texan Billy Joe Aplin was shot and killed, Sau Van Nguyen was charged with the crime, but later acquitted.

Games Without Frontiers
By Peter Gabriel. The song title comes from a well known European TV program during the 1970's, which was known as "It's a Knockout" in the UK. Song is making fun of the childish behavior of contestants, but in a larger sense may apply to the conduct/behavior of nations. "...It's a knockout, If looks could kill, they probably will. In games without frontiers-war without tears..."

By Iron Maiden. About the many dangers associated with gang life and criminal activity. "...Dead men, tell no tales. In gangland murder's up for sale. Dead men, tell no tales. In gangland where jailbirds die..."

Gangsta's Paradise
By Coolio. About many problems in society including gangs, drugs and violence. Rejection of this way of life, "Tell me why are we so blind to see that the one's we hurt are you and me."

By The Specials. Song expresses concern for the future regarding the growing trend towards, or increase of, criminal activity on the part of young people. "...The youths, they love to commit crime. Dread to think what the future will bring, when we're living in gangster time. Don't call me scarface..."

Gassed and Stoked
By Lou Reed. From the "Magic and Loss" CD which is "Dedicated to Doc and especially to Rita...Between two Aprils I lost two friends..." A personal song about loss, love and coping with the death of a friend. "...Sometimes I dial your phone number and this is what I hear. this is no longer a working number baby...Now I may not remember everything that you said but I remember all the things you've done..."

Gator Country
By Molly Hatchet. Song is a tribute to the state of Florida and to the genre of music called "southern rock". References to many southern rock bands in the lyrics. "I've been to Alabama, people ain't a whole lot to see. Skynyrd says its a real sweet home but it ain't nothin' to me.Charlie Daniels will tell you Lord he was born a ramblin' man...There's Marshall Tucker riding a rainbow searching for a pot of gold...But I'm going back to Gator country..."

Geek Stink Breath
By Green Day. About the crippling effects of drugs destroying one's dreams and goals. Specific reference to a powerful stimulant, methamphetamine. "...I got no decision like a cripple, running the rat race. Wish in one hand and drugs in the other. And see which one gets filled first..."

Genghis Khan
By Running Wild. About the Mongolian rulerand warrior of the 12th and 13th centuries. "...He loved the glare of metal and the smell of blood...His era was his fate. He freed the conquered land from the ban of death...Genghis Khan..."

Genocide (The Killing of The Buffalo)
By Thin Lizzy. Recounts the mindless slaughter of the buffalo in North America, and the exploitation and suffering of Native Americans. "..So listen to my story of genocide, how they were hunted and slaughtered till there was no place left to hide. Did you know the redman used to hold his head with pride? Till every man, woman and child were destroyed..."

Get Back Up
By Tom Cochrane. Deals with self-destructive behavior and suicide. Sung from the point of view of a person who is trying to revive a loved one who has fallen unconscious, presumably from a drug overdose. "...I put you in the tub babe with five big pounds of ice. If you don't get up I don't know what I'll do. I've walked you around the room here, nearly 37 times. Can you hear me now and am I getting through?..."

Get Up Stand Up
By Peter Tosh. An anthem for the oppressed and disenfranchised people throughout the world. "...Get Up, Stand Up, stand up for your right. Get Up, Stand Up, don't give up the fight. Get Up, Stand Up, life is your right. So we can't give up the fight..."

Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
By Pink Floyd. Song is about greed, imperialism, militarism and the age old quest for land and territory. "Brezhnev took Afghanistan. Begin took Beirut. Galtieri took the Union Jack..."

Ghetto Prisoners
By Nas. Song carries a message of faith and hope, expressing support for impoverished people and communities. Singer encourages poor and oppressed people to rise above their situation or circumstances. "...Yo we gotta be God's children, habitats in tall buildings. Rats crawl in filthy Hallways...Young ones ahead of they time. Trapped in slums... Headed for nuttin' but the state pen...Life is every man's kingdom, a dyin' man's past and a newborn's first time to be here at last. And shouldn't have to grow up fast and suffer our pain...But never lose faith; through the years just get smarter..."

The Ghost of Tom Joad
By Bruce Springsteen. About those who are impoverished and disenfranchised. A portrait of life on the edge, people facing despair and struggling to survive. Inspired by the Steinbeck novel, and John Ford film adaptation of, "Grapes of Wrath". Song also relates to, or is example of, the musical genre/style alt.country "...Shelter line stretchin' 'round the corner. Welcome to the new world order. Families sleepin' in their cars in the Southwest. No home no job no peace no rest...Well the highway is alive tonight, but nobody's kiddin' nobody about where it goes. I'm sittin' down here in the campfire light with the ghost of old Tom Joad."

Ghosts of Cape Horn
By Gordon Lightfoot. About the courageous efforts of explorers trying to sail "Round the Horn" of South America. Many sailors have not returned from voyages through these most dangerous waters. "...See them all in sad repair, demons dance everywhere. Southern gales, tattered sails and none to tell the tales...all around old Cape Horn..."

Gimme Shelter
By Rolling Stones. About violence, death, destruction threatening society "Oh a storm is threatening my very life today...war, children, it's just a shot away...rape, murder, it's just a shot away..." The final verse offers a message of hope and opportunity,"Love, sister , it's just a kiss away..."

Give Me You
By Mary J. Blige. Song is about the importance of committment, devotion, honesty, and love in a relationship. "...You don't have to promise me the stars. Just promise me love inside your heart...I don't need things that money buys. All I need is there in your eyes. I just need your heart next to mine all my whole life through..."

Give The People What They Want
By The Kinks. A critique or commentary on people's prurient interests and the publics' desire for blood and gore throughout history. "...The Roman promoters really did things right...The attendance was sparse so they put on a fight. Threw the Christians to the lions, sold out every night...Give'em lots of sex, perversion and rape. Give 'em lots of violence, and plenty to hate...When Oswald shot Kennedy, he was insane. But still we watch the re-runs again and again...Give the people what they want. You gotta give the people what they want..."

Glass House
By Peter Tosh. Taken from a well known proverb, the lyrics remind people to think twice before condemning or passing judgement on the actions of others. "If you live in a glass house don't throw stones. Harm no man, let no man harm you. Do unto others as they will do to you..."

Glory Days
By Bruce Springsteen. About aging, loss of innocence, and adjusting to life after one's "glory days" are gone. "...And I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it but I probably will. Yeah, just sitting back trying to recapture a little of the glory of, but time slips away and leaves you with nothing mister but boring stories of glory days..."

God Gave Rock And Roll To You
By Argent. About the positive effects music can have on an individual. Song also talks about the hard work involved in becoming a rock star. "...I know life sometimes can get tough. And I know that sometimes life can be a drag. But people we have been given a gift...God gave rock and roll to you...You don't have money or a fancy car and you're tired of wishin' on a fallen star. You gotta put your faith in a loud guitar...God gave rock and roll to you..."

God Smack
By Alice in Chains. Song deals with heroin use, "smack" is slang term for heroin. References to death and dying as result of using this narcotic. "...Now you know the reasons why, can't get high or you will die. So your sickness weighs a ton, and God's name is smack for some..."

Gods Of War
By Def Leppard. About the death and violence caused by conflict between nations. "...On a countdown to zero, take a ride on the nightmare machine. There ain't gonna be heroes, there ain't gonna be anything...When we all fall down. When we walk into silence. When we shadow the sun. When we surrender to violence. Oh, then the damage is done. Put away that gun!..."

God Of Wine
By Third Eye Blind. A couple deals with an alcohol problem and risks losing their friendship as a result of the addiction."...Where do we begin to get clean again, can we get clean again? I walk home alone with you...She takes a drink and then she waits. The alcohol it permeates. And soon the cells give way, and cancels out the day...I can't keep it all together I know...

By Blue Oyster Cult. A tribute to the television and movie creature, Godzilla. "...Helpless people on a subway train, scream bug-eyed as he looks in on them. He picks up a bus and he throws it back down as he wades through the buildings toward the center of town..."

Goin' Down Slow
By Gov't Mule. A man on his deathbed comes to grips with his failing health and imminent death. "...All my health is failing. Lord, I'm going down slow...Please write my mother and tell her the shape I'm in. Tell her to pray for me. Forgive me for my sins, for all my sins...I'm goin' down slow..."

Going Away To College
By blink-182-. About feelings of anxiety, apprehension, and doubt experienced by many young people when they first leave home for college. "...I'll write you once a week she said. Why does it feel the same to fall in love or break it off. I haven't been this scared in a long time...Is my picture still hanging in her locker?..."

Going Through The Motions
By Kansas. About getting caught in a rut in life and never experiencing anything new. Also deals with people who "sleepwalk" through life and aren't aware of things around them. "..And is your day just a reflection of the day before? Don't you ever stop and wonder if there's something more? Do you really mean to tell me that you are satisfied? Are you for real or are you going through the motions?..."

Going Under
By Marillion. A man hits rock bottom and comes to terms with his drinking problem. "...It never worked out so I just went crazy. I took to the drink...Its always the same getting caught up again in a habit...Everything seems so easy this way but I'm going under fast..."

Gone Away
By Offspring. Song deals with death and dying, coping with loss, and the emotional effects on friends and family. "...maybe in another life, I could find you there. Pulled away before your time, I can't deal it's so unfair...the world has grown cold now that you've gone away."

Gonna Get Close To You
By Queensryche. Song is about a stalker and his or her victim. "...Outside your balcony I have a room with a view. And I'm watching you...When your alone I know when you turn out the light. I'm gonna get close to you..."

Goodbye Blue Sky
By Pink Floyd. From the critically acclaimed concept album/CD called "The Wall" this moving song is about or addresses with loss of innocence and the senseless brutality and violence of war. "...Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs? The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on. Goodbye, blue sky..."

Goodbye Earl
By Dixie Chicks. Song is about an abused wife and how she and her best friend decide to poison and kill the abusive husband. "...Well it wasn't two weeks after she got married that Wanda started getting abused...Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce...but Earl walked right through the restraining order and put her in intensive care...right away Mary flew in from Atlanta...And it didn't take'em long to decide that Earl had to die...goodbye Earl..."

Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
By Lou Reed. A commentary on former United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim's controversial audience with Pope John Paul II, June 25, 1987. In a broader sense the song is about hypocrisy and people who associate with individuals or causes, and behave in a manner that appears to contradict or go against the beliefs, ideals, and values they publically espouse. "...Here comes Jesse Jackson he talks of common ground. Does that common ground include me or is it just a sound?... Does that include the PLO?...If I ran for president and once was a member of the KKK wouldn't you call me on it. The way I call you on Farrakhan...Good evening Mr. Waldheim, Pontiff how are you as you both stroll throught the woods at night, I'm thinking thoughts of you...Is it true the common ground for me is without you. Oh is it true there's no ground common enough for me and you."

Goodnight Saigon
By Billy Joel. A vietnam veterans memories of war and friendship. "...And we held on to each other like brother to brother. We promised our mothers we'd write. And we would all go down together..."

Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
By Green Day. About making the most of your opportunities in life, not taking things for granted, experiencing life to it's fullest. "...time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don't ask why. It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time...I hope you had the time of your life..."

Go The Distance
By Michael Bolton. About the hero in all of us. Trying your best, facing adversity, never giving up, and knowing in the end you will come out on top. "...And I won't look back, I can go the distance. And I'll stay on track no, I won't accept defeat. It's an uphill slope but I won't lose hope , till I go the distance..."

Gotta Get Away
By Offspring. About anxiety and mental illness. Song refers to paranoia, and possibly schizophrenia. "I'm getting edgy all the time. Someone around me just a step behind. It's kinda scary the shape I'm in. The walls are shakin' and closin' in... I think I'm being followed, I look around. It's only my shadow creepin' on the ground. Gotta get away from me..."

Got The Life
By Korn.  An autobiographical or personal song. Despite fame and fortune a people must come to terms with the spiritual and emotional vacuum that may accompany the acquisition of material wealth and celebrity status. "...Something, inside I'll never ever follow. So give me something that is for real...Each day I feel so hollow, inside I was beating me. You will never see, so come dance with me..."

Got The Time
By Joe Jackson. Realizing that there is not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you want to. "Sit down got another letter to write. Think I've got to get the letter just right. There's a ringing on the telephone. Oh no, got to write a little later. No such day as tomorrow...Time, got the time tick-tick-tickin' in my head..."

Got To Give It Up
By Thin Lizzy. About alcohol/drug addiction and dealing with both guilt and denial. Person knows he /she should quit, but feels powerless. "Tell my mama tell my pa that their fine young son didn't get far, he made it to the end of a bottle... I've got to give it up, that stuff..." Song also contains references to cocaine and heroin use.

Go Your Own Way
By Fleetwood Mac. A bittersweet love song. A person is saddened, hurt, and confused by the ending of a relationship. "Tell my why everything turned around...If I could, baby I'd give you my world. Open up everything's waiting for you..."

Grade 9
By Barenaked Ladies. A coming of age song about a young persons adjustment to freshman year in high school. Related topics/issues include; anxiety, identity, conformity, peer pressure, self-esteem. "I found my locker and I found my classes. Lost my lunch and I broke my glasses. That guy is huge! That girl is wailin'!...I went out for the football team to prove that I was a man...I went to the high school dance. Dad said I have to be home by eleven - aw man I'm gonna miss Stairway to Heaven..."

Graduation(Friends Forever)
By Vitamin C. Song is about the transition from high school to the next phase of a person's life after graduation. Song also is about a person's fear of change, having unanswered questions about the future, and wondering if friendships will continue. "...I keep thinking times will never change. Keep on thinking things will always be the same. But when we leave this year we won't be coming back. No more hanging out 'cause we're on a different track...Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now? Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?...And as our lives change, come whatever. We will still be, friends forever..."

The Grand Illusion
By Styx. About staying true to yourself, your goals, and your value system. Not being swayed or influenced by images in the mass media that promote greed and materialism. "...But don't be fooled by the radio, the T.V. or the magazines. They'll show you photographs of how your life should be. But they're just someone else's fantasy..."

Greatest Love Of All
By George Benson. Song was later covered and popularized by Whitney Houston. About love and caring for children and the importance of self-reliance. "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way...learning to love yourself it is the greatest love of all..."

The Greatest Man I Never Knew
By Reba McEntire. About missed opportunity, failure to communicate, and regret. Tells the story of a child longing for love and recognition from his/her father. " The greatest man I never knew lived just down the hall. And every day we said hello, but never touched at all..."

The Great Song of Indifference
By Bob Geldof. Song is about apathy, indifference, and selfishness. Song highlights the absence or decline of empathy and social responsibility. "...I don't care if you live or die. Couldn't care less if you laugh or cry...Baby I can watch whole nations die, and I don't care at all..."

Great Spirit
By Robert Plant. Pollution threatening the environment. "Who hears the Earth that cries beneath the burning rain?" reference to Native American beliefs.

The Great White Buffalo
By Saxon. Numerous references to Native beliefs, rituals and tribes. Song title refers to a Native American legend. "...Give the land back to the nations. Let their spirits roam the plains, with the great white buffalo."

Great White Hope
By Styx. About working very hard to achieve your goals and realizing just as much effort is needed to maintain your level of success. "When I was a young man I had to kick and scratch and claw. Now it's like top gun in the old west, everybody wants me to draw...And I know that some of you out there might wanna see the champ get beat..."

Grey Ghost
By Henry Paul Band. Dedicated to Ronnie Van Zant, ex lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd who was killed in a plane crash on October 20, 1977. "...As the Autumn wind whispers through the tall and lonely pines, and the hour of fate is drawing close at hand. A free bird falling from the sky brings a bitter end to another southern man ...".

By Harry Chapin. Song is about the experience of riding on a Greyhound bus. "It's midnight at the depot and I drag my bags in line. Travelling late, I got to go but the bus won't be on time...Come on driver, where's the heat? It's cold out in the night. I keep telling myself that I don't care. Come tomorrow, I'll be there. Take the greyhound. It's a dog of a way to get around..."

Grinnin' In Your Face
By Gov't Mule. Song is about people that are two faced and who supposedly are your friends but talk about you behind your back. "...They don't care how you're tryin' to live. They talk about you still. Bear this in mind, a true friend is hard to find...Just as soon as your back is turned they'll be trying to crush you down. Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face?..."

By Pete Seeger. Adaptation of a poem by the well known revolutionary leader and spanish language author/writer Jose Marti'. He was a leader of the Cuban independence movement and spent most of his life in exile resisting and writing against Spanish colonial rule in Cuba. "...I am a truthful man from the land of the palm trees...My poems are soft green. My poems are also flaming crimson...With the poor people of the earth I want to share my fate..."

The Guitar Man
By Bread. Song talks about the power of music and it's emotional effect on the listener. "...Night after night who treats you right, baby, it's the guitar man. Who's on the radio, you go listen to the guitar man...Then you listen to the music and you like to sing along. You want to get the meaning out of each and every song. Then you find yourself a message and some words to call your own and take back home..."

By "Weird Al" Yankovic. Song is about Forrest Gump, main character in the movie of the same name. "Gump sat alone on a bench in the park. "My name is Forrest" he'd casually remark. Waitin' for the bus with his hands in his pockets. He just kept sayin' life is like a box of chocolates. He's Gump..."

Gun Control
By Ian Hunter. About the regulation of guns, song uses satire to take a stance against gun control. Related topics: NRA, The Constitution (2nd Amendment), public policy. "...Step up the lobby, boys, down in Washington...Gun Control, we don't want no Gun Control, we don't want no..."

The Gunners Dream
By Pink Floyd. Song is about a soldier's vision and desire to live in a fair and just world free from suffering and warfare. "...A place to stay enough to eat...And everyone has recourse to the law and no one kills children anymore...What's done is done. We cannot just write off his final scene. Take head of his dream..."

By Wyclef Jean. About the proliferation of death and violence in our society. Singer is asking people to break the cycle of hate and to reach out to one another through love, kindness, respect, and tolerance. Song also relates to apathy and disillusionment in society. "...But it's still the same way. I wanna know why. Ghetto people pray for a new day... Don't you know that we can't stop the violence no because the war is not over. Until you can feel love, peace, and hear the silence. But I smell gunpowder..."

H (top)

Half Breed
By Cher. The child of an interracial marriage suffers prejudice and discrimination. "My father married a pure Cherokee. My mother's people were ashamed of me. The Indians said I was white by law. The white man always called me Indian squaw..."

By Helloween. About the traditional happenings that occur on the night of Halloween. "...Masquerade, masquerade, grab your mask and don't be late. Get out, get out well disguised. Heat and fever in the air tonight. Meet the others at the store, knock on other people's door. Trick or treat, they have the choice, little ghosts are makin' lots of noise. But watch out, beware, listen, take care..."

By Rupert Hine. For those who appreciate the finer things in life, a tribute to the hamburger. "Everytime I ease myself out of the sack I get this low rumble...Lip-a-lickin' need for munchin'. That rolls my eyes. Scoot me down town. Sit me on down. Stop, go no further...I will have hamburgers..."

Hammer and Nail
By Indigo Girls. About the importance of actually acting upon your convictions, ideals, and values. "...I gotta get out of bed. Get a hammer and a nail. Learn how to use my hands, not just my head. I think myself in a jail. Now I know a refuge never grows from a chin in a hand and a thoughtful pose. Gotta tend the earth if you want a rose..."

Hand Of Doom
By Black Sabbath. About the dangers of drug abuse, specifically the destructive power of heroin. "...Holes are in your skin, caused by deadly pins...Now it's killing you."

By Jewel. About having compassion for your fellow man and taking care of each other. "If I could tell the world just one thing it would be that we're all okay...We'll fight, not out of spite. For someone must stand up for what's right. 'Cause where there's a man who has no voice there ours shall go singing...In the end only kindness matters..."

By America. About the negative after effects of consuming too much alcohol. References also made to alcohol addiction and liver damage. "...I was out till all hours, raisin' cain once again...Oh, I ain't nothin' but a drunken loser. And my liver's overfed. "Cause I got a hangover. I won't make it through the day..."

Hang Tough
By Tesla. About not giving up when faced with adversity, and working hard to meet your goals in life. "...And it's harder than it seems to survive, keep alive and make your dreams. Make your dreams all come true. You gotta, you gotta give it your best shot. Give it everything you got. Oh, you gotta hang tough..."

Happy Birthday, Leonid Brezhnev
By Joan Baez. A satirical song about the Soviet led effort during the 1980's to squash the Solidarity movement in Poland. "...So with one hand waving free the other one crushed a budding democracy...Congratulations Jaruzelski what a wonderful job you have done...Your people are freezing, the workers are bleeding. You've already arranged numerous deaths...Do you hear us Lech Walesa? What a terrible price you have paid for being ahead of your time..."

Happy Loving Couples
By Joe Jackson. About a person who feels like his friends want him to settle down and find a girlfriend. The person resents the pressure being put on him by his friends and is determined to wait it out until the right person comes along. "..People say I'm too damn fussy when it comes to girls. Happy couples say I must live in a lonely world...Be it in my own good time. Being kind to myself till I become one of two of a kind...Those happy couples ain't no friends of mine..."

Hard Day on the Planet
By Loudon Wainwright III. From the Fish Tree Water Blues benefit CD for Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund's campaign to save wild salmon, ancient forests, and freeflowing waterways. Refers to problems of global warming and acid rain. Song reminds listeners of the responsibility we all share to preserve and conserve the environment. "...A man ain't an island, John Donne wasn't lying..."

The Harder They Come
By Jimmy Cliff. Title track from the movie, The Harder They Come. About political, social and economic justice and perseverance. Could be interpreted as an anthem of the oppressed. "...And I keep on fighting for the things I want, though I know that when you're dead you can't. But I'd rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave..."

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
By Bob Dylan. Timeless social and political commentary about injustice and inequalities that continue to permeate American society. Song warns or prepares listeners for future unrest and serves as an anthem or call to action for social and political activists. "...Where the people are many and their hands are all empty, Where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters, Where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison, Where the executioner's face is always well hidden, Where hunger is ugly and souls are forgotten, Where black is the color, where none is the number. And I'll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it...It's a hard  rain's a-gonna fall..."

Hard Rock Cafe
By Carole King. Song is about the Hard Rock cafe chain of theme resturants. "Downtown, anywhere in the USA. You can find yourself a Hard Rock cafe...After a hard day's work I guarantee. There just isn't anywhere better to be..."

Harry Truman
By Chicago. Song is a tribute to the late, great president Harry Truman. "America needs you Harry Truman. Harry would you please come home. Things are looking bad. I know you would be mad to see what kind of men prevail upon the land you love...We'd love to hear you speak your mind in plain and simple ways..."

Have A Drink On Me
By AC-DC. Song deals with many health related issues including binge drinking, using alcohol to avoid or forget your problems, and alcohol abuse/misuse. "Whiskey, gin and brandy. With a glass I'm pretty handy. I'm trying to walk a straight line. On sour mash and cheap wine...So don't worry about tomorrow, take it today...Have a drink on me, get stoned..."

Heal The World
By Michael Jackson. Song encourages people to help make the world better. Many social and political problems are referenced; war, famine/hunger, poverty, disease. "...Heal the world make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race..." Some related topics are; community service, volunteerism, random acts of kindness.

Heart Attack
By Thin Lizzy. About self destructive behaviors caused by emotional crisis and poor decision making. Song is ironic in that it was one of the last songs written by Phil Lynott (founder of Thin Lizzy) before he died of heart failure from excessive drug and alcohol abuse."...Papa I'm drinking for an overload, overload, overload. The gun in my pocket is all ready to explode. Papa I'm dying of an overdose, overdose, overdose. I tried to warn you don't come too close..."

The Heart Of The Matter
By Don Henley . Song is about the ending of a relationship and learning how to let go and forgive. "...I'm learning to live without you now. But I miss you baby. The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I'd figured out I have to learn again...but I think it's about forgiveness, even if, even if you don't love me anymore..."

Heartspark Dollarsign
By Everclear. About an interracial couple dealing with condemnation, hatred, prejudice, and ridicule. "Time stops when the whispers blare. The voices drop hard, but the eyes still stare...Because I walk with pride with a black girlfriend..." The couple is determined to stick together and see it through. "...You are possessed with a power bigger than the pain..."

By Smash mouth. About having trouble with your neighbors. Song deals with issues of empathy, community, compromise, and cooperation. Song also relates to identity, stereotypes, and feeling misunderstood. The situation described in the song occurs frequently in many college towns. "Neighbor called my landlord. She said that she was pissed. Up all night making noise and she can't get no rest. She said we was running a flop house full of thieves and thugs. Musicians and hooligans and we were all on drugs...I've got a whiny neighbor. She says that these punks must go. I think we're gonna get the old heave-ho."

He Calls Home
By Candlebox. About a homeless person, living on the streets, trying to cope with a lack of food and shelter. "I see him everday in that blanket he calls home..."

He Got Game
By Public Enemy w/Stephen Stills. Song is from the soundtrack for movie of the same name. A community and social responsibility song about political injustice and inequalities that continue to plague our society. Singers are issuing a wake up call, asking all people to work together and help build a community based on tolerance, empathy, equality, justice, and love. Song sampling could indicate that the commentary is intended to pick up where Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth" left off. "If man is the father of the son...More than your eyes can see and ears can hear. Year by year all the sense disappears, nonsense perseveres...Pretend you don't see. So you turn your head...Everythings approved. People used, even murders excused. White men in suits don't have to jump...Last I checked pyramids wasn't built like projects..."

Hell Is For Children
By Pat Benetar. Deals with the issue of child abuse, "It's all so confusin', this brutal abusin', they'll blacken your eyes and then apologize..."

Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter From Camp)
By . A humorous look at summer camps and the letters that kids send home to their parents telling them about their experiences. "Hello Muddah, hello Fadduh. Here I am at Camp Granada. Camp is very entertaining and they say we'll have some fun when it stops raining..."

Here Comes The Judge
By Peter Tosh. About the judge of rightousness. Song is a critique and strong condemnation of colonialism, imperialism, and the slave trade. Song includes specific references to and criticism of Vasco De Gama, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus who is referred to in the song as "Christ-T'ief Come-Rob-Us".

Here's Johnny
By "Weird Al" Yankovic. About ex-talk show host Johnny Carson's sidekick Ed McMahon. "...When he says, here's Johnny! That's his job, it's so amazing. All he says is here's Johnny!...And laughs in his special way...Second fiddle is his game and Ed McMahon is his name..."

Here's To You (La Marche De Sacco Et Vanzetti)
By Joan Baez. Tribute to Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti who ,by many accounts, were wrongfully tried and convicted for murder in 1921, and executed in 1927. "Here's to you Nicholas and Bart rest forever here in our hearts. The last and final moment is yours, that agony is your triumph..." Much controversy surrounds this case as their Italian heritage and Anarchists beliefs became focal points in the trial. Related topics: Palmer Raids and the ACLU.

By Mariah Carey. About self-reliance, inner strength, endurance, determination, and knowing that you have the ability to overcome obstacles and succeed no matter how difficult the task may be. "...And then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on. And you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So when you feel like hope is gone look inside you and be strong, and you'll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you..."

By David Bowie. Cold War politics and the Berlin Wall serve as the setting or backdrop for this modernized tale of star-crossed lovers. "...Though nothing will keep us together. We could steal time just for one day...And we kissed as though nothing could fall. And the shame was on the other side...But we could be safer just for one day..."

By Lou Reed. About the deadly and destructive power of Heroin. Relates to broader topics of substance abuse and suicide."...I have made the big decision I'm gonna try to nullify my life "cause when the blood begins to flow, when it shoots up the dropper's neck, when I'm closing in on death...Heroin be the death of me. Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life..."

The Heroin Song
By Dink. Song is about the crippling effects of heroin addiction and how a user's life is drastically changed by it. "As I sit in my room at night with my curtains drawn closed and my door shut tight. I got my needles and I got my spoon...I used to have a friend like you. Now all I have is my doom and gloom..."

The Hero's Return
By Pink Floyd . About a pilot who struggles with the memories of  bombing raids during WWII and finds it difficult to express in words his pain and share it with others. "...And even now part of me flies over Dresden at angles one five.. And there is something that I've locked away, a memory that is too painful...the memory smoulders of the gunners dying words on the intercom."

Hesitating Beauty
By Billy Bragg & Wilco (Woody Guthrie). A suitor wonders why his love has rebuffed his proposal of marriage. Song deals with several issues including choice, committment, devotion, and responsibility. "For your sparkling cocky smile I have walked a million miles. Begging you to come wed me in the Spring...We can bring our kids to play where the dry winds blow today. If you'll quit your hesitating, Nora Lee."

Hey God
By Bon Jovi. Song is about a family that faces adversity, is barely making ends meet and risks losing everything they own. "Hey God, I'm just a little man, got a wife and a family. I almost lost the house...We're barely holdin' on. I'm in way too deep. We're two paychecks away from livin' on the streets..."

Hey Jack Kerouac
By 10,000 Maniacs. A tribute to Jack Kerouac and other writers of the Beat Generation. "...Of the San Francisco beat boys you were the favorite...You chose your words from mouths of babes got lost in the wood...Allen baby why so jaded? Have the boys all grown up and their beauty faded? Billy, what a saint they've made you..."

High Energy Groove
By The Chromatics. This song is about X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. "...Going up the spectrum, repeat after me: Radio, infrared, visible, U.V. Keep going all the way, what do you see? That's X-rays, gamma rays, high energy. An X-ray photon has a high frequency which means a shorter wavelength than you could ever see..."

By Creed. A man visualizes a planet where racial hatred is replaced with racial harmony and love. "...If I could make the Earth and my dreams the same. The only difference is to let love replace all our hate. So let's go there. Let's make our escape...Can you take me higher? To the place where blind men see..."

Higher Love
By Steve Winwood. A tribute to the power of love and the human struggle to achieve a higher state of "being" and experience a more meaningful life. "Think about it, there must be higher love...We walk blind and we try to see falling behind in what could be. Bring me a higher love...Let me feel that love come over me. Let me feel how strong it could be.."

High School Football Hero
By AFI. Song takes a stereotypical look at high school athletes and portrays them as "dumb jocks". "...'Wanna be a high school football hero with an S.A.T. score less than zero...Coach tells me to drink milk and wash it down with 'roids...Wanna score a touchdown...Don't care about my future 'cause its just another day..."

High Speed Dirt
By Megadeth. About the thrill, excitement and danger of sky diving. "Do it if you dare. Leaping from the sky. Hurling from the air. Exhilarating high...Energy of the gods, adrenalin surge. Won't stop still I hit the ground. I'm on my way for sure...I'm on my way to impact...Faster as I go I forgot my name. I'm a dirt torpedo..."

Highway Patrolman
By Bruce Springsteen. About two brothers on either side of the law and how one must choose between his duty to serve justice and loyalty to his family. "...I always done an honest job as honest as I could. I got a brother named Franky and Franky ain't no good...Well if it's any other man I'd put him straight away. But when it's your brother sometimes you look the other way...I catch him when he's strayin' like any brother would. Man turns his back on his family well he just ain't no good..."

Hip To Be Square
By Huey Lewis and the News. Many health related topic areas are referred to including peer pressure, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and self esteem. "I used to be a renegade, I used to fool around. Now I'm playing it real straight...I'm working out most everyday and watching what I eat...I can tell you whats going on. It's hip to be square..."

By Gary Moore. About the bombing of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945. "...There's several souls that died that August morning...Hiroshima, the place where innocence was burned. Hiroshima, the memory makes my stomach turn. Hiroshima, the world should truly feel the shame..." (see also the song "Thousand Cranes" in our Song Directory)

Hiroshima Nagasaki Russian Roulette
By Christy Moore. About the dangers and risks associated with nuclear warfare and technology. related topics: The Arms Race, Brinksmanship, MADD, and the Cold War. "They dropped the bomb in '45 to end the World War. No one had ever seen such a terrible sight before. The world looked on with eyes awide to see where it might lead. The politics of power passed around the seed. It was a time to remember that we never can forget. They were playing Hiroshima Nagasaki Russian Roulette..."

His House Her Home
By Squeeze. About marital infidelity, sung from the point of view of a man who is involved with a married woman. "I think to myself when we kiss, your husband is watching. From his portrait his eyes are looking down...Your son is watching cartoons. In the morning he's looking up at me when we're in the bathroom. Sees me kissing mother. Doesn't blink an eye. Asks a lot of questions. Answers hard to find..."

History Of A Boring Town
By Less Than Jake. About the monotony of being trapped in a small town with nothing exciting to do. "...Its so funny how life burns out so fast. It's just another wasted day. A boring life in a boring town. With the same old crowd and I used to say I'd never stay. But I'm rotting here today..."

Hi Tech Girl
By Lynda Williams. This song is a tribute to math, science and technology. "..Science is my first true love. Cuz it excites my mind. we are living in a high tech world and I am a high tech girl...I like physics and I like mathematics. I think they are great. I can calculate cross sections and decay rates. I like playing with computers. I like crunching code..."

Hitler Day
By Public Enemy. An alternative viewpoint or assessment of Christopher Columbus and the consequences of European Imperialism and Colonialism. Singer challenges the legitimacy and appropriateness of celebrating the voyage and conquests of Columbus, comparing it to creating a holiday to honor Adolph Hitler. Related topics include human rights, ethnocentrism, genocide, and rights of indigenous peoples. "500 years ago one man claimed to have discovered a new world.. How can you call a takeover a discovery...I don't hate nobody. I hate the day. It's as crazy as Hitler day. It's impossible to discover a land when people are already living there...Now he got a day to celebrate. Ain't that a trip. Cause the indians ain't got..."

Holding Out For A Hero
By Bonnie Tyler. A tribute to heroes. Song expresses a longing or desire for more people that we can admire, someone that will help and inspire others. "Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?...I need a hero. I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from the fight..."

Hold On
By Lou Reed. Song is about intolerance and prejudice. The song adresses racial hostility/violence and the state of race relations in the N.Y. metropolitan area. Song includes references to Eleanor Bumpers, Michael Stewart, and Bernard Goetz. "There's blacks with knives and whites with guns fighting in Howard Beach. There's no such thing as human rights when you walk the N.Y. streets...It'll take more than the Angels or Iron Mike Tyson to heal this bloody breach... Whose home is the home of the brave by the Statue of Bigotry...Oh you better hold on-something's happening here."

Hold On
By Triumph. About the power and positive influence of music. "Music holds the secret, to know it can make you whole. It's not just a game of notes, it's the sound inside your soul...There's a celebration deep within a song. Celebrate this feeling, you know it can't be wrong..."

Hold Your Head High
By Argent. About the importance of having high self esteem and not giving in to peer pressure. Also deals with the importance of individuality and facing your challenges head on. "...And if they stare, just let them burn their eyes on you moving. And if they shout, don't let it change a thing that you're doing...Hold your head high..."

Holiday In Cambodia
By Dead Kennedys. About the brutal reign of terror and genocide carried out by Khmer Rouge forces that seized power in Cambodia in 1975. "So you been to school for a year or two. And you know you've seen it all...Right Guard will not help you here. Brave yourself my dear...Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back. For a bowl of rice a day. Slave for soldiers 'til you starve...Pol Pot, Pol Pot...And it's a holiday in Cambodia. Where you'll do what you're told..."

Home Of The Brave
By Toto. Song is about patriotism, freedom of speech, voicing your opinions and having pride in our country. "...You gotta remember. You don't have to be afraid. You still have the freedom to learn and say what you wanna say. You gotta remember, don't let'em take it away. The land we call the home of the brave..."

The Home-Town Rule
By Doug Hoekstra. About the price people pay for celebrity status and the "cost" of fame and fortune. Song includes references to Frank Lloyd Wright and John Lennon. "...What we rave about today, tomorrow we bereave. No one looks, no one sees. If it's cheap imitation or the real live thing...Is this the price of fame? Well, what about the price John Lennon paid? How many people really know where you've been and where you wanna go?...Anyhow, all of us expect too much somehow..."

By Blues Traveler. About the power of pop music, the integrity of musicians ,and the authenticity of their message. "It doesn't matter what I say so long as I sing with inflection. That makes you feel that I'll convey some inner truth of vast reflection. But I've said nothing so far. And I can keep it up for as long as it takes..Suck it in suck it in suck it in If you're Rin Tin tin or Anne Boleyn...The hook brings you back on that you can rely..."

House Of Orange
By Stan Rogers. About the conflict in Northern Ireland. Specific references to UDL, IRA, "knee cappers", and home rule. "...I took back my hand and I showed him the door. No dollar of mine would I part with this day, for fueling the engine of a bloody cruel war...Yet the damned UDL and the cruel IRA will tomorrow go murdering again. But no penny of mine will I add to the fray..."

Howard Beach
By Biohazard. Song is about race relations specifically, the racially motivated attack and subsequent death of a young black man named Michael Griffith, in Howard Beach, NY, 1986. "Total uproar, media explodes. Inter-racial violence totally unloads...Unfortunate happening of a young man's death. Creating racial tension with every breath..."

How Long?
By Jackson Browne. About misguided priorities. Increased spending on defense programs and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Focus resources on activities to support humans. A future at risk. "...When you think about the money spent on defense by a government. And the weapons of destruction we've built, we're so sure that we need. And you think of the millions and millions that money could feed..."

How's It Going To Be
By Third Eye Blind. About an abusive and possibly co-dependent relationship. Sung from the point of view of a person who feels confused or trapped by ambivalent feelings regarding his partner. "I'm only pretty sure that I can't take anymore. Before you take a swing, I wonder what are we fighting for?. When I say out loud I want to get out of this, I wonder, is there anything I'm going to miss?...Want to get back in again, the soft dive of oblivion."

HST Bop!
By The Chromatics. This song is a tribute to the Hubble Space Telescope. "...Do you wanna see the things that no one else has seen? Well then come and take a look through a real time machine...Do you wanna touch the edges of both space and time? Do you wanna know the origin of your world and mine?..."

Human Behaviour
By Bjork. About the idiosyncrasies and emotional differences of human beings, and the satisfaction derived from human relationships. "...There's definitely no logic to human behavior, but yet so irresistable. They're terribly moody, then all of a sudden turn happy. But, oh to get involved in the exchange of human emotions is ever so satisfying...Human behaviour..."

By Bob Dylan. About the apprehension, trial and sentencing of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter on charges of triple murder, 1966. He was the #1 contender for the middleweight crown. "...That's the story of the Hurricane, but it won't be over till they clear his name, and give him back the time he's done. Put in a prison cell, but one time he coulda' been the champion of the world.

Hurry Tomorrow
Song is improvised by a mental patient in "Hurry Tomorrow", a 1975 documentary  by Richard Cohen and Kevin Raffety. Song is a protest against conditions, and a call for better treatment of the patients in psychiatric hospitals. "...I don't like nobody to have the right to tell me when I gotta eat...that medicated slop gonna make me nauseous in the head and drunk...thorazine, cause it hurts my throat all down to the bottom and it really hurts me..."

By Savatage. Song is about the evil character in the Robert Louis Stevenson novel "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". "...a good man to evil from the potion on the table. Sampled by mistake but it's far too late. A cause for alarm. He can do you harm...For some he's but a tale, for others just a legend...Hyde, Hyde..."

By Offspring. Another song about the dangers of using the drug heroin. "...Once you get a ride, doesn't matter where you lied. Once you shoot it in, doesn't matter who you've been...All your dance and song won't matter when you're gone."

I (top)

I Ain't Ever Satisfied
By Steve Earle. About human desire or yearning for change and something better in life and the restless spirit that keeps people from settling down. "I was born by the railroad tracks. Well the train whistle wailed and I wailed right back...Now I had me a woman she was my world. But I ran off with my back street girl...I got an empty feeling deep inside...I ain't ever satisfied..."

I Ain't Marching Anymore
By Phil Ochs. Anti-war song. "...It's always the old to lead us to the war. It's always the young to fall. Now look at all we've won with the sabre and the gun, tell me is it worth it all..." Specific references are made to numerous historical events: Litte Big Horn, Battle of New Orleans, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Hiroshima, United Fruit.

I Ain't Movin'
By Des'ree. About being proud of your cultural heritage/identity and the importance of loving oneself and letting the world know you have something to say. "...Time is much too short to be livin' somebody else's life, I walk with dignity, I walk with pride. Cause I ain't moving from my face, from my race, from my history...Loving self can be so hard. Honesty can be demanding. Learn to love yourself it's a great, great feeling..."

I Am A Pilgrim
By The Byrds. Song is about pilgrimage traditions and pays homage to peoples faith and their strong religious beliefs. "I am a pilgrim and a stranger traveling through this wearisome land. I've got a home in that yonder city, good lord and it's not, not made by hand. I've got a mother, sister and a brother who have gone this way before. I am determined to go and see them, good lord for they're on that other shore..."

I Believe
By Blessid Union of Souls. About social, political, and economic problems in society, and the belief in the power of love to see us through. "...And one day he'll understand and he'll see me as a person not just a black man. 'Cause I believe that love is the answer, I believe that love will find the way..."

I Believe In You And Me
By Whitney Houston. About having faith and trust in another individual. Also deals with the issues of love and commitment. "...I believe in you and me. I believe that we will be, in love eternally. Well, as far as I can see, you will always be the one for me..."

By Kansas. Song is based on the story of "Daedalus and Icarus" which is part of Greek mythology. "Early in the morning sunlight. Soaring on the wings of dawn. Here I'll live and die with my wings in the sky. And I won't come down no more..."

I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)
By Jim Steinman / Meat Loaf. About the extent, "distance" or sacrifices people make in the name of love. Deals with the issue of personal integrity and the importance of clearly defined limits or boundaries in a relationship. "...You better believe it. That I would do anything for love and I'll be there 'til the final act. I would do anything for love, and I'll take a vow and seal a pact...I would do anything for love, but I won't do that..."

I'd Love To Change The World
By Ten Years After. Social commentary highlighting some of the world's problems. "...Tax the rich, feed the poor. Till there are no rich no more...Population, keeps on breeding. Nation bleeding, still more feeding...World pollution, there's no solution...black or white, rich or poor. Them or us, stop the war...I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do..."

I Don't Like Mondays
By Bob Geldof. The song is about Brenda Spencer who killed two people when she opened fire on children who were playing outside Cleveland Elementary School, in San Diego, February 1979. When Brenda Spencer was questioned by the police regarding her motives for this senseless act of violence she merely replied, "I Don't Like Mondays".

I Drink Alone
By George Thorogood. References made to "closet drinking" and abuse of alcohol. "When I drink alone I prefer to be by myself..."

If A Tree Fell
By Bruce Cockburn. Song talks about issues such as corporate greed and environmental concerns including the depletion of the rain forests, extinction of wildlife and the greenhouse effect. "Rain forest...hacked by parasitic greedhead scum...cut and move on. Take out trees, take out wildlife at a rate of a species every single day. Take out people who've lived with this for 100,000 years...through thinning ozone waves fall on wrinkled earth...if a tree fell in the forest, would you hear it?..."

I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag
By Country Joe McDonald. Anti-war song protesting America's involvement in Vietnam. Extensive use of satire and irony. "...come on fathers, don't hesitate, send your sons off before it's too late. Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box..."

If I Had $1000000
By Barenaked Ladies. A wishful thinking song about  materialism, desire, "lotto fever", and a preoccupation with material objects and wealth. Song also serves as a reminder that money cannot but love and happiness. "If I had $1000000... I'd buy you a house...I'd buy you furniture for your house...I'd buy you a fur coat ( but not a real fur coat that's cruel )...I'd buy you an exotic pet...I'd buy you John Merrick's remains ( all them crazy elephant bones ) If I had $1000000 I'd buy your love..."

If I Knew Then
By Nuclear Valdez. Like the saying goes, hindsight is always 20/20. "...If I knew then what I know now. I would have done otherwise but how? When there's no room for regrets now..."

I Fought The Law
By Bobby Fuller. About a criminal who is caught doing illegal activities and is now serving time in prison for his crimes. "I'm breakin' rocks in the hot sun. I fought the law and the law won...Robbin' people with a six-gun...I miss my baby and the good fun.  I fought the law and the law won..."

If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
By Sting. Song talks about the importance of remaining independent and "doing your own thing" rather than just relying on your partner for support. This is part of a healthy relationship. "...You can't control an independent heart. Can't tear the one you love apart. If you love somebody set them free..."

I Hung My Head
By Sting. Song is about the strange allure or "power"of guns and the human pain/suffering resulting from random acts of violence. Song also deals with remorse, forgiveness, love, redemption, and the eternal bond or connection that exists between a killer and his/her victim. "...I saw a lone rider crossing the plain. I drew a read on him to practice my aim. My brother's rifle went off in my hand...Then it came to me just what I had done. And all for no reason, just one piece of lead. I hung my head, I hung my head...I felt the power of death over life. I orphaned his children, I widowed his wife. I beg their forgiveness. I wish I was dead..."

I Just Shot John Lennon
By Cranberries. About the murder of ex-Beatle John Lennon. "It was the fearful night of December 8th...With a Smith & Wesson, 38, John Lennon's life was no longer a debate. He should have stayed at home, he should have never cared. And the man who took his life declared, he said, I Just Shot John Lennon!"

I Just Want To Celebrate
By Rare Earth. About appreciating life, being positive, and not letting personal problems and worry get the best of you. "...Well, I can't be bothered with sorrow and I can't be bothered with hate. I'm using up my time by feeling fine everyday. That's why I'm telling you I just want to celebrate...Another day of living..."

I'll Stand By You
By The Pretenders. A person tries to help a friend through a difficult time by letting them know that they will be there for them throughout the hard times. "When your standing at the crossroads, don't know which path to choose. Let me come along. 'Cause even if your wrong, I'll stand by you...Don't be ashamed to cry. Let me see you through. 'Cause I've seen the dark side too. When the night falls on you and you don't know what to do. Nothing you confess could make me love you less. I'll stand by you..."

I Love L.A.
By Randy Newman. A tribute to the "City of Angels", Los Angeles. "...Roll down the windows, put down the top. Crank up the Beach Boys baby...From the South Bay to the Valley. From the West side to the East side. Everybody's very happy...Looks like another perfect day. I love L.A...."

I Love You
By Climax Blues Band. A man meets and marries a woman who has a positive effect on him and changes his life forever. "...Thanks again for being my friend and straightening out my life. 'Cause ooh, I need you. Since then I never looked back. It's almost like livin' a dream. Ooh, I got you. If ever a man had it all it would have to be me. Ooh, I love you..."

I Love You Always Forever
By Donna Lewis. Expresses/describes the strong feelings and emotions of true love, a love that will last forever. "...Feels like...I'm standing in a Timeless Dream...of Light Mists...of pale amber rose. Feels like ...I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent..." Relates to various relationship issues; trust, commitment, marriage, devotion. "...I love you always forever near and far closer together..."

I'm Afraid Of Americans
By David Bowie. Song expresses contempt for the often arrogant and cavalier attitude of American companies that export goods , with little regard for the impact on indigenous people. "...I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the world. I'm afraid I can't help it, I'm afraid I Can't...Johnny wants a brain. Johnny wants to suck on coke.."

By John Lennon. Lennon's vision or dream of a world where human rights are protected and all people can live free from war, violence, racism, hatred, and intolerance. "...Imagine all the people living life in peace...I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one."

I'm A One Woman Man
By Warren Zevon. Song deals with many health related issues including monogomy, commitment and love. "...I'll always love you honey and never let you down. I'll never love another even if I can. Oh, come to me, baby. I'm a one woman man..."

I'm Eighteen
By Alice Cooper. A coming of age song about youth approaching adulthood and struggling to find an identity or "place" in the world. "...I'm in the middle without any plans. I'm a boy and I'm a man. I'm eighteen and I don't know what I want...Feels like I'm livin' in the middle of doubt..."

I'm In A Hurry (And I Don't Know Why)
By Alabama. About rushing through life and not taking time to enjoy life's little pleasures. "I'm in a hurry to get things done, I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and I don't know why..."

The Immigrant
By Neil Sedaka. About the process of immigration into America and the changing policies and attitudes towards immigrants."...He remembers he once heard a legend that spoke of a mystical and magical land called America. There was a time when strangers were welcome here...There was so much room that people could come from everywhere...Now  come to find out they've closed the door..."

I'm Not Drunk (I'm Just Drinkin')
By Albert Collins. Deals with addiction and how the body reacts to prolonged use of alcohol. Related issues include tolerance and denial. "Everyday, baby when the sun go down. I get with my friends and I begin to drown. I don't care what the people are thinkin'. I ain't drunk, I'm just drinkin...Oh, man you know I ain't high. I just take a little bit every now and then..."

I'm O.K.
By Styx. Deals with many health related issues including self esteem, individuality, and peer pressure. "...I'm o.k. I finally found the person I've been looking for. I'm alright. I'm feeling good about myself and that's for sure...They tried to cast me in their mold but I just had to say. That I'm o.k. I'm o.k. this way, yes I'm o.k..."

I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying
By Sting. Song is about a man struggling with the anger, confusion, disappointment, and pain of a seperation or divorce. The person embarks on a spiritual "journey" experiencing an emotional transformation coming to terms with his situation and eventually achieving a genuine state of forgiveness and acceptance. "Seven weeks have passed now since she left me...She says the kids are fine and that they miss me...She says, Are you O.K.? I was worried about you. Can you forgive me? I hope that you'll be happy...I took a walk alone last night. I looked up at the stars... Something seemed to ease the pain. Something about the universe and how it's all connected... Everybody's got to leave the darkness sometime". (*Go to the "Gallery" section of this web site to read a student essay that is comparing/contrasting the topic or theme of this song with the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer".)

In The Air Tonight
By Phil Collins. A personal song that conveys the feelings of anger, betrayal, pain, and sense of loss experienced by someone when their spouse has been unfaithful. "...Well I was there and saw what you did. I saw it with my own two eyes. So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been. it's all been a pack of lies...The hurt doesn't show; but the pain still grows. It's no stranger to you or me..."

In America
By Charlie Daniels Band. A celebration of America and the unwavering spirit or sense of purpose that unites our democratic society. "...And we may have done a little bit of fightin' amongst ourselves. But you outside people best leave us alone. 'Cause we'll all stick together and you can take that to the bank...Yeah, we're walking real proud and we're talkin' real loud again in America..."

In America
By Creed. A critique or questioning of present-day beliefs, priorities, and values in American society. "Only in America. We're slaves to be free. Only in America we kill the unborn. To make ends meet. Only in America. Sexuality is democracy...What is right or wrong? I don't know who to believe in. My soul sings a different song..."

In The City of Chicago
By Christy Moore. About irish immigration to America during the years of the potato famine. "...Eighteen forty seven was the year it all began. Deadly pains of hunger drove a million from the land. They journeyed not for glory. Their motive wasn't greed. A voyage of survival across the stormy sea..."

Independence Day
By Martina McBride. About a situation involving domestic violence, and it's impact on a child. Abuse leads to a violent response by the victim. "Well she seemed all right by dawn's early light, though she looked a little worried and weak. She tried to pretend he wasn't drinking again but daddy left the proof on her cheek..."

Independence Day
By Bruce Springsteen. A coming of age song about generational conflict. Tells the story of a turbulent parent and child relationship. The young person is engaged in a struggle for autonomy and freedom. "...Now I don't know what it always was with us. We chose the words, and yeah, we drew the lines. There was just no way this house could hold the two of us. I guess that we were just too much of the same kind. Well say goodbye it's Independence Day..."

Indian Reservation
By Paul Revere and The Raiders. About the suffering of Native Americans, specifically the forced relocation of the Cherokee people. "They took the whole Cherokee nation, put us on this reservation. Took away our ways of life, the tomahawk and the bow and knife. Took away our native tongue and taught their english to our young..."

Indian World
By Blackfoot. Song deals with Native American heritage and the overtaking of their homelands by the white settlers. "...Yes, look at the land and see all the destruction. In a land that was once mine, well do you go forward? I don't think so. We'll have it all back in due time. My heart belongs in an Indian world. A place I can call my home. I've been livin' in a white man's world. Taught nothing on my own..."

Ingrid Bergman
By Billy Bragg & Wilco (Woody Guthrie). An affectionate tribute to the screen legend, Ingrid Bergman. "...Ingrid Bergman you're so perty, you'd make any mountain quiver. You'd make fire fly from the crater, Ingrid Bergman..."

In My Life
By The Beatles. A person fondly looks back at their past relationships and realizes the person they are currently with is more meaningful. "...Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life I love you more..."

Innocent Man
By Keith Secola and Wild Band of Indians. The song is a tribute to American Indian activist Leonard Peltier. "...He's an innocent man in the ancient rain. Hear him saying that the price you pay ain't worth the taking. He's an innocent man..."

By Jane Arden. The song  is about wearing your emotions on your sleeve, moving too fast in a relationship and being rejected. "...Oh, you probably won't remember me. It's probably ancient history. I'm one of the chosen few who went ahead and fell for you...I fell too fast, I fell too much...Insensitive..."

By Mustard Plug. Song is about the sleeping disorder of the same name. "...Tossin' and turnin', rollin' in the night...Sweat on my brow, my adrenaline's flowing...Insomnia's got the best of me. I've got no choice but to stare at the ceiling..."

In The Navy
By Village People. This satirical work is a strong endorsement to sign up and be part of the United States Navy. Also involves the use of parody and double entendres "...Where can you begin to make your dreams all come true on the land or the sea? ...In the Navy, you can sail the seven seas. In the Navy, you can put your mind at ease...If you like adventure don't wait to enter the recruiting office fast...They want you as a new recruit..."

By Iron Maiden. A tribute to the Viking . "Longboats have been sighted the evidence of the war has begun. Many nordic fighting men their swords and shields all gleam in the sun...They're coming in from the sea. They've come the enemy, beneath the blazing sun the battle has to be won..."

In Your Eyes
By Peter Gabriel. Love as a universal force for salvation. The power and beauty of love, a force to bond and unite people. "... in your eyes, the light the heat in your eyes, I am complete in your eyes, I see the doorway to a thousand churches in your eyes, the resolution of all the fruitless searches..."

The Iron Lady
By Phil Ochs. Social commentary and criticism of capital punishment, specifically the use of the electric chair. "...Stop the murder, deter the crimes away. Only killing shows that killing doesn't pay. Yes that's the kind of law it takes, even though we make mistakes and sometimes send the wrong man to the chair..."

I Saw It On TV
By John Fogerty. Reflecting on the impact/influence of television over the years. Song contains numerous historical and cultural reference points. "A man named Ike was in the White House...There were many shows to follow from Hooter to Doodyville...The A-bomb fears, Annette had ears...A young man from Boston set sail the New Frontier..."

I Shall Return
By Gov't Mule. A person faced with adversity hits rock bottom and can no longer cope with everyday life. The person now begins to search for a way back to normalcy. "...Struggle just to hold on through an ordinary day. I do believe I'm slipping away...And what good is my wisdom when there are no words to say how I feel everyday. But I shall return though I'm losing myself, I shall return..."

Is She Really Going Out With Him?
By Joe Jackson. A person can't understand how other guys are able to date or go out with attractive women. Song deals with dating, identity, jealousy, and making assumptions about others based on appearances. "Pretty women out walkin' with gorillas down my street...Here comes Jeannie with her new boyfriend. They say that looks don't count for much and so there goes your proof...Cause if my eyes don't deceive me there's something going wrong around here...."

I Sing the Body Electric
By Dean Pitchford. From the soundtrack for the movie Fame.  Song deals with reaching for higher levels, aspiring to achieve your full potential, believing in yourself, and learning to love yourself. Title may have been borrowed or adapted from several literary works. It is also the name or title of the 100th episode of a well known TV program. "I sing the body electric I celebrate the me yet to come...Creating my own tomorrow when I shall embody the earth...And in time, and in time, we will all be stars..."

Is It Okay If I Call You Mine?
By Paul McCrane. The song lyrics express the feelings of joy and security people gain from intimate relationships.  "...If I ask you to hold me tight through a cold, dark night. 'Cause there may be a cloudy day in sight. And I need to let you know that I might be needing your love...It's just the things that happen to me when I'm reminded of you...It sets off something in me I can't explain and I can't wait to see you again..."

I Smoke A Lot
By K's Choice. The song is about a person's addiction to tobacco and how others warn them of the dangers of using tobacco. "...I smoke a lot. And if you're a smoker too, you are to know sometimes it's tough to be in healthy company. People will always say...Imagine the amount of money you could save if you quit...By now you'd have a bike. Aren't you concerned about your kids. I smoke a lot..."

Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
By They Might Be Giants. Istanbul, Turkey strategically located along the waterway between the Black Sea & the Mediterranean Sea. A historic "crossroads", formerly known as Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire.

Is There Life Out There
By Reba McEntire. Song is about a woman who marries young and now is wondering if life's opportunities are passing her by. "She married when she was twenty. She thought she was ready. Now she's not so sure. She thought she'd done some living but now she's just wonderin' what she's living for. Now she's feeling that there's something more..."

It's All Been Done
By Barenaked Ladies. Song is about the monotony and routine of life, or as the saying goes..."been there, done that". Song may also deal with reincarnation. "I met you before the fall of Rome and I begged you to let me take you home...I knew you before the west was won and I heard you say the past was much more fun...It's all been done before..."

It's Money That Matters
By Randy Newman. About the power and importance of money in the lives of many people. "...I got a great big house on the hill here. And a great lookin' blonde wife inside it. And a great big pool in my backyard, and another great big pool beside it. Sonny it's money that matters..."

It's On
By Korn. A personal song that deals with several issues related to risk behavior or "partying" including identity, peer pressure, personal responsibility, temptation, and self control. "...I wanna play, you know it's time. Something is calling, I can't keep from falling...Once I cave in, what can I fight? I can never win my self I don't like..."

It's Too Late
By Carole King. About change in a relationship, growing apart, and falling out of love. "...There's something wrong here, there can be no denying. One of us is changing, or maybe we just stopped trying...Something inside has died and I can't hide. And I just can't fake it..."

I've Been Everywhere
By Johnny Cash. Ode to a world wide traveler. "...I've been everywhere, man. 'Cross the deserts bare, man. I've breathed the mountain air, man. Of travel I've had my share man. I've been everywhere. Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo..."

I Wanna Go Back
By Eddie Money. A person reminisces about his past and wishes he could go back in time to that period of his or her life. "I was listening to the radio. I heard a song that reminded me of long ago. Back then I thought that things would never change...I wanna go back. 'Cause I'm feeling so much older. But I can't go back again..."

I Want Out
By Helloween. Song is about the pressure to conform to society's standards instead of allowing for individuality and difference. "From our lives' beginning on we are pushed in little forms. No one asks us how we like to be. In school they teach you what to think...People tell me how I have to see...There's a million ways to see things in life..."

I Want To Talk To You
By Nas. Song expresses frustration regarding the poor performance of government and public officials who fail to recognize and address a myriad of social and economic problems that plague communities in the inner cities. "...Mr Mayor imagine if this was your backyard. Mr. Governor imagine if it was your kids that starved...It's the ghetto life yea I celebrate it I live it...Fake black leaders of puppets always talking 'bout the city budget...People in power sit back and watch them slaughter us. Mr. President I assume it was negligence. The street's upside down, I'm here to represent this..."

It Wasn't His Child
By Trisha Yearwood. Song expresses admiration for a man who helps to love and raise a stepchild. Song also addresses the mixed emotions and feelings some stepparents have."...He knelt by her as she gave birth, but it wasn't his child, it wasn't his child. Yet still he took him as his own. And as he watched him grow it brought him joy. He loved that boy. But it wasn't his child, it wasn't child...And I believe he did his best. It wasn't easy for him but he did all he could..."

I Wish You Peace
By The Eagles. About the gift of hope and the power of positive thinking. "...I wish you hope when things are going bad, kind words when times are sad. I wish you shelter from the raging wind, cooling waters at the fever's end. I wish you peace when times are hard, the light to guide you through the dark..."

I Won't Hold You Back
By Toto. About looking back at the positive things in a broken relationship and realizing that it is time to move on. "...Now that I'm alone, it gives me time to think about the years that you were mine. Time can erase the love we shared. But it gives me time to realize just how much you cared. You know I won't hold you back now...

I Wouldn't Go That Far
By Reba McEntire. Song is about abstinence, resisting temptations, and remaining true to your beliefs and values. "...He took me as far as I'd ever been. He wanted me, and I wanted him. But I'd always been told I shouldn't give in...Yes I knew he loved me but I wasn't ready and I wouldn't go that far..."

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