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  Saturday, April 06, 2002 3:13 AM PST  
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April 6
He needed it to cut an onion. Under normal circumstances I would have shook my head and said, "Oh, those silly americans". This story, however, is about my 12-year old brother who's facing a 1 year expulsion after bringing a (small) kitchen knife to school for a science assignment. Zero tolerance - or zero interest in what's best for the kid?
posted by mschmidt at 12:55 AM PST - 6 comments

April 5
One Sweet Campaign To Fight Global Warming officially launched this month with a press conference a few days ago. Every day, human beings put 16 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmostphere. The campaign is a joint effort between DMB and Ben & Jerry's which uses the new, previously discussed ice cream flavor as its vehicle, and asks you to pledge to lose 2000 pounds of CO2 this year through reasonable modifications to your daily routine. Help make the world a healthier place. [warning: flash/music]
posted by tomorama at 8:28 PM PST - 8 comments

If you live in Cali and have been getting bizarre hang-up calls from this number -- 954-623-4620 -- here's the skinny (scroll about a third of the way down). Telemarketing legislation, where are you?
posted by artifex at 7:57 PM PST - 11 comments

Battle for the Holyland : A very interesting Frontline episode that outlines the tactics used by both the Israelis and the Palestinians in fighting their war. (Most PBS affiliates will rebroadcast the special soon.) Does anyone who saw the special have a reaction?
posted by yevge at 3:55 PM PST - 7 comments

In case you still thought there was still anything even slightly rational, even-handed and non-ideological about the Nobel Peace Prize: Members of the NPP committee that gave Shimon Peres the Prize in 1994 are now attacking him for not singlehandedly putting a stop to Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian territory, even though here's only a member of the cabinet, not the leader of the country. (Alternatively, they say, he should have quit.) Which would be okay, since what's going on now isn't very peaceful ... except that they've said not a peep about about the actions of one of the other two men that shared the prize that year, one Yassir Arafat. (The third, Yitzhak Rabin, apparently gets off the hook since he's already dead.)
posted by aaron at 2:52 PM PST - 9 comments

Laura Blumenfeld, author of "Revenge: A Story of Hope," talks about tracking down the Palestinian who shot her father. Powerful and thought-provoking.
posted by donkeyschlong at 1:41 PM PST - 2 comments

The art of ZenScuba, as practiced by The Zen Diving Organization. Cute. I like the MahaGamera Mandala.
posted by homunculus at 1:33 PM PST - 2 comments

Ozzy Osbourne invited to White House. Bush 43 "is said to be a huge fan" of the The Osbournes.
posted by internal at 1:32 PM PST - 19 comments

Irv Gordon has driven his 1966 Volvo P1800 2,000,000 miles. My current car has gone about 140,000 miles and is just now "broken in". Our last one had was retired at 266,000 miles. How many miles do you expect to put on your vehicle before you get a new one?
posted by onhazier at 12:35 PM PST - 39 comments

The Flag of the Internet (net.flag) and other interesting web-only interactive works of art via the guggenheim museum. i thought this was a really interesting flash project that contains quite a few flags of the world, then dissects them and explains the meaning behind every element, then allows you to add that element and others to create your own customized flag. (click on the "net.flag" link, then go to "change net.flag" to customize)
posted by sixtwenty3dc at 12:22 PM PST - 3 comments

Lyrics in the Swamp, a nice tribute to the Pogo comic strip.
posted by todd at 12:15 PM PST - 4 comments

Our great grandkids are toast! A one kilometre-wide chunk of space rock could strike the Earth in 2880, say astronomers... "This is not something to worry about," said Jon Giorgini, a senior engineer at the American space agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory... "That's plenty of time to consider the options - 35 generations, in fact."
posted by y0mbo at 12:10 PM PST - 12 comments

The new oddtodd cartoon I don't think that anyone has posted this yet. Oddtodd has released his newest cartoon. Man, I love that guy. He is da tits. (For those of you unfamiliar with that saying that means he is good/great/cool... you know, da tits.)
posted by aj100 at 11:50 AM PST - 16 comments

More yoghurt, Mr. Buck? REM's Peter Buck cleared of air rage attacks. more...
posted by nylon at 11:33 AM PST - 14 comments

"Normally I wear protection, but then I thought, 'When am I gonna make it back to Haiti?' -- Bad Idea."
Just a taste from my favorite new web site.
posted by uftheory at 11:33 AM PST - 6 comments

Men as an endangered species. A woman taking part in a controversial human cloning programme is eight weeks pregnant. Are we heading to an all-female society?
posted by semmi at 11:11 AM PST - 25 comments

Robert Jr. Lockwood is alive , well and still playing and recording. He learned guitar from Robert Johnson when the latter was hanging with Robert Jr’s mom—hence the Jr—and cut his first 78 in 1941. Yet he’s just 2nd generation. From the first, Henry Townsend is still alive and playing, but at 91, doesn't travel that much anymore. Then there is David "Honeyboy" Edwards —and he knew Robert Johnson as well--and Tommy McClennan and Robert Petway, too, which is way more impressive to me. He still plays and records, too, in very recent times in the company of Lockwood and Townsend. And in the third generation, you have Johnny Otis , still alive and kicking, complete with virtual mall. Ike Turner was Howlin’ Wolf’s A&R and piano player when the Wolf cut his first sides for Sam Phillips’ company before Sun, RPM. A helluva a piano player coughAudionotfarfromherecough—apart from the sordid details of his personal life, Ike Turner is, as the aforementioned, a giant in the history of that nearly dead style—the Blues. Alive, playing and recording. Hell, writing, autobiographies, too—Edwards and Turner, at least. (and whew, Turner’s is, well, explicit…) If this were Japan, these guys would be registered as cultural treasures. So why’s everybody wasting their money on some overproduced, overhyped mere johnnyonenote journeyman (if not hack) like R.L. Burnside? Not an obituary, by any means, but a heads up and props to the surviving masters—and you may have a chance to see the real thing someday soon. But note that, all in all, offer ends... sometime.
posted by y2karl at 11:10 AM PST - 19 comments

Star Wars junkies rejoice - The Original Boba Fett Helmet on sale. Just 33 grand. You better hurry.
posted by betobeto at 11:00 AM PST - 6 comments

Arab world has to change or wither away Today's editorial from the Daily Star newspaper (Lebanon). "Arab countries are governed by systems and structures designed in another era, one that is never coming back ... It is a recipe for disaster whose results are on display for all to see." Is this just grass-is-greener longing, or a real argument for political and economic reforms?
posted by skyboy at 10:20 AM PST - 17 comments

We're finding new fauna in some of the most heavily-populated areas on earth. It sort of makes you wonder what how many species we never even know about as we slash and burn great hunks of the rain forests, wooded areas, and other biodiverse areas of the world. (And good grief, those bugs are huge!)
posted by mrmanley at 9:43 AM PST - 9 comments

The ThreeRing Web Mapping project adds a dot to a blank canvas showing your geographic location (or that of your ISP, as best it can guess based on your IP address). They've also got a code snippet to put on your own site that automagically adds your visitors to the map. The US is already clearly defined, Europe is getting there, and Oceania is coming into view. (They've also got one of them Tag-Board thingies, which is painful to read for any length of time.)
posted by gleuschk at 9:10 AM PST - 24 comments

Oprah ends book club. According to Publishers Weekly: "Today Oprah Winfrey announced on her program that she is ending Oprah's Book Club as it currently exists." (Sorry - only news so far is in email, no direct link to story yet.)

In other news, American publishing collapses. Jonathan Franzen abducted by angry horde of struggling novelists, is strung up by his genitals in Times Square.
posted by busbyism at 8:46 AM PST - 48 comments

bring out your clips! a decent website where it is possible to get hold of some of the very best of british humour including a large dollop of monty python, not bad eh!
posted by johnnyboy at 7:34 AM PST - 5 comments

Panda Dog! I don't know what kind of dog it is (and I thought I was a dog-knowing expert) but I want one. If anyone can help me out with the breed (if it isn't a bizarre dog-panda hybrid) I would be really quite grateful...
posted by rikabel at 7:31 AM PST - 18 comments

Celine Dion can make your computer cringe, too. (Standup comics take note, this tidbit has the inspiration for a real zinger!)
posted by Fofer at 7:25 AM PST - 7 comments

Is the hiptop (flash w/ sound) by Danger Inc. the technogeek holy grail? It might just be. If it indeed costs $200, has unlimited internet for $25 a month, the separate GSM based cell phone plan has coverage in my area, and it ships in two months, color me sold. (more inside)
posted by machaus at 6:49 AM PST - 24 comments

Collected TV Ads of Enron. Quite hilarious. Interesting to be reminded that even Gabriel Garcia Marquez (second old guy in) was prepared to tart himself around for these shysters. Keep asking: why, Gabriel? Why?
posted by theplayethic at 6:41 AM PST - 2 comments

Skeletor and Gang: What is it about the combination of stop-motion animation, He-Man action figures, and sped-up heavy metal that makes me laugh until I hurt? "Skeletor, Mantenna and Grizzlor are having a party! Oh no! Moss-Man attacks! Defend us Squeeze!"
posted by emptybowl at 6:24 AM PST - 7 comments

WebLogs bring less traffic than major media sites. There isn't any surprize there, but what kind of traffic does each bring?
...those Google/Scientology articles I wrote didn't get nearly as many links from blogs... but they were of much broader interest to readers than the blog articles, so when a few major media sites linked to them, they got a ton of traffic.
Major media sites have to appeal to a common denominator, while smaller sites (MeFi) can focus on quality and thought provoking content. Is there any wonder there's less people interested in the specifics?
posted by KnitWit at 6:22 AM PST - 12 comments

Iconlite. Create, save and reedit 32*32 pixel icons.
posted by talos at 5:31 AM PST - 6 comments

Chris Pirillo abruptly shut down LockerGnome's Usenet discussion groups because of the volume of criticism he was receiving over a new project, GnomeTomes. "Shout your hatred for all things 'me' from the rooftops," he writes. "but don't do it on my damn roof." Would you provide a forum where people are free to slag you?
posted by rcade at 4:44 AM PST - 17 comments

wired on mar 28, say Privacy Gets Some Respect.... April 2, a completely different theory. inconsistent magazine? or both sides of the story?
posted by bliss322 at 4:29 AM PST - 4 comments

Utah Judge Rules Medical Pot is In via the Utahns for Compassionate Use. "During a preliminary hearing for three patients in Cedar City on Wednesday March 27, 2002 Judge Braithwaite bound patients over for trial and ruled that their medical marijuana arguments do count in a Utah Courtroom even though Utah has different laws than California." My question, of course, is: do you really spell it "Utahns?"
posted by massless at 2:43 AM PST - 2 comments

New US paper aims at Afghan war truth What do you do when you are fed up with the biased and slanted coverage that the major news organizations are giving the "war on terroirsm"? Start your own newspaper of course.
"A newspaper aimed at providing news of the war in Afghanistan is to be launched this month. Its editors argue that the mainstream media in the US are not providing a full picture of the war and its effects. "
posted by futureproof at 1:17 AM PST - 19 comments

International Figure Skating Online presents Ice Porn! See the hottest girls on ice bare more skin than you've ever seen before in these raw, uncensored pictorials. Slutskaya, indeed!
posted by Danelope at 12:38 AM PST - 23 comments

April 4
Well this is is odd
posted by delmoi at 11:58 PM PST - 19 comments sues those who criticize its customer service on an aquarium-related e-list, then sues the defendants' legal defense fund and those who contribute to it. The defendants are forced to settle because they can't afford to continue their defense. More here and here.
posted by blissbat at 9:41 PM PST - 19 comments

A Refreshing Change of Pace for everyone with an opinion about Isreal/Palestine. The Middle East Conflict - Has it Been Engineered by Extremist Rightwing Christians and Zionists Hoping to "Force" the "Rapture"? Sounds crazy, looks crazy...but the suggestions are not made on the basis of paranoia alone, unfortunately. The fact that the Americans involved are very religious (and Isreal being the location of a few scheduled divine appearances) is an obviously important but consistantly avoided side of this pile of conflict. So how crazy is this article? Isn't it just a bit naïve to think this is just a big property argument with some jewish/muslim tension thrown in? Hey, as long as we can't decide whether Arafat or Sharon is worse than the other, we may as well discuss something else in the meantime...or discuss something totally unrelated in this thread, for a refreshing change of pace. (From the reputable, extensive and fascinating news website,
posted by Settle at 8:18 PM PST - 49 comments

As the violence in the Middle East escalates, and Arab anger grows over American support of Israel (especially among the masses), is another oil embargo possible? Oil may be the Arab world's daily bread, but it's also its only weapon — if, say, Arafat is killed or Israel goes too far in its incursions into Palestinian territories, popular sentiment in the already-shaky local regimes could force Arab governments to put up a show of defiance to calm their constituencies.
posted by Rastafari at 8:10 PM PST - 13 comments

Capital Wars! The US Defense Department wants all large foreign acquisitions of American companies to be approved by a secretive national security committee, a move designed to restrict access to sensitive US technology. Valid measure to protect national security or a return to mercantilism? (via drudge :)
posted by kliuless at 8:06 PM PST - 3 comments

Free the metric martyrs! Hate "compulsory metrication"? Join the crowd. Well, not a crowd, per se; more of a gaggle. Historical metrology goes to a lot of weird places, including the Prussian inch and the Dozenal Societies of Great Britain and America.
posted by rodii at 8:05 PM PST - 14 comments

Bill Gates fooled by Quebec radio station. He may be the world's richest man, but that didn't prevent Bill Gates from falling for an April Fool's Day joke by two Quebec radio comics pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
posted by ncurley at 7:48 PM PST - 7 comments

The art of Jeremy Phillips.
posted by skwm at 7:43 PM PST - 3 comments

"He's not gay, and the judge so ruled," says Bert Fields, attorney for Tom Cruise. Yes folks, Tom Cruise is now the world's only legal heterosexual. While this is old news, I've always been fascinated with how much zeal Cruise prosecutes these allegations. This case, though, is unique in that the ruling in favor of Cruise contains a stipulation which states that Cruise is not, nor ever has he ever been, gay. In other words, Tom's heterosexuality is now enforced by the courts. Should we, the moviegoing public, now file a class-action lawsuit to force Cruise to publicly prove his unique legal status as a compulsory heterosexual? Would Tom being a backdoor boy really damage your enjoyment of his movies, as Cruise seems to think? Just how stupid do Hollywood stars and their publicists think we are? Discuss.
posted by WolfDaddy at 6:14 PM PST - 50 comments

Yuri's Night is more than 100 parties on the same night around the world, on every continent including Antarctica, April 12, 2002. What's to celebrate? The 41st anniversary of the suborbital flight of Yuri Gagarin, and the 21st anniversary of the first space shuttle flight, a fitting tribute to two great space milestones. Is there a party in your city? Set one up! I only read about last year's (initiated for the 40th/20th), but I'm going to try to go this year. There are, of course, even moe 40th anniversaries of significant space events to come. [tip o' the hat to Rand Simberg, who has even more provocative stuff in his column -- like relocating Israel to the Moon. And he's serious.]
posted by dhartung at 6:08 PM PST - 9 comments

Where Is The Other Half ? An intriguing analysis of what Prime Minister Sharon said and didnt, in his latest speech, and wether thats all he can say because of his background.
What does "winning" mean? What will happen after we "win"? What kind of plan does he have for the day after? This performance of Arik, King of Israel, was like shouting: Remember the emperor without clothes? That's me!
posted by adnanbwp at 4:45 PM PST - 4 comments

"Sober Companions" or "Minders"are basically high-priced babysitters for celebrities with drug or alcohol problems. At $2500 a day, would you be willing to watch over, say, Yasmine Bleeth?
posted by mr_crash_davis at 4:25 PM PST - 15 comments

Meet the Athens Olympics mascots. I'm not sure when Olympics sites started adopting cartoony mascots, but I'm sure of this much: This pair is the worst I've ever seen. They're supposed to represent Greek gods? Please. They look like they were drawn in about five minutes.
posted by diddlegnome at 4:16 PM PST - 36 comments

Bush plays peacemaker. Having refused to honor several international treaties since taking office, the Bush administration sees itself as a legitimate peace broker. Opinions solicited, is this likely to improve the situation or cause it to deteriorate further?
posted by jack-o at 3:11 PM PST - 32 comments

Harmful to Minors In the introduction to her book she writes that " 'Harmful to Minors' launches from two negatives: Sex is not ipso facto harmful to minors; and America's drive to protect kids from sex is protecting them from nothing. Instead, often it is harming them." Is she right, some think she is just evil.
posted by onegoodmove at 2:59 PM PST - 24 comments

Not JJG, but an incredible simulation? Could the Josh Joplin Group be a front for MetaFilter's own jjg? Here's a clue: the band has two web sites, and one of them has a haiku section.
posted by kirkaracha at 2:10 PM PST - 10 comments

Another trip into TV Hell. In the UK we're much kinder to bad television -- shows will go on for weeks without an audience and often get comissioned for second series before someone releases they're awful (yes you 'Let Them Eat Cake' -- if that French and Saunder monstrosity had been on UStv it would have been cancelled after two episodes -- if it had been comissioned at all). 'Off The Telly' considers all the things prospective television producers need to avoid if they're going to create something they're proud of. Does anyone else have any bad examples?
posted by feelinglistless at 1:47 PM PST - 18 comments

What's grosser than gross? Ask a nurse. On this nursing bulletin board, nurses who have to deal with really disgusting stuff in the course of their day-to-day work reveal what even they have difficulty handling. Sputum and stinky feet are both more popular choices than I would have guessed. If you're brave, read the whole thread, including such gems as extremely overweight folks who hide foot items in the folds of their flesh. [WARNING: not for the faint of stomach, even though it's all text, no pictures.] I won't mention details of the dog story...
posted by beth at 1:24 PM PST - 29 comments

Indiana woman sues doctor for cost of raising her daughter. She says the doctor botched the operation to sterilize her, so he should pay up. A lower court has already ruled for her, and it is now in front of the Indiana Supreme Court. I did not know this, but California, New Mexico, Oregon and Wisconsin already have given people the right to costs of child rearing in these circumstances. The first this that comes to my mind is: do you think a child put in this situation would feel unwanted?
posted by internal at 12:53 PM PST - 21 comments

Gay Food. Hot Dogs: No; Pigs-In-A-Blanket: Yes. (From
posted by adrober at 11:43 AM PST - 25 comments

A soundtrack to MTV's The Osbournes is in the making starting with this...Ozzy Osbourne's youngest daughter, Kelly Osbourne, will sing Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach," with Incubus guitarist Mike Einzinger and drummer Jose Pasillas as her backing band.What other songs would you put on there?
posted by BarneyFifesBullet at 11:42 AM PST - 16 comments

Antidote to the Liberal Monotone: Blogging After reading MetaFilter for a while, I would assume that blogging ticks off all people, left and right, equally. Does exposure like this on a major Op-Ed page show that blogging is on the verge of becoming something big?
posted by dewelch at 11:33 AM PST - 40 comments

Why Are Ventriloquists' Dummies So Damn Scary? Their annual Convention is this July. Don't go there! Their web site reads like a nightmare. The kind that makes Night of the Living Dead look like Rebecca From Sunnybrook Farm. But why? I'm curious and can't find an answer anywhere. Why are ventriloquists and their dummies so damn scary? Someone please tell me what's wrong with this monkey! He's...he's only wood...right?[Via Bonny Burton's guest weblog over on Boing Boing]
posted by MiguelCardoso at 11:17 AM PST - 37 comments

Understanding what makes America tick "The belief that America is exceptional, in the double sense that it is superior and that it is different...The United States had a mission, a manifest destiny, to change the world in its image. This conviction echoes down through American history....Other countries—France, Britain, Russia—have from time to time in their history felt a sense of mission, of carrying their civilisation to other peoples and territories. But in their cases it has been episodic and not deeply rooted—usually limited to when their power was at its zenith and usually clearly recognisable as a rationalisation for what they were doing for other reasons. In the case of the United States, it has been constant and central." [Centre of Independent Studies in Sydney via aldaily] American Exceptionalism. Mix it with sole super power status and massive military might. Should make it quite an intoxicating ride these next few years.
posted by Voyageman at 11:16 AM PST - 26 comments World-famous art-deco Seattle ferry (most recently an abandoned Alaskan shrimp factory) rescued from rusty oblivion. Gutenberg's earlier post about "ghost pictures" on the old ferry Kalakala sent me looking for more info on the vessel, which I now know was once the second most photographed object in the world, next to the Eiffel tower. Volunteers are now slowly restoring it near Gas Works Park. Cool.
posted by Tubes at 11:10 AM PST - 12 comments

E Street Band guitarist and erstwhile Sopranos star Little Steven is launching a syndicated radio show to be centered around garage rock of the '60's plus latter day punk as well according to this story. Steve's own site includes some great live reviews and excellent garage rock links . I, for one, am really looking forward to hearing this show. Good luck, Steve.
posted by jonmc at 9:13 AM PST - 11 comments

End of Everything? Yes, going for the true trifecta, but in a comprehensive way. There's more here about how it all will/might/could end than you can go through in a lifetime, so maybe it won't all ever end after all! This Week in Failed Apocalyptic Predictions is particularly instructive.
posted by yhbc at 9:04 AM PST - 2 comments

end of porn on the internet? Since 1997 the number of "sex" related internet searches is down by %50.
posted by stbalbach at 7:51 AM PST - 39 comments

end of the worlds forests? are there other very important issues for the world that are slipping by us while the we are caught up with the problems in the middle east the the "war on terror"? should there be US leadership in this area?
posted by specialk420 at 7:45 AM PST - 33 comments

The Death of Saturday Morning Cartoons. Old news? Kind of, as the decline of Big Network cartoons has been happening for a while. However, as a Generation X-er, I'm wondering if it's possible to have a comparable shared-common-experience these days as digital cable and the internet widen our options into smaller, hyper-specific choices. Roots, Shooting JR, the last MASH, Live Aid: would these still have the same impact today?
posted by FreezBoy at 7:25 AM PST - 40 comments

Woman prisoner hangs self, then sues prison Suicide note found near body tells her lawyer to sue the prison for not preventing her suicide.
posted by Lanternjmk at 6:34 AM PST - 16 comments

Japanese Devils is a documentary featuring 14 veterans of the Imperial Army testifying to their brutal participation in Japan's 15-year war against China. Director Matsui Minoru presents a powerful historical record of these soldiers' individual crimes, helping to break Japan's long silence about its wartime atrocities in China.
Please also see Iris Chang's "The Rape of Nanking'' and be aware that the Japanese government is still whitewashing their brutal WWII history via school textbooks. We must understand the truth of history so that we are not doomed to repeat it.
posted by gen at 6:23 AM PST - 5 comments

The United States is increasingly violating and undermining major international security treaties in a slide away from rule of law toward the rule of power, according to a new study released on Thursday.

The trend began under former President Bill Clinton but has accelerated under President Bush threatening the security of the United States as well as the larger international community, the study concluded.

posted by artifex at 5:04 AM PST - 22 comments

Lego Serious Play "is the first application of Lego for the serious world of adults at work. The method combines 'play' and Lego bricks for the purpose of enhancing business performance." Cute.
posted by ubique at 4:52 AM PST - 8 comments

Carmelite nuns in Indy respond to the child sex abuse cases currently plaguing the Church. (from NPR) Great to see the perspective of the other half of the Holy Orders - these nuns are ballsy and discard the notion of the (Roman Catholic) Church as a superpower. The dedication of nuns always blows my mind - and breaks the mean-ol'-bitch stereotypes that linger in my head... ...meanwhile the Archdiocese of New York gives a D. A. abuse accusation records from the past 30 years (from NYTimes - requires login, etc.)
posted by ao4047 at 4:37 AM PST - 8 comments

"Julia Child and a few of her male compatriots got together and literally cooked up a shark repellent" The "Clandestine Women" exhibit at the Women in Military Service to America Memorial (Arlington National Cemetery, Washington, DC) tells how the French Chef, as well as Josephine Baker and many others, used to work for American intelligence.
posted by Allen Varney at 4:05 AM PST - 2 comments

Ghetto Airlines - they fly all over this bitch
posted by semper at 4:05 AM PST - 11 comments

As a Denver news staple dies, he keeps a blog. Oh man, get the kleenex.
posted by crasspastor at 3:59 AM PST - 7 comments

They see dead people. Seattle's own floating monument to a bygone era, the ferryboat Kalakala, is rumored to be haunted. The members of A.G.H.O.S.T. investigated earlier this year and claim they caught spectral images on film. Are those hazy orbs actually visitors from the spirit realm or does someone just need a new camera? Go on, tell us—do you believe in ghosts?
posted by gutenberg at 2:11 AM PST - 26 comments

Hmmmmm - Beer.... Genuine need or Science gone mad?
posted by Spoon at 12:02 AM PST - 14 comments

April 3
Things Fall Apart. Particularly in urban environments. Individually, the moments of entropy-in-action caught here may not mean much; collectively, they recite a visual poem about decay. A slightly melancholy site for you insomniacs out there. (By the way, you have to scroll right to get to the thumbnails.)
posted by BT at 8:53 PM PST - 8 comments

Daughter's Hidden Truth:An Angry Martyr's Soul Muhammad Akhras, a Palestinian construction foreman, thought he knew his 18-year-old daughter, Ayat, as well as anyone. But on Friday he was devastated to learn the truth...
posted by bunnyfire at 6:28 PM PST - 34 comments

Dubya Goes to War I know the ridicule of Dubya is getting a bit old and tired, but this made me smile. (Found via Zeldman)
posted by crustygeek at 4:56 PM PST - 9 comments

The California Public Utilities Commission says it can regulate DSL In what is being hailed as a victory by the California ISP Association, the CPUC has ruled that it will regulate DSL providers similar in manner to the state's power and telephone utilities. While this move could certainly curtail the big boys like PacBell from running roughshod over their smaller competitors, it seems like small, locally-owned ISP's may not have the resources to withstand state scrutiny. Of course, the CPUC could handle this issue as well as they handled the so-called power 'crisis' in the state last year. Is more regulation better than less?
posted by WolfDaddy at 4:27 PM PST - 8 comments

NYT: Cousin Marriage A'OK, Says Study
    A new article in the Journal of Genetic Counseling reviewing recent studies on incidence of birth defects among children of cousins finds that the increaed risk is so slight as to not warrant discouraging cousin marriage. Discouraging marriage and conception between first cousins is common in the US although in many societies, the first (cross) cousin is the preferred spouse. (1, 2)
posted by rschram at 4:10 PM PST - 13 comments

Gay Life in Kandahar, Afghanistan. This is an interesting article in the LA Times about a phenomenon that I noticed 20 years ago when I had a bunch of Iranian teenage boys in a school I worked in for awhile. It seems that every society has its constraints, and ways of getting around these constraints.
posted by Danf at 3:17 PM PST - 4 comments

Five Pillars of Islam Bradley County, one of several Tennessee counties to vote recently to post the Ten Commandments, has been asked to extend its endorsement of religious documents in public places to include the Five Pillars of Islam. Smith (the commission chairman) said he respects Cate's beliefs but believes that, particularly since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that have been blamed on extreme factions of Islam, it would be inappropriate to post the Five Pillars. Would it be appropriate to post if there had been no 9-11 or is it just inappropriate.
posted by onegoodmove at 2:22 PM PST - 42 comments

Babe Ruth threw a piano into a Massachusetts pond eighty-something years ago. Will finding and restoring it break the Curse of the Bambino? Who cares! Life is about the journey, and this is a cool one.
posted by luser at 1:54 PM PST - 7 comments

Ever since installing the latest version of the Flash Player, I've been having problems with the sound continuing if I exit the movie, or close the browser window, until I completely kill the program by closing ALL open browser windows. Well, the problem has been formally acknowledged, though Macromedia is being weird about doing something about it.
posted by Su at 1:20 PM PST - 22 comments

The God Squad Christopher Hitchens gives (another) one to organized religion, and reminds us of the important role that the Islamic world played in preserving Western Civilization.
posted by Ty Webb at 1:00 PM PST - 7 comments

West Wing is Fictional??? Just in case our friends in New Mexico are concerned, what happens on the West Wing this week cannot happen in New Mexico. "New Mexico has no tunnels" a press release, approved by state governor Gary Johnson, states. Whew...a load off my mind. Is this an example of government being very pro-active, or just plain insulting to the people of NM?
posted by JaxJaggywires at 12:29 PM PST - 14 comments

Recorded monaural sound came first. Then stereo. Long before our digital five channel goodness was binaural sound. Close your eyes, put on your headphones (a must) and enjoy a holographic 3D sound spectacular.
posted by pedantic at 12:22 PM PST - 18 comments

Rewriting history in real time. Recent blogging epiphanies and Borg Journalism are creating an amazing system of information sharing. But this article raises some interesting questions about the flip side. If an entry is removed before anyone reads it, does it count?  Or has the collective made it impossible for anything that's said to be retracted?
posted by harrycaul at 12:17 PM PST - 22 comments

What does the flag really stand for, anyway? A 6th-grader's perspective.
posted by zztzed at 12:06 PM PST - 55 comments

Nicotine Lollipops: Next up on the list of products to help you quit smoking but not the addiction. NicoStop, NicoPop and Likatine are some of the brand names these laced suckers carry, but the interesting thing here is that it's not a giant pharmaceutical company making them -- it's your neighborhood pharmacy, and they're doing it below the radar of the FDA. (more inside.)
posted by me3dia at 10:35 AM PST - 22 comments

Smoking Gun has revamped and updated their backstage pass section. Some are banal and some are are facinating. I'm in heaven.
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 10:31 AM PST - 9 comments

Is "Gourmet" The Best American Food Magazine? Lookit all the nominations it's got! It's certainly got a lot better since Ruth Reichl started editing it. Reading about its history one gets to know what American foodies were cooking, eating or just drooling over in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s(Let no one pretend, after reading this potted history, that food used to be better in the old days). Still, for my money, the best food magazine in the world, better even than the French Saveurs, is the scrumptious, San Francisco-based upstart Saveur, whose online version has recently become extremely generous. Like most people I rarely try out a recipe - I just read it as virtual gastroporn. In fact, it's the only magazine I actually collect.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 10:11 AM PST - 34 comments

"We're press! Don't shoot!" Isn't PRESS on a flak jacket like painting bullseyes on your butt? The Israel Defense Forces have declared Bethlehem, Qalqiliya and Ramallah officially off-limits, and journalists will either be forcibly removed or in some cases shot on sight. The Committee to Protect Journalists is just one of many organizations speaking out against the unethical treatment of First Ammendment fighters throughout the world. Like this is gonna help. Should enemies of freedom be expected to 'play fair' or should we just accept that some journalists are going to die? Is it possible to investigate the truth right now in the West Bank, or are journalists needlessly putting their lives on the line for nothing?
posted by ZachsMind at 10:08 AM PST - 37 comments

This year's BBC Reith Lectures are on a Question of Trust. Beginning today at 8pm GMT on Radio 4, the first lecture by Prof. Onora O'Neill examines the importance of trust in society and how levels of suspicion are increasing. The full text and audio of the lectures will be made available online after they are broadcast, and judging by previous years lectures (on The End of Age and Respect for the Earth), these will be well worth listening to.
posted by adrianhon at 8:57 AM PST - 3 comments

Rioters complain about tear gas. [Bloominton Hearald-Times, link expires after a week] After Indiana University lost to Maryland in the NCAA finals, drunken fans rioted in the streets forcing police to use tear gas. It was stupid enough to start a riot, but rioters complained that the police offered no warning before deploying tear gas after rioters pelted the police with beer bottles and prevented the fire department from putting out fires in the middle of the street. "They could have easily done that," Raggs said. "If they would have said, 'You have 10 minutes, then we are going to use the tear gas,' people would have gone away." Personally, I think the police showed an amazing level of restraint considering that about half of the state troopers on the scene got hit by flying glass.
posted by KirkJobSluder at 8:45 AM PST - 23 comments

Deaf culture has taken an interesting twist. Never mind the issue of lesbian's with kids, which is too emotionally charged anyway. What do we make of people that intend to bring about birth defects?
the women cannot be sure whether Gauvin is -- as they hope -- deaf.
posted by dwivian at 8:02 AM PST - 118 comments

9:05 Remember back in the heyday of Infocom when you would routinely spend four or five days straight (subsisting on RC cola and beef jerky, only taking breaks to visit the john) trying to crack all the puzzles in Zork II or Suspended? Yeah, those were the days. Now, of course, you're a busy guy -- you can no longer devote entire weekends to the joys of text adventuring. That's why, today on your coffee break, you should play Adam Cadre's 9:05. Playing the entire game, from start to finish, should take you no longer than 10 minutes. But set aside a bit more time, because you'll probably want to play it again.
posted by Shadowkeeper at 7:50 AM PST - 27 comments

On average people laugh 18 times a day "It makes us less stressed, lowers our blood pressure and reduces anxiety. It's more common than sex, eating or singing." Still 18 times a day doesn't sound like its enough. Simple solution. "Tickle, the most ancient and reliable stimulus of laughter, is undervalued..."
posted by Voyageman at 6:42 AM PST - 17 comments

'Over-newsed' and disconnected by thousands of miles:
Will there reach a point where we are intellectually drowned by news from a 'distant' and deepening war? I myself listen to Talk of The Nation daily, read the news hourly (when I can that frequently) and yet I cannot, or better yet, am having a hard time feeling the insane tragedy that has befallen our planet. Will complacence set in as those of us who are concerned feel more and more powerless to even possibly exact the smallest amount of change that each of our voices can in our respective countries? It is painful to not be particulary 'moved' by this link's eyewitness accounts of the battle underway in Ramallah. Is it simply too much to vicariously behold for the mortal human?
posted by crasspastor at 1:24 AM PST - 30 comments

April 2
Step #1: play Everquest twelve hours per day. Step #2: shoot yourself in the head. This being America, step #3 is of course: have your mother sue Sony on your behalf. She expects to uncover documents proving Sony knew Everquest is addictive, but maybe she'll just discover why she didn't do more to help her epileptic son as his life spiraled out of control.
posted by tiny pea at 11:44 PM PST - 29 comments

New AdAware (Free) out. Not associated with them in any way, shape or form. But it's still one of the best spyware killers out there.
posted by Samizdata at 9:37 PM PST - 8 comments

'Angrybot'. It's very negative. Can I call you 'Misdirected Energybot'? ('We Are Robots' is a Flash comic about robots. Via JREF.)
posted by obiwanwasabi at 9:33 PM PST - 1 comments

I'll use you...
And I'll confuse you...
Then I'll lose you...
Still you won't suspect me...
(Roxy Music)
posted by Settle at 9:21 PM PST - 12 comments

The best CD I've purchased so far this year is the latest from the Blind Boys of Alabama. this record features superb vocalizing, great bluesy guitar, and a Sones(!) and Tom Waits(!!) cover. In an age where "gospel music" has sunk into the quagmire of "Contemporary Christian", its easy to forget that old-school gospel both black and white were huge influences on rock and roll. Little Richard, for one, took his trademark "Whoo!" from Marion Williams and countless rockers from Aretha to Elvis learned to sing in church. Now, can I get an Amen?!
posted by jonmc at 6:48 PM PST - 25 comments

Debka - given the current situation in the middle east, I thought this might be a good time to remind some of, and acquaint others to, this drudge-like source.
posted by Why at 6:38 PM PST - 7 comments

Will Amman cut off diplomatic relations with Israel? Jordan in turmoil over mideast chaos. I knew the U.S. gave some 3 billion to Israel yearly, and 2 billion to Egypt, but I had known we are also generous to Jordan too, though the total amount unknown. to me. It was of course Jordan who had the West Bank under their control but gave it up after the '67war, while also absorbing many Palestinians. Now it seems the chickens are coming home to roost. Thus another country that may soon topple its rulers in this volatile area of the world.
posted by Postroad at 5:55 PM PST - 1 comments

Not exactly T.S. Eliot... April is indeed the cruelest month, so I went in search of something to honor the great master of English poetry. But this is what I found instead.
posted by bunnyfire at 5:52 PM PST - 11 comments

Everybody Vogue. Well, really just the thin people. Vogue Magazine gets a tongue-lashing from Slate. Seems the fashion mag attempted a "body diversity" issue, but their idea of a large-size model is a size 8. Excerpt: "If "tall" and "short" and "pregnant" are body types, and Minnie Driver is "curvy," there's no need to admit the existence of the bottom-heavy, let alone try to dress the poor bastards."
posted by GaelFC at 5:36 PM PST - 21 comments

Nick Drake , whose work is familiar to many here, was an astonishing musical talent - a songwriter whose sad, sad songs predated by 28 years the quiet alt.folk of Belle and Sebastian and Cat Power. It was not until long after his tragic, early death that he gained the appreciation he deserved. The Internet is home to a large community of fans, some of whom have made available MP3 bootlegs of his rare bedroom recordings at Tamworth-on-Arden. Almost three decades since his overdose, all that remains for the listener is the flicker of his voice and the dance of his fingers on guitar-strings and piano-keys. [More inside.]
posted by Marquis at 5:31 PM PST - 21 comments

Terrorists? Of course not. The smoking gun linking the PLO to terrorist organizations and activities [FoxNews link].
posted by hadashi at 5:18 PM PST - 39 comments

A good New Yorker piece on George Pelecanos, who is my favorite crime author not just for his skills, but because he sets his novels in D.C.
posted by GriffX at 3:50 PM PST - 6 comments

The Falkland Islands are ours and we'll get them back, says Argentina. Argentina celebrates the twenty-year anniversary of their invasion of the Falkland Islands. Britain won the Falkland War in 1982, but Argentina now boasts that they'll definitely conquer the islands in the future. Since the majority of islanders are of British descent, does Argentina stand a chance? And shouldn't Argentina be focusing on rebuilding its own economy instead of whining about some insignificant islands in the Atlantic ocean?
posted by wackybrit at 3:44 PM PST - 38 comments

Remains of a 2,000 year-old library await funds to restart excavation. "All that now remains of the exploration is a huge waterlogged hole in which float the syringes of local heroin addicts."
posted by luser at 1:43 PM PST - 21 comments

Eight peace activists were shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers. The soldiers apparently (and I could be wrong) fired without provocation -- the activists were unarmed, and were marching peacefully. Israel's Justice Minister was quoted in the Miami Herald today (no web link available, sorry) as saying, "A person playing with fire should not yell when he gets burned." Essentially, what is being said here is that being a protestor is sufficient reason to be shot. The Israeli army claims to be hunting down "terrorists", but if this is how they define the word I don't feel too inclined to trust them.
posted by tweebiscuit at 12:35 PM PST - 48 comments

Brillian Digital has quietly attached its software to Kazaa and plans to remotely "turn on" people’s PCs, welding them into a new network. CEO sez a pop-up box will give people a chance to turn it off. Users who've accept "terms of service" already distributed with Brilliant’s and Kazaa’s software are already agreeing to let their computers be used without any payment at all.
posted by ao4047 at 12:19 PM PST - 27 comments

"They are, it is true, almost laughably simple by comparison with real people and real societies, but that is exactly the point. If even the crudest toy societies take on a life and a logic of their own, then it must be a safe bet that real societies, too, have their own biographies." Things have certainly gotten more interesting in the years since John Conway invented the game of life.
posted by tdismukes at 12:09 PM PST - 20 comments

The company that brought full screen flash ads that overtake the browser is cooking up something new, which could quite possibly be worse: reskinning your browser and replacing toolbar buttons with advertisements. Although they don't state the limitations, I would assume it works in windows IE and possibly Netscape/Mozilla (through XUL). Perhaps it's time to switch to Opera once and for all.
posted by mathowie at 11:22 AM PST - 25 comments

Pornografux has launched, ya perverts. Not really porn, actually, and nearly worksafe, though a couple of the pieces have grating some audio. The initial offering asks what the connections are between our "sexual" and "social" bodies.
posted by Su at 10:33 AM PST - 11 comments

Literary lynching, the practice of attacking authors who make statements against the U.S. government or engage in dissent, gets a comprehensive overview with a book in progress. As 72 year old author Dorothy Bryant puts it, "More than ever, we need free exchange of facts and opinions. I hope that looking back on a few cases that have had time to cool off will help us to understand the psychology of literary lynching, and to resist it — not only in others but in ourselves." But in today's world, is there any distinction between a thoughtful response and a downright ugly rejoinder anymore? (via Moby Lives)
posted by ed at 10:21 AM PST - 7 comments

Islamic nations dodge defining terrorism. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference is divided over whether Palestinian suicide bombers should be classified as terrorists. On the other hand, there's no question that Israel practises terror. Rather than stick their necks out and commit to something, they'll leave it to the good ole UN to decide who is a terrorist. That'll solve everything. More depth here.
posted by badstone at 10:15 AM PST - 14 comments

The Shape of Life is a new PBS series produced by the Sea Studios Foundation. It tells the evolutionary tale of the rise of the animal kingdom and premieres tonight with Origins, the attempt to identify the first animal that gave rise to all other animals. The website also helps answer the eternal question, can snails smell?
posted by homunculus at 10:08 AM PST - 5 comments

Jesus! In The Raisin Bread? What Kinda Holy Communion Is That?! Better read Helen Hull Hitchcock's fascinating column on to find out: "In recent months Catholics from around the country have been reporting with increasing frequency that their parishes are using "real" bread (i.e. table bread) instead of Communion hosts. Many are concerned that the validity of the Mass is affected. "Have I really received Christ?" is a frequent question. Are they right to be concerned? You bet...So, have progressive Catholics gone too far? And what does the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, known to all as IGMR, have to say about that?
posted by MiguelCardoso at 9:22 AM PST - 53 comments

Bush clarifies "terror doctrine" to exempt Arafat because of Arafat's past participation in peace negotiations.
posted by Ty Webb at 9:01 AM PST - 22 comments

Canadian faces jail in U.S. for trade with Cuba. James Sabzali faces trial on 77 accounts of of conspiracy and of trading with the enemy, nearly half of which relate to buisness conducted when Sabzali was working in Canada. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Poluka concedes that while living in Hamilton the defendant was "technically not subject to jurisdiction.", but maintains that "foreign nationals cannot aid and abet violations of U.S. law." Does this mean the United States has an open licence to prosecute foreigners for acts committed against American laws on foriegn soil?
posted by astirling at 8:53 AM PST - 15 comments

Teoma takes on Google?
Ask Jeves launched its new search engine yesterday aimed at challenging Google for the best search engine on the web. Teoma offers options to narrow your search using "subject-specific popularity." For example, if someone searched for the name "Bill Clinton," Teoma offers ways to refine your search, showing links to topics related to your search, such as "Clinton Scandal" and "Monica Lewinsky." Will this search engine replace Google as the SE of choice for the Internet savvy? Also, what other search engines do you use?
posted by DragonBoy at 8:36 AM PST - 36 comments

A PC with a sprayed-on case Yes you read that right, this PC has no aluminium case but a spray-foamed one instead. Weird? Gross? Ugly? Certainly all those at once, but it seems rather as an improvement over cookie-cutter lifeless PC clone cases.
posted by betobeto at 8:25 AM PST - 29 comments

Alex Beam from the Boston Globe takes some of blogging heavy hitters to task over the blogging phenomena. Lileks is mentioned and has a premptive strike. Is the the same ol'-same ol' or does he make any valid points?
posted by KevinSkomsvold at 8:07 AM PST - 5 comments

The Morning News relaunches as a weekly broadsheet featuring longer format pieces from a crack staff.
posted by coudal at 7:27 AM PST - 12 comments

Looks like Cobb County, Georgia, wants to raise a whole generation of idiots. (By way of The National Center for Science Education) I'm distressed and amazed that this kind of thing still goes on in the most technologically-advanced nation in the world. Can a sane and undeluded adult still think that evolution is a securlar humanist lie? Given the comprehensive and unambiguous evidence that has established evolution as a cast-iron fact, why do school boards and other government entities still lend an ear to this kind of right-wing extremist crap?
posted by mrmanley at 7:06 AM PST - 130 comments

AOL Time Warner Was A Mistake. The stock price is in the toilet (relatively speaking), and analysts are proclaiming the Biggest Merger Ever to be a thundering dud. Are huge mergers like this unsustainable?
posted by sjc at 6:47 AM PST - 22 comments

Not surprisingly, police were needed to break up celebrating students at UM last night, though it wasn't as bad as what happened over the weekend. (I guess the Saturday riot really wore them out.) As Bobcat Goldthwait used to say: "If your team wins a major sporting event, you can legeally do anything within the next 24 hours." And this is the school I should be proud to call my Alma Mater?
posted by emptybowl at 5:59 AM PST - 9 comments

Vanilla Coke?!? Say it ain't so...
posted by Miyagi at 3:58 AM PST - 75 comments

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