function BrowserID() { var browserString = navigator.appName; var versionString = navigator.appVersion; if ( browserString == "Netscape" ){ this.browser = "ns"; } else if ( browserString == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ){ this.browser = "ie"; //get the true version - often not true to the number at the beginning of the string versionString = versionString.substr( versionString.indexOf("MSIE") + 5, 4 ) } else { this.browser = browserString; } this.version = parseInt( versionString ); var platform = navigator.platform; this.isMac = ( platform == "MacPPC" ); this.isPC = ( !this.isMac ); this.isIE = ( this.browser == "ie" && this.version >= 4 ); this.isIE4 = ( this.browser == "ie" && this.version == 4 ); this.isIE5 = ( this.browser == "ie" && this.version == 5 ); this.isNS = ( this.browser == "ns" && this.version >= 4 ); this.isNS4 = ( this.browser == "ns" && this.version == 4 ); this.isNS5 = ( this.browser == "ns" && this.version == 5 ); } curSystem = new BrowserID();