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Wednesday January 26 3:40 PM ET Settles Suit With Swiss Settles Suit With Swiss

By MARTHA MENDOZA AP Business Writer

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - Online free speech advocates chalked up a victory this week as - a leading e-commerce site - dropped its lawsuit against a group of artists in Switzerland who had been posting provocative images at

The Swiss group will also receive up to $40,000 in legal fees from eToys, company officials said.

The settlement marks the conclusion of yet another controversy over domain names as renegade Internet developers create controversial Web sites offensive to corporations.

On Jan. 14, Ford Motor Co (NYSE:F - news). decided not to appeal a ruling that allowed a local Mustang enthusiast to put some of the automaker's internal documents on the Internet. Ford officials said they were dropping the case - after a federal judge refused to block the site - because Web site designer Robert Lane had stopped using their logo.

In the eToys case, company officials gave no reason for settling the case.

``We're pleased with the outcome,'' eToys spokesman Jonathan Cutler said Wednesday.

An attorney for the Swiss group said it will be allowed to resume use of the domain name.

Toy retailer eToys sued the artists at in September, accusing them of trademark infringement and complaining that customers were accidentally going to the wrong site and being exposed to violent images and profanity.

On Nov. 29, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge issued a preliminary injunction, ordering the artists to stop using the domain name The judge warned etoy that it would face fines of up to $10,000 a day if it remained up.

But this week eToys reversed its position, a move etoy attorney Chris Truax in San Diego, Calif., said was a victory for the Swiss artists.  

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Domain Names & Registration
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·Would You Support The Scrooge? - in protest of the eToys suit against the artists' group that holds the domain. Includes information on a boycott campaign, and links to articles and other information.
·gTLD-MoU - the Generic Top Level Domain Memorandum of Understanding (gTLD-MoU) is the international framework in which policies for the administration and enhancement of the Internet's generic Domain Name System (DNS) are developed and deployed.
·ICANNWatch - watchdog site and reference for ICANN news, developments, and debate.
·Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - coordinator for the assignment of unique parameter values for Internet protocols.
·Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) - non-profit corporation responsible for IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment, domain name system management, and root server system management functions.
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·A real monopoly - Boston Globe (Sep 23, 1999)
·URLs 'R' us - Salon (Sep 16, 1999)
Magazine Articles
·A Tale of Two eToys - Time Daily (Jan 26, 2000)
·Your Money or Your Name - CIO.Com (Jan 15, 2000)
·The Lemonade Stand Circa 2000: A Boy, a Site, a $10 Million Lawsuit - Business Week (Jan 6, 2000)
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