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eToys (ETYS)
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By: dominiquefp
Reply To: None
Thursday, 16 Dec 1999 at 12:39 PM EST
Post # of 3611

Bigger Issues Than $$$

Frankly I am selling. I was looking through
this message board and some of the 20 boycott sites.
I think that the argument, "its okay because etoy
had bad content" is absurd and scary. I think that if I
start a website, and some company doesn't agree with its
content, I should be able to keep that website up.

I think that whatever was on the etoy site- I've never seen it-
is completely irrelevant. The fact is, they started thier site first.
If anything, they should sue etoys for infringement.

Because, if anyone is interested, the etoys trademark STILL
has not gone through. (Before you argue, check out the
TWO ARTICLES IN WIRED yes, TWO- and see if I am wrong.)

Frankly, I can't accept money as more important than my freedom of speech.
And I think if you all look closely at your behavior and the behavior
of this precious company, you have all allowed money to blind you
to what freedom is and what we have to do to protect it.

Etoy was there first. Neither have a trademark. But Etoys has 6 billion
dollars, so they win. Its unfair, its corrupt, and it makes big buisiness
look like communism, and everyone who supports it is against free speech,
plain and simple.

Why should etoy move? They were there first. You may as well argue that
etoys should have picked a better name when they started on the web.
That etoys knew there was a site with such content, and that by choosing
a name so similar (and yes, etoys knew about etoy from the beginning, offered
to buy them out, etc) that in fact ETOYS was "putting children at risk."
"But ETOYS cant exist without thier domain name." Right? So why do we
expect etoy to? Because they have less money?

Oh well. I don't know about you, but regardless of hackers or not, I am selling
so that I can sleep at night and live with myself.

Its okay- for whatever reason, this stock has been in steady decline even though its
supposed to be "peak buying season." Its a no brainer. Sell, for the benefit of your
freedom AND your wallet.

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