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Letters to the Editor

Letter concerning This Means eWar! by Claire Barliant

I thought "This Means eWar!" (December 1) was a good article to get out to the world. To eToys I have this to say:

You are a big market and people on the Net know that you have an s behind your name. If they don't, you need to do more advertising, or you (and they) need to get off the Net. I really like your site and until this article never made it to I know the difference. I was going to buy some Christmas presents from you but now will not, as your competitors have not shown this type of bullying of little harmless sites. I plan on not entering your site until you drop your ridiculous actions.

Grow up, eToys, this is the Net and the future. You have lost my e-business. I hope it's worth it to you.

Scott Seek
Kirksville, Missouri

Editor's note: Readers who are interested in the eToys spat might want to point their Web browsers to, where the subversives at ®™ have set up a "game"--a list of "sabotage projects" whose aim is to "punish eToys" by "lower[ing] the company's stock market value as much as possible."

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