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HDLN 1/26/00 - 4:47:57 PM .....the long reason is low and stable inflation. >> Reporter: The u.S. Economy is about tonter the longest per yofd expansion in the country's history. Shares of qualcomm dropped 24 or about 17%. Their first quarter profits beat expectations but the company warned its shipments may decline in the fourth quarter. They have been one of the nasdaq's top performers, with its stock price rising. >>> eToys dropped a lawsuit against a group in switzerland that had been posting violent images. In late november a los angeles superior court judge issued a preliminary injunction ordering the site to stop using the etoy.Com site. eToys gave in reason for settling the case. For more, click on to our website. >>> Next in "headline sports" -- who's got the best volleys today at the australian open. Every year it flies in... From places like sydney and shanghai. I feel absolutely miserable. I wind up with fever, chills and ache all over. It's the flu. It hits me like a ton of bricks. The flu is a serious ailment... That could lead to hospital stays with pneumonia. That's why a flu vaccination is a good idea, especially if you're over 65. But if you do get the flu, experts recommend plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids... And, to relieve the tough aches and fever of the flu, the medicine in extra strength tylenol is the first choice. I'm really looking forward to getting over it. There's no cure for the flu. But you can get relief. Is brought to you by extra strength tylenol. Since sundays are all about free time, sprint gives you a little free phone time. Now you get an hour of calling every sunday night for free when you get sprint nickel nights. Switch to sprint at sprint nat'l relay 1-800-877-8973 tty sprint nat'l relay 1-800-877-8973 tty .....

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