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Online Journal Publisher Raided by Police
The Internet Posted by Roblimo on Wednesday December 22, @07:05PM
from the not-just-dumb-but-actually-evil dept.
mwalker writes "Transasia Corporation is claiming over a million dollars in damages based on their claim that a search engine request using the word 'Leonardo' brings up not only their web sites but also those of the MIT-published Leonardo arts organization. What's worse is that the police have now raided the publication for incriminating papers (papers containing the word 'Leonardo')." Okay. This is over the edge. Way worse than the Etoys/etoy stupidity. I'm making a personal donation to the Leonardo Defense Fund, 425 Market Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, U.S.A. I strongly urge other Slashdot readers to take their own appropriate actions - short of lawbreaking or violence, of course. Here's the Leonardo Finance site so you can see the enemy's face first-hand. Unbelievable!

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  • Also by Roblimo
  • "Online Journal Publisher Raided by Police" | Login/Create an Account | 400 comments | Search Discussion
    The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. Slashdot is not responsible for what they say.
    ( Beta is only a state of mind )
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    Utterly ridiculous (Score:3, Insightful)
    by Yebyen ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:16PM EST (#6)
    (User Info)
    You cannot own the word Leonardo... it's a name. Leo DiCaprio could be attacked too, I guess. Hey why don't you dig up Leonardo DaVinci and beat him up, he's infringing too!

    If this madness doesn't stop, I'm founding my own planet, one with no patents or such. (Or a BETTER patent system... one that exists to protect IP and to do nothing else... no "giving huge corporations the edge" or that crap... maybe they'll have to start protecting their ideas with good, old fashioned security.)

    But let's think about this for one more moment... they're claiming to own the word Leonardo... !!!... Utter stupidity.

    On a completely unrelated note... E-Mail me if you're interested in starting a Buffalo, NY LUG.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    This is absurd. (Score:3, Insightful)
    by Dirtside ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:16PM EST (#7)
    (User Info) http://matt dot waggoner dot com
    If this kind of thing keeps up -- police organizations acting subservient to business interests, without consideration for the rights of the individual -- eventually we're going to end up in among the worst of all possible worlds: one controlled by the corporations with no concern for the individual, and no rights except what the corporation gives you.

    On another note, I would like to announce that I have trademarked and patented the use of every word in this comment. Anyone using the words "If," "this," "kind," etc. will be immediately sued for... one MILLION dollars!

    --- Dirtside | State lottery: (n) A tax on people who are bad at math.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Ummm.... (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:16PM EST (#8)
    This is a joke, right?. Please tell me this is some kind of joke. The Game Review Index:
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:Ummm.... by Anonymous Coward Wednesday December 22, @07:21PM EST
    • Re:Ummm.... by zenon (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @08:46PM EST
    What about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:18PM EST (#9)
    Wasn't one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles named Leonardo. So wouldn't some cartoon/comic book company already own Leonardo(TM)?

    Cowabunga dudes!

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Honestly... (Score:1)
    by ladygeekia ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:18PM EST (#10)
    (User Info)
    If there ruling on this goes the wrong way, I think I may just go live in a cabin in Montana for the rest of my life. The stupidity of the human race is just _way_ too much to handle sometimes.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Hack or serious, this is out of hand... (Score:1)
    by DJerman ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:19PM EST (#11)
    (User Info)
    I hope this makes CNN and rouses the public ire. This sort of thing (Trademark "enforcement" in areas unrelated to the business) is really starting to get old. Unless of course it's an MIT hack, as that might take away from the issue.

    Seriously, what kind of damages could the journal expect to get for this harrassment if this goes to court and the judge rules that the complaint had no basis? Is there any way to stop the corporate lawyers from kiting these sorts of fringe (or downright wacky) IP claims?


    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:Hack or serious, this is out of hand... by wrygrin (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @07:43PM EST
        Re:Hack or serious, this is out of hand... (Score:4, Informative)
        by roblimo ( on Wednesday December 22, @08:48PM EST (#187)
        (User Info)
        The Leonardo Journal and the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology have been around for a good long time. I read their stuff from time to time, even though I find some of it a little stuffier than it needs to be.

        This is not an MIT prank. I blew up when I saw the submission because I have always *liked* Leonardo and ISAST - and because the idea of suing over search engine placement is a new low.

        I'm sorry that so many Slashdot readers took this as an opportunity to knock the French. Leonardo was founded in France, and ISAST is as international as, well, Linux. One dumb company and a few over-reaching French cops don't reflect on the whole country any more than some of the obnoxious moves made by U.S. Government agencies and U.S. companies reflect on all U.S. citizens.

        I'm going to spend the rest of the night shaking my head and asking myself, "What is this world coming to?"

        Note "the world." All of it, not any particular country. ;-)

        - Robin

        [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:Hack or serious, this is out of hand... by Dan the Control Guy (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @07:49PM EST
    • THIS IS A HACK!!! by Anonymous Coward Wednesday December 22, @09:42PM EST
    • The real problem by cmuncey (Score:1) Thursday December 23, @01:35AM EST
    What the? (Score:5, Informative)
    by Magus311X on Wednesday December 22, @07:19PM EST (#12)
    (User Info)
    Suing over results in a search engine? Either someone at LF has been seriously misinformed or they need a serious talking to.

    If this was an actual problem, wouldn't everyone have sued every other search engine over this by now? Eesh.

    I'm quite fluent in French, and I think my IS deparment is going to have a word with their IS department. Want to get in touch with LF? Here you go for those who don't mind making international calls/faxes:

    Tel: +33(1) 47 20 24 88
    Fax: +33(1) 49 52 01 01
    I fingered everyone on my system, and then, I fingered myself.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Wait a minute... (Score:3, Funny)
    by spaceorb ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:20PM EST (#13)
    (User Info)
    When I search for 'Leonardo' on any given search engine, I pull up 50 million pages for Leonardo DiCaprio, 3 for Leonardo/ISAST, and 2 for Leonardo Finance. My question is, doesn't Leonardo DiCaprio have more money? They must not be a very smart finance firm...
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    This is Getting worse.. (Score:1)
    by BenJamin.G ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:20PM EST (#15)
    (User Info) http://www.CarnageVisors.Net
    I cant Beleive that this is happening, what is going to happen next, maybe we wont even be able to use any english words on our web pages.
    What can we do, say if I a member of Joe Public, was threatened by some one like this, I would have no idea what to do.

    Sucker love is heaven sent You pucker up, our passion's spent My hearts a tart, your body's rent My
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Contact Emails (Score:4, Informative)
    by cheese63 ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:21PM EST (#17)
    (User Info)
    I pulled these off of the contact page of the Leonardo Finance page:

    Yves Delacour :
    Franck Monnot :
    Valérie Virlouvet :

    2 hundred and foty dollars, worth of puddin. awwww yeahh
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Not even a link? (Score:4, Insightful)
    by aeonek on Wednesday December 22, @07:21PM EST (#18)
    (User Info)
    It should be a good idea too confirm this before donating any money.

    "True, linux is monolithic, and I agree that microkernels are nicer. " - Linus Torvalds
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:Not even a link? by peeping_Thomist (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @07:44PM EST
      • Re:Not even a link? by raskolnik (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @08:06PM EST
        • Re:Not even a link? by roblimo (Score:3) Wednesday December 22, @09:13PM EST
        • here by Booker (Score:2) Wednesday December 22, @10:32PM EST
            Spoke too soon - better info (Score:4, Informative)
            by Booker ( on Wednesday December 22, @10:35PM EST (#263)
            (User Info)
            First, sorry for my poor spelling of "independent" :)

            here is more information on the raid, and a snippet:

            The search warrant was served by a squad of eight French policemen accompanied by a locksmith. They had instructions to copy all papers with the word "Leonardo" on them. More absurdly, they had instructions to log into the Internet from my mother's home, presumably to show that the Leonardo web sites could be accessed from this location. They left with copies of papers dating back to the 1960s.

            [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Come on, it's a university by MostlyHarmless (Score:2) Wednesday December 22, @08:09PM EST
    • A link? by crush (Score:2) Wednesday December 22, @08:33PM EST
    The Invisible Hand tears at The Net. (Score:1)
    by crush on Wednesday December 22, @07:21PM EST (#19)
    (User Info)
    Is there any sanity at all in the French goons attempting to get on-line from the widow's house? It seems an incredibly weird thing to do - what did they think it would prove? However, at a more general level I am interested to know what all those /. readers who defend the "defensive patenting" and the "it'll all fall out OK due to the 'invisible hand'" schools of thought have to say about it. Surely from those perspectives this is just a company (which is the driving force behind technology) securing a valued-property so that the original Leonardo(non-TM) users cannot exploit it?
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Aaaaargh ! (Score:1)
    by Dilbert_ ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:21PM EST (#21)
    (User Info)
    This is silly ! These people deserved to be smacked in their faces with 50 lbs. unix manuals.
    Question : why is the legal defense fund based in California, while the lawsuit is going to be in France ? If they'd set up a French address, I'd be happy to chip in.

    Bezoek WeeWeeWee, een Nederlandstalige Slashdot in wording !
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:Aaaaargh ! by JatTDB (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @07:28PM EST
    That's disturbing (Score:1)
    by Asparfame on Wednesday December 22, @07:22PM EST (#22)
    (User Info)
    The articly says that Leonardo Finance patented the use of their name in france, but the gallary is in San Fransico.

    This lawsuit madness has reached epic proportions recently. As a friend of mine puts it, whenever anybody get's mad, you get "sue-age of the legal variety". And it sure does stink.

    A while ago we saw a petition against taxes and levies on blank CDs. I think now we need a petition for patent reform. This is just getting too low!

    There's no reason for a sig here.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Mange la Merde (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:22PM EST (#23)
    That's what we should tell them.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Kiss the freedom of speech goodbye! (Score:2, Interesting)
    by tweder ( (2 == @)) on Wednesday December 22, @07:22PM EST (#24)
    (User Info)
    I guess this is the beginning of the end. It's a sad day when you can't even mention a word that a certain company may deem innapropriate. The following is taken from the article:

    Transasia is claiming over a million dollars in damages based on their claim that a search engine request using the word "Leonardo" brings up not only their web sites but also those of the Leonardo arts organization.

    The suit asks that the Association Leonardo be forbidden from using the word "Leonardo" in its web site projects or any other products or services.

    Does anyone else feel threatened by this? If I should put slanderous remarks on my webpage about the shoddiness of M$ products should I expect the men in blue to knock on my door? I understand that there are certain things you can't say (such as yelling 'FIRE' in a crowded movie theatre), but isn't this going a little bit too far?!
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    My new conspiracy (Score:2, Insightful)
    by Shoeboy ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:22PM EST (#25)
    (User Info)
    I'm sitting at my desk at Microsoft right now and I just did a search on 'microsoft'. Lo and behold, I saw non-microsoft sites pop up. Now Microsoft definitely IS a valid trademark, and I think you lot are definitely infriging. This is your official cease and desist notice. NO PUTTING THE WORD MICROSOFT ON A PAGE THAT WILL BE INDEXED BY A SEARCH ENGINE. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN DEATH BY ANAL ELECTROCUTION. You have been warned.
    Offtopic and proud of it!
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    I have... (Score:1, Redundant)
    by Graymalkin on Wednesday December 22, @07:23PM EST (#28)
    (User Info)
    trademarked the words: sex, mp3, christmas, Michaelangelo, porn, xxx, and cabbage. Anyone who even breathes these words will come under the wrath of my legal department. Since these words have been used millions of times in the past month I'm going to have to insist on suing everyone who uses them for several million dollars. These expenses will cover the surgery I need to remove my head from within my asshole. Thank You, Graymalkincorporated.
    Give and ape a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the universe.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    More rediculousness... (Score:3, Interesting)
    by Maul ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:24PM EST (#30)
    (User Info)
    This IS worse than all the patent suits, wars between competing sites, and so forth.

    This needs to be a wake up call to everyone that companies will do anything to put themselves into a position where they can sue someone else.

    Does Leonardo Finance think that they have the right to sue someone because their page shows up in the same search query? This is beyond belief, and it will be even more rediculous if this goes ANYWHERE in court.

    Do we actually need laws to stop these people from bringing stupid lawsuits up? I hate to say it, but at the rate things are going, we might need a little government control to smack these companies around. Someone needs to propose some kind of bill to stop this BS. As much as I hate government control, this seems like the only way to stop this type of action, which is most certainly against the spirit of the net, is through the government or the legal system.

    I'm sure most Slashdotters are quite sick of this type of action, but it seems our protests aren't doing anything to help. We need to tell the legal system that we expect all behavior of this type to be thrown out immediately.

    It seems we're already losing the patent battle, with Amazon's suit being held in court. This is the next step, with companies suing eachother of lame stuff like this. I'm wondering where it will stop, if it does.

    "Sore wa HIMITSU desu!" -Xelloss

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Thank goodness for stupidty (Score:1)
    by pbryan on Wednesday December 22, @07:24PM EST (#32)
    (User Info)
    There's nothing like obvious stupidity to show the problems with a particular legal system. Hopefully, continuious ridiculous claims of intellectual property rights will help pave the way to a more sane system for all of us.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    This will self-correct, I bet (Score:3, Informative)
    by jkorty (jkorty at gate dot net) on Wednesday December 22, @07:25PM EST (#34)
    (User Info)
    Roblimo, please post a followup when they throw this out of court. Don't leave us thinking that the world never corrects it's errors .. as an ordinary newspaper would do to it's readers.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Trademark your own name now (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:25PM EST (#35)
    Its the only way you will be able to keep your homepage up in the future. The silly thing is, that this is not even a joke.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    complete and utter insanity (Score:0, Redundant)
    by ~spot ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:26PM EST (#36)
    (User Info)
    SHAME ON YOU. good lord. what is the world coming to?


    "and no, im not the spot working for Transmeta, although i wish i was..." -- ~spot "i'm the epitome of public enemy..." --weezer
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Are there any other sources? (Score:2, Insightful)
    by Duxup ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:26PM EST (#37)
    (User Info)
    Are there any other sources other than the Leonardo Online site?

    I'm not saying anyone is falsifying anything here, but I'd like to see some independent confirmation of the facts.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    crazy but..... (Score:1)
    by rapett0 on Wednesday December 22, @07:26PM EST (#39)
    (User Info)
    Whenever you find a way to exploit something, there will always be someone trying to make a buck off of it. That is the way a whole segment of society works, and as long as humans make laws, there always will be.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    *peers* (Score:1)
    by dave256 ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:26PM EST (#40)
    (User Info)
    Since.. when was being indexed by a search engine a crime? Are those that compose web pages going to have to run it through a Checker, to make sure there's no Copyrighted Words in it?

    Do the people of the 'net no longer have the right to use search engines to look for -keywords-?

    I want a rock.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    So, how long before.. (Score:2)
    by Apuleius ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:26PM EST (#42)
    (User Info)
    .. before they arrest Leonardo DiCaprio?
    [.sig under procrastination.]
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Where will it end! (Score:1)
    by Last Warrior on Wednesday December 22, @07:27PM EST (#43)
    (User Info)
    What kind of sick mind could rationalize the ownership of a common name, a DNA strand or a Cat excercizer .

    My gawd people! Its time to get a grasp on reality!


    By the way.. id like to patent water, ice, and the number 42.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Can I just say this. (Score:2, Insightful)
    by Sp@mMan on Wednesday December 22, @07:27PM EST (#45)
    (User Info)
    I dont know if anyone else has noticed, but Slashdot recently (past 6 monthes) seems to jump on the band wagon, conclusions etc. way to fast. Sure, the etoy/etoys thing turned out to be true. But now, your starting to ask us to send money, all because of an article on the cusp of news? Relax guys! Let me just say this to people with money to burn out there, hold your money, until you see the facts, from multiple organizations before we break out the Witch burning kit.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
      Re:Can I just say this. (Score:4, Interesting)
      by bugzilla on Wednesday December 22, @07:46PM EST (#90)
      (User Info)
      Thank you, Sp@mMan, for a voice or reason in all of the "me too's". I've also noticed the tendency of Slashdot in the recent year to regurjitate FUD a bit too quickly all while using some pretty weak excuses when called on it. Now we're being asked to send our money to someone to defend themselves against the French? All humor related to the French military tradition of surrender aside, doesn't France use the "loser pays" method of who pays for court costs? Sounds like someone is just rattling their saber to get a little free publicity.

      Slashdot, you guys are now in the position of having no small amount of influence on a large part of the net culture - please start thinking about using it wisely. You aren't doing so hot where it counts. Stories about robots and the like are massively cool, but "strongly encouraging" me to send my money somewhere to defend against something I think is inane? Thanks, but no. If I were up for that I'd open up the yellow pages, turn to religion and play "pick a sect".
      [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Is this another MIT prank? by anonymous cowerd (Score:1) Thursday December 23, @08:15AM EST
    Noooooooooooo.......... (Score:1)
    by Dan the Control Guy on Wednesday December 22, @07:27PM EST (#46)
    (User Info)
    Has the whole world gone insane or what? Maybe this is that Y2K apocalypse I keep hearing so much about.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Uhhh did i miss something here? (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:27PM EST (#47)
    Are they acctually sueing MIT because a search engine has a link to there site? (in effect thats all it is)... hrm so if i have a link to say ibm's site... will compaq be comin after muh ass? BAH
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    HOAX? (Score:3, Insightful)
    by 348 ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:28PM EST (#48)
    (User Info)
    Can this be validated? Nothing on the AP newswire, Call a buddy at MIT , he's heard nothing.

    This is simply to hard to beleive.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:HOAX? by Gurlia Wednesday December 22, @07:38PM EST
    • Re:HOAX? by interiot (Score:1) Wednesday December 22, @10:12PM EST
    • 1 reply beneath your current threshold.
    Now, this makes me go, huh!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:28PM EST (#52)
    Ok, the etoy vs etoys debate was one thing, but man, this is a major case of bad mojo. What if Microsoft got into this act? Oh no, I owe them a million dollars? Because I said Microsoft? Oh no, another million! Man, that Microsoft sucks. Oh no, another million! Does anyone else see this as being a wee-bit rediculous?
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Oh no, not again! (Score:2, Insightful)
    by Gurlia ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:29PM EST (#53)
    (User Info)

    This is getting crazy. Do people actually understand what search engines are?! Joe Schmoe goes and starts his company and calls it Joe Inc., and one fine day he goes and searches the Web for "Joe". Shocked by the number of websites that "steals" his name, he calls the authorities, who promptly goes and incriminates everyone else on earth named "Joe" who happened to use their own name on a website.

    This is really ludicrous. Do people even understand what search engines are?! And it's not as if the word "Leonardo" is something so special that nobody would use it unless they were deliberately infringing somebody's trademark. If the controversy were over another site using the name "Slashdot" on another site, it'd be different. But even then, I don't think shows up as the first entry when you search for "Slashdot" on a search engine. That is certainly not a reason to go running to the authorities.

    What is the world coming to?! Have people become so petty and childish that they would go running to Mommy Police Department just because their site doesn't show up at the top of a search engine? Makes me sick. In this age of corporatism and mass commercialization, are companies becoming not only exploiting consumers to make more $$$ but also becoming so childish that something like the position in a search engine becomes reason to bring in the authorities???

    --- mikre he sophia he tou Mikrosophou. (Just my silly parody on M$ :-)
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    You've *got* to be kidding. (Score:4, Insightful)
    by Skyshadow on Wednesday December 22, @07:29PM EST (#54)
    (User Info)
    Okay, this one is just too bizarre to believe.

    There ought to be some major urges for tort reform, and I mean tort reform with punitive damages available. It makes me sick that deep-pocket corporations can use the high costs to the legal system to bully those annoying "citizens" who live in the country.

    In the mean time, we've got to figure out a way to hurt these people without being juvenile about it (Script-kiddieing is not the way to go). Unfortunately, as EToys has pointed out, they don't really see an impact from our boycotts -- we're just not enough in the target audience.

    I feel pretty helpless. If only we lived in a country where people had enough brain cells to take the system back from the corporate special interests that control it (but we don't). So many people vote straight tickets or for the candidate that promotes Jesus the most or whoever brings back the pork barrel programs, it just seems like intelligent people can't make any difference.

    Well, I'm depressed now.

    In case anyone does feel hopeful, here's my list of things that need to happen (in order):

  • Take away corporation's ability to interfere in elections. There's a bad Supreme Court decision that allows corporations to essentially buy candidates with "soft money" and the like.
  • Major tort reform: With punitive damages at the judge's discression. See above.
  • Pump money into the public schools: The smarter the populace, the more people who can think for themselves, the better. Better teachers, smaller school systems, smaller class sizes, more community involvement. This includes requiring decent alternative education choices for people who don't learn in the "conventional" way. While we're at it, get the fsck'ing corporations *out* of the school.
  • Start sending execs who break the law to prison: No fine will deter a major corporation from breaking the law. Sending the execs who cause said corporation to break the law will.

    I could go on, but this post is long enough already. Suffice it to say: This bullshit will continue until America either breaks the hold of the corporations. The only alternative is revolution; CEOs everywhere should take notice that all the money in the world didn't protect, say, Nicholas II or Battista. In any event, we're (and I'm speaking to the non-Firsters, the non-trolls and the non-knee-jerk slashdotters, which disqualifies a lot of the people who port) the ones who will have to make the changes happen. I don't see it happening, and it makes me sad.

    Linux advocate (not a Linux zealot)

  • [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Reality Check (Score:5, Insightful)
    by Gromer ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:30PM EST (#57)
    (User Info)

    IANAL, especially a not a French lawyer, but this is just nuts. No way in hell is this suit going to go in Leonardo Finace's favor. First of all, there is ample evidence that Leonardo Arts was there long before Leonardo Finance's trademark, and that alone should invalidate the case. The fact that Leonardo is a name of a person further invalidates it. If this suit succeeds, I will no longer be able to have any respect for the french legal system. Frankly, I would hope that this be thrown out the first time a judge takes a look at it.

    Moreover, this suit cannot succeed on PR grounds. Not even CNN-style obfuscation as with the eToy issue can cover up the egregious stupidity of this suit. Leonardo Finance is clearly the bad guy here, and will certainly appear so if this gets any media coverage. Leonardo Finance's only hope is that this won't get any attention, because any attention it gets will be bad for them. With any luck, and some help from Slashdot (media people! we know you're reading this!), this will get lots of attention.

    In fact, this is so obviously grounds-less that it seems to me it must be an intimidation tactic. Leonardo Finance is hoping that it can scare Leonardo Arts into backing down and settling in a manner agreeable to Leonardo Finance. Leonardo Arts is calling their bluff, and Leonardo Finance is going to have to back down very fast or be at risk of looking like a fool, wasting money on an unwinnable court battle, and possibly exposing themselves to countersuit (Is this possible under French law?).

    "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right" -Salvor Hardin
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    De-smutify the 'net!! (Score:1)
    by OakLEE ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:33PM EST (#60)
    (User Info)
    All we need now is the p0rn industry to start claiming damages because sites other then theirs appears when someone types in the word "sex," and pretty soon all that nasty smut on the net will be gone!

    The sun beams down on a brand new day, No more welfare tax to pay, Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light, Kill kill kill, kill the poor...
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Confirmation (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 22, @07:36PM EST (#63)
    I sent off an eMail to see if I can get confirmation on this.

    In the meantime perhaps someone here at /. can see about interviewing these people?

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    time to take action: META tags and spam (Score:1)
    by eries (eries(AT)CatalystRecruiting(DOT)com) on Wednesday December 22, @07:36PM EST (#65)
    (User Info)
    OK, I think it's time for us to do something about this. I suggest everyone who has a web site put as many Leonardo-related META tags in every search-indexed page as possible. Then start re-registering your pages with every possible search engine (or even us a meta-search registrar (List at Yahoo!).

    Then, we should probably start registering the bad guys (their email addresses were posted before) for every single Leonardo DiCaprio mailing list in the world.

    Just as a public service, to let them know that Leonardo is not a copyrightable name.

    Sheesh. Give me a break. Let's hope the /. effect can help rectify this one.
    Catalyst Recruiting | What are you worth?
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    This happened before in the fashion.(Funny/Crazy) (Score:1)
    by ratsdliw on Wednesday December 22, @07:39PM EST (#70)
    (User Info)
    I remember seeing something this crazy on TV before(Dateline I think). A couple in Montana started selling "Montana Wool" sweaters. Little did they know there is fashion designer by the same name. They got sued for a huge amount. I think the settlement was they had to change the name to "Made in Montana" or something dorky like that.

    There was also a case in which the Polo shit people sued a California Polo club because they were selling shirts with a Polo horse on it. (Of course the shirt also said "Cali. Polo Club", so there was no mistaking it for the real think) I guess people just need to get good layers. There are way to many greedy/stupid people out there.

    I still don't think this is on the same level of EToys/EToy. I can't believe EToys is that damn stupid. Arg. I'm still boycotting those bastards.

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    They finance start-ups (Score:1)
    by Skapare on Wednesday December 22, @07:40PM EST (#71)
    (User Info)
    So let's track down all the startups these guys finance and tell them we're going to block them (the start-ups) from OUR network servers all over the world until ceases and at least apologizes. Then let's see if we can find out who their investors are. Are there any laws in France that would allow finding that information?

    access-list 101 deny ip any

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    for you people who don't follow links... (Score:2, Informative)
    by reptilian ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:40PM EST (#72)
    (User Info) s/Leonardo/#raid RIGHT THERE on the Leonardo Art/Science network webpage it reports on the raid...

    Here's some excerpts..

    Roger Malina, Chairman of Leonardo/ISAST, San Francisco, announced Monday that the Association Leonardo in France was being sued for trademark infringement on use of the word "Leonardo."


    Following issuance of the suit, Transasia asked that a search warrant be served on the legal address of the Association Leonardo, now the home of the widow of Frank Malina - the founder in the 1960s of the Leonardo Journal. The search warrant was served with no prior warning by a squad of eight policemen.

    So stop thinking this is a hoax! Of course, if it is, I'll choke on my own foot and die.....

    Man's unique agony as a species consists in his perpetual conflict between the desire to stand out and the need to blend in.
    -- Sydney J. Harris

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    suspicious (Score:1)
    by Ru610 ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:42PM EST (#75)
    (User Info)
    So, I have seen postings with mail-addresses to be flamed and telephone numbers to be wardialed. Don't you think that there is a slight possibility that this is all an elaborate prank pulled by some MIT-guys? Don't you think we should verify this all before we start flaming the french?
    Maybe it is for real and I'm just being naive but this just seems a little over the top for me. Even in our current corporation-controlled society I find something like this pretty unlikely to happen.

    -- If you can't figure out how to email me, then please do ---
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    How about confirming some of this info? (Score:2)
    by Duxup ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:43PM EST (#76)
    (User Info)
    I appreciate the claims here are pretty terrible. However I expect more from /. before something like this is posted. All the proof there is at the moment is something that amounts to a press release on Leonardo on-line's website.
    Perhaps for future stories should include the press releases "handed out" at Comdex?

    Perhaps I should take my domain and post an interesting story about being raided and sued by some large company . . . people might just send money without checking.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    Bottom Line (Score:1)
    by atd3000 on Wednesday December 22, @07:43PM EST (#78)
    (User Info)

    The Bottom Line is that the art-sies have been using the name since 1968.

    I mean, it's not like we're talking 1998 vs 1997, or something, this is a thirty year old magazine.

    - "GPL the lower layers and make money of the upper layers."
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    one more day... (Score:1)
    by evilphish (evilfish@7thlayer.hel) on Wednesday December 22, @07:46PM EST (#87)
    (User Info)

    We are one more day closer to to having a gag
    shoved in our mouths.

    whats next is somebody going to register the word name? or how about life? i suppose the pope will want to own God. this just sickens me. If something doesn't change real soon then the web will die. The web can't funtion with big business dictating what can be said/used/printed/ and the small guys can't afford to pay companies like this for use of a word/name THAT SHOULD BE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN.

    going up against the source of the argument is worthless, we need to have a stern talking to to the people that allow this to happen.. big brother needs to stop supporting crap like this
    10 go to 20 20 go to 10

    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    A couple of ideas (Score:1)
    by dsplat on Wednesday December 22, @07:46PM EST (#89)
    (User Info)
    First, do we have any confirmation of this story? I'm sorry to imply any distrust of the source, but I would like to see an independent sighting of something as ridiculous as this.

    Second, if it does prove true, I suspect there are going to be more than a few open source project web pages carrying a brief summary of this issue and mentioning the parties involved by name, while providing links to any coverage on the web. And I trust they will provide links to each other so that they will be widely referenced and easy for search engines to find.
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    PROTEST! (Score:1)
    by BeanDip ( on Wednesday December 22, @07:47PM EST (#91)
    (User Info)
    I urge EVRY SINGLE Slashdot reader to put a link to on their websites as well as to use the word leonardo in as many ways as possible! Lets stage the first ever Cyber Sit-IN and screw the french dogs... Les chers stupid!
    Nathan R. Ben-Attar "First things first -- but not necessarily in that order" -- The Doctor, "Doctor Who"
    [ Reply to This | Parent ]
    • Re:PROTEST! by Anonymous Coward Thursday December 23, @02:34AM EST
    • Re:PROTEST! by Anonymous Coward Thursday December 23, @04:22AM EST
    If you believe they put a man on the moon... (Score:2, Interesting)
    by bons ( - $500 fee for commercial e-mail) on Wednesday December 22, @07:48PM EST (#93)
    (User Info)
    Odd that this comes out on /. the same day that the Andy Kaufman movie comes out. :)
    Does anyone have a single report from anyone except a group of artists (who could easily be doing this as a publicity stunt/performance art piece?
    Personally I think it's a great parody of the ETOY(S) joke.

    Opera: We're not Netscape. We just claim we are. navigator.appName==Netscape

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    What are they going to court for? (Score:1)
    by Anonymous Cowpoop on Wednesday December 22, @07:49PM EST (#94)
    (User Info)
    Why did the police take their stuff? Have they commited any crime? How about if you searched for "finance" and it came up with Schwab AND Leonardo, would they go after Schwab? This is so stupid its incomprehendible(sp?)!!!
    End rant

    Im just an Anonymous Coward with diarrhea...
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