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WNBC 2/7/00 - 4:47:18 AM .....'99 Was actually above average for growth. And i think 2000 will be below average. >> Reporter: Toy stocks have left few investors in a playful mood over the last year. Mattel's stock has fallen 60% in the past twelve months. Hasbro's is off 35% in that time. Toys "r" us has given back 16%. And etoys , which shot out of the gate, is now down 75% from its first days of trading last may. Industry critics say the conglomerates have come to rely on licensing tie-in deals with blockbuster movies like "star wars," or fads like pokemon. These are deals that leave them a slimmer cut of the profit, instead of focusing on making creative, new toys of their own. >> The big toy companies are moving out of traditional toys, yet, you know, that's where their origin is and that's where the margin is. So mattel's not alone in this battle of losing their identity. And i think going back to toys for the sake of toys is one answer. >> Reporter: But for now, expansion into other areas is the trend. Analysts say hasbro has done the best job of getting into the interactive software business, and his pick in the sector, toys "r" us. On the strides they've made getting into the internet business. >> I think they're going to be doing a lot of things at the company to unlock the underlying value of their business, although they don't expect that they're going to affect the toy store results. >> Reporter: Andrew glassman, .....

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