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CNNFN 12/29/99 - 3:21:05 PM .....e-commerce shake out taking a hit today off a full point. That news bound to be disappointing it microsoft cofounder paul allen who owning nearly 40% of company. Tony: It is a very prime example of e-tailing a hate that word, on just not able to deliver on promise that a lot of that in the wake of holiday shopping season i think, toys having problem of its own. >> A protest again etoys for some sort of obscure reason which tied web site up a little bit although they didn't admit it but you are right a lot of company having problem with fulfillment this is certainly big events and a little bit too early to know long await the shake out but it could be. Valerie:? Listening to interview earlier when did you that she seemed to put a slabt on it they were on track despite that that is going on did you get that sense. >> It is called spinning she did it well. With 23 years at ibm i confence -- i confess i covered that company for a while but she seems to be grounded in mortar as well as clicks. Valerie: All right steve young thank you for update. Tony: As we continue, corporate spending in research and development is expected to top $187 billion in the coming year. >> After the break, we'll ask jules duga, senior analyst at the battelle memorial institute, about which industries should see the biggest increases in r&d spending. >>> A new report shows that r&d spending is poised to top .....

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