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CNBC 12/27/99 - 12:07:53 PM .....increases of 100 to 2,000 you%. Represented about half the group as a whole, the total holiday sales, to $3.35 Billion. Orders increased 430% to 36 million, that compares to expected increase of% among land-based retailer this is year, fwhu absolute dollar terms, spent on-line we remains small. Yet to hear from individual companies, amazon.Com, aol, etoys , toys "r" us and barnes & noble.Com abong them about their year over year sales increases. Some of the companies expected to show big gains along with much bigger bottom line losses as they spend on advertising, give aways and the last report will include those that have the worse, suggesting the early news bay be the best news. Meanwhile, conflicting indications of how well the companies are meeting demand and fullfulling customer expectation. We've heard a series he is of nightmare story ies at etoys , among others. Goldman{ sachs says the reports are not representative of you will over the all sentimentment 3/4 of the on-line shoppers say the experience exceed he had expectation. While 97% said it met or exceeded the expectation. The most important factor in choosing one site over another was price, product section, brand and ease of use lagging behind in importance. Apparently different conclusion from analysts as robertson stephens. In their own survey of customer satisfaction on-line, showed a decline to 8.17 Out of 10 over tall all, down from 4 out much 10 the .....

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