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Have you got your domain names covered?

by Gim Yeap
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The story of the domain name dispute between etoy.com and eToys.com uncovers an important issue facing all webmasters, should we register domain names that are similar to ours? In the eToys debacle, a group of artists registered the domain name "etoy.com" in 1995. Then in 1997, an online toy store bought the domain name "eToys.com" and in 1999, chose to sue etoy.com for the use of a similar name. At first, etoy.com was forced to shut down it's site but thanks to public pressure eToys.com dropped it's lawsuit in January. (For more on this, please read http://www.rtmark.com/etoyline.html)

Of course, not all domain name disputes will lead to court but there are reasons why webmasters should consider registering similar domain names. Firstly, we spend a lot of time and effort marketing our websites. It would all go to waste if someone registered a similar sounding website and all your traffic went to them instead. Worse, if this site's focus was completely irrelevant to yours, then users would be totally confused and will probably not return again. For example, if you had a site called AboutBigApple.com dedicated to the city of New York and there's another site called AboutBigApples.com all about apples. A visitor expecting to find pictures on Central Park or the Empire State Building would be served up photos of Grannys and Galas instead. Rather disorienting don't you think?

Another good reason for registering similar domain names is to use them as doorway pages to help improve your search engine position. So you could have each domain name pointing to a single doorway page which is optimised using META tags and descriptive titles. The doorway page then links to your original site either automatically or via a link or button which users click on. With this, you would have protected all permutations of your domain names AND helped improved your search engine rankings.

>>next: which similar domains to register ?

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