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  Thursday, 12.23.99
Today's Show

Who's the Biggest Toybox Bully?
First, eToys sued etoy for its name, and now etoy is fighting back. See if the Spin panel thinks eToys is playing fairly, and if etoys stands a chance. Plus, while the U.S. companies has enjoyed the benefits of the e-boom, is the future of e-business located in Europe and Asia? Finally, we'll ask our panel for their last minute shopping ideas.

Past Week of Shows

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opinions wanted

Question of the Week
How will Net taxes affect e-commerce and technology?


Y2K What?
Should we be worried about Y2K, or is it just hype? Find out what the Spin panel thinks.

Games Gang
Spin's game special has the experts probing the topic of "what's in a game"?

Miss Spin at Comdex?
If so, here's your chance to see the three shows and get a taste of the excitement in Las Vegas.

Is Bill Gates's Empire in Jeopardy?
In this Spin special the panel will discuss Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson's findings of fact in the Microsoft vs Department of Justice trial.

E-commerce Tips and Quips
Check out what advice and comments Dvorak and the Spin panel gave to improve e-commerce sites.

Spin on ZDTV Radio
Listen to producers discuss the upcoming show and special Web features each day at 4:38 pm Eastern.


Latest Show

Wednesday's Show


Why Choose Jeff Bezos?
The Spin panel decides if's founder and CEO is really worthy of Time's title of "Person of the Year."

Reaction to Columbine Tapes
The Spin panel discusses the Time magazine story about the tapes, and whether high tech played a role in the massacre.

Gifts For the Hard to Shop For
Don't know where to buy wood art from Central America? Find out what Spin's solution is.

Does NASA Still Have the Right Stuff?
With the recent Mars Polar Lander failure, find out if the Spin panel thinks NASA is pouring too much money into an unreachable goal.

Year 2000 Predictions
Find out what our panelists think will be the latest and greatest in 2000.

Spin Mug on eBay
A ZDTV viewer has put the Spin mug up for auction on eBay. See what price it's going for.

Will the E-Commerce Grinch Steal Christmas?
Hear John Dvorak and Spin's panel of pundits debate if the e-commerce shopping experience will be a pleasant one this year.

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